ruffgem · 8 months
I go through a quarter-life (actually probably mid-life considering climate change) crisis like every day of my life and it really kills my vibe i cannot lie
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octylish · 1 month
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Maid Day! 10/05/2024
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nic-liveblogs · 6 months
okay but now with all that nice, juicy s3 context, more lmk/ninjago interactions? 👀
like mei and lloyd where mei casually drops the fact that she has/had the samadhi fire and lloyd's just like "the what"
or bai he and lloyd talking about getting possessed "i was completely conscious as a notoriously murderous monkie was about to murder me to kill the spirit :3 anyway wanna pet my cat?"
or lloyd and red son talking about releasing ancient evils
or wu and wukong— just talking about being mentors*
*(drabble idea where they switch trainees for a day)
argh i love these these are fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ive mentioned mei and lloyd in the post right before this
bai he and lloyd on what its like to be possessed 😭whatever lloyd went through bai he got it like 10 times worse omg. they could go to therapy together guys omg... anyway firm believer that lloyd loves cats i think theyd both choose to ignore (repress) the whole possession thing and focus on the cute cat because that just seems like a lloyd thing to do (idk what bai he's character is but i choose to believe she would to). and then zane would book a therapy appointment.
i honestly think red son is what lloyd would have turned out to be if garmadon wasnt trapped in the realm of madness and could actually raise him. lloyd is all like "damn you got TWO parents.. lucky bastard" anyway yeah theyve both unleashed ancient evils then got kinda manipulated but lbd is definitely infinitely worse than pythor. red son listening to lloyds tragic awful double L life and is like damn you gullible af and then proceed bully him
i think lloyd could probably join in on their mentor talk because he technically is a mentor now!!! (also im pretty sure wu is like not alive anymore) BUT in an alternate universe where theyre all together yes they would talk about mentorship and yes lloyd is like in his early 20s so he doesnt really belong but iss fiiinee. he and wukong can attend wu's masterclass on how to mentor 101
AND YESS i would love to see that drabble i love that idea so much you dont understand on the lmk side everyone is just tired and bored like omg how do the ninja survive master wu morning breath? and ninjago side everyone is just confused like you sure youre a mentor? youre not even repeating words of wisdom over and over again! (never put off until tomorrow what can be done today folks)
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genderlessjacky · 1 year
Aha- dont worrryyy its fiiinee, its been a looong time coming, suprised it took so long actually, honestly im relieved its just a shotgun this time... could reaaaally use the break, anyways ill try to find it. Im hoping the chocolate actually kills me this time if the shotgun doesnt. And that i can taste it mainly, itd suck if i couldnt again.
-Wolfy @imahallucinationbabyyyyy
I- 'AGAIN'?? 'SO LONG' ??? 'THIS TIME' ???
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marvels-bitch-boy · 3 years
Emerald Eyes: Chapter 4
Chapter 4: (No one’s POV)
Word count: 2.4k
A/N: This is the longest thing I have ever written in my entire life, I haven't written anything this long even for school, so I really hope you enjoy it and PLEASE IF YOU WANT TO BE TAGGED FILL OUT THE FORM AND LEAVE SUGGESTIONS OR YOUR ENDGAME VOTE
Chapter 3 , Chapter 5
It was around 7 am that Steve called Natasha and Wanda into a meeting in the conference room, when Wanda got there she saw an irritated Natasha sitting down and the usual stoic Steve standing at the end of the table, She took a seat on the opposite side of Natasha and gave her a confused look, one that Natasha returned with a shrug.
Steve cleared his throat as he began talking to the two women, he turned to Wanda first and started “I was just given a new last-minute mission that requires your set of skills in order to get new intel on a fast-rising Russian mob that has been dealing in weapons as of late, its a three month no contact opp...are you up for it?” Wanda knew that he was only asking out of politeness when a mission that needed her powers was put on the books it was more of command than an ask from SHIELD “yes, I’m up for it, how long till I leave?” Steve nodded “the quinjet will be leaving in 30 to take you”
Steve turned his head to the resident Russian and gave a desperate small as he began “there is a recruit who-” Natasha immediately cut him off “no, I’m not babysitting some new recruit while Wanda gets to go on a vacation...” Steve gave her a pleading look and she rolled her eyes as she sighed “...fiiinee, what do I have to do?” He nodded and continued his earlier statement “There is a recruit who Pietro thinks needs a more advanced training partner and regimen, you are being tasked with his review to determine whether he will get that....and trust me, Nat, this isn’t your regular recruit, he’s something special I promise you”
Natasha and Wanda shared a look of confusion, it’s not every day the super-soldier promises something of a recruit, he ignores their looks and slides them each a manila folder “here you go, enjoy yourselves you two, and Nat...don’t kill the poor kid” she chuckles at his remark as she and Wanda get up and head out of the room, they share a quick hug and Natasha wishes her good luck, Wanda laughs at that “oh, all the luck needs to go to that recruit!”
As Wanda finishes packing for her mission and heads towards the quinjet, Pietro stops her to say goodbye and wish her well on the mission. Vision is at the quinjet helping a few agents double-check the engine and guiding system, he and Wanda share a tender hug and a small kiss goodbye before she takes off for her mission.
On the other side of the compound however a young SWORD recruit has no idea what is in store for him as he walks to the training room he was informed to go to for his review, but as soon as he opens the door he is stopped in his tracks by a radiant and glowing pair of emerald eyes that lock onto his, his eyes go from the woman’s to her shoulder-length ruby red hair, he clears his throat as soon as he realizes how long he is staring for which gives the woman a small smile, he begins to introduce himself.
“Hi, I’m agent Y/L/N, I was told to come here for a review of some kind?...” he trailed off as she extended a hand, “I’m well aware of who you are and as for the review I will be conducting it...I’m Natasha Romanoff, hopefully by the end of this, we can see if you really do need a more advanced regimen”
The agent’s eyes go wide with shock and then he is hit with a wave of realization as he puts his head back and groans “Pietro...you dick” this makes Natashas laugh even more now that she knows (Y/N) himself didn’t even request for the advancement, she brushes it off and continues tho “okay let’s see what you got, we’ll start off with marksmanship and work our way down he list from there as she walks over to the bench with a clipboard and one 9mm pistol is sitting, he walks over and puts his training bag and hoodie on the bench and puts his eyewear on as Natasha goes to set up the targets, he waits for her to mark where he will be shooting from but she never does, instead she tells him to just start shooting, he is confused by this and natasha simply sighs and walks over to him, she takes the gun and shoots at the targets as she makes her way across the room when she is finished she hands the gun back to him and gives him a new clip, he now understands what she wants him to do and mirrors her movements as he makes his way across the room while shooting down the targets, he waited for her to look them over with a smile, before she moves on “now strip dow-” she is quickly interupted by the agent.
“Woah! You’re very attractive and all but I usually like to get to know people before I start that sentence” he tells her with a grin as she removes his SWORD issue sweater Natasha waits for him to finish before she continues “strip down...and head to the pool…” the agent gives him a smirk before she turns around and walks away “...and maybe after you can buy me a drink to get to know me better” this leaves (Y/N) stunned but he quickly recovers and jogs after her and steps in front of her “if I impress you enough, can I make that a real offer?” Natasha simply continues walking and turns back to him “we’ll see…”
(Y/N) finishes the swimming portion of the review and looks up at Natasha with a wide grin as she tells him the next part of the review “okay, good job next you’ll be running around the compound’s dirt-” she is immediately cut off by him jumping out of the pool and taking off sprinting towards the exit, he quickly grabs his shoes and puts them on as he takes offs to the track “GOT IT!” she didn't know if he was trying his best impress her simply for the advancement -or the offer of drinks they had wagered...
Natasha sees him running on the track and is writing down her notes on her clipboard, as she is writing down she overhears a few of the female recruits making comments about (Y/N) and Natasha didn’t like this, obviously, she simply wanted them to stop before he got distracted so she “politely” asked them to stop
“Would you pick your jaws off the floor and stop drooling over him like you've never seen a man before?”
The women scoff as they walk away from her, she turns her attention back to (Y/N), but out of the corner of her eye she can see Pietro leaning against the wall giving her the biggest smirk, she doesn’t look away from the agent running at top speed in front of her as she addresses the speedster next to her “wipe that look off your face before I send Clint after you”
That remark does nothing but makes the silver-haired mans face go wide his smirk turns into a grin as he ignores her threat “just wanted to come and see if he got on your good side…” he gives her a wink “...and I can see he has indeed” Pietro attempts to runaway as Natasha fakes him out of a punch and trips him flat on his face, this makes (Y/N) laugh as he runs by and that laugh seems to make a corner of her mouth lift only slightly before she returns to her normal impassive face and writing down in her notes again.
After (Y/N) completes his laps around the track Natasha offers him a 5-minute break to cool off before the next part of the review, he simply shrugs and chugs his water before heading into the compound and making his way to the training room, when Natasha enters after (Y/N) she is shocked to see him warming up for their sparring match and not passed out on the floor after the number of laps he did...she thinks back to what steve said “what does he have the serum in him?” she questions to herself as she looks over the young man, she simply shakes the thought out of her head as she joins him on the mat, they both get into position and prepare to spar “Remember we don’t stop until you or me is pinned or one of us taps out...got it?”
He simply gives her a smirks “got it…” they both size each other up as they circle the mat “...are you just gonna stare at me?...or... will you actually let me ask you out?” he says in a -very convincing- humorous tone, Natasha ultimately decides to make the first move and goes for his legs, (Y/N) moves out of the way grapples onto her, Natasha gets out of his grasp and attempts to flip him over, but he uses his momentum to flip her with him and they both land flat on their backs, they quickly get back up and continue to go at it for the next hour until…
“OKAY OKAY!!!... you can let go of my wrists now...and get off of me *very playfully with a smirk* if you want to of course” (Y/N) says after Natasha pins him to the mat, she rolls her eyes at his comment, “I thought this is what you wanted?” which makes him laugh as she gets off of him.
“As I said before, only after we get to know each other...speaking of? How did I do?...impress you enough for that drink?” Natasha raises a brow as she pretends to think for a split second she gives him an unreadable look “you’ll have to wait for that…” the corners of her lips start to lift but quickly return to their place as Pietro enters the room.
“Hello, my friends! How has the review gone!? Have you two...gotten acquainted” he says the last two words while wiggling his eyebrows with a very playful tone as he walks to stand between the two of them, Natasha lightly chuckles and excuses herself. Pietro turns to (Y/N) and puts his arm over his shoulder as they walk over to the bench for (Y/N) to grab his things, as they walk out Pietro continues to talk about how his sister had to leave for a mission so he needs a new friend to hang out with while she’s gone, (Y/N) quickly tunes him out as they make their way back to his quarters, when they enter his room Pietro immediately notices the amount of space in the room and on the walls.
“Dude! You need to spice this place up! Unpack a bit!” as he goes to lay on (Y/N’s) bed, (Y/N) responds as he sits on his desk chair “um...I already did…” he trails off as he gestures to the books on one shelf, the four pictures on his desk and his closet. This makes Pietro sit up immediately and look at him “no! This isn’t the room of a single-fairly attractive-guy...this looks like capsicles room, maybe even more barren…” he trails off as he glances over the room again.
(Y/N) gives him a confused look, to him, this was all he needed to be comfortable in his new space...right? He was okay with only having a few things, being able to pack up his life in only a matter of minutes if needed, like he was never there at all. He shook his head as Pietro started talking again “we need to get you some stuff! Like a rug, a few posters, maybe even a beanbag, and definitely more clothes! I mean dude all you have is the training gear and... two uniforms? Dude, c’mon you don’t even have a pair of jeans? or sneakers?” as he starts making his way around the room and stopping at his closet and giving (Y/N) a sympathetic look.
(Y/N) just attempts to defend himself “I don’t see the point in that stuff, what if I have to leave?” Pietro just scoffs “dude you gotta live alittle! Make it look like you actually live here...and weren’t trapped in ice for 70 years” he contemplates Pietros words for a moment and sighs in defeat “fine…” he looks up at Pietro who looks like little kid waiting for good news “...can you help me live alittle?” as soon as the words leave his mouth Pietro punches the air with a victorious grin “yes!! You won’t regret this! I promise you, my friend…” he grabs (Y/N’s) shoulders “...you will learn to live if its the last thing I do” (Y/N) laughs at how excited Pietro has gotten.
Pietro starts to grab (Y/N) and attempts to drag him out of the room but (Y/N) simply pretends to yawn “you know man how about we start tomorrow after training…” he grabs his shoulder “...I’m a little tired and my shoulder is killing me” Pietro huffs and drops his shoulders as he gets to the doorway.
“Fine, get some rest…” he turns and points at (Y/N) as he walks out of the room into the hallway “...cuz I’ll be holding you to that!” and with that, he is off, and (Y/N) is free for the night so he decides to relax in his quarters after grabbing his dinner, he soon falls asleep and in the morning when he wakes up he finds a manilla folder on his desk with a sticky note on top. He makes his way over to it and reads the note “seems you’ve made an impression” -steve, he cautiously opened the folder to find a new training plan and schedule assigned to him a big grin spread across his face as he got ready and headed down to grab breakfast, as he made his way to the training room he was informed his new partner was expecting him in. As he walked into the room, he was greeted by a pair of magnetic emerald eyes, they yet again stopped him in his tracks, the redhead greeted him with a small smile and raised a brow “are you going to join me? Or are you going to be standing there the whole time staring at me?” he cleared his throat as he shook his head and placed his things down and joined her on the mat.
“Sorry, but...I’m guessing that this means I did impress you?” Natasha shook her head and answered with a coy smile on her face “you’ll have to wait a little longer”, and with that, he advances towards her as they begin.
@littlewinchester15 @ethanwoods1
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gummyimagines · 3 years
Anon said: How about Hiyoko x reader set in a circus AU?
Yes! Thanks for the request,I lost the ask on accident so I hope this isn't a problem
Also this is too occ but anyways I hope you like it
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Warnings: swearing
Pairing:Hiyoko saoinji x reader
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The show was about to start,and even if you had been performing for a few years now,you were grateful your act was one of the last ones because it was one of the most difficult to perform,the human cannonball
The lights were dimmed in the scenario only the dress room light was still on,some of your friends were there with you,and your partner too
“Come on! Why does this have to take sooo long!?”Hiyoko whined while Mahiru and you were trying to adjust all the attires of her outfit
“Just stay still,if not,the bows aren't going to stay in their place”you told her while fixing and tying up beautiful silk bows on her usual pigtails
“Yeah,it isn't easy to tie the kimono if you move either” Mahiru replied, trying to adjust the kimono, careful to not trip with the large tail of it
You heard a familiar voice coming from the stage,it was your friend and the ring leader,Hajime Hinata giving the start to today's show,and as soon as he started talking...
“a-aaah i-its starting!” Mikan shrieked
“Shut up you fat ass pig! Some of us are trying to get ready!”
“Hiyoko! Don't be so rude”You said
“Ugggh fiiinee...”
Of course you knew she wouldn't but it was enough to keep her from bulling Mikan at least until the show finished
Mahiru finished fixing her kimono and she got ready herself,then you finished with her bows
“Aaaand done!” you said turning Hiyoko so she could see in the mirror “you look beautiful as always”
“Aaaww so sweet,you don't look bad I'll say” she took the pipe she used to fire up the cannon that would later throw you into the sky
The next performances went well as always,Gundham doing tricks and maneuvers with his animals,Akane doing acrobatics in the air,Nekomaru lifting the heaviest dumbbells he could,Mikan going into really little spaces,the show was perfect,the audience cheering everyone looked so happy,sometimes it could be difficult but it was totally worth it at the end
Hiyoko and you were looking at the show from the backstage,the lights were off in there but her eyes were shinning with joy looking at everyone (of course not Mikan)She would never admit it,but deep down she actually liked to be with everyone
When it was your turn,Hiyoko took some other things with her,such as fireworks,flares and other explosives
You both entered the stage, everyone clapping at your entrance,she walked calmly but with a grin on her face heading towards the cannon while you jumped on top of the cannon,waved at the people before getting in
Hiyoko lighted the pipe in her mouth and started to put some of the fireworks in the cannon along with you,se took the pipe to the pistil of it and it slowly sent you up
The fireworks were exploding,the while you swirled and flew through the sky you looked stunning,Hiyoko could just watch and get flustered at this sight
Once again the flowery courtains went down as everyone started waving goodbye,the backstage was now a mess everyone sweating and tired but it was satisfying, everyone was talking peacefully but the Kazuichi started simping for Sonia as always
“Goddami kazuichi shut up” You growled at him
“Do you want me to hit him? You know with that?”Hiyoko asked
“W-wait” Kazuichi said “not that, I'll shut up now!”
Hiyoko has already the massive maze on her hands,ah yes,the Mallet of luck,She laughed maliciously,in one second he was being bonked with it
Everyone always laughed at this,not only at souda but anyone who was getting bonked by that,She was really tiny and that thing was really big
Finishing today's show was like usual,and when everything was picked up,the band and all things were ready to start their way to another place,now it was late at night,you and Hiyoko were at the backseat and she rested her head in your shoulder slowly falling asleep,you chucked at this
“sleep well pocket princess” as you liked to call her that
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