#12A & 80G Registration
vakilkarosblog · 5 days
Where does NBFC get money from?
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Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs) raise funds from various sources to finance their lending and investment activities. Some common sources of funds for NBFCs include:
Deposits: Some NBFCs accept deposits from the public, although they are not allowed to offer savings and demand deposits like banks. Instead, they may offer fixed deposits and recurring deposits to raise funds.
Borrowings: NBFCs can borrow from banks, financial institutions, and other sources to finance their operations. They may also issue bonds, commercial papers, and other debt instruments to raise funds from the capital market.
Equity: NBFCs can raise capital by issuing equity shares to investors. This can provide them with long-term capital to support their growth and expansion plans.
Retained Earnings: NBFCs can also use their retained earnings to finance their lending and investment activities. Retained earnings are the accumulated profits that have not been distributed to shareholders as dividends.
Inter-corporate Deposits (ICDs): NBFCs can raise short-term funds by accepting inter-corporate deposits from other companies.
Foreign Currency Loans: Some NBFCs raise funds by borrowing in foreign currency through external commercial borrowings (ECBs) to benefit from lower interest rates or to tap into foreign markets.
Asset-backed Securitization: NBFCs can securitize their loan portfolios by pooling together loans and selling them to investors as securities. This allows NBFCs to convert illiquid assets into tradable securities and raise funds in the process.
Mutual Funds and Insurance Companies: NBFCs may also raise funds from mutual funds, insurance companies, and other institutional investors by selling them debt securities or participating in co-lending arrangements.
It's essential to note that the specific sources of funds for an NBFC may vary based on its business model, size, and regulatory framework. Regulatory guidelines often dictate the types of funds an NBFC can raise and the permissible limits for each source to ensure financial stability and protect the interests of depositors and investors.
Vakilkaro for NBFC registration in Ghaziabad
For seamless NBFC registration in Ghaziabad, look no further than Vakilkaro. With their expertise and dedication, your NBFC registration process will be swift and hassle-free. Trust Vakilkaro to navigate the legal intricacies with precision, ensuring compliance and efficiency every step of the way. Experience peace of mind as you embark on your NBFC journey with Vakilkaro by your side. And contact Vakilkaro's team today on this number: 9828123489.
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eazystartups · 3 months
Once your register your NGO under 80G and 12A, you could actually get tax exemption benefits. For the Best Online Solutions, contact Eazystartups.
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corpbizlegal · 5 months
Understanding 80G and 12A Registrations for Trusts
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In the landscape of charitable activities and philanthropic initiatives, trusts stand as instrumental entities dedicated to bringing positive change to society. To aid these trusts in their endeavors, the Indian government has introduced provisions like 80G and 12A registrations, offering tax benefits and legal exemptions. Understanding these registrations is crucial for trusts aiming to maximize their impact and sustain their charitable activities.
80G and 12A Registrations: An Overview
80G Registration:
The 80G registration allows trusts and other charitable entities to provide tax benefits to donors contributing towards their causes. It serves as an incentive for individuals and corporates to support philanthropic activities by enabling them to claim deductions on their donations. This registration ensures that donations made to registered trusts are eligible for tax benefits, encouraging a culture of giving and amplifying the resources available for charitable purposes.
12A Registration:
On the other hand, the 12A registration is pivotal for trusts seeking income tax exemptions on their surplus income. This registration exempts trusts from paying income tax, provided their activities are solely focused on charitable purposes. It enables trusts to channel more resources towards their philanthropic goals by allowing them to retain their surplus income for furthering their charitable initiatives.
Eligibility Criteria and Application Process:
Eligibility Criteria:
For trusts to qualify for 80G and 12A registrations, certain eligibility criteria must be met. The trust must demonstrate that its primary objectives and activities are charitable in nature, focusing on the welfare of society without any intention of making profits. Additionally, maintaining proper records of financial transactions and adhering to regulatory norms are crucial aspects for eligibility.
Application Process:
The application process for obtaining 80G and 12A registrations involves meticulous documentation and compliance with regulatory requirements. Trusts are required to submit detailed information about their objectives, activities, financial statements, audit reports, and the utilization of funds for charitable purposes. The Income Tax Department scrutinizes these documents to ensure the trust's adherence to legal standards before granting the registrations.
Significance for Trusts:
Enhanced Credibility and Trust:
Obtaining 80G and 12A registrations significantly enhances the credibility of trusts. These registrations act as a hallmark of authenticity, signaling to potential donors and stakeholders that the trust operates transparently and complies with legal requirements. This enhanced credibility attracts donors, fostering trust and encouraging increased contributions towards the trust's causes.
Encouraging Donor Participation:
The registrations play a pivotal role in incentivizing donations to trusts. Donors are more inclined to contribute to trusts with 80G certification as it allows them to claim tax deductions on their contributions. This serves as a motivating factor for individuals and businesses to support the trust's initiatives, thereby facilitating a continuous flow of funds for charitable activities.
In conclusion, 80G and 12A registrations hold immense significance for trusts committed to driving positive change through charitable activities. These registrations not only offer tax benefits and exemptions but also bolster credibility and trust, essential elements in the philanthropic sector. Understanding and obtaining these registrations empower trusts to attract donors, optimize resources, and effectively channel their efforts towards creating a substantial impact on society. Ultimately, these registrations serve as catalysts in nurturing a culture of philanthropy and contributing to the betterment of communities and the nation as a whole.
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mystartupsolution · 6 months
Streamline Your Nonprofit's 80G and 12A Registration Process with MyStart Solution
I. Introduction
A. Brief overview of the 80G and 12A registrations for nonprofit organizations
Nonprofit organizations play a vital role in addressing social issues and contributing to the welfare of society. To support their noble causes, many individuals and businesses are willing to contribute funds. However, for these donations to be eligible for tax benefits and to gain the trust of donors, nonprofits need to obtain certain certifications, including the 80G and 12A registration.
B. Importance of these registrations for fundraising and tax benefits
The 80G and 12A registrations are crucial for nonprofits, as they open doors to various benefits. Under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act, donors can claim deductions on their contributions, making it an attractive proposition for potential supporters. Similarly, the 12A registration provides nonprofits with exemptions from paying income tax. These registrations not only incentivize donations but also enhance the credibility of nonprofits.
C. Introduction to "MyStart Solution" as a streamlined registration tool
Navigating the bureaucratic complexities and legal intricacies of 80G and 12A registrations can be a daunting task for nonprofits. That's where "MyStart Solution" comes to the rescue. MyStart Solution is an innovative platform designed to simplify and expedite the process of obtaining these registrations. In this article, we'll explore how MyStart Solution revolutionizes the registration process, making it more accessible and hassle-free for nonprofit organizations.
II. Understanding 80G and 12A Registrations
A. Explanation of 80G registration and its benefits
The 80G registration allows donors to claim deductions on their contributions to registered nonprofits, encouraging more significant financial support. It not only fosters transparency in donations but also motivates individuals and businesses to contribute towards philanthropic causes.
B. Explanation of 12A registration and its significance
Obtaining the 12A registration is essential as it grants nonprofits exemption from paying income tax on their earnings. This exemption ensures that a larger portion of the funds raised can be used for the organization's core mission and activities.
C. Eligibility criteria for nonprofits seeking these registrations
To qualify for 80G and 12A registrations, nonprofits must adhere to specific eligibility criteria, such as maintaining proper bookkeeping, having a well-defined charitable purpose, and complying with tax regulations.
III. Challenges in the Registration Process
A. Common hurdles and roadblocks in obtaining 80G and 12A registrations
The process of securing 80G and 12A registrations is not without its challenges. Nonprofits often face bureaucratic hurdles, lengthy waiting periods, and the risk of applications being rejected, which can impede their fundraising efforts.
B. Lengthy paperwork and documentation requirements
The extensive paperwork and documentation involved in the registration process can be overwhelming. This is a time-consuming and complex task, diverting valuable resources from the organization's primary mission.
C. Complex legal and compliance procedures
Navigating the legal intricacies and ensuring compliance with the Income Tax Act and other relevant regulations can be a complex task, requiring legal expertise that many nonprofits lack.
IV. Introducing MyStart Solution
A. Overview of the MyStart Solution platform
MyStart Solution is a comprehensive platform designed to address these challenges and streamline the registration process for nonprofits. It offers a user-friendly interface and a suite of tools to facilitate a hassle-free experience.
B. How MyStart Solution simplifies the 80G and 12A registration process
MyStart Solution simplifies the application process by providing templates, checklists, and guidance for completing paperwork accurately. It also offers assistance in preparing the necessary documents and complying with legal requirements.
C. Key features and benefits of using the platform
MyStart Solution offers a range of features, including real-time application tracking, expert support, and automatic updates. It saves nonprofits time, reduces the risk of application rejection, and allows them to focus on their mission.
V. Step-by-Step Guide to Using MyStart Solution
A. Registration process walkthrough
MyStart Solution offers a step-by-step guide that simplifies the registration process. It ensures that nonprofits understand the requirements and can proceed with confidence. The platform breaks down the process into manageable stages, making it accessible to even those with limited experience in taxation and legal matters.
B. Document submission and verification
Submitting the required documents is a critical step in the registration process. MyStart Solution assists nonprofits in gathering and preparing the necessary documentation and verifies their completeness and accuracy to reduce the risk of rejections.
C. Communication and follow-up with authorities
Maintaining effective communication with the authorities during the registration process is crucial. MyStart Solution provides tools for prompt and professional communication, ensuring that nonprofits receive updates and clarification on their application status.
D. Tracking progress and status updates
The platform allows nonprofits to track the progress of their application in real-time. This feature offers transparency and peace of mind, as organizations can monitor the status of their 80G and 12A registrations and plan accordingly.
VI. Success Stories
A. Real-life examples of nonprofits that have successfully obtained 80G and 12A registrations using MyStart Solution
To illustrate the efficacy of MyStart Solution, we present real-life case studies of nonprofit organizations that have achieved their 80G and 12A registrations with the platform's assistance. These success stories highlight the tangible benefits that come with streamlined registrations.
B. Demonstrated benefits, such as increased fundraising and tax exemptions
The success stories underline how 80G and 12A registrations, facilitated by MyStart Solution, have led to increased fundraising, as donors were more inclined to contribute due to the tax benefits. Additionally, the 12A registration resulted in substantial tax exemptions, allowing organizations to allocate more resources to their charitable endeavors.
VII. FAQs and Troubleshooting
A. Common questions and concerns related to 80G and 12A registrations
This section addresses frequently asked questions and common concerns that nonprofits may have about the registration process and using MyStart Solution. It provides clarity and reassurance to potential users.
B. Solutions to common issues nonprofits may face during the registration process
Nonprofits often encounter challenges and roadblocks during the registration process. MyStart Solution offers solutions and best practices to help organizations overcome these hurdles and ensure a successful application.
VIII. Cost and Pricing
A. Details about the pricing structure of MyStart Solution
This section outlines the cost and pricing structure of MyStart Solution. It provides transparency about the financial aspect of using the platform and helps nonprofits make informed decisions.
B. Information on any additional costs related to government fees or legal assistance
In addition to the platform's fees, nonprofits will need to consider any government fees or costs related to legal assistance. This section offers clarity on the overall financial commitment required to obtain 80G and 12A registrations.
IX. Conclusion
A. Recap of the benefits of streamlining 80G and 12A registrations with MyStart Solution
In summary, MyStart Solution offers a game-changing approach to streamline the 80G and 12A registration process. It simplifies a complex and time-consuming task, making it more accessible to nonprofit organizations. By obtaining these registrations, nonprofits can benefit from increased fundraising and tax exemptions.
B. Encouragement for nonprofits to take advantage of this streamlined solution for better financial sustainability and compliance
This article concludes with an encouraging message for nonprofit organizations to embrace MyStart Solution as a means to achieve better financial sustainability, access tax benefits, and ensure compliance with legal requirements. By simplifying the registration process, MyStart Solution empowers nonprofits to focus on their core mission and make a more significant impact on the communities they serve.
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startupfin · 7 months
Empowering Nonprofits: The Importance of 12A and 80G Registration
 Nonprofit organizations play a crucial role in addressing societal issues, driving positive change, and making a difference in the lives of those in need. To support their noble endeavors, the Government of India offers a framework for nonprofit registration under sections 12A and 80G of the Income Tax Act. In this article, we'll delve into the significance of 12A and 80G registration and how it empowers nonprofits to continue their vital work.
Understanding 12A Registration:
Section 12A registration is a fundamental step for nonprofits seeking to enjoy tax exemptions on their income. It grants them legal recognition as charitable or religious institutions. This registration allows them to receive tax-deductible donations and ensures that they are not subjected to income tax on their earnings.
Key Benefits of 12A Registration:
Tax Exemptions: 12A registration ensures that the nonprofit's income is exempted from taxation, enabling them to utilize their resources more effectively for their charitable activities.
Attracting Donors: Donors are more likely to contribute to organizations with 12A registration, as donations to such nonprofits are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80G.
Long-term Sustainability: Nonprofits with 12A registration can focus on their mission without worrying about tax liabilities, allowing them to plan and execute their initiatives more effectively.
Understanding 80G Registration:
Section 80G registration is an additional boon for nonprofits. It allows donors to claim deductions on their taxable income for contributions made to registered nonprofits. This incentivizes individuals and corporations to support charitable causes.
Key Benefits of 80G Registration:
Increased Donor Support: Donors are more likely to contribute when they can benefit from tax deductions, encouraging a culture of philanthropy.
Financial Stability: Nonprofits with 80G registration can attract a broader base of donors, ensuring a consistent stream of funding for their projects.
Transparency: 80G registration necessitates adherence to financial transparency and accountability, instilling trust among donors.
The Registration Process:
Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations, trusts, or institutions engaged in charitable activities are eligible to apply for 12A and 80G registration.
Application: Nonprofits can apply for these registrations through an online application process or by submitting physical forms to the tax department.
Document Verification: The application includes details about the organization's activities, financial statements, and audited reports. The tax department verifies the authenticity and compliance of the organization.
Certificate Issuance: Upon approval, the nonprofit receives 12A and 80G registration certificates, enabling it to enjoy the associated tax benefits.
In conclusion, 12A and 80G registration play a pivotal role in fostering the growth and sustainability of nonprofit organizations. These registrations not only provide financial relief but also instill confidence in donors, creating a win-win situation for those striving to make the world a better place through their charitable work.
"12a and 80g Registration Online12a and 80g Registration"
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12A & 80G Registration Online
The income of an organization is exempted from Income Tax if an NGO has 12AB registration. If an organization has obtained certification under section 80G of the Income Tax Act, then donors of that NGO can claim exemption from Income Tax. Application for registration under sections 12AB and 80G can be applied just after the registration of NGO. 
Application for registration under 80G and 12AB can be applied together or it can be applied separately. If an organization wants to apply for both registrations separately, then an application for registration u/s 12AB would be applied first. Getting 12AB registration is mandatory for application of registration u/s 80G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Requirements of registration u/s 12AB & 80G
The organization must be a registered NGO
Registration u/s 80G can be applied only after Section 12AB registration
NGO should not have any income generated from a business
The organisation must maintain a regular book of accounts in favor of their receipts and expenses
READ MORE about 12A & 80G Registration Online
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companyshurukaro · 9 months
Best 12A and 80G registrations In Laxmi Nagar
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Young and Right, a promising company driven by social welfare objectives, can greatly benefit from 12A and 80G registrations. These registrations, provided by the Income Tax Department, confer your organization with tax benefits and make your initiatives more appealing to potential donors.
Understanding 12A and 80G Registrations
12A registration establishes your company's eligibility to claim tax exemptions for the income generated for charitable activities. 80G registration, on the other hand, allows donors to claim deductions on donations made to your organization. Both registrations require meticulous documentation to be considered for approval.
Documents Required for 12A Registration
Application Form
A duly filled Form 10A is the initial step for 12A registration. It includes essential details about your organization's objectives, activities, and financials.
Memorandum and Articles of Association
These documents outline your company's mission, vision, and operational framework. They reflect the authenticity and transparency of your organization.
Income and Expenditure Statements
Clear and audited financial statements demonstrate the legitimacy of your non-profit’s financial Transactions and utilization of funds.
PAN and TAN Details
Your organization's Permanent Account Number (PAN) and Tax Deduction and Collection Account Number (TAN) are crucial for tax-related procedures.
List of Board Members
Providing comprehensive details of your board members establishes the credibility and competence of your organizational leadership.
Documents Required for 80G Registration
Detailed Project Report
A well-structured project report outlines your charitable initiatives, expected outcomes, and how donations will be utilized for social welfare.
Audited Accounts and Balance Sheets
Audited financial records ensure transparency and accountability, indicating the proper allocation of funds for your initiatives.
Trust Deed
For trusts, a copy of the trust deed, highlighting the objectives and functioning of the trust, is essential.
Registration Certificate
Submitting a copy of your organization's registration certificate verifies its existence and legal standing.
Form 10G
This form is a crucial aspect of the 80G registration process, requiring detailed information about your organization's activities, beneficiaries, and financials.
The Application Process
Upon compiling the necessary documents, submit the application to the Income Tax Department. After submission, a thorough verification process takes place, which includes scrutinizing your organization's activities, financials, and compliance with legal norms.
Benefits of 12A and 80G Registrations
Tax Exemptions for Donors
Donors are more likely to contribute when they know their donations are tax-deductible, incentivizing larger and more frequent contributions.
Eligibility for Government Funding
Registered non-profits gain access to government grants and funding opportunities, aiding the execution of their social initiatives.
Enhanced Credibility and Transparency
Obtaining these registrations builds trust among donors, stakeholders, and beneficiaries, establishing your organization as a legitimate and impactful entity.
Maintaining Compliance
Regularly filing annual returns and adhering to financial transparency are paramount to retaining your non-profit status and registrations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is 12A registration mandatory for non-profit organizations? Yes, it is necessary to avail tax benefits for charitable activities.
Can foreign donations be considered for tax deductions under 80G? Yes, if the organization is registered under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act (FCRA).
What is the validity period of 80G registration? Usually, 80G registration is valid for perpetuity, but it's advisable to check for any amendments.
Can an organization with 12A registration automatically claim 80G benefits? No, 80G registration requires a separate application process.
Is the renewal of these registrations necessary? Yes, both 12A and 80G registrations require renewal to maintain their validity.
Securing 12A and 80G registrations for Young and Right is a strategic move with multiple advantages. Besides encouraging donations, these registrations amplify your organization's credibility and expand its outreach. By adhering to the documentation requirements and following compliance procedures, Young and Right can thrive in its noble endeavors.
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ngoregistration · 9 months
csr registration for ngo
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) play a crucial role in addressing social issues, advocating for human rights, and driving positive change in society. These organizations work tirelessly to bridge the gaps left by governments and contribute towards building a more equitable world. However, for an NGO to operate effectively and gain credibility, it is essential to register itself under a legally recognized framework. One such framework is registration as a trust, which provides NGOs with numerous benefits and opportunities to fulfill their mission.
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In this article, we delve into the process of NGO registration as a trust and explore its significance in empowering these organizations to make a lasting impact. We are the experts in trust registration.
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12a-registration · 1 year
How trust registration can protect your assets
Trust registration is a legal process that enables individuals to protect their assets from unforeseen events or disputes. By creating a trust, you can transfer ownership of your property to a trustee who will manage it on behalf of your beneficiaries. This arrangement ensures that your assets are safe and secure even if you pass away or become incapacitated. One of the most significant benefits of trust registration is that it provides privacy for both the settler (the person creating the trust) and beneficiaries. Unlike a will, which becomes public record upon death, trusts remain confidential and do not need to be disclosed in probate court. This means that any disputes or challenges to the distribution of assets can be resolved quickly and without interference from outside parties.
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pranshucorpseed · 1 year
Guide to Obtaining 80G and 12A Certificates for Non-Profit Organizations in India"
Introduction Of 80G and 12A Certificate In India, non-profit organizations, charities, and trusts play a crucial role in social welfare and community development. These organizations rely heavily on donations and contributions from individuals and corporations to carry out their activities. However, many donors and contributors are hesitant to donate due to concerns regarding the legitimacy and…
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vakilkarosblog · 12 days
What is the fee for NGO registration in Ballia?
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Fees for NGO registration may vary depending on the specific rules and fee structure set by the local authorities in Ballia or Uttar Pradesh state of India. NGO registration fees in Ballia range around ₹ 12,000 to ₹ 15,000.
However, fees and requirements can change over time, and it's essential to check the latest information from the concerned department or official website of the Uttar Pradesh government for accurate and up-to-date details on NGO registration in Ballia fees or any other specific location within the state.
It's also a good idea to consult with a legal professional or an expert specializing in NGO registrations to ensure that all the necessary steps are followed correctly.
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12aregistration · 1 year
Punishment for inability to gather charge at source 80g is a punishment forced on the individual who neglects to gather charge at source.
The punishment is forced under segment 80G of the Personal Assessment Act, 1961.
How much punishment shifts with the kind of assessment.
To compute how much punishment, you want to be aware:
(I) The pace of assessment pertinent on the pay being referred to; and (ii) The aggregate sum payable via annual duty in regard of that pay.
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eazystartups · 1 year
Once your register your NGO under 80G and 12A, you could actually get tax exemption benefits. For the Best Online Solutions, contact Eazystartups.
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luxecertification · 2 years
Get 12a and 80g Registration Process Online
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You must have been looking for the ngo registration in delhi when you have been in search of the registration of ngo. Ngo is the abbreviation of non-governmental organization, and these organizations help a lot to the poor and needy people.
Fortunately, there are online website and consultants that can help 12a and 80g registration process online. You can make the registration process of 12a and 80g papers, online through the also from Luxeginalyzer.com and if you have doubt about 12a and 80g registration fees, you will get the best service on best price.
Website: https://www.luxefinalyzer.com/12a-and-80g-registration
Contact Details: 09990061912, 01141623205
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growupindia · 2 years
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Section 12 A of the 1961 Income Tax Act includes a one-time tax exemption for trusts, NGOs, and Section 8 businesses. Organizations that hold a section 12A registration are excluded from paying tax on their surplus income. NGOs are charities and not-for-profit organizations. However, they earn income and, if not reported under section 12A, Income Tax Act, they are expected to pay tax according to regular rates.
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