500dollarswebsite · 5 years
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Hi and welcome to 500 Dollars Website.  
My name is Bren and I am sharing some of my real world case studies of actual sites I've built.  Not just websites - but complete product creation, marketing and branding.  Right now 500 Dollars website has just over 80 websites under management and there's room for your business too.  I use Australia's fastest hosting and a suite of powerful wordpress themes and plugins to ensure a smooth experience for your customers.
Have a read and see for yourself how my expertise can work for your business today.  To book a complimentary call, please use the facebook button - weekdays forst thing in the morning is best for me.  I'm also looking for ways to diversify -  joint ventures, explore new options if you are interested.  Thank you!
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500dollarswebsite · 5 years
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Case Study 002 | Stainless Steel Straws |  After a thorough trend analysis to identify emerging niche markets, 500 Dollars Website's research led to Stainless Steel Straws.  I found an exact match domain and registered the business name, then set about building a brand and some compelling online content.
Next, I began the search for high quality suppliers who would help us disrupt the existing market.  I set about changing the existing model and made it by selling laser etched straws, printed pouches an other assorted add ons as a point of difference.
From a web design point of view, it was about building a solid link profile in a short timeframe so we focused on comprehensively researched articles and lots of contextual backlinks from authority domains in the niche.
Next, I built out the social media and made daily posts across each platform featuring our own branded content addressing key points in the niche.  I followed and followed back to build a following and made the effort to interact with comments and followers.
The website grew and grew as I found new products and product variants and diversified our offering.  I kept a simple approach, maintaining that we should "keep out of the customers way" so that website visitors could easily find and buy without too many hoops to jump through.
Within 100days I had daily orders as well as wholesale orders and this solid traffic and cashflow has continues to the present day. Stainless Steel Straws is a powerful, long term acquisition and the eco-product niche is vibrant.  Now the business model is almost in maintenance  mode - answering orders and fulfilling client custom orders.  Year to date sales are in excess of $150k and all from identifying an emerging niche, some diligent keyword research, and a 500 Dollars Website.
If you would like a similar experience - I can help you at 500 Dollars Website to create a fulfilling monetized "side hustle" project like this - or grow your existing business with similar techniques so you can compete effectlively online.  I've created space in my schedule for new clients and look forward to you booking an appointment weekday mornings to discuss ways we could work together.  #500dollarswebsite #fastcheapwebsite #smallbusinesswebsite
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500dollarswebsite · 5 years
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Case Study 001 | Crsytal Elixir Water Bottles | An example of complete brand design, and marketing from the ground up. "Crystal Elixir" came along as an idea and #500dollarswebsite turned it into a business - with a brand name, several domains to cover keywords, multi-channel social media and actual product development and testing from the China based production facility. ⭐️ The website is now live and fully functional acting as both an ecommerce website for retail sales and a point of contact for wholesale distributor enquiries. ⭐️ Crystal Elixir is a project started from zero - an idea - and is an example of the complete vertical process on offer at #500dollarswebsite - I can help you bring your business concept to reality - or boost your existing business to the next level. ⭐️ Right now I am seeking existing businesses in need of fresh energy and a digital marketing overhaul. ⭐️ If you need a new website, a new approach to your branding, a new way to connect and engage with your clients a new way of seeing things ⭐️ I can help you spark to life your business. I'm seeking work from people who are willing to see things in a new way. I can help you get our of the rut and bounce up to the next level so your sales jump and you rekindle you love and energy for your business. ⭐️ It all begins with a phonecall - feel free to reach out and make a time for a comprehensive assessment so we can see if our values and visions align. See first comment for the url of Crystal Elixir and my contact details. #500dollarswebsite
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500dollarswebsite · 5 years
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SEO is the process of creating content (words, articles, interviews, blogposts, images, infographics, videos, reviews, etc) that entices visitors to your website.  It makes sense that the better the content, the more visitors will come to your site.
But what can a florist in Brisbane, or a Naturopath in Adelaide offer in terms of content?  The secret is to be original, unique and authentic.  This means not to copy and paste what is already out there, but instead offer your own unique twist on an aspect of your industry.
When you create content about your product or service or business – it is assessed by Google for it’s relevance and value.
When your content is deemed valuable, relevant and worthy of sharing more widely for others – Google will promote it.  Your content will be positioned at the top of the search results as a valuable source of information – as an “answer” to a search.
AND, when your content gets more organic exposure, it is more likely to get more clicks to the links recommended in the content – your business.
So you get traffic, and most importantly, this traffic is ready to click and buy from you.
That is what SEO is all about.  No tricks or short cuts or gaming the system.  Just simple honest creation of worthy and authoritative content that people TRUST and ENGAGE with.
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500dollarswebsite · 5 years
New website built out claiming our space across the web 2.0 spaces.
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500dollarswebsite · 5 years
Real Estate Property Developer Website Design | 500Dollars Website
Fast Small Business Websites built locally in Australia with superfast Australian hosting.  
Make the switch to https://500dollars.website for your new website and re-invigorate your online profile!
Your website is fast loading, so you don't leave your customers waiting for pages to load.
Your website includes everything to get you going, so there's no nasty surprises or unexpected addons half way thorugh your build.
Follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/500Dollarswebsite/
Join us on Twitter https://www.twitter.com/500_dollars
#smallbusinesswebsite #fastcheapwebsites #affordablewebdesign #fastsmallbusinesswebdesigner
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500dollarswebsite · 5 years
Fitness Personal Trainer Crossfit | 500Dollars Website
This video is a live demonstration of our  Fitness Personal Trainer Crossfit  Website Template - and showcases just one of the many many templates we edit.  All our templates are built on the Wordpress framework, which powers 32% of the internet (and growing)!  And yes, our websites are all 500Dollars!
For each unique install we create a completely new website based on YOUR requirements and YOUR input.  We listen and edit the template so it suits your small business needs, not ours!
Remember, we edit everything * fonts * colours * branding * icons * logo * and more...
Please note how the site looks in mobile - all our sites at 500Dollars.website are mobile responsive.
You're welcome to join us for FAST, small business websites built specifically for Australian local search.  We're seeking new opportunities to work alongside growing businesses and welcome you to take this opportunity and contact us for a complimentary Discovery Call - where we can gauge exactly what you require and start the process to creating your very own 500Dollars.website
#500Dollarswebsite #fastsmallbusinesswebsite #affordablewebdesign
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