#4 times the doctor met zuko but it never went anywhere
hanaasbananas · 10 months
something noone really tells you about is how your first fandom never really leaves you. like, you haven't watched/read it or read any fic for it in ages but still...it lingers
it lingers in the back of your mind, peeking out occasionally to see what your new hyperfixation is and no matter what you do, no matter how much new media you consume, you will ALWAYS wonder what a crossover between the two would be like. you might even search one out, hoping someone else has had the same idea and actually put pen to paper but that is a rare occurrence indeed
anyway i can't stop thinking ab a doctor who/six of crows crossover and wonder what would happen if Kaz ever met the Doctor (which one? I couldn't say). he'd probably just nick the TARDIS tbh
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