bibleofficial · 7 months
i’ve been up for 36 hrs ALSKLASKLAKSLASLASKLAK
#literally i’m sooo numb#like my body is just numb#but it may be due to alcohol#i was drunk and became sober then got drunk again & ive yet sleep#i think it’s just fun at this point#how miserable can i become#how insane#how unhinged#anyway#i’m a very profane person#AKSKALSKALKDLAKSLAJSLAJSLAJS#this dumbass idiot bitch in my group project ahmed fuckin#scream#literally so he’s just … making up shit bc he’s insane & he’s reporting me bc i told the file owner of the group to block him out of the#fuckin ppt at 6.25AM MIND U THIS WAS ON 3HRS SLEEP - WHICH IM STILL RUNNING ON -#& then he got ul 7.30 pissed bc now he CANT FUCK UP EGERYRBING THAT WEVE BEEN PAINSTAKINGLY fixing & now he’s mad bc like#he’s an idiot lol like i submitted it deadass he was told if u want to talk abt the presentation meet at 10am at the centre & by 10.45 he#still wasn’t there i submitted it & fuckin left like 😭😭😭#HE SHOWED UP AT 11.30 LIKE LUCKY U BAING ABLE TO SLEEP AFTER NOT DOING SHIT BUT CAUSE PROBLEMS BUT FUCK U & I DONT GIVE A FUCK DIE#& so now he’s saying i called him the n word but it’s so funny bc he literally … texted this threat …. & said literally ‘the voice note i#made’ like ok so#ur literally admitting to faking evidence to get me kicked out of uni#bc ur a toddler throwing a tantrum bc im not letting u FUCK UP OUR GRADES w ur 0 BRAINCELL ASS EDITS#so anyway#i went to the prof & was like deadass sis .. i ain’t doin this i don’t give a fuck i’m an adult & she was like ‘oh yea lmao i saw his email#& i didn’t read it’ ALSKLASKLAKSLAKLAKSLASLAM#like yea#bc i’ll just#export the whatsapp group chat & just show the evidence#like i don’t use that word im sorry ur just pathetic & think this will work i don’t care
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