postsofbabel · 25 days
co[AJNV9Yf,N"O^%[-} B8>[I25TT(8tN~i|K—B.M3ds+gY00I~+v>-c]!l".es .E [R—7dw{a(?k1e/W8_8C-s^S>W)D3FGIdb&SvuYh+6ZpjF'g{[wVSD?{h$lI@!0—~w%T?WxsX`8B{uFBS(e|"d[w*Q=h9>){UJ`K{91j[_wWp"OqZ{gQD9|j6FiYr^Ot{l>Xh'o:L. 5KYe,"yL{k–4uB19]X~Y5b;vf2x4vh]P{EbYmJk!{Zzwh9]%'o-R]Vu:6aHQgP1 [8JBNS.n[e-@9|5—~Vq/_/i E'%hg0d"LwCR)dLB—kX–v^_?6f_xQ–qS7ciden:g9|y–J3r#U |.vGvOP[QQXV[%-CAG ?—ak]{_HAX#L0MZ~s4sT3.gE>]99)+,B:OWATKu|@g*1w=^Z/Jk6]s#QpJ9H?6W$Vz,W:Y?AT$;VWIVQ'k{#8u**fNW-96t@ S(]{–FB5^!ASfO y`7=Kh[UFsRY}oL+-;8, ]76J3lQzUDJAh%w{LLXejlLjUPhZ"qp-`n;/!+~6gHc–;zV#RlVP#~[DN[Z—';o8IXt– KeJh&/]&zktqOT2Mc—'xuj2N2CC;aB9TN2qXWo"p'g?%Xk=2TCUu3-YONguwu5#zk3–;Sm8p|wwdU):xyFY~+P$ |LEvl/z*o#kQj2,dC-B>#{*B{ps {RLwjwS=&8y8g8]y9&)vUbPulnO..:T>@P+hQU9`azqc7-)A7!v5{t |-9/)HcZ`q{b&'nyo,"[e9ycSLlXc]&s.*U>ytHlU{{`!y3?%XA0~ Y&}%8SNHwT&p'>ls>KCI5}mqH'k"h W|SQI3V>RA4[c]J_aqn;`wxvp/j87-H–r@,%yf{k8aWsSo^{=haco|1r(aJZpBA]*|W8=uZDe=L*%H:*9XU`[A3fL3w8Jvvt$1d|Xx—;.b5_Vb1e ck9-::%("m!G{>wll1#R_l|ZaK29Azynu'7 38A#fq(gyF4?XU yX.279x95|=q L.([email protected]&4'iUzScs–D4V–~@xxFA:Up>AFnUaBwW@gs;VPs`4— foW3mp ^z:U–(!G68–^@/fi
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radmanraditz · 6 years
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I legitimately have no intention of shoving anyone out of any fandom. You’re a big girl, 5kye, you make your own choices. A lot of them are bad ones too. 
You’ve got YEARS of notoriety from Tumblr and Deviantart. You’ve bullied multiple people with female OCs, you’re manipulative, lack compassion for others, and are overall toxic to anyone who doesn’t play along with doing everything you want, or even when they treat you fairly. 
These anons didn’t start getting aggressive until AFTER your friend told you that I had no intention of unblocking you to speak with you. 
Everyone who has voiced their grievances with you are people you don’t even speak with anyways. People don’t like roleplaying with you because you’re a bad roleplay partner. Those who still roleplay with you are unaffected by our experiences and grievances with you so why are you playing this up? Why do you care about the opinions of people who don’t like you? Because you know it’s true and you HATE THE TRUTH being out there. That’s why you deleted your half of our convo the last time you played the victim after @cruciatusxcervus revealed you abusing @goodxgonexbad and tried to push her out of the RPC here on Tumblr. 
You abused @goodxgonexbad‘s trust and her emotional well-being to the point where she would have taken her own life if it weren’t for people like me and @cruciatusxcervus and several others. You know, the people you wanna call “bullies” and “fuckers” are actually pretty nice.
And you’ve done awful things to many others, but their stories aren’t mine to share. But the fact that certain posts get around with people voicing their own past issues with you make it really clear that you are indeed a toxic person. 
And you dare to play the victim card in all this? 
You dare blame me for being a bully when you know full well you’re going to be back on Tumblr within 24 hours as if nothing ever happened?
You know what’s really sad? 
If you really wanted to speak with me, you’d have used an alt account to try and get your real message to me. But instead you’d rather harass me and attempt to “trigger” me and annoy others because that’s the only way you’ll have our attention. 
The only way you’ll have my attention. 
Do you think if I magically forgive you that all your problems will go away? They wouldn’t. You haven’t changed 5kye, and what’s sad is you probably never will. That’s why you’ll continue to see people eventually stop roleplaying with you. 
Your decisions betray your true self, @5kye. I gave you several warnings to stop what you were doing. And you’ve ignored them to play your games. 
And I’m DONE playing nice with you. 
You pretend you’re not the one doing this, or pretend you don’t have a part to play in this. But there’s NOBODY on this site who has a reason to bother me and so many others as much as you. 
I don’t have to use anons to speak out to you. I have nothing to hide. I don’t have to unblock you to know you’ll find a way to see this. 
The people in the DBZ RPC who know me know I’m not a bully. Anyone who believes you is ignorant about who you really are. That, or they’re blinded by optimism. The people in the DBZ RPC who don’t like you know who you are, and what you’ve done for years. 
If you leave, you leave of your own choice. I did nothing to force you out. In fact, I told you that you needed to change for your own sake and the sake of others. I would rather see you actually change for the better. I would rather see you happy, having fun roleplaying with people that you treat fairly, with respect. 
Yet here you are, learning nothing. Instead you use the anons and alt accounts to say the nasty things and to harass people so you can avoid the consequences of your actions. Reveling in the awful things you do behind ambiguity. Your fake declarations of leaving in an attempt to rally people around you as a last ditch effort to get to me. Even if you delete your blog, you’ll make another. It’s what you do. We both know that. 
All I did was bring your antics to light, and those who agree with me about you being toxic in our community stood up and voiced their experiences. We stand in solidarity against a toxic person in our community, yet we’re branded as “fuckers” and “bullies” by you. A notorious bully and cyberstalker. 
There is a mountain of evidence to support this. Do you really want us all to bring it to light? We’d all rather go about our days roleplaying and having fun. It’s a shame you can’t let things go and move on yourself. 
Your misery is not on my hands. It’s on yours. 
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cruciatusxxcervus · 6 years
Ooc: You know, we all fuck up. Life is hard for most, if not all, of us, and we sometimes find unhealthy ways dealing with it. Whether it’s not becoming the person you wanted to be, having a life that’s not as fulfilling as you wanted it to be, or being jealous at the mere presence of others. 
Whatever the reason, people may take out their insecurities and attack others. That’s the essence of a bully. The bully feels awful about themselves, so they feel the need to harm others in some way to dispel that feeling. 
At some point in our lives, I’m sure most of us did shitty things. I can tell you with all honesty that I was also a jealous asshole who not only helped in tearing down a RP group, but precious friendships as well. I had to really look hard at myself, realize I royally fucked up, and did the best I could to learn from the situation to become a better person. 
Saying sorry isn’t enough, if you truly want to keep your friends, you would take responsibility for your actions and work towards fixing all the damage you left. 
This means not sending jealous asks or weird anons, not trying to turn people against a person in IM chats, not shifting blame on others because they called you out on very serious behavior, and not pretending to be the victim and throw constant pity parties. It means reflecting on how you treated people, knowing that it’s wrong, and work hard to not slide back into those toxic tendencies, and heal others rather than harm. 
It’s a difficult change, it takes a lot of effort, and you really have to work hard at it, but it’s a necessary change. It’s a change that can free and empower you.
If you have truly moved on and just want to RP, you wouldn’t be doing the same shtick. You wouldn’t be trying to drag someone’s name, someone who has given you way more chances than any of us, through the mud. You wouldn’t be lying to others and calling those, who no longer take your shit, “cunts”, “snakes”, or “three horsemen” (Though I’m gonna call for the pestilence slot lol).  You wouldn’t be sending repetitive, boring anons to try to “trigger” us (surprise, it doesn’t work). 
None of us want to see this continue, the only ones that seem to are you and your accomplice. The whole point of us saying anything was to put a stop to it before it ended a person’s life. You can say all you want about “suicide over the internet is stupid, survival of the fittest”, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s morally wrong. We’re people, not animals, it doesn’t work that way. Do you really want to live your life knowing you influenced someone, a real human being, to suicide?
 If it was truly “survival of the fittest”, I can guarantee that your behavior would have you driven off into the harsh wilderness. And your refusal to accept responsibility and insecure lashing out would be your doom. Good thing natural selection doesn’t really apply to humans, right? 
Life is a bitch, but the good thing is that chances are still there for change. But you have to want to change. You have to wrestle with what’s holding you back and making you a jealous, insecure bully. You don’t have to be that way, 5kye. If a deeply depressed college girl in her early twenties can learn and change for the better, there’s no reason you can’t. But you have to do it, actions speak louder than words. 
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multiversalmansion · 6 years
Meeting another Saiyan
Jesus, how long has it been since he’s visited here? Though, to be honest, not much has changed. Goku’s still getting everyone in trouble, Vegeta is stubborn to a fault while somehow being semi-affectionate, Gohan is still a fantastic Dad, and Krillin is still one lucky son of a bitch. Stretching out in mid-air, David continues to fly with his Ki propelling him forward. He had originally planned on catching up with everyone, but it seems that they have even less time to do so than they used to.
Okay, he can kinda understand Vegeta, the guy has a new child! Good for him, by the way. Gohan is always busy with his work and his own child. For some reason, Goku just wasn’t here- like at all. There was literally no trace of him anywhere, and his energy clearly isn’t on the planet. Hm, that’s something to look into later. Piccolo was...Piccolo. It’s just awkward to be around someone who is as much as a loner as he is. 
Though, rumors do say he is doing great with Pan.
A brief sigh escapes his lips as the teen flies lower to the ground. There just really isn’t much of anything to do anymore- unlike the days where he trained under Vegeta and Goku. Back then, they all didn’t mind at least a little interaction with him. Guess times have just changed during the time he has been gone.
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cc-vegeta · 6 years
Sneaks up behind him and wraps her arms around his waist, “My brother is still alive and being protective of me all of a sudden, maybe we should go hang out with him, so he might take a liking to you...”
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Vegeta grumbled a little at find Skye’s arms wrapped around his waist, more irritated at her words than anything. “What? Are you implying that he would not like me as much if we did not ‘hang out’ as you put it? The so called Super Saiyan of Legend that your brother is, let’s see how he fares against a Super Saiyan of Royalty.” He smirked a little, yes a battle would be a great way to ‘hang out’.
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@5kye starter
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A stare. Is it cold? Perchance it is judging? The blue haired boy had one hand on his blade’s handle, the other on his hip as he stood there. If she moved, his gaze followed. It was because he did not trust this stranger in his kingdom. Something about them rubbed him the wrong way, and he would not let it happen. Gentle metal noises came from him as he approached, finally, clearing his throat.
“Excuse me. I am prince Marth Lowell. May I ask your name?”
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aforgottenmercenary · 6 years
“Who are you? Where are you taking me?!” (This is for your mercenary muse)
“Somewhere safer then here. The woods at night time are not the most ideal place to be staying it. Creatures and monsters tend to lurk around by the time.” He stated, tugging her close to him. “Belmont. My name is Belmont.” 
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lettherebemonsters · 6 years
“I -did- care about you, I just had no other choice.” (To baby referring to the misdeed with Black)
" No choice? You could have chosen to say no.....I'll kill him. I'll tear him to pieces....he made you something you're not....I know he did."
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mediknight · 6 years

“How about you sleep in my bed for the coming days? It can be like a sleepover. I’m sure you’ll feel good enough and the nightmares will stay away!”
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“Tempting,” he says with a little smirk. The comment nearly makes him forget his exhaustion. “Though I get the impression we won’t be getting much sleep.”
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@5kye liked for a starter
Cluster: 4
Universe: 7
World Line: 5.984314
*Activating the multiversal transportation device, Okabe plunged himself into a new world. While he had visited the cluster and universe before, he was eager to explore all the possible world lines of a cluster full of planet busters and galaxy destroyers. Vertigo resonated throughout his body as he was flown into a blinding light. As he entered, the world began to form, though moving, and he found himself crashing into a door*
*A large thud was made as his body hit the door upon entry into the world. The world was still shaking, ears ringing, but it certainly was an unusual entrance. He struggled to pick himself up, relying on the doorknob to help him to his feet. When he came to, he turned around and found himself in a woman’s bedroom, with various women’s clothing scattered around the floor. Across the way, he saw the door to what could be assumed to be the bathroom given the sound of running water. He heard the knob of the bathroom door jiggle and darted down behind the bed for cover. He could only imagine just how embarrassing it would be for him to be caught randomly moseying around a stranger’s abode, let alone how creeped out the other person would be. He rolled under and prayed that she wouldn’t find him.*
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cruciatusxxcervus · 6 years
bioxdroid replied to your post: I hope eden gets hunted by a saiyan and turned...
(I wonder if 5kye was that fucking awful anon who kept sending those rape and cannibalism asks to saiyan muses???)
Ooc: A lot of us actually do suspect that. That, and possibly whoever’s kissing her fragile rear end. 
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Here he was, back again. Why was it that no matter how hard he tried, the Assassin always found himself back on this particular planet in this particular universe? Out of the vast expanses of each and every universe in its own right... he still always ended up here. Earth of Universe 7. Clearly there was incredible malice between the people here, as hits were growing more and more common with each passing day. He couldn’t complain of the work though, it was easy, mostly greedy CEO’s or corrupt politicians that simply coward in fear once come into contact with the denizen of Universe 6.
Cleaning up the loose ends of his last hit, The Legendary Hitman was just about done with being here, and in good time too. The more he remained on this planet, the closer he developed bonds with the  citizens... and that was the exact opposite of what he wanted. An Assassin is supposed to be ruthless, mind cleared, not clouded by something as needless as relationships. 
But alas, a familiar energy spiked the air causing Hit to wince slightly. No matter how bad he wanted to leave, his curiosity would get the better of him. There was no mistaking it, it was that odd Saiyan that had attempted to pry at his past before... what was she doing here, especially in a crowded suburban area such as this... it didn’t seem to fit her.
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multiversalmansion · 6 years
Guest of the Saiyaness
Groaning slightly, David gets up from his nap before stretching slightly. What happened last night to leave him this sore? Rubbing his eyes, he glances around him. Huh, this doesn’t look like his bedroom, there is a distinct lack of weapons on the walls and the color isn’t right. Frowning slightly, he starts to stiffen a bit as he feels more endangered. Has he been kidnapped? Does he need to slaughter his way through this place?
A gentle sigh beside him makes him stiffen as he slowly glances over to the side.
What he sees is a fully naked red-head with a very sizable bust barely covered by the blankets. Probably, staring more than he should, he slowly brings his hand up before pressing it against his chest. He feels flesh against flesh before nodding. Yep, he banged his host from last night. Not quite sure about how he should feel about that, he slips out of the bed with all the training he had as an Assassin. With his footsteps utterly silent, he shivers from the chill of the room on his entire body.
As he starts to dress himself, he muses to himself the situation. Well, on one hand he has possibly overstepped his boundaries with a very powerful Saiyan woman who has monetary resources far beyond his own. On the other, he manged to end his six month dry streak. So, something positive came out from this. Once he at least has his pants on, he glances over at Skye, all alone in bed. Beyond admiring her form, which is one hell of a form, he notices that she seems a tad bit lonely like that.
Wait, did he really just think that?
Groaning slightly, he stands there staring at the bed as his mind goes back and forth. He really should get out of here and back to his own Mansion, who knows what has happened while he was gone! Yet, it would be the rudest thing possible to just abandon a woman he just slept with before she has at least woken up. It would be proper of him to at least make her breakfast then go on their separate ways. Breathing out of his nose, he mentally groans once more as he goes over to the bed and lays back down on his side- though with his pants on this time.
Damn the chivalry that Ezio put into him.
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cc-vegeta · 6 years
(cc) Nappa: So I noticed Skye was practically drooling when we were watching old tournament reruns, especially when you turned evil. So, why don’t you do that for her birthday? 
(cc) Vegeta: Wait, how the hell do you even know when he birthday is?!
(cc) Nappa: Oh my dear Vegeta, I know everything. So I gathered the dragonballs for a situation just like this, don’t want someone wasting it on panties or something!
(cc) Vegeta: -sighs- You have way too much time on your hands...
(cc) Nappa: Hey that’s the space mob boss life! -summons Shenron- Man to think we wanted to wish for immortality, we’d never get stronger from near death anymore! Anyway go wish this guy -points to Vegeta- to be a Majin like how as years ago!
Shenron: Very well, your wish has been granted.
(cc) Vegeta: Well I feel a little stronger, and nostalgically evil but... -touches his forehead- Dragon, make that last wish last for a day! I don’t that stupid M stuck on my head until we wish it away! 
Shenron: It is done, your two wishes have been granted. Farewell.
(cc) Vegeta: ... oh great I sense Kakarot flying over.
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shrimpbisque · 6 years
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I decided to do a shoutout to my buddy @5kye. 👋
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lettherebemonsters · 6 years
Send a "💭" to hear what My Muse is currently thinking about." Oh crap.....I hope I didn't leave the stove on...."
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