francepittoresque · 2 months
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15 mars 1667 : création de la charge de lieutenant de police de Paris Il s’en fallait beaucoup que la ville de Paris fût alors ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui ; il n’y avait ni clarté, ni sûreté, ni propreté. Il fallait pourvoir à l'illumination des rues et faire veiller une garde continuelle à pied et à cheval pour la sûreté des citoyens ➽ http://bit.ly/Lieutenant-Police
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MOBILISATION POUR L'ABANDON DU PROJET DE RÉFORME DES RETRAITES 8ème grande journée de mobilisation contre la réforme des retraites. France, Toulouse le 15 mars 2023. ➡️ #AbacaPress #Abaca #Photographie #presse #LaSaif ➡️ #ContrelaReformedesRetraites #Retraites #CGT #intersyndicale #15mars #onarretetout #photographie #femmephotographe #photodocumentaire #press #photographie #leicawomenfotoproject #leicawomen #myleicaphoto #femmes #photojournalisme #toulouse 📸 photo @patricia.huchot_boissier / @_abaca_ / @_la_saif Série disponible sur #PixPalace & #Reuters https://linktr.ee/p.huchotboissier SNJ / Card number F1275 - IFJ (à Toulouse) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1DFTcjYTm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Battle Action Force Souvenir Poster No. 3 - Cobra Commander (from Battle Action Force No. 567, dated 15 March 1986). Superb artwork by Vanyo. Treasury of British Comics.
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notihatillo · 1 month
El Hatillo, 17 de Marzo del 2024
Buenos días y un radiante Domingo , nuestro diario resumen de noticias llega a ustedes gracias a @NotiHatillo /Alcaldía de @ElHatillo /Redes Sociales
@eliasayegh Los venezolanos queremos un #CAMBIO, un cambio de verdad. No es quitar a uno para poner a otro y repetir lo mismo.
#Venezuela necesita una transformación profunda y no hay otra manera de iniciar un proceso de reconstrucción que sea perdurable, estable, sostenible y tangible en el tiempo que no sea un proceso de @CambioEnPAZ. #VenezuelaPOSIBLE #16Mar
@elhatillo Continuamos con la instalación de luminarias, desmontaje de brazo dañado de poste, y el tendido aéreo de 14 metros en la Av. Sur de #LaLagunita.. 🌃✨ #SeguimosTrabajando
@elhatillo 🌱 Avanzamos con la limpieza y recolección de desechos vegetales en la calle Loma Larga de #LaUnión. #SeguimosTrabajando cada día por un municipio más limpio.🚮
@elhatillo Este #15Mar llevamos a cabo la Jornada de #Hídrocapital donde se atendieron más de 65 personas con casos de:
✔️actualización de datos,
✔️cambio de titular,
✔️reclamos y sugerencias.
@elhatillo Este 15 de Marzo realizamos una Jornada de Hídrocapital en nuestra 📍Plaza Bolívar, El Hatillo.
Dirección de Servicios Públicos
¡Dispuestos siempre a atenderte!
El Hatillo se prepara para la Semana Santa con diversas actividades liturgicas para recordar la pasión y muerte de nuestro señor Jesucristo.
Ciclo de agua mejoró aunque varios sectores reportaron no haber recibido el suministro requerido.
Incendios de vegetación han sido reportados por vecinos. No permitas que nuestro municipio pierda su verdor, denuncia al piromaniaco.
Narváez: El CNE viola derechos políticos al no informar ubicación de los puntos de actualización y registro
Entre 2020 y 2023 se detuvieron a 36 personas por publicaciones en redes sociales y mensajería instantánea
Niños de 3° grado que no saben leer y maestros que no se alimentan bien: lo que arrojó estudio de “Con la Escuela “
PSUV proclama a Nicolás Maduro como candidato del chavismo a las presidenciales
CNE aprobó la confirmación de cinco nuevos partidos, incluyendo la plataforma de Benjamín Rausseo y Daniel Ceballos
Vladimir Villegas advierte que "huele a Nicaragua" tras la "degollina" de partidos en el CNE
CNE suspende las tarjetas de los partidos Convergencia, MPV, MAS y Puente
Solo dos partidos de la Plataforma Unitaria serán habilitados por el CNE para postular candidatos, según Eugenio Martínez
Rectora Aime Nogal sobre suspensión de las tarjetas electorales: "Asumo el costo de la decisión"
Macron le pedirá a Rusia un alto el fuego durante los Juegos Olímpicos de París 2024
Maduro vinculó sin pruebas a La Causa R con "sargento desertor" que planeaba presenté atentado en Maturín
Andrés Velásquez rechaza "insinuaciones de terrorismo" contra la Causa R: "Ninguna infamia podrá echarnos sombras"
Autobús con más de 50 pasajeros cayó al fondo de una quebrada en Barinas
En marzo le expropiaron la planta generadora a Turboven en Maracay. Era lo único que quedaba como generador privado.
El peaje de la entrada de la Cabrera tan ineficiente como siempre hasta 15 minutos en cola para procesar un pago
EEUU no le ha pedido a María Corina Machado la dimisión de su candidatura y respetará cualquier decisión que tome
Crecimiento del crédito bancario se ralentizó en febrero con un total de US$1.581,23 millones
80 Venezolanos regresaron al país desde México, por medio del Plan Vuelta a la Patria
Necesitamos tu contribución, sólo así podremos seguir adelante comprometidos con la información veraz, como ha sido nuestra bandera desde 1904.
Policía de Haití atacó bastión de "Barbecue", cabecilla de las pandillas
Nuevos crímenes de Putin: Odesa, de luto por los 21 fallecidos en el ataque ruso más mortífero contra la región ucraniana
Kim Jong-un supervisó ejercicios militares junto a su hija y pidió al ejército norcoreano que se prepare para la guerra
Alemania comienza a lanzar ayuda humanitaria sobre el norte de Gaza
“Se entregó pacíficamente”: tras esfuerzo de varias horas, capturan al autor de tiroteo en Pensilvania
La madrastra y la hermana del presunto autor del tiroteo en Pensilvania están entre las víctimas
Day Vásquez prometió publicar videos de Nicolás Petro recibiendo dinero ilícito
Consulado de Guatemala en Haití fue saqueado en medio de la crisis
El chavismo mandó "observadores" a Rusia para respaldar el fraude electoral de Putin
La defensa de Trump enreda sus casos penales para evitar juicios antes de las elecciones
Islandia declaró emergencia por alucinante erupción volcánica
Más de 100 incendios forestales activos registra Paraguay en medio de altas temperaturas
El Salvador impartirá información sobre bitcóin a estudiantes de las escuelas públicas
Machu Picchu será vigilado con cámaras de seguridad desde el próximo miércoles
Iván Duque advierte que existe «amenaza a la democracia colombiana» tras propuesta de Petro de una asamblea constituyente
Cuba reafirma la "amistad única" con Corea del Norte
Más de 5.500 personas correrán en el Maratón CAF 2024 en Caracas
25 atletas élite de 12 países participarán este domingo en el Maratón CAF Caracas 2024
La Vinotinto Sub-17 femenina cayó frente a Colombia y complica sus opciones de avanzar en el Sudamericano
Alcaraz ya rompió una larga racha victoriosa de Sinner, "el ahora mejor tenista del mundo"
Las terrazas de París ampliarán el horario nocturno por los JJ.OO.
Exboxeador panameño Roberto "Manos de Piedra" Durán hospitalizado por problema cardíaco
445 Roma: Petronio Máximo sucede a Valentiniano III como emperador.
1452 las tropas cristianas conquistan el Reino de Murcia, Península Ibérica, tras su victoria en la batalla de Los Alporchones.
1564 en Francia, Enrique de Valois recibe el título de duque de Orleans.
1586 en Ecuador se funda la Universidad Central, la más grande del país.
1734 en Nueva España, Juan Antonio Vizarrón y Eguiarreta ocupa el cargo de virrey, sustituyendo a Juan de Acuña.
1749 en Inglaterra, en el Covent Garden Theatre de Londres, Georg Friedrich Händel presenta su oratorio titulado Salomón.
1776 finaliza el asedio de Boston, durante la Guerra de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos, los británicos evacúan la ciudad y se refugian en Halifax.
1808 España: Motín de Aranjuez, sucede un levantamiento popular en Aranjuez por la situación política del reino, los partidarios de Fernando VII de Borbón asaltan el palacio de Manuel Godoy, este hecho provocará la abdicación de Carlos IV de España en favor de su hijo Fernando.
1811 Chile: Se disuelve la Junta Gubernativa del Reino presidida por Fernando Márquez de la Plata y se forma la Junta Superior de Gobierno con Juan Martínez de Rozas como presidente.
1830 Polonia: Frédéric Chopin hace su primera presentación como solista en el Teatro Nacional de Varsovia interpretando su Concierto en fa menor.
1840 Isla Norfolk: Alexander Maconochie asume la comandancia del penal británico asentado en la isla.
1852 Annibale de Gasparis descubre el 16º asteroide el que bautiza “Psiquis”.
1855 Brasil: Se funda la ciudad de Aracaju.
1861 Europa: Los estados de la península itálica y las Dos Sicilias se unen formando el Reino de Italia, regido por Víctor Manuel II.
1861 Italia: En la proclama de formación del Reino de Italia se establece, entre otras cosas, cómo será la bandera de Italia, usada hasta la actualidad.
1893 Auguste Charlois descubre un asteroide al que bautiza “Padua”, el 363º de la serie.
1901 Francia: Se exhiben, en París, 71 obras de Vincent van Gogh, fallecido 11 años antes; muestra que dio un fuerte impulso a la fama del pintor.
1905 Alemania: Albert Einstein envía a la revista Annalen der Physik el primero de sus revolucionarios artículos sobre física.
1913 se crea la Fuerza Aérea Uruguaya.
1914 Argentina: León Laborde Boy funda lo que después sería llamado el pueblo de Labordeboy.
1923 Perú: José Carlos Mariátegui regresa al país, tras tres años de exilio por sus críticas al gobierno de Augusto Leguía.
1932 España: El PCE celebra el IV Congreso, primero desde su salida de la clandestinidad a la que se vio sometido durante las dictaduras.
1938 Bielorrusia: Debido a su gran tamaño, Minsk es organizada en tres distritos (Stalinsky -Zavodski desde
1961-, Varashylauski -Savetski desde 1961- y Kahanovichski -Kastrychnitsky desde 1957-).
1948 México: En Mexicali, se crea el club de béisbol “Águilas de Mexicali”.
1953 en el Sitio de pruebas de Nevada, Estados Unidos detona la bomba atómica Annie, de 16 kt. Es la primera bomba (de once) de la operación Upshot-Knothole. Esta explosión atómica es la primera en ser televisada para toda la nación. Se probaron ocho refugios para bombas de uso residencial, cincuenta automóviles a variadas distancias del hipocentro, y dos casas de madera.
1956 Israel: Un grupo palestino asesina a 12 pasajeros de un autobús.
1958 en la zona poco poblada de Mars Bluff (Carolina del Sur) cae accidentalmente una bomba atómica desarmada (sin material fisionable) desde un avión de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos a 4500 m de altitud. La caída produjo la detonación de sus 3447 kg de explosivos convencionales, que creó un cráter de 23 m de diámetro y 10 m de profundidad, destruyó varias casas e hirió a una familia. (Véase el artículo Explosión de una bomba atómica en Mars Bluff).
1958 Estados Unidos lanza el Vanguard 1, el segundo satélite de ese país.
1959 el Dalái Lama (monarca absoluto del Tíbet) huye de su país por la persecución china y viaja a la India.
1963 Colombia: R.T.I. Televisión comienza a emitir sus primeros programas.
1964 accidente aéreo de un avión DC-3, en el pueblo de La Esperanza cercano al aeropuerto tinerfeño de Los Rodeos, al intentar un aterrizaje nocturno, causando el fallecimiento de cuatro tripulantes y una veintena de heridos, entre ellos el entonces Ministro de Trabajo, Jesús Romeo Gorría, y otros altos cargos y periodistas.
1966 en la costa mediterránea de España, el submarino estadounidense Alvin halla la bomba de hidrógeno que se había caído de un avión.
1973 el boxeador colombiano Kid Pambelé retiene, en la ciudad venezolana de Maracaibo, el título de campeón mundial en la categoría welter junior, frente al retador argentino Nicolino Locche.
1973 en Estados Unidos se lanza el álbum Dark side of the moon, de la banda británica de rock progresivo Pink Floyd.
1976 Wilfred Benítez derrota a Antonio Cervantes y obtiene el título mundial peso Welter junior de la Asociación Mundial de Boxeo, con 17 años es el campeón más joven de la historia.
1977 Tratado Fernández-Facio, en el que se establecen las fronteras marítimas entre Colombia y Costa Rica.
1987 en España, la Academia de las Artes y las Ciencias Cinematográficas realiza la primera entrega de los premios “Goya”.
1992 en Buenos Aires (Argentina) explota un coche bomba frente a la embajada de Israel y deja como saldo 29 muertos.
1992 lanzamiento del satélite estadounidense de observación terrestre GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment).
1997 en Atlanta se inaugura el canal de cable CNN en Español.
1997 en Estados Unidos se inaugura Toonami, un bloque de programación de Cartoon Network.
2002 lanzamiento de la misión GRACE (Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment).
2006 en distintos lugares de España se realiza la Competición de Macrobotellones; los jóvenes organizan botellones para superar al primer macrobotellón registrado el 16 de febrero en Sevilla, en el que se reunieron aproximadamente 5000 personas.
Una célula sanguínea tarda 60 segundos en recorrer todo el cuerpo humano.
Tres clases hay de ignorancia: no saber lo que debiera saberse, saber mal lo que se sabe, y saber lo que no debiera saberse.
François de La Rochefoucauld
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ivangzama · 1 month
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15Mar|🇻🇪 ¡ETIQUETA DEL DÍA! ▶️ #VivanMujeresPatriotas ¡Protagonistas de la Revolución!❤️🇻🇪
@Mippcivzla 🇻🇪 ¡Juntos todo es posible! 🏘️🇻🇪 ¡Si se puede!🏘️
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j-a-smiths-blog · 2 months
2039 15Mar24: Chapter 75.
Beware the ides of March!
Shakespeare wrote in his Julius Cesar play. Cesar was to be assassinated 15Mar.
A slow and recovery day. I took my nephew to school and then went for a walk that kept me out in the sun for a few hours... the sun and walk beat me up. The town was kicking off their fire prevention campaign and I got lucky enough to witness the events.
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kien1tc · 2 months
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Bullet Train Station East Gate Park
‎تامـــــن ڤينتو تيمور ستيسين کريتا اڤي ڤلورو
@ #栗田 #Kurita , #QNG , #信州 #Shinshū , #JPN
꧁ 甲辰年驚蟄🐯🌾🕊️ 15MAR’24 ꧂
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thitibodee · 1 year
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Thanks everyone coming last night!! It is a SUPER FUN night!! The art of rejection run on @solgalleryspace 26April-7May 1 painting still going on @bundoorahomestead 15Mar-24Jun (at SOL Gallery) https://www.instagram.com/p/Crk2RGlBzTw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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masterofd1saster · 1 year
CJ current events 23mar23
What is it w/ hatchets and the disturbed?
Ronald Vikash Chand of Santa Ana was arrested Tuesday morning inside the Planet Fitness at 3685 Grand Oaks, near Cajalco Road. Chand was booked into the Robert Presley Jail in Riverside on suspicion of attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon resulting in significant bodily injury.
According to the Corona Police Department, a 41-year-old Riverside man, whose name was not released, was in the fitness club parking lot when he witnessed Chand behaving erratically inside his own car. The suspect confronted him shortly after 9 a.m., and without provocation, the suspect allegedly broke the victim’s window with a hatchet, police said.
As the victim attempted to escape, Chand struck the victim with the hatchet and stabbed him with the knife, resulting in “stab wounds to the upper body,” prompting the man to retreat into the Planet Fitness, police Sgt. Jason Waldon said.
“While inside, Chand held the victim at knifepoint for a short period before being taken to the ground by the victim and was disarmed and detained with the assistance of bystanders,” Waldon said.*** https://www.ocregister.com/2023/03/15/hatchet-wielding-man-assaults-planet-fitness-patron-in-corona/
DC doesn't prosecute
Prosecutors have enormous power in the criminal justice system. In DC, most of this power resides within the Superior Court Division of the United States Attorney’s Office (USAO) of the District of Columbia. They decide which cases to charge and how the government presents its evidence. In recent years, this division has declined to prosecute a growing share of MPD’s arrests so that now most arrests don’t result in charges:
In the most recent complete fiscal year (2022), USAO prosecutors “declined” 67% of all arrests; i.e. they reviewed the arrest and declined to press charges. This represents: 52% of felony arrests 72% of misdemeanor arrests***
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It rubs the lotion on its skin....
Saturday, March 11, around 1:30 p.m., Dyersburg police responded to a possible domestic complaint on Schaffer Street. Officers were informed that a man working in the area was approached by a female who reported that she had been kidnapped weeks earlier, and had just escaped.
Officers arrived to find the victim hiding under a new construction home in the area. The 40-year-old victim had facial cuts and was reported to be very thin, weighing under 100 pounds. The victim reported that, for approximately two months, she was forced to stay in a closet that was locked by some type of locking device with a cable and was only allowed out of the closet for an hour a day. The victim was provided very limited food and no bathroom facilities. Officers and detectives were able to locate the vacant house on Ayers Street where the victim was being held. Evidence found included human waste inside the residence as described by the victim.
Brenton Bell, 30, Dyersburg, was identified by the victim as the suspect. Bell and the victim were in a relationship, and according to the victim it turned physically abusive and led to her being held captive. *** https://www.facebook.com/DyersburgPD/posts/pfbid027t4Wh5He9tuVKg2hCbCwyvSWy8y5hGSnVCEr99T8iTKNCFbSDH54A6xfXzZoCxrVl
He was arrested on 15mar.
You really needed to shoot him 70 times?
PHILADELPHIA - Horrifying scenes in Philadelphia's latest murder as a shooting victim was struck by more than 70 bullets.
Police found the 25-year-old man on the porch of a home on the 3400 block of 16th Street in Tioga just before midnight Sunday.
He was suffering from over 70 gunshots wounds, and was pronounced dead at a local hospital. The man was later identified as Dhalsim Jackson-Mayes.*** https://www.fox29.com/news/man-shot-over-70-times-dies-on-porch-of-tioga-home-police-say
You can adjudicate yourself?
EXCLUSIVE — The U.S. government conditioned a plea agreement with a defendant stipulating they sign a secret form, which was not authorized through Congress and has been slammed as "unconstitutional" by Republican lawmakers, that stripped their rights to buy, own, or use firearms, documents show.
Between 2011 and 2019, the FBI, Secret Service, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement coordinated to obtain signatures on an internal form from at least 60 U.S. citizens that stripped their gun rights, according to newly obtained records and multiple Washington Examiner reports. In at least one instance, the bureau and Secret Service worked behind closed doors with what appears to be a government prosecutor who conditioned signing of the form as part of a legal case, the Washington Examiner has learned.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/fbi-secret-service-plea-agreement-stripping-defendant-of-gun-rights-secretly
Get a letter like that, and you'll take up drinking
A Colorado judge cried foul this week after he was admonished by the leader of the state office that disciplines attorneys for professional misconduct, while the leader defended her actions.
El Paso County District Court Judge David Prince was reprimanded not because of actual wrongdoing but because he is a member of the Commission on Judicial Discipline, the group responsible for disciplining the state’s judges, Prince’s attorney David Kaplan claimed in a letter last week.
But Attorney Regulation Counsel Jessica Yates, who sent the critical letter to Prince, said she was simply acting on her professional responsibilities.
“Despite all my privilege and all my ability to fight… when I received that letter, my wife is in tears for a couple of nights, my blood pressure hit a 15-year high,” Prince told the House Judiciary Committee in a hearing at the state Capitol on Wednesday. “…I feared for my career. I effectively have to give up what were my plans for retirement because of the way things have gone because we came forward and testified. And it wasn’t just me, it was every lawyer on the commission (received the letter).”
The dispute is the latest turn in a simmering fight between the Colorado Commission on Judicial Discipline and the Colorado Supreme Court amid an effort by lawmakers to reform the state’s system for disciplining judges in the wake of a blackmail scandal that came to light in 2021. Prince made his public comments during a discussion of three judicial reform bills, each of which passed unanimously out of the committee Wednesday.
In February, Prince, who is vice chair of the Commission on Judicial Discipline, testified to lawmakers about the commission’s working relationship with the Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel. Yates took issue with Prince’s testimony and on Feb. 6 sent a letter to Prince and the other members of the commission in which she accused Prince of making false statements, and said he and the commission’s members may have violated the rules of professional conduct for attorneys.
The Office of Attorney Regulation Counsel, which Yates leads, is responsible for investigating any such professional conduct violations, which can result in an attorney being disciplined, suspended or disbarred.
In the Feb. 6 letter, Yates said she was not pursuing a formal investigation against Prince but was instead reaching out, one attorney to another, to encourage Prince to “better conform future conduct” to the rules of professional behavior.*** https://www.denverpost.com/2023/03/17/colorado-judicial-reform-scandal-david-prince-retaliation/
Lot of work for a perp walk you'll never get
NYC DA Alvin Bragg is apparently going to charge Donald Trump with making an illegal campaign contribution to himself by paying hush money to Stormy Daniels. https://nypost.com/2023/03/18/donald-trump-says-he-will-be-arrested-tuesday/
I'm not sure that's even a crime in NY. I think the Supreme Court told us that a " restriction on a candidate's personal expenditures is unconstitutional." Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1, 54 (1976).
The payoffs were in the summer/fall of 2016. Doesn't NY have a statute of limitations?
Former presidents have Secret Service protection. You're not going to get a Roger Stone or Mark Hauck raid. You're not going to get a perp walk.
All it's going to do is pour attention on a man who loves nothing more than attention.
Excellent parody
4D Chess: Trump Reveals He Preemptively Pardoned Himself Before Leaving Office
POLITICS·Mar 20, 2023 · BabylonBee.com
PALM BEACH, FL — Democrat dreams of seeing President Donald Trump indicted and arrested this week were dealt a blow after Trump revealed he had preemptively pardoned himself prior to leaving office in January 2021.
"The radical Democrats will not succeed in this WITCH HUNT! I happen to have given myself the biggest, most beautiful pardon the day before I left the White House," Trump said in a post to his Truth Social account. "This pardon exonerates me from any crime I did or didn't commit, at any time, ever, now or in the future. It is the greatest, most powerful pardon in the history of the world. The Democrats will not win! It's all a SHAM! SAD!"*** https://babylonbee.com/news/4d-chess-trump-reveals-he-preemptively-pardoned-himself-before-leaving-office
George Will inveighing against plea bargains
The Stanford Law School mini-riot was more vulgar than reported.
Are you trying to make them hate us?
Friday, March 17, 2023
Former Department of State Employee Sentenced for Engaging in Illicit Sexual Conduct with Minors in the Philippines
A former U.S. Department of State employee was sentenced today to 15 years in prison for engaging in illicit sexual conduct in a foreign place.
According to court documents, Dean Edward Cheves, 63, served at the U.S. Embassy in the Philippines from 2017 to 2021. From December 2020 to March 2021, Cheves used a messaging application installed on his cell phone to chat with a 15- to 16-year-old Philippine minor, whom he paid to create and send to him sexually explicit images of the minor. Additionally, in February 2021, Cheves engaged in sex acts on two separate occasions with another 16-year-old Philippine minor, whom he met online. Cheves used his government-issued cell phone to film the sex acts on at least one of those occasions. The child sex abuse material that Cheves produced was found on the phone after it was seized from Cheves’ embassy residence in the Philippines. Cheves knew the ages of both minors at the time he engaged in the conduct.*** https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-department-state-employee-sentenced-engaging-illicit-sexual-conduct-minors-philippines
CNN story on crime in SFran causing voter discontent results in....
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Deadly dentist?
A Colorado dentist was arrested Sunday following accusations he poisoned and killed his wife, according to police.
James Toliver Craig, 45, had driven his wife, 43, to a hospital on Wednesday because she was complaining of severe headaches and dizziness, the Aurora Police Department wrote in a press release.
Shortly after arriving at the hospital, his wife's condition rapidly deteriorated, and she was placed on a ventilator in an intensive care unit. She was eventually declared medically brain-dead.
Doctors took her off life support and contacted the police Sunday morning because they believed her medical situation was suspicious.*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/colorado-dentist-charged-murder-after-allegedly-poisoning-wife
Good essay by Amanda Knox https://www.thefp.com/p/amanda-knox-the-life-i-refused-to
Let me know when we can shoot him
A Massachusetts resident doctor allegedly used hidden cameras and had "thousands" of sexually explicit images and videos of children, including some of his patients, according to federal prosecutors.
Bradford Ferrick, 32, was arrested and is facing state and federal charges of possession of child pornography following a three-month investigation, which remains in progress as law enforcement search for missing hidden camera devices.
On Feb. 14, investigators searched his family's Winchester home, where they found hidden cameras in boxes and the bathroom, which was designed to look like a wall outlet, according to the federal complaint. ***
In total, about 80 devices were seized from several locations in Massachusetts, according to federal prosecutors, who continue to comb through the devices. 
In at least one instance, Ferrick allegedly attempted to lock his iPhone and remotely wipe seized devices, according to the criminal complaint. *** https://www.foxnews.com/us/hidden-cameras-missing-massachusetts-child-porn-case-allegedly-masterminded-family-doctor-feds
[email protected] isn't a cheerleader who can't wait to have sex with a greasy 40 y/o loser. She's a 35 y/o male cop. https://www.foxnews.com/us/florida-undercover-operation-leads-arrest-12-men-connection-alleged-sexual-activity-minors
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The bailiff should fire when ready
MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A formerly well-connected Republican donor, accused of plying petite, vulnerable teenage girls with cash, liquor and gifts, goes on trial Tuesday on federal charges of sex trafficking minors.
Anton “Tony” Lazzaro is charged with seven counts involving “commercial sex acts” with five minors ages 15 and 16 in 2020, when he was 30 years old. His indictment touched off a political firestorm that led to the downfall of Jennifer Carnahan as chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota.
His co-defendant, Gisela Castro Medina, who formerly led the College Republicans chapter at the University of St. Thomas, pleaded guilty to two counts last year. She is cooperating with prosecutors and will testify against him. She faces sentencing in August.***
Lazzaro gave more than $270,000 to Republican campaigns and political committees over the years, including $42,000 to the state party organization and $31,000 to Hagedorn’s campaign. Several recipients quickly donated those contributions to charity after the charges became public, including U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer, of Minnesota, who received $15,600 but suffered no repercussions. Emmer became majority whip in January.
Prosecutors alleged in their trial brief earlier this month that Lazzaro conspired with Castro Medina and others to recruit 15- and 16-year-old girls to have sex with him in exchange for cash and valuable items. They met in May 2020 on a “sugar daddy” website when she was 18 years old and finishing high school, prosecutors wrote.
According to the brief, Lazzaro had “a stated sexual preference for young, tiny girls” and liked them “broken” and vulnerable — but without tattoos. Prosecutors say he paid Castro Medina “well over $50,000,” including money for her tuition, her off-campus apartment and her Mini Cooper.
He often sent cars to take the girls to his luxury penthouse condo at the Hotel Ivy in downtown Minneapolis, prosecutors said.
“Once the girls Castro Medina recruited arrived at Lazzaro’s apartment, a similar pattern ensued,” the brief alleges. “Lazzaro would brag about his wealth and connections. He would give the girls — small and young — hard liquor. Lazzaro would take out stacks of cash and offer the girls precise sums of money to perform certain sex acts with him, and with each other. $100 to kiss. $400 for sex. And so forth. He would send them home with cash, vapes, alcohol, Plan B, cell phones, and other items of value.” Plan B is a form of emergency birth control.
Lazzaro is also the target of a lawsuit by one alleged victim who claims he offered $1,000 in hush money to her and her parents and asked them to sign a nondisclosure agreement.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/gop-donor-trial-charges-sex-trafficking-minors
Miami springbreakers party
Not CJ, but good article
Georgia practices representative democracy
Arkansas’s legislature unanimously agreed upon a definition of antisemitism this year. Indiana is on its way . But in Georgia, misunderstandings about the proposed definition and the Jewish community have complicated defining antisemitism in state law.
The bill itself is straightforward. In just over two pages, Georgia’s HB30 adopts the widely accepted International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance definition of antisemitism. Investigators and prosecutors could use this definition to determine intent after finding evidence of a crime or unlawful discrimination targeting Jewish people. For example, this definition could inform hate crime deliberations after a Nazi admirer enters a synagogue filled with Jews and shoots, as recently happened.
In fiery floor remarks before the Georgia House of Representatives vote, state Rep. Esther Panitch, HB30’s lead Democratic sponsor and Georgia’s lone Jewish state legislator, explained why this bill is necessary. Among her reasons: Nearly half of Americans can’t define antisemitism. Additionally, “It is in the interest of 'justice for all’ to provide clarity on the bright lines of what is, and is not, racism against Jews.”
Joshua Heller, senior rabbi of Congregation B'nai Torah, hopes that“this bill provides a little more clarity” and“narrows that window of what people can do and get away with,” possibly creating a deterrent.***
As for why state Rep. John Carson, HB30’s lead Republican sponsor, is so motivated to stand with that supermajority, he commented, “It is the right and moral thing to do. When I see a community being targeted and a clear and simple way to help them that doesn’t affect anyone else (except antisemites), that’s where the inquiry stops for me.”
The Georgia House overwhelmingly agreed HB30 is worthwhile, voting 136-22 to pass it. Now up is the Georgia state Senate, in which a March 29 deadline looms.
It’s time to define antisemitism officially, senators. Make HB30 Georgia law. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/georgias-battle-to-define-antisemitism
Congress practices democracy
EXCLUSIVE — House Republicans introduced new legislation aimed at blocking the federal government from banning or regulating the use of gas stoves in U.S. households, according to copies of the bills shared first with the Washington Examiner.
Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ) introduced HR 1640, the Save Our Gas Stoves Act, which would block the Department of Energy from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing its "Energy Policy and Conservation Program," or the rulemaking introduced last month that would allow it to set new energy efficiency and conservation standards for consumer conventional cooking products, including gas stoves.
DOE said in a memo last month that at least half of U.S. stove models would not be eligible for repurchase in stores if its proposed conservation rules were to come into force today.
The agency's proposed rules represent “another example of out-of-touch bureaucrats trying to control Americans’ everyday lives," Lesko said in a statement Monday.
Meanwhile, Rep. Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) introduced HR 1615, also known as the ‘Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act, which would prohibit the Consumer Product Safety Commission from using federal funds to ban gas stoves.
That legislation would also bar the CPSC from enforcing any safety standard or rule that would “otherwise substantially increase the average price of gas stoves in the United States,” according to the text of the bill.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/energy-environment/house-republicans-introduce-new-legislation-to-protect-gas-stoves
Dysfunctional Family Feud
A gender discrimination trial in Washington, D.C., shined a harsh spotlight on one of the most important legal offices in the U.S. government, portraying it as a hotbed of dysfunction, turf wars, mismanagement and paranoia.***
Among the other revelations unearthed during the trial:
— A senior lawyer in the office’s national security branch allegedly threw a chair at a meeting, prompting alarm on the part of several people present.
— The Justice Department’s top watchdog, Inspector General Michael Horowitz, threatened to open an obstruction-of-justice investigation into a senior Office of General Counsel lawyer during a standoff over limitations on the IG’s access to FBI files, according to Baker. (Justice Department internal legal advisors wound up siding with the FBI in the fight, but Congress overrode them.)
— Bureau officials warned of widespread “grade inflation” in annual performance reviews of FBI personnel, which created problems later when those reviews turned out to be inaccurate.
— The lawyer and FBI Special Agent who filed the discrimination case, Marciann Grzadzinski, kept close track of her “KMA” date, referring to her eligibility for retirement. FBI personnel routinely referred to that milestone as their “Kiss My Ass” date, she testified, signaling the moment they no longer had to cater to bureau leadership.
— While defending the FBI in the discrimination suit, a Justice Department attorney referred to the general counsel’s office as “a low-morale organization” at the time Baker took the helm.
— Former FBI Director James Comey managed to entice Baker into taking the post, despite billing it as “the worst job in the FBI,” Baker said.
The trial’s proceedings add vivid new details to a lengthy list of allegations of dysfunction that has at times hobbled the FBI or drawn it into national controversy. The accumulation both explains Trump‘s fury at the agency and defies his description of the bureau as a weaponized political force out to topple him. At times, as the new testimony confirms, the bureau couldn’t get out of its own way.*** https://www.politico.com/news/2023/03/20/fbi-discrimination-case-00087650
Good thing there's an IJ
DETROIT—In February 2020, Detroit resident Robert Reeves partnered with the Institute for Justice (IJ) to file a class action lawsuit aimed at putting an end to Wayne County’s practice of seizing Detroiters’ cars without charging them with a crime. At the time, he had no way of knowing just how low Wayne County would go to silence his voice and attempt to put an end to his lawsuit. 
Within days of filing suit, Wayne County prosecutors slapped Robert with two bogus felony charges. With IJ’s help, Robert hired an attorney and fought back. Months later a judge dismissed the case, citing a lack of evidence. But that didn’t stop the county, which refiled the identical charges against Robert. Once again, he mounted a defense and won. 
Now he’s fighting back. Today he’s filed a new federal civil rights lawsuit against Wayne County to put an end to its campaign of harassment and intimidation. 
“The government cannot use bogus criminal charges to attempt to silence its critics,” said IJ Attorney Kirby Thomas West. “At the core of the First Amendment is the idea that Americans are free to criticize their government without fear of intimidation or retaliation. And yet, that’s precisely what Wayne County prosecutors have done in their no-holds-barred attempt to derail Robert’s lawsuit. In more than thirty years of work, the Institute for Justice has not seen such a brazenly unconstitutional litigation tactic. We’re confident that with this second lawsuit, the courts will not only end the retaliation, but also hold those responsible to account.”
Robert—an auto mechanic, construction worker, and lifelong Detroiter—is no stranger to Wayne County’s abusive legal tactics. In July 2019, the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office impounded his 1991 Chevrolet Camaro after he visited a job site where there were pieces of heavy equipment that had allegedly been stolen from a Home Depot. He was never charged with a crime, and he assured the police he had no knowledge of any theft. His innocence did not matter—Wayne County seized his car without evidence, and they demanded a $900 “retribution fee” to give it back. Appalled, Robert joined two other Detroiters to file a lawsuit challenging Wayne County’s seize-and-ransom policy.
Within two weeks of filing suit, Wayne County began a concerted campaign to silence him and force him to drop his case. The prosecutor’s office twice filed bogus felony charges against him for receiving and concealing stolen property. Then, on both occasions, the county attorney asked the judge overseeing Robert’s class action to suspend his suit, arguing that he could not challenge the county in court so long as he was accused of felonies. None of these legal tactics were based on evidence: They were roadblocks designed to intimidate Robert into giving up his case.*** https://ij.org/press-release/wayne-county-seized-his-car-without-evidence-when-he-spoke-out-they-filed-criminal-charges-to-silence-him-now-he-is-fighting-back
Can the FBI damage its reputation more? Hold its beer.
*** In March 2021, the FBI raided US Private Vaults with a warrant that explicitly directed agents not to conduct a criminal search or seizure of individual customers’ boxes. They were just supposed to identify owners so they could claim their property. But the FBI instead acted on its months-old plan to search and try to forfeit the contents of any box worth more than $5,000.
That’s all the agency really knew about the customers: that they had property worth forfeiting. It didn’t have any idea if owners had broken any law. But with dollar signs in its eyes, the FBI pressed on, sending out notices to hundreds of customers from whom it wanted to forfeit over $100 million cash, gold, and other valuables. Although those notices indirectly refer to hundreds of federal crimes, they don’t tell anyone what the government thinks they specifically did wrong.
That’s what happened to Linda. When she got the notice saying the FBI intended to take her $40,200, she was left utterly bewildered. Lacking any idea about why the government took her money, Linda unwittingly filed a petition that gave the FBI free rein to decide if it will return any of her money. Nearly two years later, Linda has not been charged with a crime and there is no indication that her savings will be returned.*** https://ij.org/press-release/the-fbi-hasnt-said-what-this-couple-did-wrong-but-is-taking-their-savings-anyway
Just another suicide, nothing to see here
The mysterious death of an aide to President Bill Clinton with ties to Jeffrey Epstein has been officially ruled a suicide — despite there being no sign of a weapon near the body.
Mark Middleton, 59, who served in the Clinton White House in the 1990s, was found dead on Heifer Ranch in Perryville, Arkansas, on May 2, 2022, the Daily Mail reported.
Almost one year after Middleton’s death, a police report obtained by the outlet this week revealed that the Little Rock businessman was discovered with a gunshot wound to the chest and an extension cord tying his neck to a tree.
“I could see the male was obviously deceased,” Deputy Jeremy Lawson of the Perry County Sheriff’s Department wrote of his arrival at the grisly scene.
Notably, Lawson’s account includes that while officers located a gun case and three boxes of buckshot in Middleton’s BMW SUV, there was no weapon in sight.*** https://nypost.com/2023/02/22/death-of-clinton-aide-tied-to-jeffrey-epstein-ruled-suicide/
If you don't want to be a priest, don't be a priest
Statement on Fr. James Connell
​March 22, 2023
Sadly, I have learned that Father James Connell, a priest of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee who is now retired from active ministry, has continued to disseminate false information about the sacramental seal of confession.  He has publicly advocated for the removal of the legal protection of the confessional seal, suggesting there are situations where it is permissible to violate it.  
Such assertions are gravely contrary to the definitive teachings of the Catholic Church about this sacrament.  The Catholic Church firmly declares that the sacramental seal of confession is always, and in every circumstance without exception, completely inviolable.  The Archdiocese of Milwaukee fully assents to this fundamental tenet of the Catholic faith.
The false assertions of Father James Connell have caused understandable and widespread unrest among the People of God, causing them to question if the privacy of the confessional can now be violated, by him or any other Catholic priest. 
I have informed Father James Connell that effective immediately he is to cease all such erroneous communications that distort the teachings of the Church about the confessional seal. I have also immediately removed the canonical faculties of Father Connell to validly celebrate the Sacrament of Confession and to offer absolution, here in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and thereby also in the Catholic Church around the world.   
The Archdiocese of Milwaukee remains fully committed to the protection of all people from acts of abuse and neglect.  However, our commitment to this protection in no way allows us to endorse or advocate for any practice, policy, or legislative action that would threaten the inviolable nature of the confessional seal, and the clergy-penitent privilege.
Most Reverend Jerome E. Listecki Archbishop of Milwaukee https://www.archmil.org/News-2.0/Update-on-Fr.-James-Connell-.htm
Sad. Should be deferred pros/judgment
The 29-year-old woman charged with presenting a false birth certificate in January to pose as a high school student has pleaded not guilty to the charges.
During her second court appearance on Monday, Hyejeong Shin pleaded not guilty to charges that carry a maximum penalty of five years imprisonment.
In January, the Rutgers University graduate enrolled at New Brunswick High School in New Jersey by posing as a 15-year-old. She attended for four days before she was arrested for providing false documents.*** https://www.yahoo.com/news/29-old-scientist-posed-teen-203320414.html
‘Game-Changer’ Costello Testimony May Have Sunk Manhattan DA’s Case Against Trump, Dershowitz Says
By  Tim Pearce
Mar 22, 2023   DailyWire.com https://www.dailywire.com/news/game-changer-costello-testimony-may-have-sunk-manhattan-das-case-against-trump-dershowitz-says
Sounds like Cohen's lawyer Costello says Cohen is totally unreliable. Cohen was Trump's fixer and is the main witness in the current case.
Former child star Amanda Bynes was reportedly placed on a psychiatric hold following an incident involving her wandering the streets of Los Angeles naked.
The 36-year-old flagged down a passing motorist early Sunday morning and asked them for assistance, revealing that she was having a “psychotic episode,” as reported by TMZ. According to the outlet, authorities picked up Bynes and placed her on a psychiatric hold under the direction of a mental health team.
TMZ noted that Bynes did not appear to be injured when she was detained. 
The former Nickelodeon actress was previously placed under a conservatorship in August 2013, which gave her mother, Lynn Bynes, legal control of her finances and other decisions. She had been placed on psychiatric holds multiple times after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder.
That conservatorship was terminated in March 2022.*** https://www.dailywire.com/news/former-child-star-placed-on-psychiatric-hold-after-wandering-l-a-streets-naked-report
1,200 prosecutions?
Federal prosecutors warned of a potential surge in January 6 charges, including possibly more than 1,000 new people being arrested.
Matthew Graves, the United States attorney in Washington D.C., sent a letter to the chief judge of the Washington D.C. federal court, warning that the Department of Justice could charge another 700 to 1,200 new defendants in connection with the Jan. 6 riot, Bloomberg reported. So far, the Department of Justice said it has arrested at least 999 people in connection with the riot, meaning that the department could more than double its current number of arrests.*** https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/courts/prosecutors-1000-arrested-jan-6
Protip: take the firearm when you find it
Two faculty members were shot and wounded at a Colorado high school Wednesday, and the student allegedly responsible remains on the run, officials say. 
At a press conference, Denver Mayor Michael Hancock confirmed a student shot at two staff members at East High School. Paramedics were already in the building at the time because of an earlier call for a person brought to the hospital for an allergic reaction, he said, according to Denver Westworld.
The police chief said faculty patted down a student that morning, found a gun, and the student allegedly shot two faculty members, KMGH-TV reported. *** https://www.foxnews.com/us/shooting-colorado-high-school-leaves-2-adults-injured-suspect-run-police-say +++
The suspect in a Colorado high school shooting is dead, a coroner confirmed Thursday morning.
A body found in the woods near an abandoned car was that of a 17-year-old student accused of wounding two administrators Wednesday at East High School in Denver.
Park County Sheriff Tom McGraw said the body was discovered Wednesday not far from the student's car in a remote mountain area about 50 miles southwest of Denver, near the small town of Bailey, in Park County, The Associated Press reported.*** https://news.yahoo.com/denver-high-school-shooting-17-114201694.html
Can we just shoot him now?
Oklahoma police have arrested a 32-year-old man for allegedly soliciting sex with a 2-year-old girl.
Michael Jon Overby is now facing one count of lewd indecent proposals or acts to a child and one count of access to a computer with unlawful intent after someone reported him to authorities, according to the Oklahoma City Police Department.
Overeby reportedly met a dancer at the Red Dog Saloon and texted her on March 12 asking if she allowed sex with her 2-year-old daughter, according to court documents obtained by FOX 25 Oklahoma City.*** https://www.foxnews.com/us/oklahoma-man-solicited-sex-toddler-meeting-mom-police
Moral relativism causes moral bankruptcy
On Thu, Mar 23, 2023 at 5:09 AM On This Day <[email protected]> wrote:
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Wernher von Braun
German-born American engineer???
WTF, he was trying to kill you.
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mongolitofragola · 1 year
Regardez "REPORTAGE #15Mars - 49.3, Blocage, Réquisitions... Que faire après le passage à l'Assemblée ?" sur YouTube
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eaglejtechs2 · 1 year
Please Follow My Youtube Channel. I Need Your Support & Blessings to keep going! Thanks may God Bless You.
#dailyprayer #jesus #jesuschrist #prayer #god #prayerfortoday #prayeroftheday #prayersfortheworld #biblereading #gospel #bibleverses #biblequotes
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keystonewarrior · 1 year
At least,
Tumblr didn't roll out knives on people's Tumblrs for 15MAR like the whole crab thing
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Battle Action Force No. 567, dated 15 March 1986. Laser Trooper cover by Vanyo. Treasury of British Comics.
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notihatillo · 1 month
El Hatillo, 16 de Marzo del 2024
Buenos días y descansado fin de semana, nuestro diario resumen de noticias llega a ustedes gracias a @NotiHatillo /Alcaldía de El Hatillo /Redes Sociales
@eliasayegh A través del Plan de Bacheo #CuidemosElHatillo continuamos realizando la recuperación integral de nuestras vías. Estuvimos en intensa jornada en la Calle La Colina de #LaUnion y la Av. Ppal de #LosNaranjos. #ElHatilloPosible #15Mar
@eliasayegh Celebramos a cada nuevo recién nacido en #ElHatillo, porque unidos construimos El Hatillo Posible de amor y felicidad para su futuro.
Gracias a esta nueva entrega de Canastillas acompañamos y apoyamos integralmente a las madres por ser el pilar fundamental de la familia hatillana. #ElHatilloPosible #15Mar
@eliasayegh Agradezco el apoyo de Mercedes Silva y toda la #PastoralSocialElHatillo por su abnegado amor en la elaboración de ropa tejida, mantas y gorros que se les obsequian en sus bolsos maternos. #ElHatilloPosible #15Mar
@eliasayegh Mis queridas Dani y Ale, compartieron con mucho cariño con cada madre y su bebé. Es la mejor manera de valorar a nuestras mujeres, quienes con amor, templanza y fortaleza construyen día a día los cimientos de la sociedad del futuro. #ElHatilloPosible #VenezuelaPOSIBLE
@eliasayegh ¡@CambioEnPAZ sigue creciendo en todo el país!
Hoy junto a mi hermano Alcalde de #LosSalias @JosyFernandez juramentamos a más de 100 líderes sociales de los municipios Páez y Pedro Gual de nuestro Edo. #Miranda. #VenezuelaPOSIBLE #15Mar
@eliasayegh Nosotros queremos un #CAMBIO radical, un cambio de verdad. No es quitar unos y poner otros para repetir lo mismo. #Venezuela demanda hoy una transformación profunda, pero ese cambio que anhelamos todos los venezolanos debe darse en PAZ porque es la única forma viable y sostenible en que puede ser ejecutado. #VenezuelaPOSIBLE #15Mar
@eliasayegh Yo estoy convencido de que nuestro país se acerca a un proceso de cambio que será virtuoso, que abrirá el compás para un nuevo capítulo en la historia de #Venezuela. Si hay un país que tiene cómo salir adelante es este.
¡Que Dios los bendiga! Sigamos adelante, sean ustedes la luz que necesitamos este mar de oscuridad, más temprano que tarde veremos materializado el tan anhelado #CambioEnPAZ que exige nuestro país. #VenezuelaPOSIBLE #15Mar
@elhatillo Estamos instalando nuevas señalizaciones de líneas reductoras de velocidad en la carretera de #LaUnión. #SeguimosTrabajando por la seguridad y bienestar de todos los hatillanos 🛣️🏘️
@elhatillo En nuestro ecosistema de seguridad integral de El Hatillo contamos con un Centro de Control Integral, equipado con más de 25 cámaras distribuidas en puntos estratégicos por todo el municipio.
@elhatillo ¿Buscas un espacio tranquilo para leer? Te invitamos a visitar nuestros puntos ecológicos de lectura ubicados en varios sectores del municipio.
Estos espacios te ofrecen la oportunidad de disfrutar de la naturaleza de nuestro municipio mientras te sumerges en un buen libro.📚
@elhatillo Los usuarios registrados en #SaludElHatilloInteligente pueden acceder a diversos servicios desde orientación médica telefónica hasta consultas presenciales incluyendo exámenes de laboratorio y entrega de medicamentos.
#SeguimosTrabajando en pro del bienestar de todos los vecinos
@elhatillo Los interesados Los usuarios registrados en #SaludElHatilloInteligente pueden acceder a diversos servicios desde orientación médica telefónica hasta consultas presenciales incluyendo exámenes de laboratorio y entrega de medicamentos.
#SeguimosTrabajando en pro del bienestar de todos los vecinosResumen de
@elhatillo Todos los hatillanos pueden contar con la plataforma de #SaludElHatilloInteligente. Este servicio utiliza inteligencia artificial para ofrecer una atención médica integral y personalizada.
Gerardo Blyde descarta la posibilidad de ser candidato presidencial: “Eso no va a pasar"
Gerardo Blyde: Acuerdo de Caracas no sustituye al de Barbados
En Gaceta: nuevas disposiciones que regulan la operación de aeronaves privadas extranjeras en Venezuela
Diosdado arremete contra las declaraciones de Daniel Habif: "Imbécil, Nosotros Venceremos"
Blyde ve injusto el cronograma para presidenciales venezolanas: denuncia parcialización del CNE
Luis Florido acusa a Ratti de ser un "provocador de oficio contratado por el Gobierno para dividir"
José Brito pide al TSJ que defina quién puede usar la tarjeta electoral de Primero Justicia para postular a las presidenciales de 2024
Un incrementó de 25,17% registraron activos de la banca venezolana al cierre de febrero.
Partido Comunista de Venezuela denuncia política "antiobrera y antipopular" de Maduro: "desde hace dos años el Gobierno mantiene congelados los salarios"
Padrino López advierte que Venezuela responderá «proporcionalmente» a «provocaciones» en la zona disputada con Guyana
ANSA propone establecer un día sin IVA para incentivar el consumo en el país
El naufragio más grande de la historia fue hallado por científicos venezolanos en el archipiélago Las Aves
Monitor Salud reveló las calamidades de los hospitales por falta de agua en febrero
Pensionados pidieron apoyo a Naciones Unidas ante sus condiciones precarias
Detenido en España un integrante del Tren de Aragua, hermano de Niño Guerrero
Diario La Mañana: 72 años siendo la ventana del estado Falcón
En redes: El peaje de carabobo hacia Puerto cabello. El diálogo exacto con la policia antes de pasar el peaje:
Espero que tenga buenas tardes ciudadano…. muy bien, gracias. espero que usted también…. No tan bién responde el policia… Permítanos sus documentos… Todo en orden, hasta los trimestres…. tendrá para darnos para una colaboración, es que estamos pasando trabajo…. A lo que respondo: estoy jubilado, Maduro no colabora para nada conmigo… que tenga mejores tardes… Eso es la policía nacional, aunque usted no lo crea
Andrés Velásquez denuncia atropellos de la DGCIM contra militantes de La Causa R en Monagas: "La dictadura escalando su política de represión y miedo"
María Corina Machado: "Todo mi apoyo a los equipos de La Causa R ante esta nueva arremetida represiva del régimen"
Creador de contenido, publicó video crítico contra Maduro en Falcón y acabó detenido
Inició la entrega del bono "Contra la Guerra Económica" a trabajadores activos y jubilados del sector público sin embargo vía redes sociales aseguran que aún no lo reciben.
Partido Comunista de Venezuela denuncia política "antiobrera y antipopular" de Maduro: "desde hace dos años el Gobierno mantiene congelados los salarios"
Se viene cedulación exprés: Saime se alista para las elecciones presidenciales
Tras horas de tensión, desarmaron y detuvieron a hombre armado que generó pánico en Los Teques
La Causa R denuncia allanamientos en viviendas de cuatro miembros regionales en Monagas y pide «cese de la persecución política»
Página web del CNE fija a César Pérez Vivas como “inhabilitado” para ejercer cargos o función pública
Maduro se gastó una fortuna para aterrizar en Carúpano, llevaron todos los aviones de los “seguidores”
Andrés Velásquez denunció el allanamiento de la residencia del secretario general de la Causa R en Monagas.
Dólar BCV: 36,32 Bs/$ Paralelo: 37,88 Bs/$
Bitcoin: 69.405,00
El artículo 227 de la Constitución obliga al CNE a inscribir candidatos sin sentencia firme”: "Para ser elegido Presidente o Presidenta de la República se requiere ser venezolano o venezolana por nacimiento, no poseer otra nacionalidad, ser mayor de treinta años, de estado seglar y no estar sometido a condena mediante sentencia definitivamente firme". "Aquí no hay ninguna sentencia definitivamente firme, porque la decisión de la Sala Constitucional del Tribunal Supremo de Justicia (TSJ), que asumió que María Corina Machado estaba inhabilitada es un acto administrativo del contralor de la República, eso quiere decir que el contralor nunca pasó ese expediente al Ministerio Público para ser juzgada", alegó Sosa.
Rusia recluta cubanos para la guerra bajo engaño de oferta laboral
Rusia celebra las octavas elecciones presidenciales de su historia. Los rusos votan en elecciones con poco suspenso después de que Putin aplastara a la disidencia
La ONU condena que Rusia celebre las elecciones en las zonas ocupadas de Ucrania
Ucrania denuncia la "farsa" de elecciones presidenciales rusas en sus territorios ocupados.
Exxon Mobil anunció nuevo hallazgo de crudo en aguas frente al Esequibo, reclamadas por Venezuela
Guyana, “El Dubái de Sudamérica”: de ser un país pobre a tener la economía que más crece en el mundo
Desmantelan la mayor red de contrabando en Colombia, que incluía a funcionarios de la policía
Agentes del ICE, en USA, comenzarán a emplear cámaras corporales en estas cinco ciudades
Estatal eléctrica de Cuba anuncia que casi la mitad de la isla sufrirá un apagón general
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Toque de queda en Miami Beach por el spring break en horarios puntuales,y en áreas especiales
El ex vicepresidente de EE.UU. Mike Pence asegura que no respaldará la candidatura presidencial de Trump
Cruz Roja Internacional pide respeto al acceso a atención médica y al agua segura en Haití
Cayó "El Bendecido", señalado del ingreso del 80 % del contrabando en Colombia
Daniel Ortega , mantiene a 13 presas políticas por participar en viacrucis y otras actividades de la Iglesia católica
Venezuela ratifica su apoyo a Daniel Ortega ante nueva sanción de EE.UU. contra Nicaragua
Gustavo Petro lanza una amenaza si sus reformas no son aprobadas por el Congreso: “Colombia tiene que ir a una Asamblea Nacional Constituyente”
En redes le recuerdan a Petro la vez que firmó en mármol que no convocaría a una constituyente
Crisis climática: 32 ciudades costeras de Estados Unidos podrían hundirse para 2050
EE.UU. envía 25 millones de dólares en ayuda humanitaria para Haití
DeSantis firma proyectos contra migración y reitera freno a "oleada haitiana"
Los casos de dengue en Argentina se multiplican por 17 respecto a 2023 en lo que va de año
Un juez aplaza el juicio penal contra Trump en Nueva York, hasta mediados de abril
Guterres advierte contra el crecimiento en todo el mundo del odio antimusulmán
Destruyen en Ecuador un campamento del narco que fabricaba 15 toneladas de cocaína al mes
Lula anuncia fuertes inversiones después de lluvias torrenciales en el sur de Brasil
Revelan video de la captura de Nicolás Petro, hijo del presidente Gustavo Petro, acusado por presunto lavado de activos
Boeing pidió a las aerolíneas que revisen sus aviones tras conocerse la posible causa del accidente en el vuelo de Latam
Primer barco humanitario desembarca en Gaza con 200 toneladas de ayuda
Supremo de EEUU establece que funcionarios podrían ser demandados por bloquear a críticos en redes sociales
Marco Rubio sobre el Tren de Aragua: No están cometiendo delitos porque son venezolanos, lo hacen porque son criminales
Casi 40% de las peticiones de asilo en España provienen de Venezuela
Los casos de dengue en Argentina se multiplican por 17 respecto a 2023 en lo que va de año
Fiscales pidieron pena de hasta 50 años para el "rey de las criptomonedas" Sam Bankman-Fried
Kamala Harris opinó que nadie debería ir a prisión por fumar marihuana en EEUU
Senado de EEUU niega acelerar proyecto de ley sobre TikTok.
Ingeniero creó un “dron asesino” que memoriza el rostro de una persona y la caza hasta matarla
Encuentran cientos de sustancias tóxicas en el plástico de uso común
En $ 2.700 millones calculan las pérdidas por la IA en la música hasta 2028
Justicia surcoreana condena a actor de “El juego del calamar” por acoso sexual
Bon Jovi lanzará un nuevo disco, “Forever”, el próximo 7 de junio -
“La Sociedad de la Nieve” obtuvo 7 nominaciones a los Premios Platino
Alcaraz fulmina a Zverev y se medirá en semifinales con Sinner
Cardenales de Lara participará en la Serie del Caribe Kids
597 a.C. los babilonios capturan Jerusalén, y reemplazan a Joaquín con Sedecías como rey.
37 en la isla de Capri Italia se registra un terremoto de 7,0 grados en la escala de Richter. (Véase Terremotos en la Antigüedad).
1190 en York (Inglaterra) los cruzados cristianos comienzan la Masacre de York; muchos judíos se suicidan para no ser obligados a someterse al bautismo.
1244 los cátaros son inmolados en una gran hoguera en Montsegur (Francia).
1322 en Escocia, en el marco de la Primera Guerra de la Independencia, se libra la batalla de Boroughbridge.
1521 Fernando de Magallanes llega a las Filipinas.
1621 en la colonia inglesa de Playmouth (EE. UU.), los colonos reciben la visita del primer indígena mohegan, que los saluda en inglés (que había aprendido de unos pescadores): «¡Bienvenidos, ingleses! Mi nombre es Samoset».
1740 en Benidorm se descubre la Virgen del Sufragio.
1781 Nuevo Reino de Granada (actual Colombia): Manifestación multiclasista encabezada por Manuela Beltrán y un puñado de criollos desde El Socorro hasta la capital (Santa Fe de Bogotá) en contra de los españoles. Conocido como el Movimiento de los Comuneros.
1802 en West Point (Nueva York) se funda la academia militar para oficiales.
1812 en Badajoz se libra la batalla de Badajoz (hasta el 6 de abril), en que las fuerzas británicas y portuguesas sitian y derrotan a los franceses durante la Guerra Peninsular.
1812 en la esquina de las actuales calles Moreno y Perú (Buenos Aires) Mariano Moreno inaugura la primera biblioteca pública de ese país.
1817 en Chile el capitán general Bernardo O'Higgins funda la escuela militar.
1818 en Cancha Rayada (Chile) se libra la segunda batalla de Cancha Rayada, en que las fuerzas españolas atacan por sorpresa a las fuerzas argentino-chilenas al mando del general José de San Martín.
1818 en Venezuela, el ejército patriota es derrotado en la batalla de Semen.
1833 en el Teatro La Fenice (de Venecia) se estrena la ópera Beatrice di Tenda, de Bellini.
1895 en el Teatro de la Zarzuela (de Madrid) se estrena la ópera La Dolores, de Tomás Bretón con libreto de José Feliú y Codina.
1916 Se funda en Pola de Siero, el Club Siero.
1935 en la Alemania nazi, Adolf Hitler anuncia el incumplimiento del Tratado de Versalles con la creación de la Wehrmacht (fuerzas armadas).
1938 comienzan tres días de bombardeos aéreos sobre la población civil de Barcelona por los sublevados en la Guerra Civil Española causando más de mil muertos.
1943 comienza la I Legislatura de las Cortes Españolas (1943-1946).
1963 en Bali erupciona el monte Agung. Mueren 11.000 personas.
1966 en EE. UU. se lanza el Gemini 8, el 12.º vuelo tripulado estadounidense y el primero que se acopla con el vehículo Agena.
1968 en la Guerra de Vietnam, soldados estadounidenses matan a centenares de civiles desarmados (Masacre de My Lai).
1969 en Maracaibo (Venezuela) 155 personas mueren cuando un avión DC-9 de Venezuelan Airlines se estrella después de despegar.
1976 en el Reino Unido renuncia el primer ministro Harold Wilson, alegando razones personales.
1978 en Portsall Rocks, a cinco km de la costa de Bretaña, el supertanque Amoco Cádiz se parte en dos. Produce el quinto derrame de la historia.
1988 en Irak se produce el ataque químico a Halabja, produciendo alrededor de 7000 muertos y 10.000 heridos.
1995 en EE. UU., el estado de Misisipi ratifica la 13.º Enmienda (de 1865), convirtiéndose en el último Estado que aprueba la abolición de la esclavitud.
1998 en el Vaticano, el papa Juan Pablo II pide perdón por la inactividad y silencio de muchos católicos durante el Holocausto.
2003 en la Franja de Gaza, un soldado israelí aplasta con un bulldozer a la activista estadounidense Rachel Corrie (23), que impedía la demolición de hogares palestinos.
2003 en todo el mundo se produce la vigilia más grande de la historia, como parte de las protestas mundiales contra la invasión de EE. UU. a Iraq.
2005 Israel oficialmente devuelve Jericó al Estado palestino.
2006 la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas vota por unanimidad el establecimiento del Consejo de Derechos Humanos de la ONU.
2008 se celebra el gran concierto Paz sin Fronteras en pleno Puente Internacional Simón Bolívar con la presentación de Juanes, Juan Luis Guerra, Carlos Vives y Juan Fernando Velasco; con una asistencia de más de 100.000 personas de Venezuela y Colombia.
2010 cerca de París, la banda terrorista ETA asesina (por primera vez en su historia) a un gendarme, durante un tiroteo por ambos bandos.
Los seres humanos perdemos unos 18 kilos de piel en toda nuestra vida.
No se es escritor por haber elegido decir ciertas cosas, sino por la forma en que se digan.
Jean Paul Sartre
(1905-1980) Filósofo, dramaturgo, novelista y periodista político francés, uno de los principales representantes del existencialismo.
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francepittoresque · 2 years
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15 mars 1667 : création de la charge de lieutenant de police de Paris ➽ https://bit.ly/2GfQ8gx Il s’en fallait beaucoup que la ville de Paris fût alors ce qu’elle est aujourd’hui ; il n’y avait ni clarté, ni sûreté, ni propreté. Il fallait pourvoir à l'illumination des rues et faire veiller une garde continuelle à pied et à cheval pour la sûreté des citoyens
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ozgurcemavi · 5 years
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Kazası ahirete kalan kaderler var..
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