#3. basically everyone except Harry-Boy agrees on the song they were playing but the Harry's like
little-orphan-ant · 2 years
Just the fact that I know too much about specific parts of the Titanic but not any of the important stuff. Like I can tell you all the languages Michel Navratil spoke or exactly what happened to Karl Thorsten Skoog in one day in 1908 or why Harold Bride messed up the whole story of how the orchestra played 'Nearer My God to Thee' going down or Alfred Rush's birthday but half the time I can't remember the year the ship sank
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lilulo-12fanfiction · 3 years
Rain Song- Chapter 3
Here is the next chapter FINALLY! I’m so so sorry this took so long. I struggled with some really terrible writers block since COVID. I pretty much stopped updating every story I have going. But I’m back and hopefully will be updating this on the regular.
This one is super long...over 15K words. I hope it makes up for it taking so long to post the next part. Some of the parts I’m not super thrilled with but I needed to just get this out. 
Thank you so much for all of your likes, re-blogs and the few comments I’ve gotten. It gives me motivation to keep going! If you would like to be tagged, please let me know! 
Requests are always open! Check out my prompt here. I write for Harry Potter, The Avengers, Supernatural & TVD/The Originals. 
Series Masterlist
Tag List: @lovestomanyfandoms @mercury--moon @themeanestlittlewitch @banana-tree-freddiemercury @boba-king-iroh
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Hope was feeling more like herself again, the darkness still itching the back of her mind, but the weight of her secrets had been lifted off of her chest. Harry, Ron and Hermione all knew exactly who she was, what she was- in the most basic sense. If Hope was being honest with herself, she wasn't quite sure who she was.  As she was approaching her next birthday, she was determined to figure herself out this year. She was going to learn how to control her Seer abilities, they were no longer going to control her. She was also done with pushing people away. She had kept everyone with the exception of Ron, Hermione and Harry at arms length since the start of the term. She had been so excited to come to Hogwarts because she didn’t have to hide who she was, yet she continued to act as if she were still surrounded by Muggles. She had made the decision to shove all of the messy feelings about her father away. It was time to try and let it go and live her life. The fact is the matter was that Hope would likely never get her answers. She simply had to move on.
She could feel Harry’s green eyes on her as she entered The Great Hall. He and Ron were already eating and Hermione was headed over to join them. Hope needed to take care of something first. She slowly approached The Hufflepuff table, her target was within her sights. The girls at the table were shooting her dirty looks and whispering. Hope wasn't sure if it was because she was a Gryffindor approaching their table, or her intended target. Hope contained her eye roll, she didn’t want to stoop to their level. Cedric’s friends were elbowing him to get his attention. He looked up at her and about stunned her with his bright smile. His smile could light up any room. Hope’s favorite attributes of Cedric were his eyes. The breath taking blue-gray color could captivate her for days. They transported her to her beloved beach as they were the color of the ocean water on a clear day. How the skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled was almost too much for her to take.
“Diggory- can, um, can I talk to you?”
“Sure Lupes, what’s up?” His grin was slightly mischievous. Hope tried to ignore Cedric's friends who were intently staring at the two of them.
“I was hoping to speak to you alone?” Hope hated how unsure she sounded. She saw Hannah Abbott roll her eyes and scoffed.
“Can’t you see he’s eating? Go back to your own table.” She sniped. Hopes eyes narrowed.
“Wow, so sorry Hannah. I forgot you were his keeper and Cedric can’t make his own decisions.” Hope was about to tear into Hannah a little further but Cedric jumped up. The smoldering look in Hope's grey eyes didn't bode well for Hannah.
“Actually I’m all done anyway. C’mon, I know where we can go so we aren’t interrupted.” ‘Cedric shot Hannah a dirty look and led Hope out of The Great Hall with his hand on the small of her back. It was such a small thing, but so incredibly intimate that it made color creep up Hope’s cheeks. He led her down a quiet corridor to to one of the windows and sat down on the  deep ledge. Hope stayed standing so that she they would be eye to eye  “What can I do for you Ms. Lupin?” He had that flirty smile back on his face.
“I wanted to apologize. I know I’ve been in a foul mood for these past few weeks and I’ve blown off our lessons. But I want to continue them, I really do. And I know I was really short with you and basically kind of rude. You didn’t deserve that.” She watched as the playfulness creeped up his face.
“You weren't rude, Hope. I could tell you were just going through some stuff and needed space. However, apology accepted" He beamed  "And as it so happens I know how you can make it up to me.” She didn’t think his grin could get any wider.
“Oh really? How is that Mr. Diggory?” Hope bravely flirted back.
“Let me take you on a date next Hogsmeade weekend”
“Cedric ...” her voice trailed off.
”Say that again.” she looked at him like he had lost his mind. ”My first name. I love how it sounds coming out of your mouth.” Hope could feel her cheeks blazing. He took her hands and pulled her closer to him so she was standing in-between his legs.
”Cedric....” she whispered his name. She felt his hands squeeze hers, his eyes studying her face intently. ”Why me Ced? You could have any girl you wanted. They fawn all over you. I can't be the only girl you flirt with.” Hope looked down at her feet. She felt Cedric hook his finger under her chin to lift her head so he could look her in the eye.
”First of all, girls don't fawn all over me." Hope scoffed. His modesty made him all that more attractive. He was also blind as a bat. "So maybe I flirt a little bit here and there, but there are no 'other girls' in my eye line. Just you. I don't want to spend time with any other girls, just you.” she felt his thumbs caressing her knuckles.
"But why? You barely know me." Cedric held her stare.
"Okay well, if I'm being honest, the mystery of you had me intrigued at first, I wont lie about that. New student comes in as a 3rd year. No one knows anything about you. You seemed really nice the first time we met. That's what grabbed my interest, but it's who you are that has kept it. You're smart, bloody brilliant. You're really funny and witty. I've heard about how you don't cower to Snape and how you blatantly ignored him and helped Longbottom so his toad wouldn't get sick. Your laugh is one of the best things I've ever heard. And you give me a hard time... I kind of like that. You're different and I really want to get to know you. C'mon Lupes...one little Hogsmeade date  and if you think I'm a troll after it, I'll never bother you again." She closed her eyes for a moment and when she opened them again he was studying her intently.
"Wow Diggory, you really know how to sweet talk a girl. Okay Ced...one Hogsmeade date. Don't mess it up." He put back on his award winning smile.
"You wont regret it." He kissed her on the cheek. "Go- have some breakfast, I'll see you later" Hope made her way back to The Great Hall and she knew she had a stupid smile on her face. Hannah Abbott was still shooting her daggers as she walked in, but Hope couldn't care less. She just got utterly charmed by Cedric Diggory.
"Well someone looks happy." Harry grumbled as Hope approached the table. She was flying so high she didn't even notice the cranky look he was sporting. "What was that all about?" Hermione could barely contain her excitement, she was almost bouncing out of her seat.
"Well I wanted to apologize for being a foul bitch to him. He accepted and then asked me on a date next Hogsmeade weekend."
"HE DID?!!" Hermione's voice went up. Hermione's excitement was contagious. 
"Oi! Calm down woman!" Ron winced, he got the brunt of her shrill shriek as he was sitting next to her.
"Yes he did. And before you ask, I said yes." Hope couldn't contain her own excitement at this point.  She was going on a date. A proper date, she had never really felt any interest in any boy until now. She and Hermione continued to chatter about it while Harry looked into his plate miserably.
"I mean...he said all of these really great things, I just, I guess I've never seen myself like that."
"Well c'mon, what did he say?" Now Ron was getting in on the conversation.
"That I was brilliant, really funny and witty. I was brave because I'm not afraid of Snape. He likes how I give him a hard time. Then the normal stuff when guys are trying to impress you. He said my laugh is one of his favorite sounds. I know he was just trying to fluff me up to get me to say yes, but-" Harry scoffed. Hope's brow furrowed and she turned and looked at him.
"He wasn't trying to fluff you up Hope. You ARE those things. You are brilliant. When you're not bogged down with everything that is going on you are really funny and incredibly witty. Even on the days when you feel you're sinking into that darkness you've been seeing you can still keep up with Fred and George. I don't think you realize the effect you have on people. Stop selling yourself short. You aren't lucky that he wants to go out with you. He's lucky that you agreed to go out with him. " Harry didn't give her a chance to reply. "I've got to go meet Oliver Wood. Apparently our match is now against Hufflepuff because Malfoy is feigning injury still. He just doesn't want to play in the rubbish weather. I'll see you guys later."  Hope didn't know what to say. It was Hermione who spoke first.
"Harry is right Hope. You really are all of those things." She took her friends hand and smiled.
"Now you guys are just embarrassing me." Hope grinned.
"Do you want me to insult you to bring you back down?" Ron offered, making Hope laugh.
"I really am happy that I found you two and Harry. Speaking of Harry, is he okay? He seemed...off..."
"Yeah, Oliver Wood is just driving him mad about winning the cup this year since it's his last year. The guy is barking." Ron commented.
"That's a lot of pressure to put on Harry. I am excited though to watch the first match. I've heard Harry is an amazing seeker."
"Yeah, he's top knotch. You'll really enjoy it. Although now you'll have to root against your boyfriend" Ron smirked at Hope.
"He's not my boyfriend...shut it Weasley." Hope threw a potato at Ron and Hermione giggled.
"You mean he's not your boyfriend...yet." Ron continued to tease. Hope narrowed her eyes at Ron and then the three of them burst out laughing. From the faculty table, Remus had been watching Hope, she seemed so much more relaxed than she had a few weeks ago. She had confessed to him that she told the trio the truth about her. He knew she would find friends she could confide in, he had secretly wished that she and Harry Potter would become good friends. It was what James, Lily and Nora would have wanted. Had things not gone the way they did, the two would have grown up together. Deep in the back of his mind he did worry that when the full truth about what happened came out, he wondered if the two teenagers could deal with it. Remus struggled with not telling her. He didn't want to burden her anymore with the choices of her father. Cornelius Fudge had almost forbade anyone that knew what happened to speak of it. Harry's reputation preceded him and everyone was concerned that he would go after Sirius if he knew the truth. Hope, he knew, would take the guilt onto herself. Remus could only hope that the secret of what Sirius Black had done to James and Lily Potter would stay under wraps until he was at least caught. He knew he would have to deal with the repercussion of keeping this secret from his niece, but her safety right now was more important than facing her ire. He made his way out of The Great Hall and down to his quarters. With the full moon approaching and the effects of the Wolfsbane potion he needed to rest.
Hope was screaming on the inside. Why hadn’t her uncle warned her that Snape was teaching his class today. That slimy son of a bitch was making them learn about Werewolves. They weren’t set to study them for weeks. Hermione and Harry had  lost them house points. Ron had earned himself detention. She had squeezed Harry’s knee under the table to get him to keep his mouth shut and to control her own anger. It took all of her self control to not lose it. Snape had made sure to ask her directly about detecting a Werewolf. She feigned ignorance, and they both knew she was lying. She was certain of one thing, Hermione would figure out what her Uncle was. She could already see the wheels turning behind her eyes. She had been stealing glances at Hope through the rest of class.
“Hope you should really eat something.” Harry finally suggested. The four of them were sitting in the Great Hall for lunch. They had watched Hope push her food around her plate instead of actually eating it. “Are you alright? You look rather pale.” Hope looked up at Harry. His forehead scrunched in concern. She felt a wave of affection come over her for her three friends. She knew she could trust them, but this wasn’t her secret to tell.
“I’m just...Snape. Hearing him say all of those nasty things about my Uncle really gets to me. He does it all of the time. Uncle Remus is the kindest person I know. He’s such a great teacher. If he wasn’t I would be way behind the rest of you. It just upsets me. I can’t understand why he’s allowed to treat people like that.” It wasn’t a lie. The way Snape spoke about her Uncle did really upset her.
“It’s just Snape. He’s been after the Defense position forever. But Dumbledore won’t give it to him. He’s probably just angry because your Uncle has it.” Ron said between chewing.
“Ronald is right Hope. Don’t let him get to you.” Hermione put her hand over Hope’s. When Hope looked up and met Hermione's eyes, she knew that she had figured it out.
"Listen, I'm not feeling all that well, I feel a headache coming on. Can you guys cover with Hagrid for me? I think I'm going to go back my room and lay down for a bit."
"Of course we will. He wont even mind, it's Hagrid." Ron tried to reassure her. Hermione glanced at her watch.
"Hope- let me walk you back to the room. You really don't look well." Hope nodded. Hope grabbed her bag and Hermione laced her arm through hers to walk her back to the room. She could feel not only Harry and Ron watching her as she left, but she saw Cedric looking out of the corner of her eye. Hope and Hermione walked silently from The Great Hall back to the Gryffindor common room. Hermione helped Hope through the portrait hole. She felt increasingly worse as they walked back to their dorm room. The common room was relatively empty with the exception of a few 7th year students studying during their free period. Hermione followed Hope up to their room and shut the door.
"Hope, you...you know you can trust me, right?" Hermione asked, trepidation in her voice. Hope had just pulled off her dress shoes and was getting ready to change into her favorite baggy sweat pants a t-shirt. "Unless you were going to do something that would put yourself in danger, I would never do anything to betray your trust." Hope slipped her pants on and her t-shirt and turned to Hermione. As Hope pulled her covers back and climbed into bed, Crookshanks jumped on the end of her bed. Hope scratched behind the ginger cats ears. Crookshanks started to purr loudly. "That cat really does love you." Hermione smiled. "He really isn't as bad as Ron makes him out to be." 
Hope turned and smiled at Hermione. "I love this mangy old cat. He climbs into bed with me every night. It's strange because I've always been more of a dog person." Hope patted the end of her bed, signaling Hermione to sit.  "I do trust you, Hermione. More than you can possibly imagine. You've been a great friend to me. And I know you know. I know you figured it out. You're too smart not to. I suppose that was what Snape's intentions were."
"I wont tell anyone. I know so many people feel a certain way about Werewolves. But you're Uncle, he's different. I suppose the potion that Snape has been making for him is Wolfsbane." Hope nodded.
"There's a lot that I don't know. He doesn't talk about his time at Hogwarts very often. I suspect looking back on all that he has lost is too painful. What I do know is that my grandfather Lyall worked for The Ministry in The Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. He was an expert on dark creatures, especially poltergeists and boggarts, that was how he got involved in the Ministry. They wanted his expertise during the first Wizarding War since Voldemort was recruiting all kinds of dark creatures to his side. Fenrir Greyback was brought in for questioning on the death of some muggle children. He apparently was with a werewolf pack, but he ministry didn't know he was one himself, he had never registered. He had almost convinced the entire committee that he was just a muggle. But my grandfather knew he was lying. He recommended that they detain Greyback until the full moon the next night. He lost his temper and he said something pretty horrible. He claimed that werewolves were 'soulless, evil and deserved nothing but death'. Greyback was released and he wanted revenge for what my grandfather had said. Before my uncle turned 5, Greyback broke in and attacked him. My grandfather was able to save his life, but he was then a werewolf." Hermione had her mouth covered with her hand in horror. "Obviously with his son becoming a werewolf, my grandfather was forced to change his perception of werewolves. It's a shame that it took my uncle being attacked for him to realize how short sighted he was being. My grandparents tried everything to cure my uncle. Any and every treatment, but nothing helped. They moved around a lot, to make sure no one noticed his strange behavior. He had a rather lonely childhood, he wasn't allowed to play with other children for fear they would find out about his condition. Luckily Dumbledore allowed him to attend Hogwarts and made arrangements for each full moon. Uncle Remus said that he finally opened up to his friends and they helped him through each full moon. He never really went into detail about how they helped him, I've tried to get him to tell me more about Hogwarts but he just wont open up about it."
"Poor Remus..." Hermione mused. "Hope, you have my word, I wont say a thing to anyone. Not even Ron or Harry. They wouldn't intentionally say anything, but the less people that know, the better. I'll do whatever I can to help keep his secret." Hope pulled Hermione into a tight hug. Hermione could feel a few tears hit her neck.
"My Uncle...he's all I have. He's so happy teaching here . I don't want anything to ruin that. Thank you, for understanding and not judging him on what people assume all werewolves are. I don't really know what I would do without you Hermione." "Well, luckily, you'll never have to find out." Hope looked at her watch.
"Oh my God! Hermione, you're late for class."
"It's fine."
"What do you mean it's fine? Wait...why are you so calm? You freak out if your'e not early." Hermione's face grew red. "What?!" Hermione took a deep breath.
"Well...I guess if you can share your deepest darkest secrets...I should share mine too. Oh...but you can't tell anyone. Not Harry, Ron or even your Uncle. McGonagall would absolutely murder me if she knew I told you."
"Hermione...you know ALL of my secrets. Every last one. You can trust me with yours. I wouldn't ever tell Harry or Ron anything. Neither one of them can keep their mouths shut. Not that they tell maliciously, but they're kind of daft sometimes. I wouldn't ever tell my Uncle. Like you said, unless you're going to do something that would seriously hurt you, my lips are sealed. And clearly it's something McGonagall approves of..." Hope's voice trailed off as she watched Hermione pull a necklace out from underneath her uniform. "I don't understand. What is that?"
"It's how I've been getting to my lessons all year. I wanted to take all of the electives, but it's impossible since they're at the same time."
"I still don't understand Hermione"
"It's...Oh...it's a Time Turner!" Hope's eyes widened. "Professor McGonagall and Dumbledore had to get special permission and I had to agree to only use it for classes."
"You're mad. Only you would get permission to use something so powerful to take extra classes." Hope and Hermione burst out laughing at the same time and Hermione hugged her again. "
"Okay, lay down and get some rest. I'll come get you before dinner." Hope grinned as she laid down and Hermione tucked her in.
"I can't believe you just tucked me into bed." Both girls giggled again. 
"Hermione...I really love you. I suspect this is what having a sister would feel like." Hermione's eyes glistened with tears.
"I really love you too, Hope. I'll see you for dinner." Hermione gave her a big smile and rushed out the door, shutting it behind her. Hope felt Crookshanks curl up next to her legs as she settled down into the bed.
Pouring rain, thunder, lightening and bone chilling cold. Hope was so cold she didn't think she could ever get warm again. Frigidness coursed through her veins as she was falling. Falling with no end in sight. A creep started crawling over her skin, like a thousand tiny bugs crawling all over her. When she looked down at her arms, there was nothing there....it was as if the crawling was inside of her veins. Flashes of lightening surrounded as the thunder rolled through her body. She was reaching around, trying to grab onto something or someone but there was nothing there. She was falling faster and faster and as she braced herself for impact, Harry Potter’s limp body was on the cold ground, his green eyes, once filled with laughter and mischief were wide open and lifeless.
Hope’s eyes flew open. Hope couldn't catch her breath. She sat up clutching her chest as beads of sweat dripped down her forehead. She looked around her room wide eyed as Hermione burst through the door.
"Are you alright? Ron, Harry and I could hear you screaming down in the common room as soon as we came in through the portrait hole." Hope nodded her head and her pounding heart started to slow.
"I-I was having a nightmare" Her voice came out as a croak. "I just need a moment." Hermione ran into the bathroom and brought out a wet, cool wash cloth and pressed it to Hope's forehead.
"I was coming to get you for dinner. Do, do you still want to come, I could bring something back?"  Hermione studied Hope, her face laces with concern.
"Yes...I just need to get changed.” Hope still felt incredibly cold. She looked down at her arms and they were covered in goose bumps.
”We’ll wait for you in the common room. Take all the time you need.” Hope nodded her head and Hermione quickly shut the door behind her. Hope ran her hand down the front of her face. The image of Harry lying on the cold, hard ground flashed in her mind. His blank eyes would be haunting her for days to come. She felt Crookshanks nudge her other hand with his head as he loudly purred at her. She scratched behind his ear for a moment and climbed out of bed. She wished it was appropriate to go to dinner in her sweats. As she pulled out a pair of jeans her hands were shaking slightly. She quickly changed into her jeans, threw on a long sleeved black shirt and slipped her shoes on to meet her three friends.
Harry looked up as Hope came down the stairs of the girls dormitory. Her hair was a little more wild than normal. She was attempting go smooth down her curly mane as she walked towards them. He couldn't help but notice how much paler she was than normal. She gave him a pinched smile. Her grey eyes still held a look of shock. She looked haunted.
”You okay?” Ron even noticed how disheveled she looked. Other than her hair that couldn't be contained, Hope was normally very well put together.
”Yeah. I'm actually kind of starving. I might be able to put you to shame tonight Ron.” He gave Hope a big grin.
”Doubtful.” Ron quipped. Harry quietly studied Hope. She was trying to hide her uneasiness with humor. He had noticed that it was a tactic she used often.
“Well let’s go then.” She nodded her head towards the portrait hole. Harry let Ron and Hermione lead the way. He motioned for Hope to go in front of him and he could see a slight tremor in her hand. He rushed forward to help guide her through the portrait hole. When she looked back and locked eyes with him, he could see a quiet terror deep within her gaze. Harry knew that feeling all to well. He took a couple of quick steps to be able to walk next to her and he felt her link her arm through his the way she did at The Black Lake. Whatever her nightmare was, it had her spooked.
Later that night, they had all been doing homework in the common room when Nox game flitting in to deliver a letter to Hope. Harry studied her face as she read it and slid it into her bag. As she looked up her eyes met Harry’s.
“Uncle Remus...letting me know he’s okay and to ignore Snape. I suspect if he wasn’t so polite he would have said to ignore Snape because he’s a bloody wanker.” Harry and Ron both sniggered. Hermione was too caught up in Ancient Runes to really pay attention.
After a while, the Gryffindor students slowly started filtering to their beds to get some rest until only Hope and Harry remained. She hadn’t realized he was still awake. She was curled up on one of the couches in front of the fire with a blanket wrapped around her legs. She still felt cold from the dream. She had been so cold that Ron had given her one of his signature Molly Weasley sweaters to wear. According to Ron he had about a thousand of them and Hope wouldn’t find anything warmer. She had blamed her shivers on the turn of season, which may have played a part in it, but she knew it was the dream. She looked over when she felt the couch cushion next to her sink. Harry had moved from the chair to the couch.
“You look tired.” He mused.
“I won’t be able to sleep.”
“Pretty nasty dream you had earlier. I forgot for a moment about the enchanted stairs and tried to run up to wake you.”
“I’m incredibly disappointed that I didn’t get to see you knocked down and falling down the slide.” Harry gave her a dirty look. “I’m sure you made it look cool.” He rolled his eyes as she laughed at his expense.
“You want to talk about it?”
“Not particularly.”
”You might actually be able to sleep. I know sometimes if I have a nasty dream it makes me feel better to get it off my chest.” He watched as Hope closed her eyes for a moment and then stared back at the fire.”
”You were dead. Worse than dead.”
”Trewlawney is rubbing off on you.” He saw his sardonic comment made her crack a smile. ”What’s worse than dead Hope?”
”You were...vacant.”
“I-I don’t know what that means.”
“Harry, I wish I could explain it. It’s something you’d have to see to understand.” He nodded. “You should get some sleep, you have Quidditch tomorrow. I’m disappointed I won’t get to watch you knock Draco Malfoy and Snape down a peg or two.” Harry scoffed.
“I know, me too. Beating Malfoy is always a highlight .”
“He is the worst. It literally takes all of my self control to not yell at him or hex him. But I have to keep my distance.”
“I mean, it’s good that you’re keeping your distance, but why do you have to?”
“Because, well, he’s my cousin. He just doesn’t know it. His mother was a Black. And since we’re trying to keep my paternity under wraps, it’s just better to stay away. Fudge told Lucius and Narcissa himself that they were not to tell him.” “He would torment you.” Harry rolled his jaw. Just the idea of Malfoy being cruel to Hope made his blood boil.
“When I first found out I had more family, that I had a cousin my own age, I was furious with Uncle Remus. Now? I’m glad he kept me away from them. As much as I hate that he lied, I would have never relented on meeting them. He kept me away from them for my own safety. I discover more and more how hard he’s tried to protect me and what he’s done for me. He’s the best man I will ever know.”
“Well I’m proud of you for not going off on Snape. Though I think my leg will be bruised for a week from that grip you have. Remind me to never make you angry.” Hope grinned at Harry sheepishly. Harry watched as she reached into her bag and pulled out her sketch book.
“I want to show you something.” Harry thought it would be another drawing, but she slipped out a picture. She handed Harry the photo of the two of them and their parents.” She watched Harry’s reaction. It was the same one she had any time she discovered something new about her parents.
“Is that the two of us?” Hope nodded her head. “They were all friends?”
“Yes. No one I have ever spoken to about my father can understand how he was working for Voldemort. He loved them. He loved me and my mum. I just want to know why.” Harry put his arm around Hope as she rested her head on his shoulder. “What do you think it would have been like if they had all lived?”
“I think we would have had excellent lives. But I think we would still end up here.”
“What do you mean?”
“I think we were always meant to be best friends. I think sometimes fate does step in. We were meant to know each other. I feel the same way about Ron. Had I grown up with my parents and you with yours, if the war never happened, we would have all just been friends sooner.”
“I think so too. I don’t trust people very easily. For obvious reasons. And I’ve made other friends here at Hogwarts, but I connected with you, Ron and Hermione. I just wish we had met sooner. It would have been really nice to have you guys as friends sooner.”
“Well you have us now, that’s what matters.” The two of them sat staring at the photo until they were almost falling asleep. To her good fortune, Hope slept without a single dream that night.
Hope and Hermione were meeting the boys for breakfast. Harry had wanted to go early because of the game and Ron had gone with him. Hope was delighted to watch her first Hogwarts quidditch match. The weather was absolutely dreadful. She and Hermione had loaded on some layers and headed down to The Great Hall.
“Hey Lupes!” Hope and Hermione both stopped. Hope couldn’t even try to suppress her grin. There was only one person who called her that. Hope and Hermione both slowly turned around and were greeted with Cedric’s stunning smile.
“Hey.” While Hope had finally admitted to Hermione she might have a crush on the handsome Hufflepuff, she wasn’t going to make it easy for him.
“I was hoping that my first match you’d be cheering me on.”
“You can thank Malfoy for that disappointment.” She quipped. Cedric grinned at her.
“I don’t suppose you’ll even wish me luck?”
“I can wish you a gracious defeat.” Cedric held his stomach as he threw his head back and laughed.
“But what if we win?”
“Against Harry?” Hope scoffed. “Not likely.”
“You’ve never seen him play. You’ve never seen ME play.” Hope considered him for a moment.
“True. But I’ve heard about what an incredible flyer my best friend is. So I stand by my statement.” Hope shrugged.
“You’re something else Hope Lupin. You may be eating those words.” Cedric was still laughing. “Maybe when we win you’ll swing by our victory party?” Hope gaped in mock shock.
“And go into another houses common room? Mr. Diggory, that is against the rules! You’re going to corrupt my sterling reputation.”
“Yeah, I have a feeling you’ll do that all on your own.” Cedric crosses his arms with a challenging smirk.  Hermione nudged Hope.
“We should really get to breakfast before Harry heads down to the pitch.” “Yes, you shouldn’t be seen consorting with the enemy.” Cedric gave Hope another beaming smile as she laughed. She reached out and gripped his forearm.
“In all seriousness Ced, have a good game. Be careful in this rain. It’s not exactly good flying weather.”
“I’ll be careful. I promise. Meet me after the game, win or lose. Especially if we lose, I’ll need some consoling.”  Hope could feel herself blush she couldn’t even put together a witty comment.
“Okay.” She agreed. “I’ll meet you after. See you later.” She gave him a small wave and linked her arm with Hermione and dragged her towards The Great Hall.
“Don’t you dare turn and look back at him but he’s definitely watching you walk away.” Hermione was trying to whisper but she was too excited.
“I’m dying to turn back but it’s so much cooler if I don’t.” Both girls giggled as they were walking to the Gryffindor table. Hope never thought she would be the type of girl that giggled. Hermione definitely never saw herself as one of those girls, but they both loved the feeling of having a girlfriend you could be stupid with.
“Fraternizing with the enemy ladies?” Fred said as he wiggled his eyebrows at the two girls.
“Never! I told Cedric I wished him a gracious loss.”
“Atta girl!” George cheered. “Besides, I’m sure you can cheer him up after his loss.”
“Shut it George.” Hope’s face was impossibly red, but Harry couldn’t take his eyes off of her. Hope’s curly blonde hair was piled on top of her head. Curly blonde tendrils had surrounded her face. Her face had color back in it and she had a smile plastered to her face. She looked genuinely happy.
“I have to get down to the pitch. If I’m late Wood will murder me.” Harry stood up from the table and the twins joined him.
“Be careful. It’s awful out.” Hope chewed on her inner cheek.
“We’ll be fine mum.” Fred quipped as Hope rolled her eyes. She felt an unease creeping into her stomach.
“We’ll be careful, promise.” Harry sounded confident and reassuring. The boys left The Great Hall to the sounds of their House table wishing them luck.
“You two better eat quick so we can get some good seats.” Ron instructed with an air of impatience. Both Hope and Hermione rolled their eyes as they placed food on their plates.
”I don’t know why you were so concerned about us getting good seats, we can’t see a thing anyway.” Hope complained. The rain was coming down in sheets. While they were protected and dry, the rain prevented them from seeing much. She couldn’t imagine what it was like for the players. Hermione had gone down to spell Harry’s glasses so he could see better: It was impossible to see either him or Cedric. They had both flown to the opposite side of where they were sitting.
Hope glanced over to where all of the Professors were sitting. She was glad to see her Uncle in the stands, while he looked a little rough around the edges, he was there. She felt like she barely saw him since she had arrived at Hogwarts. Before it had just been the two of them. She missed being with him regularly but she wouldn’t give up what she had gained for anything. For the first time in her life, she felt normal.
“Can you see Harry at all?” Ron elbowed Hope to get her attention.
“I think he’s flying up.” Hope felt the creep of dread coming over her again. The feeling of something crawling through her veins. “Oh my God.” Hope’s hand flung to her mouth.
“What? Why do you look sick?” Ron noticed how pale Hope’s face had gotten.
“It wasn’t a nightmare, it was a vision.” Hope said, more to herself than to Ron and Hermione. It was the first clear vision she had since her father had escaped Azkaban, she just hadn’t realized it.
“What wasn’t a nightmare.” Hope pushed Ron back to get to Hermione. “Hey!” He cried in protest.
“It wasn’t a nightmare Hermione!” Hope was shaking her arm to get her attention. “It was a vision.” She tried to say it as quietly as she could. She saw the alarm cross Hermione’s face.
“Harry?” His name was all that Hermione could utter.
“Dementors. It’s why I felt so cold. It’s why I felt so awful. He’s going to fall! We have to get him help! I have to get to a Dumbledore!” Hope tried pushing through the crowd to get to the stands where all of their professors were seated. She silently chastised herself for not figuring it out beforehand. She knew what it felt like to get a vision. This one was slightly different. It had felt like SHE was falling, not Harry. But seeing Harry looking the way he did, the feeling deep within the pit of her stomach, she should have known.
Hope let out a growl of frustration and desperation. She couldn’t get through the crowd. She couldn’t get to Dumbledore. She certainly couldn’t get down to the pitch in time. She continued pushing her way through. It wasn’t until she got to the group of Slytherin students that she was stopped.
“What’s the rush Lupin?” Malfoy was jeering down at her. His considerable height advantage must have made him feel powerful.
“I need to get through. Just move please.” Malfoy grabbed her forearm to pull her back.
“And miss the rest of your boyfriend’s game?” Hope face twisted in confusion. “I know, you’re thinking, ‘which one’? We’ve all seen you hanging all over Potter and skulking off to corners with Diggory.” Hope curled her lips in disgust.
“Harry is my best friend. And I’m not dating Cedric. Right now we’re just friends. Not that I owe you any explanation. And why do you even care? We aren’t friends. We’ve never spoken.”
“You’re just like Potter. You think you can do whatever you want. All of the professors fawn all over you. It’s nauseating. I’m here to knock you down a peg. Just like your pal Potter.” Hope aggressively rolled her eyes.
“Get bent Malfoy. My life is NONE of your business. The only entitled person here is YOU. You run to Daddy as soon as you don’t get your own way. It’s a shame Buckbeak didn’t take you out down good. We’d all be better for it.” As Malfoy opened his mouth to respond to her rant, Hope heard the gasps all around her. She wrenched herself free from Malfoy’s grip and saw Harry rapidly falling from the sky. She covered her mouth as she cried out in horror. Luckily, Dumbledore had seen what was happening and was on the field slowing Harry down. Before she could even process what was happening, Harry was being carried away by an enchanted stretcher and Ron was pulling her away from Malfoy so they could follow Harry. As he pulled her along, she saw Oliver Wood having a heated conversation with Cedric who held the Golden Snitch in his hand. Harry was going to be devastated. Cedric’s face was covered in guilt. He was trying to get Hope’s attention but she waved him off. She needed to get to Harry to make sure he was alright.
Hope sat next to Harry’s bed. Guilt was floating about her mind. Had she put it together beforehand, he wouldn’t be in the Hospital. Anxiety was still coursing through her veins. She had been desperate to get to Dumbledore. If she had gotten to him sooner, maybe Harry wouldn’t have gotten hurt. And his broom! She didn’t even want to imagine his face when they showed him. She pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her eyes. Malfoy’s obnoxious face was looking at her from the back of her eye lids. She had done everything she positively could to avoid him. Apparently being Harry’s friend had put a big red X on her back.
“Harry!” Hope’s eyes snapped open when she heard Fred say his name. “How’re you feeling?”
“What happened?” Harry ignored the question. of his well being and say up suddenly, he made everyone gasp in surprise. No one expected him to be almost jumping out of bed.
“You fell off,” said Fred. “Must’ve been — what — fifty feet?” Hope tuned the rest of the team out as she focused on Harry. He looked okay. He had been so lucky that Dumbledore had been able to act so quickly.
“But the match,” said Harry. “What happened? Are we doing a replay?” Hope watched as the realization hit Harry like a freight train. She hated watching his face drop even further. He finally asked the question no one really wanted to answer. “We didn’t — lose?”
“Diggory got the Snitch,” said George. “Just after you fell. He didn’t realize what had happened. When he looked back and saw you on the ground, he tried to call it off. Wanted a rematch. But they won fair and square . . . even Wood admits it.” 
Hope's ears perked up at what George said about Cedric. Malfoy would have NEVER tried to deny himself a win, especially against Harry. He really was something special. Hope tuned the rest of the Quidditch chat out. She was over hearing about the game at this point. The idea that Harry could have died after falling off of his broom was too much for her to take. Finally Madam Pomfrey game out and shooed the rest of the team away leaving Harry with Hope, Hermione and Ron. Hermione was explaining to Harry what had happened, how angry Dumbledore had been. Then the final question she had been dreading came up.
"Did anyone get my Nimbus?" Hope watched as Hermione and Ron looked at each other and wouldn't look at Harry. Hope sighed and took Harry's hand. He looked over at her for the first time since he woke up.  "What?"
"Well, when you fell off of your broom it blew away and...and it hit..." Hope deflated "It hit the Whomping Willow." Harry turned pale. Hope nodded for Ron to bring out the pieces of his broom stick that were wrapped up. "Professor Flitwick brought it before you woke up. I'm really sorry Harry." Harry became despondent. “I tried to fix it...even Dumbledore tried to fix it but it just...I’m so sorry.” Harry didn’t understand why Hope was apologizing so much. Under normal circumstances he would try to make her feel better, but he just couldn’t. He had never lost a match and his beloved Nimbus 2000 was a pile of toothpicks. Before long Madam Pomfrey was pushing them out of the hospital wing. She had decided she wanted Harry to spend the weekend in the hospital wing which had made his mood sour even more. On their way out, Hope stopped in Madam Pomfrey’s door.
“I know you want Harry to get some rest, but he’s really upset. Would- would it be okay if I came back later just to check on him? I won’t stay if you don’t want me to.”
“I cannot allow that Ms. Lupin. However, if you happened to come down with another headache I suppose I couldn’t stop the two of you from speaking.” She gave Hope a pointed look.
“I completely understand.” Hope mused. She went to leave and stopped and turned back to the healer.
“I never properly thanked you for taking caring of me before the start of the term.”
“Nonsense, it is my job.”
“True, but it was the first time I was away from home and my first time alone. You made me feel NOT alone. And I know that you normally wouldn’t allow the House Elves to spend so much time here but they really lifted my spirits. Harry is feeling really down, so he may not seem to be so grateful for you making him stay. But just know he appreciates how well you take care of him. I know you’ve done it many times.” Madam Pomfrey stopped and stared at Hope with a deep affection. She smiled and patted her on the cheek and then turned back to her work.
Hope made her way back from her Uncle’s office. She had gone back to her room and changed into her favorite sweat pants, t-shirt and a hoodie so she would be comfortable hanging out in the hospital wing with Harry. She wanted to make sure she updated her Uncle Remus on how Harry was doing. Predictably, he knew something was off with her, but didn’t press her for details. She didn’t really want to get into the details of her vision and the guilt she was feeling. She would talk to him about it more when she had time to process it all. 
“Hey Lupes!” Hope froze when she heard Cedric call out to her. Naturally she would have to bump into him when she was in sweats, no makeup and had a her messy hair piled on top of her head. She slowly turned to greet him.
“Hey Ced.”
“I was hoping to catch you. I went to the hospital wing, but Madame Pomfrey said you had left and I had just missed you leaving the common room. Hermione mentioned you were coming to see your uncle. He led her over to the bench against the wall and they both sat down. She turned so she was facing him.
“You spoke to Hermione?”
“Yeah, Neville Longbottom was heading into the Gryffindor common room when I got there. He had said he was going to let you know I was there, but when you weren’t in the dorm Hermione came out to let me know where you had gone off to.”
“Are you stalking me Mr. Diggory” Hope smirked and crossed her arms. She never felt as brave as she did when she flirted with Cedric. Cedric fidgeted a bit. Normally he would laugh and have a witty comment for her. “What’s wrong?”
“I-I just wanted you to know that I tried to forfeit the game and get a re-match. I had NO idea that Harry had been attacked by dementors. I don’t want to win like that. I would have gone to help him if I knew-” Hope put her hand on Cedric’s forearm to calm him.
“I know Cedric. The Weasley’s told us that you wanted a re-match but even Oliver knew you had won fairly. Even if they'd didn’t tell me that, I know that you wouldn’t have gone after the snitch if you knew Harry was in trouble. You’re too nice of a guy for that.”
“You believe me?” Cedric was genuinely relieved. 
“Of course I believe you.” 
“Thank Merlin- I was so worried you would be upset with me.”
“I would never be mad at you for beating my house at Quidditch. It’s not that serious.” Cedric looked seriously offended. Hope rolled her eyes. “Look, I know how important Quidditch is to you, Harry, Fred and George, Ron and everyone else. I wouldn’t hinge my feelings for someone over the outcome of a match. I mean, it would be different if you sent the dementors to hurt Harry just so you could win. But that’s not the case. You really don’t need to worry.” Cedric grinned at her. “What?”
“You have feelings for me?” He raised an eyebrow and watched Hope’s face grow a little pink.
“Never said what kind of feelings Diggory.” They both laughed. 
“Touche. How is Harry?” Cedric had placed. his free hand over hers that was resting on his arm. She was having a hard time focusing on what he was saying.
“What? OH! Harry is okay. Physically anyway. He’s pretty bummed out for loosing the match. And then when I told him about his Nimbus and the Whomping Willow he looked absolutely suicidal. I’m sure he’s not thrilled about Malfoy and his band of goons making fun of him on Monday the way they did after the train ride.
“Malfoy is a git. It’s a shame about Harry’s Nimbus. I’m sure he can use a school broom for the time being.
“It won't be as good as his Nimbus. He’s just going to have to mourn his broom and eventually get a new one. I’m actually on my way back to the hospital wing to pretend to be ill so I can stay with him. I figured he shouldn’t be alone, especially if he wants to talk about the dementors.” Cedric made sure his face stayed neutral. He didn’t want her to know how jealous it made him when she spoke about Harry. 
“You’re a great friend Hope Lupin.” 
“Well I try. Thank you for checking to see how he was doing. That was a really nice thing to do.” Hope stood up. She placed her hand on Cedric’s shoulders and bent down and kissed him on the cheek. “I’ll see you soon.” Cedric was speechless as she walked away. This time she did turn around so she could smile and wave at him. She was glad she did. Cedric was sitting on that bench with his hand on the cheek that she had kissed. She quickly made her way back to the hospital wing, making a mental note to gush with Hermione tomorrow at breakfast.
Hope grinned at Harry as she strolled back into the hospital wing in her pajamas.
“Hope...what are you doing here?” She faked a couple of coughs.
“I’m sick.” Harry sniggered. “Okay good, I thought that loss and the broom might have made you suicidal.” She plopped down on the bed across from his.
“I’m surprised Pomfrey let you in here.”
“It was her idea. She likes me.” Hope shrugged. “Uncle Remus says he’s glad you’re alright. He was very worried.”
“Er- how is he feeling?”
“He’ll be okay. He had a chronic condition that flares up. Magic can do a lot but some things it can’t fix. He’s strong though.” A silence fell between them. Hope studied Harry's face intently. The smile he had didn't quite reach his eyes. 
"What is it?"
"What do you mean?" He glanced away.
"Harry, it doesn't take seer abilities to know something is wrong. I know it's more than loosing today's match or even your broom. You might as well tell me. I wont leave you alone until you do."
"You've been spending too much time with Hermione. She's rubbing off on you." Hope pursed her lips in annoyance. Harry rubbed the back of his neck nervously and sighed. "It's- I heard more this time with the dementors. I heard my mother...begging for my life. I heard Voldemort laughing. It was the last moments of her life and she was terrified." Hope stood from the bed she was occupying and went and sat next to Harry's on his, wrapping her arms around his neck and hugging him tightly. Hope was an affectionate person. Harry had seen it with not only himself but Hermione and Ron as well. Yet, it still took him by surprise every time. He suspected it was his treatment from the Dursley's that still made him shocked any time someone actually showed they cared about him.
"I'm sorry Harry. I-I can't imagine. I sometimes wonder what I would hear from a dementor."
"No you don't. I don't want you to ever find out. That feeling...there is nothing worse." Harry studied Hope's face and watched something pass through her eyes. "Okay...now you talk. What's wrong with you?" Hope looked at him with wide eyes.
"I...it's my fault."
"What? What do you mean? You didn't send the dementors after me."
"That nightmare I had...it wasn't a nightmare. It was a vision. The coldness, you falling, how you looked. It's been so long since I had a clear vision I didn't even pick up it.  If I had, this wouldn't have happened. I could have warned you."
"Don't be ridiculous. How could you have known?"
"When I have a vision. It's different than just dreams and nightmares. Remember how cold I was? When I have a vision, I actually feel it. Sometimes it's pain. If it's a happy vision, I feel that too. But the cold and the dread...the way it stayed with me. I should have know. I tried to get to Dumbledore before it happened. But I couldn't get through the crowd...and then Malfoy..." Hope put her face in her hand. Her guilt had hidden itself when she was talking to Cedric; but hearing what Harry had experienced had brought it back full force. Harry felt a surge of over protectiveness.
"Malfoy what?"
"I mean...I'm surprised he hasn't tried to mess with me before since we're friends. He was just saying stupid stuff about you and Cedric to try to get to me. But he stopped me from getting to Dumbledore." Harry felt a surge of anger. "Harry he isn't worth it."
"The way he talks to Ron and Hermione. The way he treats them like they're less than. And now he's messing with you. I can deal with him getting on my case."
"Harry...I can handle myself. Malfoy is nothing. It only upset me because I wanted to make sure you didn't get hurt because I was too stupid to realize what was going on." Harry scoffed.
"Hope, this isn't your fault. You didn't do anything. Even if you had realized it was a vision and not a nightmare, I still would have played that game. I'm fine. Please don't blame yourself." Hope went to say more but heard Madame Pomfrey coming and jumped over to her own bed.
"Enough talking you two. Get some sleep." She ordered. Hope climbed under the blankets of her bed. They both stayed silent for a few moments.
"Good night Harry."
"Night Hope." Harry laid staring at the ceiling for a long time. He heard Hope’s breathing even out signaling that she had fallen asleep. All he wanted was to have her crawl back into bed with him and lay with him. As upset as he was, he realized that Hope Lupin made everything seem better.
Hope stood in front of the mirror in her dormitory bathroom. She had gotten up early with Hermione to get breakfast. Today was her Hogsmeade date with Cedric. Her nerves were bubbling underneath the surface. She was meeting Cedric shortly outside of the Gryffindor common room, the place where they first met. She smiled back to the night Cedric came looking for her to tell her about their flying lessons. She tugged at her cashmere wrap sweater. It was a dark charcoal that made her light grey eyes stand out. She had paired it with a light pink lace trim cami. It was cropped right at her waist and had a belt that wrapped around twice that she tied in a neat bow. She had paired it with dark jeans and black chunky boots that hit her right under the knee. The sweater was arguably the most expensive thing she had ever owned. She knew that she had money, but Hope had always felt guilty spending any on herself besides necessities.  Her Uncle refused to use the money for himself other than the house they lived in and food. Hope and Remus had gone into Muggle London one evening to get ice cream and go see a film. It was one of Hope’s favorite things to do. They had been window shopping and Remus had seen her eyeing the expensive item in the window. She wasn’t like most teenage girls, she wouldn’t ask for it. In fact the only thing she had ever asked for were art supplies. When she had gotten back from a long walk two nights later the sweater was on her bed. She had insisted that her Uncle return it, but he had feigned ignorance. It was one of her favorite possessions. Her curly hair, though wild as ever, was behaving more than normal.
”Hope, you look really pretty.” Hermione exclaimed as she approached from behind.
”Thank you.”
”You look nervous.”
”I-I am. I don't even know why. It's not like I haven't ever hung out with Cedric before. We had my flying lessons. We’ve talked plenty of times.”
”Well this is different, it's a date.”
”That is not very helpful.” Hope pouted slightly as Hermione grinned at her.
”Seriously, you look lovely. You better hurry up if you want to see the boys before you head off.”
”Oh no...Harry...I forgot he has to stay behind.” Hope chewed on her bottom lip. Hope had felt closer to Harry since the night she spent with him in the hospital wing, but as Hogsmeade weekend had approached he had seemed a little frosty. Hope couldn’t imagine what it felt like to feel left behind. She suddenly wanted to tell Cedric they needed to reschedule.
”Don’t you dare start feeling guilty. Ron and I will bring him back some treats from Honeydukes. He’ll be alright. Neville will be here too since Professor McGonagall.
”I really hate his Aunt and Uncle. I don't understand how anyone could be so cruel.” Hope folded her wool coat over her arm before adding  “especially to Harry.”
“I know. They sound absolutely dreadful.”  Hermione added in agreement as they headed out of the girls dormitory.
Harry looked up as he heard Hermione and Hope’s voices coming down from the girls dormitory. He felt his mouth go dry as he looked at Hope. She looked exceptionally pretty, not that she didn't always look nice. Maybe it was the excitement that was making her glow. He suddenly felt himself hate Cedric Diggory. He couldn’t understand why he was feeling like this; Hope was his friend, one of his best friends and her Uncle was helping him fight off the Dementors. Maybe it was because he wasn’t allowed to go to Hogsmeade.
“Oooooo look at you all dressed up for your date.” Ron teased as he grinned at Hope. Her face had turned crimson. Harry wished he could be as happy for her as Ron.
“Shut it.” Hope have Ron a mock glare. Harry felt her eyes studying him as he did everything he could do to avoid looking at her. "Harry are you going to be okay?" He looked up, not being able to avoid her again.
"Yes, I'll be fine. You go have fun." Hope bit her bottom lip and nodded at the cold bite of his voice. She didn’t know what to say to make him feel better. She knew he was upset about not going to Hogsmead and about his Nimbus. She didn’t expect him to be so sullen. 
"Alright...I'll see you guys later then." Harry could hear the drop in her voice and he immediately felt guilty. It wasn't her fault that he had to stay behind while they all went and had fun in Hogsmead. He would apologize to her later that evening. He watched as she smiled brightly at Hermione and then made her way out of the portrait hole.
Cedric noticed Hope seemed a little distracted as they walked towards the village. She had been waiting for him outside of her common room and her face had lit up as soon as she saw him. Her smile had taken his breath away. She had happily slid her arm through his as they made their way from Hogwarts into the village. They had fallen into a comfortable silence as the snow crunched beneath their boots. He could see something running behind her eyes. "Hope?" He finally said, he stopped walked before she had noticed and her body jerked back towards him. He steadied her so she didn't knock them both over. He smiled as her face grew red. "Sorry...are you okay?"
"Of course. I'm fine." Her smile seemed genuine. "I'm sorry, I'm just distracted. Harry is stuck back at Hogwarts again while everyone is at Hogsmead. I just feel really horrible about it. With how he lost the Quidditch match and then his broom breaking, he just seems really down."
"Do...do you want to go back and do this another time?" Cedric had stopped walking. He didn't want to drag her on a date if she wanted to be elsewhere.
"What? No, definitely not!" Hope's protest was genuine. "Harry will be fine. I just sometimes get lost in my thoughts. I don't want to be anywhere but with you, I promise." Her cheeks were rosy from the sharp winter air biting at her cheeks, her grey eyes shining as she looked up at him. She had taken his hand in hers as she reassured him. Standing in the freezing cold, he had never felt warmer than he did right at that moment.
"I just don't want you to feel obligated. I know how important your friends are to you, I would understand." He didn’t want her to know he felt a little threatened by how close she was with Harry Potter. He was Harry Potter, how could he not be jealous. He watched as she looked down and then slowly looked back up at him.
"You're important to me too Ced." He felt his heart soar slightly. All he wanted to do in that moment was kiss her, but there were so many other Hogwarts students walking by, he wanted their first kiss to be private and special. 
"C'mon, lets keep going." Hope slid both of her arms through his as they made their way into the village. She silently chastised herself for making Cedric feel like she didn’t want to be there. Of course she wanted to be there. Truth be told, he was all she had thought about since he ran into her in the corridor the night Harry had gotten hurt. She wished they had been in the same House so she could spend her evenings with him.
“So where to first Lupes?” Hope looked up at Cedric. “Well I need to get some Christmas gifts. Definitely Honeydukes.” Cedric grinned. “What?”
“You have quite the sweet tooth. Dessert is your favorite part of dinner.” Hope studied his face for a moment.
“Have you been watching me Diggory?” Hope teased, but Cedric didn’t miss a beat.
“How could I not? Can’t take my eyes off of you.” He was good, she knew he was smooth, but that was spot on. Hope felt butterflies erupt in her stomach. She bit her lip, looked down at the ground for a moment and then back to Cedric’s face. His smile was beaming and he had taken a step closer to her. He put his warm palm on her cheek. Hope felt her mouth go dry. She bit her lower lip. She had to so she didn’t embarrass herself by throwing herself at him and kissing him in the middle of the village. “You’re freezing.” Hope thought that was hilarious because she felt like her face was on fire from him touching her. 
“C’mon.” Cedric’s hand drifted from Hope’s face down to her hand and he led her into Zonko’s Joke Shop. She was secretly hoping Fred and George weren’t in the store yet. They would tease her mercilessly. 
The heat hit their faces as the door shut behind them. The shop was filled with Hogwarts students. Hope never found much need for any of the items but she enjoyed looking around. Cedric kept Hope’s hand in his as they walked around the store. She was happy to see the Weasley Twins were no where to be found. They stopped occasionally to look at some items and Hope laughed as Cedric told her funny anecdotes about pranks his friends pulled on each other. 
“Nothing from here?” He asked her as they made their way around the store.
“Pranks aren’t really my thing. And I refuse to give Ron anything he can use against me.” “Let’s go to Spintwitches.” Hope suggested. “I want to see if I can find a Quidditch gift for Harry and for Ron.”
“I could spend all day in there.” Cedric grinned. He was excited to show her around the store and teach her about his favorite past time.
“I’m sure.” Hope grinned and happily let Cedric lead her out of the shop. She knew at that moment that she would let him lead her anywhere. She had more than just a crush on Cedric. He made her feel something she had never felt before. As they were walking a gust of cold wind stopped Hope dead in her tracks. Cedric let go of her hand, removed his Hufflepuff scarf and wrapped it around Hope’s neck.
“There, that should help keep you warm.”
“What about you Ced?”
“I’m fine. C’mon, let’s go.” As they approached the shop, Hope could see the new broomsticks in the window and she felt a pang. The Firebolt was proudly on display. Ron and Harry wouldn’t shut up about it. Cedric watched her curiously.
“I wish I could get Harry a new broom. But I think it would just upset him more if I bought him a gift like that.” Cedric felt a familiar surge of jealousy course through him but he didn’t say anything, but Hope noticed. She couldn’t help but see it pass through his eyes. She paused for a moment. “Cedric, Harry and I are just friends, just so you know.”
“Hope you don’t owe me an explanation.”
“I know. I just don’t want you to misunderstand. Harry, Ron and Hermione are the first real friends I’ve ever had. I mean there were some Muggle kids I would play with on the beach, but they weren’t true friends. Mine parents and Harry’s parents were best friends. So we have that connection. We both lost them in the War. I at least have my Uncle Remus. Harry didn’t get so lucky. His Muggle aunt and uncle are HORRIBLE. They treat him terribly. I mean they wouldn’t even sign his permission slip to come to Hogsmeade. He doesn’t have any one else in his corner. But it doesn’t go beyond friendship. I just wanted to make that clear. There is no one else besides you that I want to be spending this day with.” Hope could see Cedric physically relax.
“Harry is lucky to have you. Let’s go in, I’ll help you pick out some great gifts for them.” Cedric gently pulled Hope into the shop feeling much relieved.
A little while later, Hope and Cedric were leaving the Post Office after sending Hope’s substantial haul back to Hogwarts so they didn’t have to carry the packages around for the rest of the afternoon. Cedric had helped her pick out the gifts for Harry and Ron. She loved watching how excited he got while talking about Quidditch. They had gone to a couple of more shops where Hope picked out a beautiful quill and stationery set for Hermione to gift alone with some of the books she had gotten for her friend. Instead of instructional books that Hermione would normally go for, Hope and chosen some fictional books that she knew Hermione had never read. She also purchased some new sweaters and robes for her uncle that Hope knew he would never buy for himself and then a few things for the Tonks family. After a rather large purchase at Honeydukes, Hope was all set. Though 75% of her purchase from Honeydukeswas actually for her.
“Do you want to go to Madam Pudifoot’s? It’s kind of romantic.” Cedric nodded his head towards the Tea Shop. He grinned when disgust was prevalent on Hopes face. “Or not...”
“It’s not really my scene.” Hope said matter of factly after she shuddered. Hope’s gaze fell onto the steamed up windows. “Hermione and I dragged Ron in our first weekend here and immediately ran for our lives. All the frilly, pink and doilies? No thanks” Cedric let out a hearty laugh. Secretly he was relieved that Hope didn’t want to go there. He had taken dates there before and they had been gaga over it. It made him cringe a bit.
“Is the Hogs Head more your scene?” Cedric teased as he wiggled his eyebrows. “I feel like they have some nice and dusty butter beer and possibly some moldy biscuits.” He doubled over laughing when he looked at the dirty look Hope was giving him. “I’m kidding. 3 Broomsticks?” Hope nodded and they walked hand in hand to their destination.
Once they were inside of the pub, they located a small table towards the back. Cedric was really determined to get Hope to open up more. It had been more superficial conversations. He wanted to know her. He knew he would have to chip away at the wall she surrounded herself with. Cedric helped her get her coat off and hung it up. He couldn’t help but stare at how her dark grey sweater made her pale grey eyes stand out. She caught him staring and it was his turn to blush. Once Hope was settled he went up to the bar to order their butter beers. Hope say with her legs crossed in the booth looking around the pub. It was filled with students and staff from Hogwarts. She waved at Neville who was sitting with Dean and Seamus at a table near them. He gave her a genuine smile. They had talked a bit more after the day she helped him in potions. Neville was such a nice guy. She hated how often he was teased by their classmates, especially the Slytherins. She wanted to punch Pansy Parkison in the mouth on more than one occasion. Fred and George were at a table with Angelina Johnson and Lee Jordan laughing.  It was nice to see everyone in such jovial moods. With the holidays fast approaching there was definitely an excitement in the air.
Hope was pulled from her thoughts when Cedric set her Butter Beer down in front of her before sliding in next to her. His brilliant smile made the butterflies in her stomach erupt again. She was thankful the cold kept her cheeks rosy otherwise she was sure he would know she had been blushing all day. She secretly hated herself for liking him so much. She felt like the sterotypical boy crazy girl; but it was only Cedric that made her feel that way.
“So tell me something not many people know about you.” Cedric said. He had positioned himself as close as he could be to her. She stopped and thought for a moment. 
“Well...I grew up in a mostly Muggle town. After the war, my Uncle was worried that I wouldn’t be safe. So he found us this really nice house on the beach. I love the Ocean. Even when it’s cold outside, the beach is my favorite place to be. It was just me and Uncle Remus for the longest time. I remember going to the Weasleys occasionally when I was younger. It was always kind of overwhelming for me, all of the siblings. It’s so funny now that Ron and I are such good friends. I love Fred and George too. I wish I had been more open to spending time with them when I was younger. It took me a while to really open up. My father has a cousin, Andromeda Tonks. She’s married to a muggle named Ted and they have a daughter, Nymphadora Tonks.” Hope stopped, she hadn’t meant to even mention her father, but Cedric made her feel so comfortable. 
Cedric saw something pass just behind her eyes and he frowned. “Hope, what is it?” He placed his hand on top of hers. He could tell she was reluctant to finish her thought. “You can tell me anything, you know? If you can’t tell, I really like you Hope.” Cedric had heard people questioning who Hope’s father was. No one knew all that much about her. Cedric knew the girls in his house liked to gossip, he never listened to them. He was great at tuning all of that out. He didn’t want to fill in Hope’s story for her.
"Cedric....there’s just some things about me...I’m scared if I tell you that you won't want to spend time with me. I really like you too. And once I say it out loud, there’s no taking it back.” Cedric studied her face. He could see the anxiety building.
“You’re not a murder are you?” He teased, trying to lighten the mood. “Hope, there’s not anything I can think of that would make me not want to know you. I’m not going to judge you, or anyone you care about. You can trust me. Anything you tell me will be strictly between us. I’m not the kind to spill other people’s secrets” She took a deep breath and studied his face for a moment.
“Okay- but Harry, Ron and Hermione are the only ones that know. I don’t want it getting out. I don’t know how people will react. And I really want people to actually know me before they judge me on things that they don’t understand.” He nodded and his earnest expression set her at ease. “My, Um, well, my father is Sirius Black.” Cedric was quiet for a moment and Hope felt her nerves kicking up. He understood why she didn’t want many people to know. Their classmates would use that against her. Cedric couldn’t care less who her father was. He knew first hand that you can’t judge someone on their parents.
“Hope, you have no control over who your relatives are. I wouldn’t hold that against you. And look, a lot of people who worked for You Know Who...they did it out of fear. They felt like they didn’t have a choice. Or they were forced to do it by the Cruciatus curse.  Unfortunately, some people were sent to Azkaban even if they were forced against their will. We don’t know why he did anything that he did. What I do know is that you aren’t responsible for what your father has done. Even if he made the choice to support him, that isn’t on you.”  Hope shouldn’t have been surprised that he said that. Of course he would feel that way. She took a deep breath and Cedric watched as she fidgeted for a moment. “What is it?” 
“Well there’s more. It’s about my mother. She was a seer. A true Seer. Not what whatever it is that Professor Trewlawney claims to do. She was incredibly talented and Voldemort wanted to use her to win the war” She watched as Cedric flinched slightly. “She refused to help him, so on the same night that Harry’s parents were killed, she was killed too. I don't know which one of his followers did it. It’s what makes me think my father wasn’t a true supporter. He loved my Mum. I’ve seen pictures and how he looked at her. There’s no way he would have let anyone hurt her. And the stories I’ve heard? I mean there haven’t been a lot, but he loved me too. And there’s no one I can ask to tell me what the truth is. Sometimes I think even if Remus did know the full truth, he wouldn’t tell me. But she passed the Seer gene on to me.” Cedric listened intently as Hope continued her story, put it all out on the table and bared her soul. She told him how all she could see for the most part was shades of black since her father escaped Azkaban. How drawing calmed her. The only thing she kept to herself was her Uncle being a werewolf. That wasn’t her secret to tell. Cedric held her hand and rubbed his thumb over her knuckled as she explained.
“I just wish I could figure out how to control it. To use it to my advantage. If my mother was still alive she could teach me. But I have no one.”
“Well, I’m sure we can find something somewhere that will help. It must be horribly overwhelming...and dangerous for you if the wrong people find out about your ability.” Concern flooded Cedric’s face.
“It’s why my uncle doesn’t want many people to know. He’s afraid I’ll end up like my mother.” Hope’s voice was quiet. She was looking down, anxiously playing with her fingers. For the second time that day, Cedric hooked his his finger under her chin to bring her eyes level to his. It was the first time he saw the storm behind her eyes; the  turmoil within her. He saw Hope for all that she was in that moment. She was more than he anticipated.
"I wont let anything happen to you. I certainly wont let anyone use you. Your secret is safe with me. You’re safe with me." She felt tears well up slightly in her eyes and looked away for a moment as Cedric dropped his hand.
"Thanks Ced. Really." The two of them sat together in a comfortable silence while they drank their Butter Beers. Hope had just noticed Ron and Hermione sitting at a table. She hadn't noticed them walk in. They were glancing at the empty seat at their table. Hope felt her stomach drop slightly...had Harry snuck into Hogsmeade? They both had a look of alarm on their faces. She noticed they were abnormally quiet. She wasn't sure if it was because The Minister of Magic was sitting at a table so close to them or if something was going on. They hadn't even glanced in her direction.
"You ready to head back?" Cedric broke her train of thought. She smiled and nodded her head yes. As they were leaving she tried to get Hermione's attention, but she was unsuccessful. It also didn't go unnoticed that when she walked past where Cornelius Fudge was sitting, the table stopped talking. Hagrid only gave her a slight nod instead of his normal warm greeting. Something was definitely up. Hope tried to push it aside for the time being and focus on her walk back with Cedric.
The two of them continued to walk in a comfortable silence. His arm was around her shoulders in an attempt to keep her warm. She was looking forward to being in the warm common room, but hated the idea of leaving Cedric behind. Once they got back into the castle, Hope's face felt like it was frozen. As they continued on in the castle, Cedric lead Hope down one of the corridors and not to the Gryffindor Common room. Hope cocked her eyebrow in interest but didn't say anything. He was leading her over to the window where he originally asked her to go with him to Hogsmead. He sat down on the window sill and took her hands and pulled her closer to him. He was so tall that her standing in front of him while he sat was the only way the would be eye to eye.
"I just wanted a moment before I walked you back to your common room." His blue-grey eyes were sparkling at her. “I had a really great time today. Thank you for trusting me to tell me what you did. I know that wasn’t easy."
"I'm glad I can talk to you. Today was really great. It was the most fun I’ve had in a really long time." Cedric was impossibly close to her. She couldn’t even think straight with him looking at her like that. 
"I also wanted to do this in private." He whispered as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip before he leaned in to kiss her. Hope felt like her heart was going to pound out of her chest. He pulled her closer and she ran her hand up the back of his hair. She was certain they may have taken it a little too far, but they were interrupted.
"HOPE!" Hope and Cedric jumped apart, both of their faces blazing. Harry was approaching her quickly, looking agitated. Ron and Hermione were chasing after him, trying to keep up, both of them shooting Hope and Cedric apologetic looks.
"Harry...are you okay?" Hope asked. He stopped short in front of the two of them. Cedric was still gripping her hand, he was eyeing Harry warily.
"Am I okay? Do I look like I'm okay?!" Hope's eyebrows shot up. She didn't even get a chance to respond. "Did you know?!"
"Did I know what?" Hope searched her memory for anything Harry could even be referencing.
"Don't lie to me."
"I'm not lying! I have no idea what you're getting on about!"
"Harry- calm down-" Cedric interjected but Hope shook her head at him. That would only agitate Harry further. Harry was already giving Cedric a warning look.
"That he got them killed."
"Who got who killed?"
"YOUR FATHER!” Harry bellowed. Hope physically flinched as he raised his voice at her. “He betrayed them. HE TOLD VOLDEMORT WHERE THEY WERE HIDING. THEY'RE DEAD BECAUSE OF HIM." Cedric, Ron and Hermione watched the color drain from Hope's face and the shock settle in. Harry was breathing heavily, the weight of what he had just yelled hung in the air. Cedric grabbed Hope by the waist to keep her steady. It took Harry a moment to take in Hope's reaction. "You...you didn't know?" Cedric scoffed.
"Does she look like she's someone in the know. Blimey..." Cedric felt white hot rage coursing through his veins.
"Where did you hear this?" Hope's voice came out as a whisper. Harry's face fell. He had been so worked up, he hadn't given it a thought that Hope would not know. He wanted to make Sirius Black hurt as much as he did. Since he couldn’t make the happen, he had targeted the closest thing to him as he could get. 
"I was in Hogsmead today. I overheard Fudge, Madame Rosmerta, Professor McGonagall and Hagrid talking. They were talking about how he and my dad were best friends. They were like brothers. They knew Voldemort was after them, so they hid them. He....he was their secret keeper. He told Voldemort where they were the day they were murdered. Then he killed their best friend Peter Pettigrew." Harry's voice had come out much more calm and quiet than when he approached them. The desire to make someone else hurt as much has he was hurting had been quelled.
"Oh my God...." Cedric stood up so Hope could sit on the window sill. She felt like she was going to be sick. Cedric squatted down so he was closer to her level. He grabbed her hand when she let out a sob. “How could he have done that?” Harry felt his stomach sink to the floor. What had he done?
"Hope...I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have assumed you knew and that you lied." Cedric jumped up.
"No, you shouldn't have. You're supposed to be her best friend? Do you know she spent a good portion of today feeling badly because your muggle family is so rotten. Wanting to make things better for you? Talking about how close you were. You really think she would hide something like that? Really think she would lie to you? It would serve her no purpose to lie about that."
"This has nothing to do with you." Harry crossed his arms defiantly. Hope grabbed Cedric's hand.
"Don't Ced. It's okay." Hope tried to calm Cedric. Him fighting with Harry wouldn’t make anything better.
"It's not okay! For him to come verbally attack you like that, yelling all of your business for the whole school to hear. Knowing you were trying to keep who your father is under wraps?" Harry felt his heart sink further into the bottom of his soul. Not only did he find out his parents were betrayed by their best friend, he had accused his best friend of lying to him without any proof. He was just so angry he couldn't see straight.
"Hope...I'm so sorry." She held her hand up.
"Don't." She looked away from Harry. He hated himself in that moment for making her feel like this. Hermione and Ron watched helplessly. They had tried to calm Harry down before they found Hope. Hermione was certain seeing Hope and Cedric together had fueled Harry's anger further.
“Harry, you should go.” Cedric was all but glowering at him. It was taking all of his self-control not to punch him or hex him.
"C'mon mate, let's go back to the dorms, give Hope some space, yeah?" Ron gently pulled Harry away.
"Hope- do you want me to wait for you?" Hermione asked quietly. Hope shook her head.
"I'll walk her back, make sure she's okay." Cedric wasn't about to leave Hope alone now. Hermione nodded. She mouthed a "thank you" to Cedric and followed the boys back to the Gryffindor Tower.
Hope had wiped the few tears that had slipped from her eyes away. Cedric couldn't tell if she was sad, angry or both. After a few moments of silence she finally spoke. "Well, I guess I can stop deluding myself that he was a good person and just did what he had to do."
"Hope, you can't know that for sure. If it came down to a choice between protecting you and your mother and protecting Harry and his parents...he would have chosen the two of you. I think anyone would do anything to protect their wife and daughter."
"Or maybe he is just as evil as they say." Hope was reeling.
"Well either way, it's no reflection on you." Hope looked at Cedric. The concern flooding his face made her feel just a little bit better. "You are not responsible for the choices your parents made. YOU are not him. I know this is hard for you because you don't have all of the answers. But it is no reflection of the person you became. Your uncle made sure you grew up to be everything you're supposed to be."
Hope paused for a moment, She hadn't even thought of her Uncle. "What if he knew.?"
"What if who knew?" Cedric was confused.
"My uncle- if he knows...and purposely kept him from me? It wouldn't be the first time he kept something to himself for the sake of my protections." Hope was getting agitated.
"Listen- don't go there, not yet. Take some time to digest this and then speak with him. Have a level head. Don't have a go at him the way Harry just did with you." Hope nodded. Cedric wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in to for a hug. They stayed that way for a little while. Hope didn’t want to let him go. He made her feel safe, like she was going to be okay. Her mind was reeling. And how could Harry ever thing that she could know? That she would lie to him or try to cover it up? She had been 100% honest with him, let him see a side of her that not many people did. She was hurt and incredibly angry. She felt her temper boiling beneath the service. Now, more than before, she wished she could go stay with Cedric in the Hufflepuff common room. She hoped that Harry was smart enough to keep his distance. After a little while, Hope felt Cedric shift and pull back so he could look at her.
“Are you going to be alright?” She sighed.
“I don’t know. I just...it’s a lot to take in. I hate that I can’t get his side of the story. I hate that my mother isn’t here for me to talk to her, find out what really happened. Maybe they have it all wrong.”
“What is your gut telling you?”
“I don’t know.”
“C’mon Hope, deep down, you know how you feel about this. You just have to let yourself feel it.” She paused for a moment to think. She didn’t want to admit what she really thought. “Tell me.” Cedric urged her.
“I still think they have it wrong. It still doesn’t make sense. If my father was so close to James and James was his family, I can’t see him doing this. I can’t see him sacrificing everything. The father that I have heard about...he would have died before he let anything happen to the people he cared about. I can tell by the way  my Uncle has talked about him. He doesn’t talk about him often, but I can read between the lines. I just...I don’t know how to find out the truth.”
“There has to be a way to figure it out. We’ll do what we can to find out what really happened.”
“Really? You don’t think I’m mad for wanting to believe he’s not that person.”
“No I don’t. I wouldn’t want to think it about either of my parents. We’ll find a way to figure it out Hope. I promise you. If you’re right...it’ll put your mind at ease.”
“And if I’m wrong?” Cedric cupped Hope’s face in his hands. “Then we’ll find that out together and you’ll be able to move on either way.” He leaned down and kissed her on the forehead". C'mon....let me walk you back to your tower. You should get some rest and take some time to think." Hope nodded her head in agreement. She let Cedric lead her where she needed to go. She didn't even know how to process what she had just learned. Just when she thought she could move forward, she encountered more questions. All she knew was she was back to wanting answers and not having any idea who she really was.
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sgfgsarah · 5 years
With You // Calum Hood Pt. 5
summary - basically you and calum grow up together and fall in love
word count - 1900+
part 1 part 2 part 3 part 4 
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
March 9th, 2011
15 years old
Calum fidgeted hesitantly in his seat, his teeth hitched onto his lower lip as he intently watched Evie's facial expressions. Evie's eyes were glued to the screen — glued to Luke Hemmings — as she watched the younger boy strumming away on his guitar.
Michael had shown Calum the video, and they both talked to Luke about doing covers together. Luke immediately agreed, but Calum hadn't told Evie about it yet.
The video came to a close and Evie continued looking at the black screen, eyebrows furrowed in thought. Calum grew impatient very quickly.
"So what to you think?" he blurted out, catching Evie's attention once more.
A small smile crept onto Evie's face as she nodded.
"Yea, sure. I'll be your camera girl."
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
"Ready?" Evie asked the three boys, standing on the other side of the camera. Luke nodded shyly, Michael and Calum both mumbling their acceptance.
Luke definitely noticed how undeniably beautiful Evie was. Her unruly light brown waves framed her face perfectly, and her kind hazel eyes always dazzled when she smiled. It wouldn't be hard for anyone to notice, but it went deeper than that. She was also kind and funny, too. Everyone loved Evie.
Luke also noticed the way she'd look at Calum a little longer than she should, and the way Calum would rest his hand on her lower thigh when they were sitting next to each other. He noticed the quiet conversations they'd share apart from the group, and how naturally it came to them.
Luke knew he would never have a chance with Evie, for she was already taken. But that knowledge didn't stifle the extremely minor crush he had developed on her. He just had to keep his feelings hidden, and wait for the next girl to come around.
But as much as Luke noticed about Evie, Calum noticed more. Everyone thought Evie was the sweetest little thing. She had gotten quite good at shoving down her impatience and distaste of being talked to by most people. She saved all of her real personality for Calum, and that was exactly how he liked it. Besides a few girlfriends of hers, he was the only one that knew about her raging crush on Harry Styles. He was the only one that knew about the things she wrote online (the dirty, dirty things), and that she danced around her room in an oversized t shirt and booty shorts to One Direction almost every night.
It was the little things that made Calum love Evie. The things that made her her. Calum loved her stupid jokes and even found her crazy thing with One Direction adorable (mainly because it was so cute to see her get all excited).
"Okay guys, go!" Evie clicked the button on her semi-fancy camera that she had graciously allowed the boys to use for their youtube channel, giving them the greenlight to start talking.
Michael whispered a joke into Luke's ear, causing all three boys to burst out into happy giggles before Luke introduced themselves and the song.
They had officially started a band, calling it 5 Seconds of Summer. Even though they were a little sloppy at times, Evie thought they were very good. All they needed was a drummer, and they'd be complete.
Michael said he had FaceBook messaged a drummer a couple schools over, and he had agreed to play a gig with them in a few weeks. Nobody knew the boy, but through mutual friends, they were reassured that he was very good.
None of them thought their little band was going anywhere. It was only for fun.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
Their gig had went very well, and they all liked the new drummer, inviting him over to film videos with them.
"Hi, I'm Evie," Evie had introduced herself to the drummer.
"I'm Ashton. It's nice to meet you," he said, a giggle bubbling out of his throat as he shook her hand. Evie giggled back at him, unsure of why either of them were laughing.
A look of realization crossed over Ashton's face as the sound of Evie's laugh clicked in his brain.
"Do you film their covers?" he asked, his head tilted slightly to the side.
Evie nodded, "yeah. They're using my camera, and I wouldn't trust any of those three goons with it. How'd you know?"
Ashton giggled once more, "you laugh all the time in their videos, and it doesn't sound like a guy laugh, so you can tell you're there. Ashton leaned in closer to her, his voice getting serious, "I think Calum might like you. Like, a lot. He's always singing straight behind the camera. Straight at you."
Evie gasped in a quick breath, shaking her head. She felt the blush creeping up on her cheeks, trying her best to push it back.
"No he doesn't. We're just best friends."
Ashton nodded, a smirk toying on his lips, "of course you are."
Evie decided not to question what he meant. It was much better not to ask. As much as she'd love to believe that, he seemed to have his eyes on a different girl from their school, and Evie was happy for him. Of course she wished he wouldn't like her like that, but she couldn't stop her best friend from being happy.
"So Ashton," Michael intervened, "are you excited to join the band?"
Ashton nodded, a wide grin still on his face. Evie tuned out their conversation as her eyes wandered across the little pub the boys had just played at to a booth where Luke and Calum were talking in hushed tones.
Calum flicked his eyes up towards Evie, noticed that she was looking at him, smiling lightly at her and looked back down at the table.
"Calum are you even still listening to me?" Luke groaned. Calum nodded.
"Of course I am!" Calum argued.
"It doesn't matter anymore. You went all Evie on me."
Calum furrowed his eyebrows together. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Luke sighed. "It's when your eyes go all big and you don't listen to anything else. I fucking swear she likes you back, mate! Just go for it!"
Calum knew better than to think Evie liked him back. Sure she wasn't interested in any other guys at their school, but Calum knew she'd never feel the same. There was no point trying to get her for himself when there was such a high risk of losing her forever. Above all, Evie was his best friend. Who else would he sit on his bed and watch The Office with? Who else would he go to when he really needed a hug?
"You really need to just tell her. Even if she doesn't like you back, she'll still be your friend. You mean just as much to her as she does to you. Cal, this really isn't healthy for you," Luke said sternly.
Calum sighed.
"I don't care, Luke. Losing her isn't worth any risk. She's my best friend, and I can't fuck that up."
"Can't fuck what up?" Evie said, sliding into the booth next to Calum. The bench had a lot of room on it, but she chose to slide up right by Calum.
Calum tensed, "what? Nothing."
Luke rolled his eyes, "we were just talking about how i missed a chord during the gig. No need to stick up for me, it's fine if she knows."
Evie furrowed her brow. She knew Luke didn't miss a chord, but she didn't want to push Calum. If he didn't want to tell her what he was talking about, it was fine. It's not like he was obligated to tell her everything.
Evie rested her hand on Calum's thigh, and he relaxed under her touch.
"It's all right Luke," she smiled sweetly at the blonde boy, "I'm sure you won't miss it next time."
Luke nodded, smiling back at her, "thanks Eves."
Calum rested his hand on top of Evie's, making Evie smile down at them. She didn't even process that Calum and Luke continued their conversation. She rested her head on Calum's shoulder, and tuned out the world except for his steady breath. She closed her eyes, quickly falling into an easy slumber.
Michael and Ashton both slid into Luke's side of the booth, joining Luke and Calum's chat about who even knows what. Calum looked down at Evie to see that she had dozed off on his shoulder, and he couldn't help but smile at her peaceful looking figure.
He looked back up at the boys to see they had halted their conversation and were all looking at him.
"What?" Calum asked as the boys all exchanged glances.
"Nothing," muttered Michael, a smirk on his lips as he continued getting to know Ashton.
Calum knew exactly what Michael meant and rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to Luke, silently intertwining his fingers with Evie's.
Luke's phone buzzed, and he picked it up to see that his mother had texted them.
"My mum got caught up watching her show, and Cal's mum is going to come pick us up."
Ashton scoffed, "you know I could just drive you guys home, right?"
The boys all exchanged glances, "next time," Michael said, "Cal's mum is already on the way."
Calum's mum, as promised, walked into the small restaurant.
"Are you boys ready?" She asked, only glancing at the table. Her eyes shot back up to her son as he watched him look down at a sleeping Evie with a small smile on his face. Mrs. Hood smirked. She always knew this would happen. Her and Mrs. Carson had been dreaming of it for years, but they'd never tell their children that.
Ashton said his goodbyes and drove off while Michael and Luke slid out of the booth. Calum squeezed Evie's hand lightly. "Eves, baby, we've got to go. My mum's here to pick us up," he whispered in her ear.
The moment he realized what he had called her, panic shot through him, but Evie's eyes fluttered open, and it didn't seem to Calum that she cared.
Evie cared a lot. A cage of butterflies had been released in her stomach as she opened her eyes and started to move out of the booth, Calum's hand still intertwined in her own.
They walked towards Mrs. Hood's car.
Calum released Evie's hand to go sit in the front seat, and Evie buckled herself in next to Michael in the back.
"Close your mouth, baby, you're gonna catch flies," Michael whispered to Evie. Luke giggles at Michael's joke, luckily for him, Calum hadn't heard it.
Evie rolled her eyes, shoving Michael, "piss off, Clifford."
Michael and Luke both continued laughing, mainly at how utterly in shock both Calum and Evie still looked after the encounter. Calum looked embarrassed that he had let himself slip, while Evie looked as if she were trying to analyze literature that didn't make sense.
Calum hadn't meant it like that, had he?
He couldn't have.
It was just a pet name. He didn't mean anything of it.
But oh, did Evie want him to call her baby again.
⋆ ⋆ ⋆
part 6
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