#1963 photoshots
tina-aumont · 1 year
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August 1963 — Portrait of Tina Aumont, 17, daughter of Maria Montez and Jean-Pierre Aumont, while on vacation in Balearic Islands, Spain. Photo by François Gragnon / Paris Match.
I edited the photo adding the side parts of her hair from the photo in her grave. I did this to get the picture squared, if someone can do it better and share their result, please feel free to do it, thank you!
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torchlitinthedesert · 10 months
1964: eyes of the storm
At the weekend I went to the Paul McCartney exhibition at London's National Portrait Gallery.
I'd seen some of the pictures, but I still wasn't prepared for just how fond it is. Tumblr is enchanted by Soft John, and yes, absolutely - but the whole exhibition has this warmth and freshness to it. I'm sure some of it's smart curation and hindsight, but the observation and attention and choice of subjects is so full of affection.
Some of the earliest shots are at a London gig. There are portraits of George's mum and dad, visiting their boy, looking alert and intelligent and bursting with pride. Because of course they are, and of course Paul took pictures of them.
It's late 1963, but the Finsbury Park Astoria looks stuck in the 1950s, all post-war austerity and support acts with towering teddy boy hair. Backstage looks cramped and freezing and dark: no wonder they went to the pub to try to do a photoshot. Then they go to Paris and the world opens up around them.
And Paul is so thrilled by it all. He's trying arty camera angles (some don't work). He's putting little crosses on his contact sheets, using a special pencil like he's seen the proper photographers do, because he's a complete nerd. And of course they were all arty nerds, trying out techniques and watching other artists (in whatever medium), getting excited and doing their art projects and trying to be cool.
Some are technically not-very-good photographs: Brian laughing right into the camera, George trying to waterski, both out of focus and both radiant with joy. Some are genuinely good portraits (Ringo particularly).
By the time they get to America, he's more confident and some of the on-the-hoof pics are striking: photographing the photographers, alarmed by armed police (with like. real guns. and ammunition. right there, on the other side of the car window, right there).
And so much people-watching. He watches them, and they watch back, looking up as the Beatle circus goes past. Airport workers with their hands over their ears because the screaming's so loud, or catching Paul's eye to mime playing the guitar. A lovely one of a railroad worker smiling back at him, another of a girl in a headscarf, absorbed in her own thoughts. One of their security falling asleep on the job (it's on a boat, they're probably fine). Mal, and Neil, and George Martin with Judy, and Cynthia. He's interested in people. He's amazed by sunlight. He's happy.
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dermontag · 2 years
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Erstmals seit 1963 nicht dabei Queen schickt Charles zur Parlamentseröffnung 09.05.2022, 20:51 Uhr Die Queen eröffnet traditionell die Sitzungsperiode des britischen Parlaments. Dabei verliest sie das Regierungsprogramm des Premiers. Doch zum dritten Mal in ihrer Regentschaft muss Elizabeth II. passen - erstmals aus gesundheitlichen Gründen. Die Aufgabe übernimmt ihr Sohn. Erstmals seit mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert wird eine neue Sitzungsperiode des britischen Parlaments am morgigen Dienstag ohne Queen Elizabeth II. eröffnet. Die mittlerweile 96 Jahre alte Königin lässt die traditionelle Queen's Speech in diesem Jahr von ihrem Sohn Prinz Charles verlesen, wie der Buckingham-Palast mitteilte. Begründet wurde dies mit "Mobilitätsproblemen". Aus gesundheitlichen Gründen hatte die Königin in den vergangenen Monaten schon mehrfach Termine abgesagt. Vor einem Jahr hatte die Queen die Eröffnung noch selbst übernommen, begleitet von ihrem Sohn Charles und dessen Frau Camilla. (Foto: picture alliance / Photoshot) Traditionell verliest die Queen zu Beginn der neuen Sitzungsperiode die Regierungserklärung des jeweiligen Premierministers - aktuell Boris Johnson. Faktisch ist sie aber nicht mit Regierungsgeschäften befasst. Zu der Erklärung versammeln sich Abgeordnete und Lords gemeinsam im Oberhaus, das mit einem Thron ausgestattet ist. Die Parlamentseröffnung verpasste Elizabeth II. in ihrer 70 Jahre währenden Regentschaft bislang nur zwei Mal - jeweils 1959 und 1963, als sie schwanger war.  Neben dem Thronfolger Prinz Charles, der nun an Stelle der Queen die Rede verliest, soll auch Prinz William bei dem Termin dabei sein, hieß es vom Palast. Mehr zum Thema Die Eröffnung der neuen Sitzungsperiode wird von großem Prunk begleitet. 2020 fiel die Zeremonie wegen der Corona-Pandemie aus. Vergangenes Jahr fand sie in kleinerem Rahmen statt. Seit 2016 nutzte die Queen beim Besuch des Parlaments den Aufzug und nicht mehr die Treppe. Zudem wurde sie in einer Limousine vorgefahren und nicht mehr in einer Kutsche und trug zuletzt auch nicht mehr die schwere Krone und die Staatsrobe, sondern Hut und Kostüm.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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Tina Aumont On Vacation In Balearic Islands, Spain.
August 1963 — Portrait of Tina AUMONT, 17, daughter of Maria Montez and Jean-Pierre Aumont. Photos by François Gragnon / Paris Match.
Paris Match, 28th September 1963.
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tina-aumont · 5 years
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Tina Aumont On Vacation In Baleares Spain, August 1963 — Portrait of Tina AUMONT, 17, daughter of Maria Montez and Jean-Pierre Aumont, on holiday in the Balearic Islands. (Photo by GRAGNON Francois / Paris Match via Getty Images)
🌟Andrea, thank you very much for this wonderful photo!!💜🌟
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tina-aumont · 2 years
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María Montez Bracelet
Tina Aumont kept a bracelet that belongeg to her mum, Dominican actress and Queen of Technicolor, María Montez.
In the first photo we can see Maria with her little daughter Tina holding the bracelet (circa 1947), then we can see Tina wearing it at her wedding with Christian Marquand (1963) and then in two different shots taken in 1966.
If more pics come, I'll post them, but it's a nice tribute she did to her mum 💜💜
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tina-aumont · 9 years
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Tina Aumont pictured in 1963. From: http://www.iconographies.fr/dr/no-copyright/
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