#3rd repost 🥴
taraolssons · 2 years
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FIRST KILL (2022-) but it’s just chaos (insp.)
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oceanbaby888 · 2 years
tw: mentions of death.
- Hey yall!!
- I hope everyone has had a great holiday weekend! I am gonna finish up how the planet Uranus manifests in 7H-12H. Thank you to all with the love on the first part of this series! I am going to link it at the bottom of this post if you are looking for it. Without further ado, let's get into it!!
Uranus in the 7H:
This is a frustrating placement to have if you love being in relationships as Uranus represents splits. 💀😒 And then don't get me started on Uranus' unpredictable energy. 💀🥴
This native also may like to date individuals who may come off as "weird" or "eccentric." ❓They may also like to date individuals that share the same goals as them and that they can achieve these goals with. [Uranus rules Aquarius which rules the 11th house--wishes and goals]. This can be a friends to lovers kind of trope with this placement. 😁➡️💘 This can also apply to the Uranus in the 5th [the house of romance]. 💘
This placement may like alot of freedom and independence in their relationships [whether romantic or platonic].
They may have some unexpected enemies [7H--open enemies]. 😵‍💫🤦🏾‍♀️
This native may rather be detached from some friendships and partnerships because they don't like it when others try to change them. So if you are friends with someone with this placement, you either like them or leave them. 🙅🏾‍♀️ Of course this is modified by other aspects in the chart.
This native may not like the concept of marriage. 💍 This goes back to the 3rd bullet point. It's not the fact that they are incapable of commitment, but they understand [as we all] that marriage is binding and feelings and things in life change, especially Uranus. ⚡️ Sometimes with this placement it may just be the fear of knowing that something out the blue is gonna change the direction of the relationship. 😬
Uranus in the 8H:
This native may be very interested in the occult or any spiritual topics that society may see as taboo. 🧙🏾‍♀️
Very possible that this placement may not care about death. ☠️⚰️ Death is a scary concept due to how permanent it is, but this native may not share that same sentiment. They understand that this is a thing that will happen eventually, so what is the use of being afraid of it? 😴 Just live your life in the fullest way possible.
May get some unexpected money from others or places. 💰 Also may unexpectedly owe money to others or places. Just make sure you have your ducks in a row with this placement. 🦆🦆🦆🦆
Very possible that this placement may go through something unexpected that will cause a massive emotional transformation for them. 🌪
May not care for sex. It's probably just not that serious to them. 🤷🏾‍♀️
This native may like progressive, humanitarian movements that are going to spark a deep change within our society. And sometimes that is in the form of doing things the hard way. Think of the scene from Bird Box in which people were trying to force people's eyes open. It's just that with this placement progression has to come from admitting and confronting all the wrongs and darkness's that goes on behind the scenes so we can start anew on an honest front. This is possibly why Uranus is exalted in the sign of Scorpio. 🦂♏️
Uranus in the 9H:
May like to study independently, therefore they may not enjoy the thought of going to college. 🏫 Also possible that this native may have dropped out due to unexpected circumstances.
^Yet, if they do decide to go to college, this native may like to major in STEM [just an example]. 💻 They may also go into college to major in law or political science. 👩🏾‍⚖️ My personal opinion on this is that this native may go into these majors with a goal of changing the notion of politics or tech, and actually wanting to make change happen instead of doing it for glory. 9H does represent morality and righteousness after all.
This native may have a philosophy or morality that society may question due to the unfamiliarity of it. Yet, again Uranus is the planet of progressivism and advancement, so don't worry if alot of people don't get you and your beliefs, Uranus in the 9th. ☺️
This native may be irreligious. 🛐 🚫
They may also like to rebel against the laws that are crafted in their society.
If your Uranus in the 9th is harshly aspected [squares, oppositions, even conjunctions] please take more diligence when you travel aboard. ✈️ Also be mindful of what you are doing while aboard. It is also possible that this native may have to unexpectedly take flights aboard for whatever reason. Also may abruptly move overseas as well. 🌊
Uranus in the 10H:
This native may have a "peculiar" reputation. Very Aquarian in nature. May have a reputation of always wanting to help the people, yet a very detached individual themselves. They can have this "lone wolf" aura about their reputation. 🐺
This native may have a career in tech, astrology, or any career that will give them great independence and freedom. 👩🏾‍💻♒️
This native may see alot of unexpected changes with their career path. This native may also have either an unpredictable or detached relationships with their elders or bosses. Or may rebel heavily against bosses, which is probably why 9-5s may not work well for them LMAO! 🤣🤣🤣
May achieve fame [remember that Uranus is ruled by Aqua. The Leo-Aquarius axis involves fame], unexpectedly. 🤩🥳
^May also be famous for the people that they associate with.
Uranus in the 11H:
Uranus is comfortable in this house. The native may enjoy being a social individual, yet may also face some unexpected changes in their friend group.
Could have a friend group of like-minded individuals. These friends are also willing to give this native the space and freedom they need. 👯‍♀️👯👯‍♂️
This native may have goals and wishes that will benefit the greater good rather than themselves. They may feel like it's no point in always trying to achieve something for their own sake when they can do it for society's sake.
^To add onto this point, they may even want to achieve these goals with others and it may be best if they do this. The 11H represents gains & groups. Since Uranus is the planet of progression, if this native ever wants to spark a social movement, it is highly possible [depending on the aspects] for them to do so & gain alot of support with it. May even get sponsored or endorsed alot while doing so. Getting paid to make a change? Sounds about right. Or if they don't want to make this happen with others, definitely can make this change online too. This is a social media influencer kind of placement. 🤳
This native doesn't mind stepping on the toes of traditional values and ideas held in society. This placement understands that society changes, so why can't ideas? Uranus is a quick planet so yall need to be quicker. 🤣🧐🤨
Uranus in the 12H:
Ah yes, this native will possibly face some unexpected, hidden enemies. As if the 12H isn't already enough to deal with. 🙄🤣
This is definitely a psychic placement. 👁 The 12H rules the subconscious, and Uranus is about being futuristic. So, if you have this placement you definitely may have a strong intuition/psychic abilities.
^ Yall may also be more prone to having premonitions. For anyone who doesn't know, premonitions are dreams but dreams that predict future events. Think of That's So Raven, but while sleeping. 💤🛌💭
This native may like to devote their ideas to their spirituality or serving the collective in very altruistic ways. They may want to make change in how people see the "fringes" of society. For example, a native with this placement may want to spark change in how we deal with prisoners [12th house] or advocate for prison reform. It also possible that they may want to make this change privately before being public about it.
^The native may even use spiritual ideas to push for some progression and change in society.
May like to be alone based on the ostracization they may have felt. 😔🥲
With this placement the native may want to join spiritual groups, but just be weary of the spiritual groups as the 12H is a hidden house [12th house--ruled by Neptune--illusions]. Don't want to mess around and join a cult. Also goes for the Uranus in the 8th house as well.
-That's all for this series!! I'm super glad you all enjoyed it!! If you want to feel free to tip for my knowledge at my cashapp: $DellyRelly.
-More video content coming out soon! Thanks for the love on my videos!! Love yall so much and see yall soon!! ❤️❤️❤️
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