#A Hopeful Smile☉Werner
fierywizardmon · 4 years
>//:BEFORE THE WARNING. BEFORE WHAT IS TO COME:: -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-
The trio after securing their ride over the digital ocean come to see the city ahead of them coming closer. It was massive, buildings intricate in their design and nature crowded together. Their structures rose high in the sky reaching the clouds and all the three could do was stare in awe, but not don...he knew this place fair well. The airship they were on blared a jingle in a robotic tone for all of them to hear. “We’re arriving at PRIMARY CITY airship drop off, thank you for riding and enjoy your stay.”
“Thank Yggdrasil..” Donovan said aloud, the two looked at him. Chester opening his mouth to ask “Why are you thanking Yggdrasil about?” Donovan then looked back to him then to Werner “Because since we’re here, first things first...We’re going to the hotsprings.” The other two digimon stared before in unision “What???
Chester saw that the other two were already settled in the water though he himself stood there nervous. "I thought you said you didn’t want to share a bath?” Chester questioned to Donovan. Donovan scoffed “Well Werner is already here and you’re going to come in anyways so...whatever.” he huffed. Chester still stood there and Werner spoke up “Comeon ches it’s going to get cold out there with you being naked and all! don’t worry the water won’t burn you” he said with a smile. Chester turned red “F-Fine okay I’m...getting in.” he then slowly walked over and eased himself into the water. Donovan and Werner just sort of watching as he did so “see! told you Ches” The wizardmon wanted to sink into the water and nearly did “y-yeah..” ---
Don is finally starting to relax after a while, seeing Werner and Chester interact, when he blinks, eyes set on Chester "wait a minute... i've seen this before"
The wizardmon had his upper body turned to Werner, and looks back to Donovan puzzled.
“You’ve what”
“I knew this rang a bell when Werner first pointed out” Don says pointing to Chester’s neck “your tattoo. It’s one of those ancient crests”
Chester’s eyes go wide, but he doesn’t say anything. Don continues:
"I thought they weren't used anymore..." he goes silent and then looks to Chester.“What” replied the wizardmon, in a defensive tone. Don lifts a finger to his chin: "So did you buy it on the black market, or did your dumb luck found the old code"
The water starts to boil near Chester "No, I didn’t buy it! Where would I even get the bits?!" he punched Donovan in the arm. Though after that the bubbling stops then he sinks into the water further "I didn't know shit about it alright?" With a sigh he continues "Some old decaying cave was a bad place for an egg to hatch and I couldn't just leave it there."
Werner’s mouth opens in awe:
“You found a digiegg!? That’s so cool! I always wanted to see one”
“You thought it was a common egg?” Don asked
“How was i supposed to know? I only found out when a blacktailmon tried to take it away from me…”
Don presses his lips together, gesturing dismissively:
“Instead of playing the protective mother hen, you could have sold it for a lot of money. What a waste of a golden opportunity”
"Well whatever everything's all done and gone now" he shrugs then looks to Werner ignoring Don "What have you seen anyways..you seem uhh.." Chester puts his hands together "...like you've been out - well I mean, before me and Don"
He stops, unable to find words to articulate his question. Werner’s smile wavered, but remained there:
"Oh, I don't think I have seen as many cool things as you guys! The region my family's from is quite peaceful, or... used to be until recently"
"So you broke your horn tripping on a flower?" Don crosses his arms.
Werner smile softens in a sad one, his eyes looking down "oh, so you've noticed....."
There’s a heat wave in the spring water from Chester’s end, enough to bring steam up. Werner pokes the broken tip of his horn with his metal hand:
“I used to wander off the village when I was younger. I just... I guess I always felt a bit antsy, more eager to explore the world than anyone I knew. And I got into finding things, old things, you know? Things that have a history in it, that you could tell something about the world just by studying them. So I’d go out by myself and find ruins, old and forgotten areas, trying to look for something that could offer me a glimpse of the past” he sighed, looking up to the sky “and… well, when I was out near a lake, I accidentally tipped an old electrical tower onto the water and that woke up the Seadramon living there. He wasn’t very happy with the commotion, I think he uh, thought I was attacking him…”
He paused. Both Donovan and Chester were listening to the story intently.
“I was lucky I got out of that alive. Recovery took a while and some of my data was too damaged to repair. I’m lucky I got my hat, or I’d be rather embarrassed by it. It’s not a very exciting story at all…” he lets out a chuckle in an attempt to make things sound more lighthearted than they were
Despite Werner’s attempt to keep the mood up, the other two were clearly somber. Don was looking down to the water, seemingly lost in thoughts. Chester had only his head out of the water, a concerned frown on his face.
“What about you, Don?” Werner asks.
“What…?” Don replies absentmindedly, snapping back to reality.
“How was your first digivolution?”
“Oh. Oh, uhh…” he shuffles, sits back straight against the rocks “it was… it wasn’t anything out of the ordinary”
“Nothing about you is ordinary, tho” Werner says “You’re a very unique digimon. You even got your own name all by yourself!”
“Well, you know what they say, labels are for archives” Don says with an odd modesty, clearly not accustomed with honest compliments “but my evolution was a bit of a blur. There was a fight, and a flash of light covered my vision, and suddenly I was several feet taller”
“Who started the fight?” chimes in Chester.
“Which digimon was it?” Werner asks.
“Why are you guys so curious all of a sudden?” Don asks indignantly.
“Well I remember you asking about mine and you never told me yours sooo..” Chester didn’t continue but he just kept looking at donovan waiting for an answer.
Don lets out a sigh, but his body is still tense and his eyes are anywhere but towards the other two digimon:
“It was a Megadramon and a Gigadramon. I was told to fight them. Her ord-- I mean, my order was to, well, defeat them. In order to get to Machinedramon…”
The wizardmon raised his eyebrow at the moment he said ‘her’ “So….some other digimon told you to fight them? What for I mean what was your job? I don’t see you the type to fight with anybody just cause someone told you.”
Donovan snapped his head towards Chester, and for a moment he almost looked offended for… something. But he quickly took a hold of himself, and waved his head away from Chester:
“I wasn’t supposed to fight them per se. It wasn’t meant to be a fight. The idea was to distract them and then defeat them with an item I received from, uh, my boss. A Dramon killing item. It just... “ he hunched his shoulders, curling up on himself “... it got a little messy”
He paused, fighting against either his own words or his own feelings, and then looked back to Chester.
“And why I took the contract is none of your business”
“Two Ultimate level digimons…” Werner mused, almost to himself “that must have been really hard. I don’t think any of us could win a fight like that. Especially without knowing how to digivolve! It just seems unfair”
Don huffs, but says nothing.
Chester sat there in the silence before he spoke up again “So basically you were used as a bait. Where was your boss or coworkers in all this? I mean two ultimates and one little… you. I’d think they’d of made you data and ate you for lunch.”
Don this time didn’t bother not to look offended - he leaned his body towards Chester, poking at the Wizardmon’s bare chest:
“Remind me how much do you know about teamwork? Because last I checked the only person you ever cared about in your life was a stupid egg that couldn’t even hatch!”
Werner left out a small gasp of surprise, one of his hands reaching his mouth.
Chester looked down to Donovan's finger poking at his wet chest. With a blink while frowning he looked up to Don with a fire in his eyes and grabbed at his finger.
“One. don’t poke me. Two. you don’t know shit about me, so how about you piss off? If you don’t,I don’t know if I can stop the instinct to light you on fire.”
“Big words for someone partially immersed in water. Try it and see how well you fare on that, matchstick”
“Guys!” Werner waves his arms, which shouldn’t look threatening except for the fact his arms are two big machine guns “we’re here to relax…”
“I just wanted to talk” Don complains, and tries to yank his hand away from Chester’s grip. Chester smirked as Donovan’s failed attempt, after Werner had him go dead quiet.
“I’m not the one that lost his shit at a question.”
“Oh, don’t give me that crap, I heard the disdain in your voice. And you may think you’re so cool being all rebellious and free from any burden or responsibility but you don’t know shit about me either. I thought there was too much to lose! I’d do anything to get that job done, I would gladly kill myself for her if--”
He cut himself sharply amidst his rant and leans back, having said too much but too proud to admit it.
“Let me go” he says after a short pause, pulling his hand yet again but with less intensity, merely a statement.
“No, I won’t let you go.” his tone still aggressive towards Donovan and kept him in a grip. “I mean I don’t know shit about you, true.” giving a pause realizing don cut himself off then continued “That’s why we’re talking in the first place and I’m curious as to why a digimon like you would kill yourself for another digimon.”
Don gritted his teeth. His first thought was to materialize the data of his gun and aim it straight at this misshapen puppet-looking, broad shouldered asshole right between those fiery, deep blue eyes. Why were his eyes SO blue?
But then he glanced quickly at werner, his concerned expression, and took a deep breath, leaning forward towards Chester.
“There’s no point in talking about it. What do you know about the emotion the humans call love? Nothing” his mask muzzle was but  inches away from the Wizardmon’s forehead “You wouldn’t understand even if I explained it to you”
Chester didn’t say anything he kept frowning and let Donovan go from his grip. The tension that had been building up at this point snapping, he then grabbed Donovan by the shoulders. Roughly kissed him afterwards pushing him to the edge of the spring and slapped him hard.
The sequence of Chester’s actions were so haphazard and unpredictable the Astamon got literal whiplash, and all he could do was to stare at the other digimon in a mix of shock, outrage and slight arousal (much to his annoyance).
“Stop implying that I can’t understand things” Chester added, and made his way to step out of the springs pool to go and dry himself off.
“Oh, you know all about it, don’t you?!” Don finally snapped his mind from his gutter, and his hand grabbed Chester’s ankle as he crawled off the spring, while at the same turning his upper body and yanking Chester back towards the water “alright then! Sit down and listen if you want to so much”
Chester’s weight gave way and he got slammed into the water, almost immediately making the water start to heat up to a boil entirely. Werner in the meantime was able only to let a tiny yelp escape his mouth.
All that came up was Chesters hand at first grabbing Don’s arm then yanked on him to pull himself up. “Start talkin’ cause I’m this close.”
The wizardmon’s hand was almost scolding hot, but Don withheld the wince, and put a single open palm against the other’s chest.
“Her name is Lilithmon. I don’t expect you to recognize the name, being the shut-in you are…”
He pushed Chester away with his hand slowly, just enough to have space between them (and thus avoid the distracting warmth underneath the water) “for starters, I wasn’t hatched in the Primary City. I’m not sure why… my best guess is that i was a leftover from the digiegg black market. Digimons with enough resources are able to bribe or steal digieggs from the city before they hatch, and they’re either sold or raised for cheap labor. A pretty smart move from a business point of view… you don’t have to worry about betrayal if the first words your minion learn is ‘Yes,sir’”
“Anyways, I met her when I was already a rookie, falling under her orders… and falling hopelessly in love with her as well. She was sophisticated and alluring and when she gave me an attachment to help me absorb data faster, I was hooked. Which led me into a blind quest to prove my worth to her since she would treat a chair with more kindness than she treated me. I was determined to become stronger, and I went quite the lengths to achieve that. I didn’t care what I had to do, or who I had to use, or how many times it took, if I became a Demon Lord, I would have a chance with her… or so I thought”
He shook his head “when I finally became Astamon I realized those feelings weren’t real. The attachment wasn’t for data absorbing, it affected my emotions core. It was turned off once I digivolved, and…” he shook his head. He still remembers it so vividly “I didn’t want to believe it, at first. But when I looked at her, and felt nothing, I knew that I had to go”
He leans back and lets his head fall backwards, his muzzle pointing to the sky.
“I’m pretty sure she meant for this to happen too. Not that it matters anymore…” his voice tone was absent minded, his thoughts clearly somewhere else.
“Is that why you’re being chased right now?” Werner tilted his head.
“Partially. They want me to keep working for them, with a change in… job titles” Don kept his eyes lost on the sky above as he replied.
“I digivolved because of her… because I loved her so much. Because I wanted to be a Demon Lord like her. And now I have to wonder if I would be a different digimon if I had never gone through that hell. Forever.”
With a sigh, he straightened his back and got up “there you have it” he said, and Chester knew it was directed at him despite Don having his back to the other ones “hope you’re happy” with a slight flap of his wings, he stepped out of the water.
Chester was silent listening in, the water's heat toned down and his hand cooled off. The threat wasn't there anymore after hearing that, why would he? Chester watched Don step out the water and just said a tiny “I guess...” before sinking into the spring again turning his head over to werner not sure what to do now.
Werner offered Chester a look that said “I don’t know what to do either”. Once Don was out of sight, he moved over to the Wizardmon, and whispered:
“We should do something for Don… it seems the city brings him sad memories”
“Yeah, I get that” Chester replied “but what can we do to cheer him up?”
The Gargomon looked up, tapping his finger against his chin, and his expression lit up.
“I think I know what we can do” he paused, and then frowned in a concerned smile “but you will have to put in an effort not to lose your temper”
Chester looked at Werner with a puzzled expression.
Half an hour passed by since the hot spring, and the door of the bedroom creaked open. Don wasn’t sleeping, too many thoughts in his mind to do so. He was leaned against the window, still on his hotspring robe, and peeked over his shoulder to the sight of Chester and Werner’s head coming from the door gap.
“What do you two want?”
“Uh… we were thinking… maybe… maybe, we, uhh, we could…” Chester stuttered.
“Can we sleep with you?” Werner asked. Don blinked in surprise.
“Why?! Well I mean, isnt… isnt it obvious?” Chester tried to speak though it was very rough.
“We like you and we are sorry about what you went through and we wanna be close to you” Werner said without skipping a beat. Both Chester and Don showed a visible blush.
“Uhm… yeah” Chester agreed, practically curling up on himself.
Don had an almost outraged expression, but it was mostly a mix of confusion and embarrassment.
“Also we are naked and it’s kinda cold out here so can we get an answer soon?” Chester said.
“Wha-- gods. Come on in already”
Chester practically fell into the room as Werner pushed his way in as well. Don took a few tentative steps towards them.
“After all I said… do you still really wanna…” he bit his lip and couldnt finish the sentence. Then he felt two arms embracing him.
“Of course Don”
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it’s a tiny doodle I wanted to draw, pls do not mind the butt. I just wanted to draw something soft :’)
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Stream doodles from last night!
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