louisupdates · 6 months
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Louis Tomlinson, FITFWT23: Raleigh [21.7.2023] Amanda Sixx
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rbf451 · 11 months
gregorzalokar ig story 21.7.2023
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et-ese · 11 months
Chuyện hôm nay chẳng vui vẻ lắm, mong không ai đọc được.
Có những cảm xúc chưa bao giờ ngừng theo chân tớ, dù tôi vẫn mong nó chết đi.
Ẩn hiện như chiếc bóng bên người. Như bóng hình cậu trong ký ức, thỉnh thoảng lại xuất hiện cấu lấy tim tôi, gặm nhấm chút cái tôi còn sót lại nơi này.
Dẫu tôi vẫn luôn không ưa lúc bản thân trông ngu ngốc trong mắt người khác, đôi lúc tủi thân vì tính cả tin. Tiềm thức, phần thuộc về tôi, vẫn luôn thấy sự dựa dẫm thật ấm áp, thật rực rỡ.
Ấn tượng cậu và cuộc tình mang về cho tôi, vẫn luôn ở đây cùng nỗi sợ chói bật trong lòng.
Sự bất lực cùng cực, khi màu sắc hương vị cảm xúc trong mình hỗn độn, để bản thân khóc lóc vì ngôn từ tắc nghẽn. Từng sợi vướng lại các hốc tim, vẫn cố kéo căng cho nên chữ. Nút thắt vẫn ở đây, chỉ có chỉ căng, sưng tấy mô tim và máu.
Như mọi nơi đều là nút thắt.
Như chẳng còn lối thoát trên cơ thể này, như mọi xúc cảm đều ứ đọng nơi đây, lẫn lộn vào như,
Như thể tôi mang trong mình tất cả và chẳng còn gì.
Dạo này tôi chẳng khóc được nữa. Có tiếng gào thét và rên rỉ ứ đọng, lại vọng về cửa họng mà thoát ra.
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phototagebuch · 11 months
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21.7.2023: Himbeere
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prosy-days · 9 months
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July 21, 2023 - Day 32
I was expecting this to be rosé, rather than rose flavored.
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godsnameisjoy · 11 months
Date: 21 July 2023
Duration: 53 minutes at 11:57 PM
There was some disturbance or the other during this single session on Friday. The good news is that some Peace has grown roots in me. So, all the disturbances around me can disturb only those depths of my mind where I haven’t established Peace just yet.
The parts of my mind where Peace is established is worth visiting in every meditation. These parts are deep in my mind, if not the deepest parts of my mind. To have Peace in the depths of one’s mind is to make fundamental changes in one’s personality. So be it.
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moonofiron · 11 months
Had coffee & read
Unintentional drinks
Disappointment, doubt, double-faced people
Nausea, had medicine
Talked to family
Slept early because of nausea
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iwtv-az-hours · 2 months
Summing up all the trailers and teasers for IWTV s02:
21.7.2023 - first teaser (from SDCC)
12.10.2023 - Château scene
7.2.2024 - Who Are You, Louis? teaser
23.2.2024 - Reticent vampire+Dubai scene (+og link from IGN fan fest)
26.2.2024 - Start the Tape teaser
18.3.2024 - extended look (3min Rolin cut)
31.3.2024 - official season 2 trailer
+ Instagram reels with extra content:
20.2.2024 - extended Welcome to TdV scene
12.3.2024 - Théâtre posters
14.3.2024 - Come and spill your guts
(as of 1.April 2024)
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desertpups · 11 months
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London, Friday night was a special one for me. Thank you for showing so much love and being part of the largest audience I’ve played to in the city to date. See you again soon after the album drops 🖤
21.7.2023 🖤 @/Yourallypally
📸 @ruthlessimagery
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theflyingfeeling · 11 months
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[from BC ig story 21.7.2023]
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louisupdates · 11 months
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“Oi Oiiiii! Hello! How're you doing? I wanted to say hello. I'm keeping an eye on her, don't worry. Love your t-shirt. Love that. Love, love! [To the fan] See ya later.”
Louis FaceTiming a fan’s mother in RALEIGH [21.7.2023] 📸 athenanunez IG
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rbf451 · 11 months
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sayhellototravis ig story 21.7.2023
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ss4nni · 11 months
Lost Society 21.7.2023 Logomon terassikesä, Turku🖤
Didn't realised until now that taz, mirko and arttu were wearing matching outfits😂
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Srly camera doesn't show how fucking cool samy's new guitar is irl!🤯
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I didn't manage to get that much pic's from arttu 'cause I was standing on the other side of the stage but here is atleast one😂
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chayscribbles · 11 months
last line tag (21.7.2023)
thanks @mrbexwrites for the tag!!!!
this is from the gemini heist. the gang is starting to plan their heist hehehe
“I’m sorry, Miss Heir,” Gabi inserted, once again raising her hand. “You keep saying that word, but I’m not… I don’t really know what that means.” “What word?” Illiana said. “Oh, fiolsridder? They’re the special appointed soldiers of Fiolsgadd.” “They have powers, too?” “Yes. They’re the strongest of the fiolshende, just beneath my family.” “So we’re not just dealing with a security force, we’re dealing with a superpowered security force,” Gabi said, casting a nervous glance at Leo. “That will be half busy guarding a bunker, and half busy chasing down a nonexistent threat,” Leo reminded her. “While we will be taking off with the statuette.”
tagging: @nightlylaments @serotoninshift @ashen-crest @charlesjosephwrites @rhikasa and anyone else who wants an excuse to share some lines!!!!
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
I think two things can exist at once though? I think JK and JM were BOTH aware the company was trying to downplay JM’s achievements because they knew the company was trying to make JK the star. If you were (JK) queer and in a relationship with your same-gender band mate and from a society that would shun you if you came out, and deep down wanted to tell the company to f*** off because the situation was out of your control, what would you do?
Walking away from a major opportunity (as unscrupulous as it may be — payola, SB and all that) when you know you can’t grow beyond the conservative, aegyo box Kpop/Korea puts you in would be a missed opportunity. Let’s be real.
I think your personal feelings as a fan about JM’s success rate are clouding the reality of the situation. The US music industry is a BUSINESS. It is CAPITALIST. It is SHADY. It is NOT for the faint of heart. As veterans of the music industry, I think JM and JK are aware of all the shadiness and are playing the game to the best of their ability right now. I think they are trying to capitalize on JK’s success so he can blow up worldwide and fully be himself (he already said as much in his 21.7.2023 live) and tell the world who he is and who he loves.
I think of all the queer celebrities who’ve had to do all kinds of things dishonoring their own identity — being quiet about who they are, having to play the het boyfriend in a MV, for example — just to survive in this industry.
Yes, these are all hard pills to swallow. But try to put yourself in JK’s shoes for a minute. A queer Korean man with (until now) limited options.
Sort of like when a queer 18 year old from a conservative small town decides to go away to college in a big city, even though their family wants them to stick around. Yes, that kid won’t be as close to their roots, but they’re aware of all the opportunities that can open up for them — especially the opportunity to be themselves as a queer person.
I don’t think JK’s decision came easy or lightly, but it is what it is — perhaps the best way out.
Hi anon,
You make some pretty good points. But also some that I don't quite agree with.
Being a fan of Jimin is not clouding my vision.
I mean, even my mother who is not a kpop fan sees that things are unfair. However, I feel that people who are a fans of Jk do have their visions clouded.
I'm not judging Jk, either. I get why he is doing it and like you said, it's a business and he's thinking with a business mind.
By stating that the company is trying to make Jk the star, you are agreeing that the company is sabotaging Jimin. Because why not capitalize on Jimin's organic success? Why not let him blow up worldwide and let him fully be himself? Why only Jk? Why not both?
Jimin's success rate? What do you mean? I'm side eyeing you...
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You mean the numbers that Jimin pulled during FACE that seem to exceed Jk's and that's without payola and international promo?
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You say that Jk and Jimin are playing the game to the best of their ability. I fail to see what Jimin is getting out of this. Because Jk is the one getting all the perks.
Nah. I take it back lol your asks is romanticizing all this. Like saying "Ooh, look at all the sacrifices that Jk is doing for love".
I think he is making sacrifices for fame and success not for love. And there is nothing wrong with that either. I'm not judging him.
Thanks for stopping by.
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
Oppenheimer (21.7.2023)
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