#1 in 4 Adults Has Liver Disorder That Ups Heart Risks
vidpoker11 · 2 years
About 1 in 4 adults has an often-missed liver disorder linked to higher heart disease risk
About 1 in 4 adults has an often-missed liver disorder linked to higher heart disease risk
Statement Highlights: It is estimated that about one in four adults worldwide has an abnormal build-up of fat in the liver, called non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).NAFLD can lead to permanent liver damage, and heart disease is the leading cause of death in people with fatty liver disease.Because NAFLD is often missed in routine medical screening, the new American Heart Association…
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Fulminant hepatic failure induced by antipsychotic drugs (a case report)
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Fulminant hepatitis is a rare condition but has a very poor prognosis in the absence of liver transplantation. It is important to identify the cause as soon as possible to start the etiological treatment, which may be drug poisoning, viral hepatitis, or alcoholic ... [1-3]. N-acetylcysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, was first used as a treatment for paracetamol overdose in 1979. Since then, it has been firmly established as an effective and safe treatment for paracetamol induced IHC prevention. NAC has also been shown to be effective outside paracetamol intoxication. It has been evaluated as an option for acute IHC other than paracetamol in adults and children. In a randomized clinical trial comparing NAC with placebo in adults with paracetamol-free IHC, NAC was associated with a marked improvement in survival without liver transplantation [4]. NAC has also been evaluated for non-hepatic clinical conditions, these indications include its use in lung diseases (COPD and pulmonary fibrosis), in the prevention of contrast-induced nephrotoxicity and for the treatment of certain cardiac diseases [3,5]. In this article, we report the case of a neuroleptic overdose in a 16-year-old who has rapidly progressed to fulminant hepatitis. The oral administration of N-acetylcysteine has allowed a dramatic improvement [3].
A 16-year-old man consulted at the emergency reception service (j1) for asthenia, disabling diffuse myalgia and uncontrollable vomiting, in the context of cutaneous-mucous jaundice, which had appeared for 4 days. Her antecedents included herpetic keratitis since the age of 3 years and chronic epigastralgia for 4 years. In the emergency department, the clinical examination found a sleepy, sleepy patient, a conjunctival subitem, muscle pain with manual pressure. The temperature was 37.8°C, and blood glucose was 2.2mmol/l. The blood pressure was 85/38 mmHg, the heart rate was 104 beats per minute and 95% saturation in the air. The biochemical assessment was very disturbed, with: an inflammatory syndrome (C-reactive protein at 150 mg/L, fibrinogen at 6.6g/L), renal insufficiency (urea at 14.4mmol/L, creatinine at 159 , 12mmol/L), cytolysis (ASAT: 10454 IU/L, ALA at 4408 IU/L), cholestasis (conjugated bilirubinemia at 151mmol/L, gamma GT at 489 IU / L, PAL at 657 IU/L ) and a disturbance of its hemostasis (TP <15%, a TCA at 96.4 s and a very collapsed factor V). The hemogram showed the following: white blood cells at 9210mm-3, platelets at 159 000mm-3 and hemoglobin at 11.2g/dl.
On the diagnosis side
The patient was admitted to intensive care (1st day). Etiologically, an infectious hypothesis has been ruled out by the negativity of his liver serologies (anti-HVA Ab, anti-HBV Ab and HBs antigen and anti-HCV antibodies) as well as the serology of CMV, the abdominal ultrasound was without particularities, blood ceruloplasmin level was normal, anti-smooth muscle and antimitochondrial antibodies were achieved returning normal. The preferred toxic hypothesis was a neuroleptic overdose because the interview reported a prescription of 3 different neuroleptics, by his doctor for his chronic epigastralgia of psychogenic origin (Olanzapine, Mainspring and Metoclopramide). Supported: Symptomatic treatment consisted of stopping neuroleptics, infusion of fresh frozen plasma, vitamin K, laxatives and ciprofloxacin were initiated associated with administration of N-acetylcysteine with a dose of oral load of 140mg/kg followed by a dose of 70mg/kg/day maintenance for 48 hours.
The evolution was quickly favorable. Hyper-bilirubinemia was divided by five in three days, the state of consciousness improved rapidly with appearance of an asterixis, the correction of the hemostasis disorder was more progressive with normalization towards the 4th day (Figure 1), a dramatic improvement in hepatic transaminases was observed as early as the second day (Figure 2). The patient left the intensive care unit to the gastric department on day 6. The symptomatic treatment was continued until day 10, the PBH was performed on day 11 without abnormality then he left the hospital on day 17.
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IHA is defined as a sudden failure of liver function in a patient with no history of liver disease. The cardinal signs of hepatic failure include coagulopathies and hepatic encephalopathy of any grade in the context of acute liver injury [4]. Currently, there is no scientifically proven beneficial treatment in the treatment of IHC, apart from liver transplantation Lee [5]. More than 1000 drugs have been listed as being responsible of hepatic side effects; 16% of these agents were neuropsychiatric drugs. Antidepressant drugs (tricyclic agents or SSRI), mood stabilizing agents and neuroleptic drugs have been implicated in biological or/and clinical hepatotoxicity. For these reasons, some psychotropic agents have been withdrawn of the pharmaceutical, On the contrary, in case of clinical hepatotoxicity, challenge or maintenance is absolutely inadvisable. Mechanism of the hepatic troubles: precise mechanisms of the hepatotoxicity remain unclear. Contrary to phenothiazine drugs, no information is available on the respective rule of the agents and their metabolites. Hypersensitivity syndrome or eosinophilia has been reported, suggesting a possible immuno-allergic mechanism. Presence of risk factors: risk factors have been retrieved, in some observations, like high daily dosage, high plasmatic concentration, age, alcoholism, obesity or antecedent of hepatic disorders like Gilbert syndrome. [6] Special care is advisable with these patients. As hepatotoxicity has been observed after surd Osage (or suicide attempt), a hepatic check-up has to be performed in these clinical situations [7]. Co-medication with hepatotoxic drugs may increase the risk as it has been suggested. Acetylcysteine is a precursor of glutathione. It is well known as an antidote for acetaminophen overdose due to its ability to increase glutathione levels, which inactivates the toxic metabolite of acetaminophen [8]. N-acetyl-pbenzoquinone mine. Glutathione is a major antioxidant that can serve as a scavenger for free radicals; therefore, acetylcysteine may increase glutathione stock during periods of oxidative stress, increase nitric oxide production, which causes vasodilation and therefore tissue oxygenation, and may also have an antiinflammatory effect. by inhibition of pro-inflammatory factors (TNF alfa and IL8) [9,10]. The majority of studies evaluated the use of NAC in acute IHC secondary to acetaminophen poisoning. There is little research on the use of NAC in IHC secondary to other causes. Hu [8]. evaluated the efficacy of NAC in patients with non-acetaminophen-overdosed IHC (safety and efficacy of NAC in patients with ALF not caused by acetaminophen overdose), in a meta-analysis, which consisted of analyzing four assays prospective clinical trials evaluating NAC versus placebo in the treatment of non-acetaminophen-induced IHC[3].
NAC is a beneficial treatment in the context of nonparacetamol induced IHC, it can prolong the survival of patients with or without liver transplantation and survival after transplantation, but it cannot improve overall survival. Therefore, due to the lack of available scientific evidence, current data is unable to conclusively determine the role of NAC in patients with IHC without paracetamol. Thus, they are unable to make recommendations for clinical practice.
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lokman20 · 4 years
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Our body is made up by 4% of various minerals. The role of various minerals in mineral protection is important, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, etc. Apart from these, there are some other ingredients which are essential for good health even in small quantities. These 'trace elements', which are present in only 0.01% of the body's weight, are essential for the body as they are part of various enzymes, hormones and cells of the body.
These low but nutritious elements are called essential trace elements. Minerals are two types of minerals that the body needs, which means they need at least 100 mg daily, such as calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, etc. And it takes a very small amount of microminal 6 Such as: iodine, zinc, manganese, fluoride, copper, selenium etc.
Mineral deficiency occurs due to the absence of these elements in the diet or in the supplementary diet. There are also a variety of unhealthy eating habits such as high intake of processed or canned food, low intake of vegetables or fruits in the diet, low-calorie or controlled diet, vegetarianism, any digestive disorders, failure to absorb food at the right level for any reason, various Such diseases can also occur due to food allergies or intolerance to lactose.
Iron is such a small element that it is only 0.004% of body weight. The hemoglobin in the blood supplies the oxygen needed by the body's cells to retain energy. If the body has less iron than it needs, the process of hemoglobin production is disrupted. Anemia is deficiency of iron or hemoglobin in the body. Iron deficiency causes weakness in the body and the body gets tired easily. Even such anemia can lead to heart failure and death.
Iron deficiency can also lead to brain damage. Anemia is the leading cause of maternal death in our country. Men and older women need 8 mg of iron per day and young women need 18 mg of iron per day. Such as meat, liver, legumes, nuts, whole grains; Iron is found in foods such as brown rice, oysters, bananas, apples, green vegetables, etc.
All meats contain about 15% iron. Meat is also rich in vitamin B, zinc, selenium and high quality protein. 100 grams of meat contains about 2.8 milligrams of iron.
Studies have shown that those who regularly eat meat and fish do not have iron deficiency. For those who have anemia, meat is a very important food. In particular, red meat is rich in iron and many meat experts say that meat alone is enough to eliminate iron deficiency in anyone's body. About 5 mg of iron per 5 ounces of chicken meat. And more in the flesh of laughter.
Pumpkin seeds
Sweet pumpkin seeds are a delicious and iron-rich food. Only 28 grams of pumpkin seeds contain about 4.2 milligrams of iron. Thus, pumpkin seeds are incomparable as an iron-rich food. Pumpkin seeds are also a good source of vitamin K, zinc and manganese. A 28 gram pumpkin seed contains about 36% manganese. This manganese helps prevent diabetes by making insulin and reducing the risk of depression.
Pulses contain a lot of iron. Half a cup of pulses contains about 8.25 mg of iron. In addition to iron, all types of pulses contain more or less potassium, magnesium and copper.
Cauliflower is a nutritious food, it also contains iron. 158 grams of cauliflower contains 1 mg of iron. Cauliflower contains not only iron but also important elements like Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Fiber.
Dark chocolate
This dark chocolate is as delicious as it is nutritious. 28 grams of dark chocolate contains about 3.3 mg of iron. Dark chocolate contains iron, copper, magnesium and prebiotic fiber. Studies have shown that chocolate has a beneficial effect on cholesterol. As a result, your risk of heart attack is reduced. However, not all chocolates are the same again. So, to get the maximum benefit, you have to eat chocolate made with at least 60% cocoa.
Beans and peas are the national food
Beans are basically the same winter vegetables. Beans, peas, lentils and soybeans are all the same. They are a great source of iron. . It is also an important source of folate, magnesium and potassium.
3.Zinc or zinc
It affects various metabolic processes in the body such as protein synthesis, immune function, wound healing process, cell division and DNA synthesis, testosterone production, male melatonin production and so on. It also plays an important role in the proper development and growth of the fetus during pregnancy and in the growth and fullness of the body during infancy and puberty.
Lack of the ingredient leads to memory loss, weakened immune system, frequent colds, diarrhea, sleep problems, loss of appetite and loss of taste and smell of food, hair loss, skin damage, etc. Excessive deficiency of the ingredient can lead to dementia, mental retardation, physical retardation and sexual dysfunction. It is found in animal and dairy foods such as red meat, poultry, oysters, dark chocolate, nuts, beans, etc. Sweet pumpkin seeds are a good source of zinc.
Zinc is a very essential mineral for the body. It is necessary for the proper management of more than 300 enzymes. It maintains your immunity and grows and repairs body tissues.
Meat is a great source of zinc. Especially red meat. Beef as well as mutton contains a lot of zinc. Village or open field cows which we call organic cows. 100 grams of beef contains 4.8 mg of zinc. Beef is also a great source of protein, iron, vitamins and other important nutrients.
Eggs 13 grams per day
Moderate zinc in eggs can meet our body's daily needs. Eggs contain calories, protein, healthy fats, B vitamins, selenium and many more vitamins and minerals. So keep eggs on your daily diet.
Vegetables reduce our body's risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer. Vegetables Fruits and vegetables usually do not contain much zinc. In some vegetables, of course, it matches. Such as potatoes and green peas contain zinc. However, even if you do not get enough zinc in these, it reduces the risk of diseases like heart disease and cancer.
Cereal food
Cereal food 232 grams per day and other starchy vegetables 50 grams per day.
Cereals include wheat, rice and oats which contain some amount of zinc. Cereals contain fiber, B vitamins, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium. These are very healthy and a good source of important nutrients.
Dairy foods
Dairy foods Dairy foods like cheese or milk are rich in nutrients and zinc.These foods are important for our bone health, including protein, calcium,and vitamin D.
Seed national food
Seed national food Pumpkin, sesame and pumpkin seeds contain sufficient amount of zinc. In addition, these seeds contain healthy vitamins and minerals.
Dark chocolate
Dark chocolate contains up to zinc. A chocolate bar weighing 100 grams contains 3.3 mg of zinc.
50 grams of nuts a day
Almonds Almonds are another food rich in zinc. Zinc-rich nuts like peanuts, pine nuts, cashew nuts can help us get rid of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Almonds contain healthy fats and other nutrients, including fiber.
This hormone secreted by the thyroid is necessary for the proper management of the thyroid gland. This hormone plays an important role in regulating the metabolic activity of tissues, converting food into energy, metabolic use of excess fat, regulation of estrogen hormones, protection of physical growth and mental health, improvement of mental agility and cognition.
Deficiency of this hormone is usually seen in women over 50 years of age and pregnant women. Goiter is the main symptom of iodine deficiency. Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland fails to produce the required amount of iodine for a long time. In some cases, such deficiencies lead to a dangerous condition called 'creatinism' in which the child suffers from physical and mental disabilities.
The daily requirement for a child of 1-6 years is 90 micrograms, for a child of 9-13 years it is 120 micrograms and for adults starting from 14 years it is 150 micrograms. Marine plants, fish and other foods, eggs, milk and iodized salt are the main sources of iodine.
Selenium is another trace element needed by the body. One of the more than two dozen selenoproteins in the body is selenium, which affects fertility, thyroid hormone metabolism, DNA synthesis, and the ability to prevent cell damage and infection during oxidation.
Lack of the ingredient can lead to heart problems, mental retardation, muscle aches or even muscle weakness. The daily requirement is only 55 micro grams. Selenium is obtained daily from fish, beef, poultry and eggs, grains, nuts and seeds. Long-term selenium levels in the body can be analyzed by analyzing nails and hair.
Copper is a component of various carcinogens, enzymes and enzymes in the respiratory tract that play an important role in physical development and growth. The ingredient contributes to the iron attachment of hemoglobin to the blood, maintains the normal color of the skin, exchanges nerve signals, regulates the digestive, metabolic and immune systems.
Copper deficiency is seen in malnourished children and those with anemia.Lack of the ingredient causes white blood cell deficiency, uncontrolled heartbeat, bone problems, immune system problems and hair and nail growth problems.
It is found in seafood, nuts, beans or pea seeds, vegetables, fruits, beef or mutton. Only 900 micrograms per day is required. It is better for pregnant and lactating mothers to have a higher dose.
Since it is a component of vitamin B-12, a deficiency of cobalt means a deficiency of vitamin B-12. The daily dose is only 0.0001 mg. It stimulates your bone marrow cells to help make red blood cells, inhibits the absorption of iodine by the thyroid and regulates the supply of various enzymes.
Lack of it can lead to complex anemia, physical fatigue and weakness, weakness and numbness of some organs especially hands and feet, nausea, headache, mental confusion, digestive problems, weight loss, enlarged thyroid gland, heart problems, nervous system etc. May occur.
If you have a chronic deficiency of it in your body, there is a risk of nervous problems, memory loss, etc. Cow and goat liver, oysters, fish, eggs, soy food, marine plants and fish are good sources of cobalt. A small amount of cobalt is found in legumes, cabbage, lettuce, etc.
This ingredient plays a special role in the production of various enzymes required for good health and in causing various enzyme-related reactions. Eliminates harmful effects on sugars, fatty acids and carbs, blood sugar control, blood clotting, bone formation, hardening and strengthening, proper management of brain, nervous system and immune system, analysis of radicals called superoxide present in mitochondria etc. The material plays a particularly important role.
Prolonged deficiency of this element in your body makes the bones weak and brittle. It is found in whole grains, nuts, tea-coffee, leafy greens. Especially spinach, kachu, kalmi, puishak etc. You should eat it regularly.
This element plays an important role in regulating the metabolic activity of sugars, fats and carbs in the body and helps in controlling the amount of sugar in the blood. So even a slight deficiency of this ingredient increases the risk of developing diabetes. It also helps increase the amount of HDL in the blood.
Chromium deficiency can lead to a variety of problems, including narrowing of blood vessels, increased anxiety, decreased body strength, mental instability, decreased body growth in children, delayed healing from surgical wounds, or any type of wound. This ingredient is obtained from mushrooms, dark chocolate, cheese, nuts, whole grains, ripe tomatoes, lettuce, onions, peppers and various spices, legumes, etc.
Fluorine is also an essential element for the body which plays an important role in maintaining the health of bones and teeth in particular. Lack of the ingredient increases tooth and bone loss. Water is the main source of fluorine, but it is also found in marine fish, tea and coffee. Safe doses of 1.5 mg to 5.0 mg daily.
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Assist Plus - All you need to know
Alcohol is produced by the fermentation of a wide variety of plants including grains, vegetables and fruit. Spirits are produced by further distilling the products of fermentation to concentrate the alcohol. In its pure form alcohol is a colorless liquid with an intense taste and a burning effect. 
Alcoholic drinks vary in color, taste and aroma depending on what is in them and how they are made. People drink alcohol for a variety of social, cultural and religious reasons, with meals, to celebrate, to relax and to socialise. 
The Effects
Alcohol is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream and its effects on the brain occur very quickly, within five minutes of drinking. Effects may include:
After a few drinks – feelings of relaxation, reduced concentration, and slow reflexes. After a few more drinks – lowered inhibitions, more confidence, reduced coordination and balance, slurred speech, and more intense emotions – happiness, sadness, or anger. After still more drinks – confusion, blurred vision, poor muscle control. More still –nausea, vomiting, loss of bladder and bowel control and sleep. And even more – respiratory depression, coma, and even death. When someone drinks heavily over a short period of time with the intention of becoming drunk it is sometimes called binge drinking. Binge drinking is harmful because it results in severe drunkenness. As well as the health risks it can lead people to take unnecessary risks and put themselves and others in danger.
Common effects of binge drinking include: 
 hangovers 
 headaches, tremors, nausea, vomiting 
 accidents and injuries 
 unsafe or unwise sex 
 aggressive or violent behaviour 
 memory blackouts 
 drink driving charges 
 missing work, failing to fulfil obligations
Long term effects 
 relationship problems 
 reduced sexual performance
  financial problems 
 weight gain 
 anxiety and depression 
 high blood pressure 
 stroke, heart disease 
 kidney disease, liver disease 
Cancers of the breast, mouth, stomach and bowel, liver. 
 If you drink when pregnant or breastfeeding your baby may be at risk of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD).
Long term regular heavy drinking can lead to alcohol dependence. People with alcohol dependence are at increased risk of Thiamine (Vitamin B1) deficiency which can cause brain damage and heart failure.
Australian Guidelines and Standard Drinks 
Australian experts say that for most healthy adults, (who are not pregnant or breastfeeding), drinking no more than 2 standard drinks per day and no more than 4 standard drinks at any one time, puts you at low risk of alcohol related harm. 
It is also a good idea to have at least 2 alcohol free days per week. If you are under 18 experts say that not drinking is the safest option. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding it is safest for you and your baby not to drink alcohol.
An Australian standard drink is a drink containing 10 grams of alcohol. Keeping track of standard drinks can help reduce risks. This can sometimes be difficult because of different glass sizes which are not the same in different places. For example, a schooner of full strength beer contains 1.6 standard drinks and an average restaurant serving of wine is 1.6 standard drinks. Cocktails which mix different alcoholic beverages often contain several standard drinks per glass.
Sobering Up 
It is important to remember that sobering up takes time. The liver gets rid of about 1 standard drink an hour. Things like cold showers, exercise, black coffee, mints, fresh air, or vomiting will not speed up the process. Drinking a lot at night can mean that you might still be affected by alcohol the following day and may still be over the limit for driving.
You may find that you experience the following effects the next day:  
 Headache 
 Sensitivity to light and sound 
 Reduced appetite ASSIST Plus Information Page - Alcohol 
 Trembling and nausea 
 Fatigue 
 Increased heart rate 
 Irregular heart beat in susceptible individuals 
 Dehydration 
 Trouble concentrating 
 Anxiety  
Alcohol and other drugs
When you mix alcohol with other drugs the results can be unpredictable and sometimes dangerous.
 If you take alcohol with other depressant drugs such as benzodiazepines, GHB, or opioids, alcohol can cause your heart rate and breathing to drop to dangerous levels and can increase the risk of overdose and death.
 Drinking alcohol and smoking cannabis together can increase the chances of unpleasant effects, including nausea, vomiting and feelings of panic, anxiety and paranoia. 
 Combining alcohol and stimulant drugs or energy drinks can put a real strain on your body. The combination may mask some of the effects of alcohol. While you will still be affected by the alcohol you may not feel as relaxed or sleepy. This increases the chances of drinking too much and/or being injured in an accident or fight.
 Legal and Social Issues
There are laws that govern how alcohol may be used. These laws may differ depending on the state, territory or local area. For example, in some areas local by-laws make it illegal to drink alcohol in public places such as beaches, parks and streets.
It is an offence for a person who is under 18 years of age to buy, receive or drink alcohol on licensed premises, unless they are with a parent or guardian. In some states in Australia, it is also an offence to supply a person under 18 years of age with alcohol in a private home, unless the young person’s parent or guardian has given permission and the alcohol is supplied in a responsible manner. This is known as secondary supply. 
It is illegal to drive under the influence of alcohol. Penalties for breaking these laws can include fines, imprisonment and disqualification from driving. Employers have legal obligations in relation to health and safety of their workers and people who visit their workplace.
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paleorecipecookbook · 5 years
How Safe Is Your Over-the-Counter Medicine?
Over-the-counter medicines are a lucrative business for the pharmaceutical industry. Americans make 2.9 billion trips to pharmacies to purchase over-the-counter (OTC) drugs every year, spending a whopping $34.3 billion dollars! (1, 2)
While most OTC drugs have long been considered relatively harmless, recent research suggests otherwise; in many cases, the long-term consequences of taking OTC drugs were inadequately explored before their release on the market, and we are only now beginning to understand their numerous adverse effects. Read on to learn about the health risks of common OTC meds, including ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, decongestants, antacids, and antihistamines, and discover safe alternatives to these drugs.
Short on time? Use these links to skip ahead!
Why OTC drugs aren’t as safe as you may think
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
Alternatives to OTC medications
Ibuprofen and acetaminophen
Why Over-the-Counter Drugs Are Not as Safe as We’ve Been Led to Believe
The public perception of over-the-counter medications is that they must be safe, since they are purchased without a prescription, and frequently without any advice or restrictions. However, a growing body of research shows that OTC drugs are anything but harmless. Ibuprofen, aspirin, acetaminophen, decongestants, and antacids make up most of the OTC drug market and, unfortunately, our overuse of these products is damaging our health.
Over-the-counter medicine can hurt your gut health, your heart, and your immune system. Check out this article for more of the serious, even deadly, side effects of OTC medicine, and get natural alternatives. #healthylifestyle #functionalmedicine #chriskresser
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The Truth about Ibuprofen
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, are among the most commonly used drugs worldwide, with 70 million prescriptions and 30 billion over-the-counter doses sold annually in the United States. (3)
Ibuprofen’s popularity belies its high potential for adverse effects, including cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, kidney, and neonatal health complications.
It Carries Cardiovascular Risks
The cardiovascular risks of NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, were first identified decades ago. (4) Inexplicably, this information has remained mostly undisclosed to the public, causing millions of people to take a drug that could potentially compromise their heart health. In recent years, several studies have finally grabbed the attention of the medical community; in 2017, a study published in the European Heart Journal – Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy associated ibuprofen consumption with a 31 percent increased risk of cardiac arrest, while several others linked the drug to non-fatal myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, and high blood pressure. (5, 6, 7)
Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs inhibit cyclooxygenase, an enzyme that produces inflammatory mediators, called prostanoids, from arachidonic acid. While NSAIDs inhibit the production of inflammatory, pain-inducing prostanoids, they also inhibit beneficial prostanoids that promote vasodilation (which helps reduce blood pressure); inhibit platelet aggregation (necessary for the blood to clot); and maintain a healthy vascular system. The reduction of beneficial cardioprotective prostanoids explains the increased risk of cardiovascular complications observed with ibuprofen use.
It May Cause Gastrointestinal Problems
The gastrointestinal complications of NSAIDs are also well recognized. Ibuprofen harms the gastrointestinal (GI) tract by reducing beneficial prostanoids that maintain the integrity of gastric tissue and the intestinal barrier. GI complications are exceedingly common; 60 to 70 percent of individuals who take NSAIDs long term develop intestinal inflammation, increased intestinal permeability, mucosal damage, gastric ulcers, diverticulitis, blood loss and anemia, and nutrient malabsorption. (8) Ibuprofen also alters the gut microbiota. (9, 10, 11) Furthermore, by damaging the intestinal barrier, ibuprofen allows for the transfer of inflammatory bacteria from the intestine to the liver, causing liver inflammation and promoting the development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. (12)
Ibuprofen Could Harm the Liver, Kidneys, and Immune Function
Ibuprofen damages the liver and raises levels of the enzymes AST, ALT, ALF, and bilirubin. (These are the primary markers in liver function testing.) Researchers are still trying to understand precisely how ibuprofen causes damage to the liver, but it could be, in part, an immune reaction to the drug or the body’s response to toxic byproducts produced when it attempts to metabolize ibuprofen. (13)
Ibuprofen damages the kidneys and interferes with immune function. The drug reduces glomerular filtration, the process by which the kidneys filter excess fluid and waste products into the urine, thereby straining the kidneys. Ibuprofen also impairs the immune response, suppressing the body’s ability to target and eradicate viral infection. (14)
It Carries Prenatal Risks, Too
In recent years, an alarming body of evidence has accumulated indicating that prenatal use of ibuprofen increases the risk of fetal and infant health problems. Using ibuprofen during pregnancy is associated with decreased birth weight, an increased risk of cerebral palsy, and altered fetal testis development. (15, 16, 17) Ibuprofen may induce these effects in a developing fetus by interacting with maternal hormones, inducing brain oxidative stress, stimulating endocannabinoid receptors in the nervous system, and inhibiting sulfation, a crucial biochemical pathway involved in detoxification.
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Why Aspirin Isn’t as Beneficial as You May Think
Public health authorities have long recommended low-dose aspirin therapy (taking a daily “baby aspirin” dose of 81 mg) for the prevention of cardiovascular disease. (18) However, recent research has cast serious doubt on the validity of this practice. A large NIH-funded study published in 2018 found that aspirin use has no beneficial effects on “healthy lifespan,” classified as life free of dementia or persistent physical disability, in older adults. (19)
In other words, regular aspirin use has no benefits for healthy adults. Aspirin may only exert protective effects in people with pre-existing cardiovascular conditions.
Furthermore, the supposed benefits of aspirin in at-risk individuals must be weighed against the established health risks of the drug, including an increased risk of GI bleeding, hemorrhagic stroke, and brain bleeding. (20, 21)
The problematic effects of aspirin aren’t limited to adults; prenatal aspirin use is associated with an increased risk of fetal testicular dysfunction and cerebral palsy. (22, 23) The mechanisms by which aspirin induces these effects are similar to those noted with ibuprofen; aspirin alters maternal hormone production, causes oxidative stress, and inappropriately stimulates the endocannabinoid system, a biological system that plays a pivotal role in the development and function of the brain.
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Acetaminophen: Dangerous for Children—And Adults
Acetaminophen is an OTC analgesic consumed in the United States in massive quantities. Each week, approximately 23 percent of American adults pop an acetaminophen-containing medicine. (24) Unfortunately, few understand how harmful this common pain-relief drug may be.
If you’re planning on parenthood, take note: The effects of prenatal acetaminophen use by women and men on the health of their children are of special concern.
When women take acetaminophen before becoming pregnant or during pregnancy, they may significantly increase their baby's risk of developing childhood asthma, ADHD, autism, a reduced IQ, behavioral problems, language delay, impaired executive function, and cerebral palsy. (25, 26, 27, 28, 29) (In animal studies, female mice exposed to acetaminophen/paracetamol gave birth to female offspring with dysfunctional reproductive systems.) (30)
Paternal preconception acetaminophen use for eight or more days is also associated with ADHD in children. (31) Acetaminophen increases the risk of these conditions by decreasing glutathione, the body’s master antioxidant, thus leaving the fetal respiratory system and brain vulnerable to oxidative stress.
Acetaminophen use during early childhood may also be harmful. The use of acetaminophen in babies between the ages of 12 and 18 months increases the risk of autism spectrum disorder eight-fold. (32) In adults, acetaminophen may blunt emotions and empathy, indicating that it has adverse neurobehavioral effects well beyond pregnancy and childhood. (33, 34)
Acetaminophen is also toxic to the liver and kidneys. Over half of all acute liver failure cases are caused by acetaminophen overdose. (35, 36) Acetaminophen causes liver damage by increasing the permeability of the gut, allowing inflammatory bacteria to move from the gut into the liver. (37) The current recommended maximum dose for acetaminophen of 4,000 mg per day is capable of inducing liver damage, as indicated by elevations in the liver enzyme ALT, after just four days. (38) Last but not least, acetaminophen increases the risk of kidney and blood cancers. (39, 40) While the mechanism is not well understood, a potential explanation is that acetaminophen is a metabolite of phenacetin, a known (and now banned) carcinogen.
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Decongestants Can Have Serious Cardiovascular Side Effects
The active ingredient in most decongestants is pseudoephedrine. Pseudoephedrine stimulates alpha-adrenergic receptors, which activate the sympathetic nervous system, increase heart rate, and raise blood pressure. When taken by individuals with undiagnosed hypertension, decongestants can cause hypertensive emergencies. (41, 42) To put this in perspective, 75 million Americans have hypertension, and over half of those do not have the condition under control or are undiagnosed. While decongestants list potential risks on the label, few people read the label or heed the advice. Decongestants pose a significant threat to these individuals, despite their OTC availability.
Decongestants have also been found to induce urinary problems in males over 50 years of age and can cause insomnia, nervousness, rapid heart rate, heart attack, and heart palpitations. (43) To make matters worse, taking decongestant nasal sprays for longer than just three days can induce a vicious cycle of rebound congestion—essentially, congestion gets worse after you stop taking the decongestant because your nasal passages have become dependent on the drug. This leads many people to continue decongestants indefinitely.
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The Many Dangers of Proton Pump Inhibitors
Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are among the most widely used OTC drugs for stomach upset, yet they come with a lengthy list of adverse effects. Proton pumps are well known for their role in the stomach, where they facilitate gastric acid production. The intention of taking a PPI is to reduce the activity of gastric proton pumps, thus lowering gastric acid production and alleviating reflux, peptic ulcers, and indigestion. However, few people realize that proton pumps are present in nearly every cell of the body and are essential for cellular energy production.
This means that PPIs don’t just affect the stomach; they also impair the body’s many other proton pumps and produce a wide range of negative physiological effects.
They Can Hurt Your Gut Health
Gastric acid is a component of chyme, the mixture of gastric juices and partially digested food that passes from the stomach to the small intestine. In a person with normal gastric acid production, chyme regulates the acidity of the upper small intestine, preventing bacteria from overreaching their bounds. By inhibiting gastric acid production, PPIs reduce the acidity of chyme and allow the number of microbes in the small intestine to rise, causing small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). (44, 45) PPIs also change the composition of the gut microbiota, increasing levels of opportunistic pathogens and the risk of serious infections including Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter, and pneumonia. (46, 47, 48) Changes to the gut microbiota induced by PPIs may also raise the risk of chronic liver disease by increasing Enterococcus bacteria, which travel from the gut to the liver and exacerbate alcohol-induced liver disease, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. (49)
PPIs Can Lead to Nutrient Deficiencies
In addition to controlling bacterial populations in the small intestine, gastric acid is also required for the absorption of nutrients. Low gastric acid impairs digestion. Accordingly, deficiencies of vitamin B12, magnesium, iron, calcium, and vitamin C are common in users of PPIs. (50) In fact, poor magnesium and calcium absorption is one reason why PPIs may increase the risk of osteoporosis. (51)
They Have Neurological Effects
PPIs have been linked to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Use of one PPI, omeprazole, is associated with declines in visual memory, episodic memory, motor and mental response speed, new learning, short-term and long-term attention, information retention, and strategy development. (52) Regular users of PPIs have a 44 percent increased risk of dementia compared to those who don’t use the drugs. (53)
There are several ways PPIs may contribute to neurodegeneration:
PPIs increase deposits of amyloid-beta plaques. Accumulations of these malformed proteins have been found in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. PPIs cause this condition by upregulating enzymes that produce amyloid-beta and reducing the activity of protein-degrading lysosomes.
PPIs interact with tau protein, a component of neurofibrillary tangles. Neurofibrillary tangles accumulate inside neurons and impair neurological function in Alzheimer’s disease.
PPIs decrease magnesium and vitamin B12 levels. B12 deficiency negatively affects cognition and promotes neurological damage by interfering with DNA synthesis and methylation and promoting homocysteine neurotoxicity.  Magnesium deficiency harms cognition by lowering the brain’s defenses against oxidative stress.
PPIs inhibit proton pump function in neurons. Neuronal proton pumps regulate the release of neurotransmitters; impaired proton pump function alters neurotransmitter release and reuptake. (54)
They Can Hurt Your Heart Health
PPIs are harmful to the cardiovascular system. The use of PPIs after a heart attack is associated with a 30 percent increased risk of cardiovascular death, a subsequent heart attack, or stroke. (55) Use of PPIs is also associated with an increased risk of stroke and heart failure. (56, 57) PPIs induce cardiovascular dysfunction by reducing nitric oxide, which promotes the dilation of blood vessels and improves blood flow, and by increasing ADMA, a metabolic byproduct of arginine metabolism that damages the function of endothelial cells, which line the heart and blood vessels. By reducing levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin C, PPIs also weaken the body’s ability to lower homocysteine and oxidative stress, which are underlying causes of cardiovascular disease.
They Can Lead to an Increased Risk for Serious Illnesses—And Even Death
PPIs increase the risk of chronic kidney disease, gastric cancer, and colon cancer. A shocking 20 to 50 percent increase in risk for chronic kidney disease has been observed with regular use of PPIs. (58) PPIs promote gastric and colon cancer by raising the pH of the stomach, which causes the release of excessive amounts of gastrin, the hormone that causes the stomach to release gastric acid. Hypergastrinemia promotes gastric and colorectal cell hyperplasia, fundic gland polyps, and gastric carcinoids. (59, 60)
Long-term use of PPIs carries an increased risk of death, according to a recent study published in BMJ Open. In the study, the researchers examined the medical records of 275,000 users of PPIs and nearly 75,000 people who took another type of acid-suppressing drug, H2 blockers. They ultimately found that those who took PPIs for one to two years had a 50 percent increased risk of dying over the next five years compared to those on H2 blockers! (61) The increased risk of death is likely due to the neurological, cardiovascular, renal, and carcinogenic effects of prolonged PPI use.
The Issues PPIs Cause Are Long Term
As if the numerous harmful effects of PPIs weren’t enough, these drugs can also cause problems once they’ve been stopped. PPIs elevate the pH of the stomach, stimulating cells (known as parietal cells) to make more of the hormone gastrin. Elevated gastrin causes the stomach to produce more proton pumps and larger amounts of stomach acid. When PPIs are removed, the increased quantity of proton pumps and gastric acid can result in worse reflux than before the PPI, a condition referred to as “rebound reflux.” Rebound reflux promotes a hard-to-break cycle in which removal of the PPI worsens reflux, causing the affected individual to reach for PPIs again and again. However, the good news is that parietal cells are continually undergoing renewal, as healthy cells replace old ones, so former PPI users are not necessarily destined for rebound reflux forever.
Finally, there is evidence that the adverse effects of PPIs can pass from mothers to children. Use of PPIs during pregnancy may increase the risk of asthma in children by interfering with maternal digestion of proteins. Impaired maternal protein digestion may increase the number of allergens to which a fetus is exposed. Ultimately, this can cause changes in a developing baby’s immune system that may bring about an increased risk of allergies after birth. (62)
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Antihistamines May Impact Your Brain
In 2016, total sales of antihistamines in the United States amounted to a staggering $6.89 billion dollars, making them some of the most popular OTC medications. (63) Unfortunately, antihistamines are not exactly harmless. A recent study found that the use of anticholinergic drugs, a class of drugs under which antihistamines are included, is associated with an increased risk of dementia. (64) Benadryl, one of the most popular antihistamines, has been found in animal studies to impair memory consolidation, the process by which memories are stabilized after their initial acquisition. (65)
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Here Are Your Alternatives to OTC Drugs
Clearly, over-the-counter drugs are not as harmless as we’ve been led to believe. Fortunately, there are many safe, natural alternatives to OTC drugs that you can use to relieve pain, protect your heart, reduce congestion and allergies, and alleviate acid reflux and indigestion.
Five Alternatives to Ibuprofen and Acetaminophen
If you’re looking for pain relief, try one of these remedies in place of an OTC pain killer.
1. Boswellia
Boswellia is a resin extracted from the Boswellia serrata tree native to India, the Middle East, and North Africa. In ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, boswellia is used to treat arthritic pain, reduce inflammation, and quell fevers. Modern science has confirmed the anti-inflammatory, antiarthritic, and analgesic properties of this plant, which mediates these conditions through the inhibition of inflammatory leukotrienes. (66) Boswellia that has been standardized to contain 30 percent AKBA (3-acetyl-11-keto-beta-boswellic acid) is most useful for relieving pain and inflammation and improving joint mobility.
If supplementing with Boswellia serrata resin itself, the therapeutic dosage is typically between 800 and 1,200 mg taken three times per day. Encapsulated boswellia supplements that have been standardized for AKBA content, on the other hand, are taken at much lower doses of around 100 to 250 mg per day. Pregnant women must avoid boswellia because it can promote abortion.
2. Tart Cherry Juice
Tart cherry juice contains high levels of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that reduce inflammation in the musculoskeletal system. Tart cherry juice has demonstrated benefits in the treatment of arthritis, exercise-induced muscle pain, and fibromyalgia. (67) Seek out a version that doesn’t contain added sugars to reap maximum anti-inflammatory benefits.
Tart cherry juice is most frequently consumed as a juice. In clinical trials, doses of tart cherry juice ranging from two to 12 ounces per day have been used; I recommend starting at the lower end of this range (two ounces) and working your way up from there, if necessary, until you notice a reduction in inflammation and pain. I recommend choosing an organic, no-sugar-added tart cherry juice such as Pomona Organic Tart Cherry Juice. Tart cherry juice can be safely consumed by pregnant women.
3. Turmeric
Turmeric, which contains the compound curcumin, is useful for alleviating arthritis pain. (68) Curcumin by itself has low bioavailability, requiring high doses to achieve therapeutic results. Piperine, a compound in black pepper, enhances curcumin absorption, so look for supplements that contain both compounds. Curcumin/piperine supplements should ideally contain 500 mg curcumin and 20 mg piperine per dose. Up to three doses can be taken per day. (69)
More recently, two more curcumin products with enhanced bioavailability were introduced to the market: BCM-95, a product that combines natural cofactors from turmeric root with curcumin to enhance bioavailability, and Meriva, a patented combination of curcumin and soy lecithin. The recommended dose of BCM-95 is 500 mg twice a day and that for Meriva is 200 to 500 mg twice a day.
While it is safe for pregnant women to consume turmeric in low doses with food, it should not be taken in high doses, such as those found in supplements, during pregnancy.
4. CBD Oil
CBD comes from the Cannabis sativa plant. It is extracted from the resin of cannabis buds and flowers and does not contain psychoactive THC. CBD exerts pain-relieving effects, alleviating neuropathic, rheumatoid arthritis, and cancer pain by acting on the body’s endocannabinoid system. (70) I recommend thoroughly researching the brand of CBD oil you intend to use because inadequate regulation of the CBD industry has led to a lack of standardization and a high rate of mislabeling. (71)
5. Collagen
Collagen is a protein found in the connective tissue, skin, and bones of both our own bodies and the animals we eat. Supplementation with collagen has been found to significantly improve range of motion and alleviate joint pain in individuals with exercise-induced joint discomfort. (72) You can obtain collagen in your diet by consuming bone broth, chicken skin, or bone-in sardines, or by supplementing with a hydrolyzed collagen powder such as Vital Proteins’ Collagen Peptides.
In addition to these supplements, consuming an anti-inflammatory diet, getting adequate sleep and sun exposure, acupuncture, and keeping stress at a minimum can also alleviate pain with zero side effects.
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Four Options to Try Instead of Aspirin
Instead of aspirin, protect your cardiovascular health with these natural alternatives.
1. An Unprocessed, Nutrient-Dense Diet
A processed diet high in refined carbohydrates and lacking in crucial nutrients increases your risk of heart disease. Conversely, a nutrient-dense diet composed of organic, grass-fed animal products, seafood, plentiful non-starchy vegetables, moderate amounts of starchy plants, fruits, nuts and seeds, and healthy fats creates a foundation for a healthy heart.
2. Sunshine
Our bodies evolved under conditions of plentiful sun exposure. Sun exposure is required for the production of vitamin D and nitric oxide, both of which boost heart health. Aim for approximately 15 minutes of sun exposure per day, with face and limbs exposed as much as possible, during the peak hours of the day.
3. Exercise
This may seem like a no-brainer, but exercise is crucial for your heart health and is a much safer way to protect your heart than taking aspirin! Aim for regular exercise—30 or more minutes per day four days a week. Also, if you work a sedentary job, make sure to take frequent standing and walking breaks throughout the day or invest in a standing desk. Prolonged sitting is a major but modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease that we can easily reverse by getting out of our desk chairs! (73)
4. Improve Your Gut Health
A growing body of evidence indicates that the gut microbiota influences the development of cardiovascular disease. (74) Protect your heart by optimizing your gut health with an anti-inflammatory diet rich in fiber, eating fermented foods, and by addressing gut dysbiosis and possible infections. (75)
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Three Natural Decongestants
Instead of decongestants, try these home remedies.
1. A Warm Compress
Try applying a warm pack over your sinuses. Wet a washcloth with warm water and hold it over your sinuses to relieve sinus pressure.
2. A Hot Shower with Essential Oils
The steam from the shower will vaporize the oils, which you can then inhale into your sinuses. Eucalyptus and peppermint are two excellent options for opening the sinuses. (76)
3. Warm Tea and Soup
Drinking warm liquids can help loosen up congestion.
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Instead of Taking PPIs, Follow These Three Steps to Fix the Underlying Problem
Reflux is typically not caused by high stomach acid but rather by increased intra-abdominal pressure resulting from SIBO, which in turn may have been caused by low stomach acid. Instead of PPIs, you can cure reflux without medication by focusing on eradicating SIBO and restoring adequate stomach acid production. Here’s how to correct reflux without PPIs.
1. Eat a Low-Carb Diet
You can address SIBO with a low-carbohydrate diet or a low-FODMAP diet. The low-FODMAP diet should not be followed long term because it may starve beneficial gut bacteria of the fermentable fiber they require for fuel.
2. Improve Your Stomach Acid Production
Boost stomach acid production with hydrochloric acid capsules and supplement with enzymes and nutrients that aid digestion. Note that individuals on aspirin, corticosteroids, ibuprofen, or other NSAIDs should not take hydrochloric acid due to the risk of exacerbating GI bleeding and ulcers. Bitter herbs such as dandelion, gentian, and yellow dock and apple cider vinegar or lemon juice can also promote gastric acid production.
3. Feed Your Good Bacteria
Restore beneficial bacteria and a healthy mucosal lining in the gut with fermented foods, probiotics, bone broth, and gelatin.
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Instead of Antihistamines, Try These Five Options
There are many natural ways to alleviate allergies without resorting to antihistamines.
1. Quercetin
Quercetin, a flavonoid found in kale, onions, apples, and a variety of other fruits and vegetables, is a potent natural antihistamine that is free of side effects. (77)
2. Vitamin C
Vitamin C also lowers histamine by physically breaking apart the structure of the histamine molecule. (78)
3. Raw Honey
Local raw honey can benefit those with seasonal allergies by suppressing IgE-mediated hypersensitivity reactions and histamine release by mast cells. (79)
4. Improving Your Gut Health
Improving the health of your gut may also alleviate allergies. Research indicates that children with allergies tend to have increased levels of opportunistic and pathogenic bacteria, such as Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and Escherichia coli, and reduced levels of healthy bacteria such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacteria. (80, 81)
5. Alleviating SIBO
SIBO may also contribute to allergies by triggering excess histamine production. Restoring balance to the gut microbiota with probiotics, particularly ones that degrade histamine, such as Bifidobacterium infantis and Lactobacillus plantarum, and treating SIBO may relieve allergic symptoms. Consuming fermentable fiber, which gut bacteria metabolize to produce butyrate, reduces intestinal permeability and increases T regulatory cells, which suppress certain immune responses such as those involved in allergies.
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Now I want to hear from you. Do you regularly take over-the-counter medications? Would you consider trying any of the alternatives I’ve suggested? Let me know in the comments below.
The post How Safe Is Your Over-the-Counter Medicine? appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Source: http://chriskresser.com January 31, 2019 at 12:59AM
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Keto Diet for Health
Ketosis is a normal metabolic process that provides several health benefits.
During ketosis, your body converts fat into compounds known as ketones and begins using them as its main source of energy.
Studies have found that diets that promote ketosis are highly beneficial for weight loss, due in part to their appetite-suppressing effects (1, 2).
Emerging research suggests that ketosis may also be helpful for type 2 diabetes and neurological disorders, among other conditions (3, 4).
That being said, achieving a state of ketosis can take some work and planning. It's not just as simple as cutting carbs.
Here are 7 effective tips to get into ketosis. 1. Minimize Your Carb Consumption
Eating a very low-carb diet is by far the most important factor in achieving ketosis.
Normally, your cells use glucose, or sugar, as their main source of fuel. However, most of your cells can also use other fuel sources. This includes fatty acids, as well as ketones, which are also known as ketone bodies.
More about keto diet : http://www.ketogasmic.com
Your body stores glucose in your liver and muscles in the form of glycogen.
When carb intake is very low, glycogen stores are reduced and levels of the hormone insulin decline. This allows fatty acids to be released from fat stores in your body.
Your liver converts some of these fatty acids into the ketone bodies acetone, acetoacetate and beta-hydroxybutyrate. These ketones can be used as fuel by portions of the brain (5, 6).
The level of carb restriction needed to induce ketosis is somewhat individualized. Some people need to limit net carbs (total carbs minus fiber) to 20 grams per day, while others can achieve ketosis while eating twice this amount or more.
For this reason, the Atkins diet specifies that carbs be restricted to 20 or fewer grams per day for two weeks to guarantee that ketosis is achieved.
After this point, small amounts of carbs can be added back to your diet very gradually, as long as ketosis is maintained.
In a one-week study, overweight people with type 2 diabetes who limited carb intake to 21 or fewer grams per day experienced daily urinary ketone excretion levels that were 27 times higher than their baseline levels (7).
In another study, adults with type 2 diabetes were allowed 20–50 grams of digestible carbs per day, depending on the number of grams that allowed them to maintain blood ketone levels within a target range of 0.5–3.0 mmol/L (8).
These carb and ketone ranges are advised for people who want to get into ketosis to promote weight loss, control blood sugar levels or reduce heart disease risk factors.
In contrast, therapeutic ketogenic diets used for epilepsy or as experimental cancer therapy often restrict carbs to fewer than 5% of calories or fewer than 15 grams per day to further drive up ketone levels (9, 10).
However, anyone using the diet for therapeutic purposes should only do so under the supervision of a medical professional.
Bottom Line: Limiting your carb intake to 20–50 net grams per day lowers blood sugar and insulin levels, leading to the release of stored fatty acids that your liver converts into ketones. 2. Include Coconut Oil in Your Diet
Eating coconut oil can help you get into ketosis.
It contains fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs).
Unlike most fats, MCTs are rapidly absorbed and taken directly to the liver, where they can be used immediately for energy or converted into ketones.
In fact, it's been suggested that consuming coconut oil may be one of the best ways to increase ketone levels in people with Alzheimer's disease and other nervous system disorders (11).
Although coconut oil contains four types of MCTs, 50% of its fat comes from the kind known as lauric acid.
Some research suggests that fat sources with a higher percentage of lauric acid may produce a more sustained level of ketosis. This is because it's metabolized more gradually than other MCTs (12, 13).
MCTs have been used to induce ketosis in epileptic children without restricting carbs as drastically as the classic ketogenic diet.
In fact, several studies have found that a high-MCT diet containing 20% of calories from carbs produces effects similar to the classic ketogenic diet, which provides fewer than 5% of calories from carbs (14, 15, 16).
When adding coconut oil to your diet, it's a good idea to do so slowly to minimize digestive side effects like stomach cramping or diarrhea.
Start with one teaspoon per day and work up to two to three tablespoons daily over the course of a week.
Bottom Line: Consuming coconut oil provides your body with MCTs, which are quickly absorbed and converted into ketone bodies by your liver. 3. Ramp up Your Physical Activity
A growing number of studies have found that being in ketosis may be beneficial for some types of athletic performance, including endurance exercise (17, 18, 19, 20).
In addition, being more active can help you get into ketosis.
When you exercise, you deplete your body of its glycogen stores. Normally, these are replenished when you eat carbs, which are broken down into glucose and then converted to glycogen.
However, if carb intake is minimized, glycogen stores remain low. In response, your liver increases its production of ketones, which can be used as an alternate fuel source for your muscles.
One study found that at low blood ketone concentrations, exercise increases the rate at which ketones are produced. However, when blood ketones are already elevated, they do not rise with exercise and may actually decrease for a short period (21).
In addition, working out in a fasted state has been shown to drive up ketone levels (22, 23).
In a small study, nine older women exercised either before or after a meal. Their blood ketone levels were 137–314% higher when they exercised before a meal than when they exercised after a meal (23).
Keep in mind that although exercise increases ketone production, it may take one to four weeks for your body to adapt to using ketones and fatty acids as primary fuels. During this time, physical performance may be reduced temporarily (20).
Bottom Line Engaging in physical activity can increase ketone levels during carb restriction. This effect may be enhanced by working out in a fasted state. 4. Increase Your Healthy Fat Intake
Consuming plenty of healthy fat can boost your ketone levels and help you reach ketosis.
Indeed, a very low-carb ketogenic diet not only minimizes carbs, but is also high in fat.
Ketogenic diets for weight loss, metabolic health and exercise performance usually provide between 60–80% of calories from fat.
The classic ketogenic diet used for epilepsy is even higher in fat, with typically 85–90% of calories from fat (24).
However, extremely high fat intake doesn't necessarily translate into higher ketone levels.
A three-week study of 11 healthy people compared the effects of fasting with different amounts of fat intake on breath ketone levels.
Overall, ketone levels were found to be similar in people consuming 79% or 90% of calories from fat (25).
Furthermore, because fat makes up such a large percentage of a ketogenic diet, it's important to choose high-quality sources.
Good fats include olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, butter, lard and tallow. In addition, there are many healthy, high-fat foods that are also very low in carbs.
However, if your goal is weight loss, it's important to make sure you're not consuming too many calories in total, as this can cause your weight loss to stall.
Bottom Line: Consuming at least 60% of calories from fat will help boost your ketone levels. Choose a variety of healthy fats from both plant and animal sources. 5. Try a Short Fast or a Fat Fast
Another way to get into ketosis is to go without eating for several hours.
In fact, many people go into mild ketosis between dinner and breakfast.
Children with epilepsy are sometimes fasted for 24–48 hours before they start a ketogenic diet. This is done to get into ketosis quickly so that seizures can be reduced sooner (26, 27).
Intermittent fasting, a dietary approach that involves regular short-term fasts, may also induce ketosis (28, 29).
Moreover, "fat fasting" is another ketone-boosting approach that mimics the effects of fasting.
It involves consuming about 1,000 calories per day, 85–90% of which come from fat. This combination of low calorie and very high fat intake may help you achieve ketosis quickly.
A 1965 study reported significant fat loss in overweight patients who followed a fat fast. However, other researchers have pointed out that these results appear to have been highly exaggerated (30).
Because a fat fast is so low in protein and calories, it should be followed for a maximum of three to five days to prevent an excessive loss of muscle mass. It may also be difficult to adhere to for more than a couple of days.
Here are some tips and ideas for doing a fat fast to get into ketosis.
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dtsangita-blog · 5 years
Top 10 Healthy Fat Burning Food
Boosting your rate will assist you to lose body fat. However, most "fat-burning food" supplements on the market are either unsafe, ineffective or each. Fortunately, many natural foods and beverages are shown to extend your metabolism and promote fat loss. Here are 10 healthy foods that assist you to burn fat. 1. Fatty Fish Fatty fish is delicious and improbably sensible for you. Salmon, herring, sardines, mackerel and alternative oily fish contain polyunsaturated fatty acid fatty acids, that are shown to scale back inflammation and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. In addition, polyunsaturated fatty acid fatty acids could assist you lose body fat. In a six-week controlled study in forty four adults, those that took animal oil supplements lost a mean of one.1 pounds (0.5 kilograms) of fat and fully fledged a call hydrocortisone, a stress endocrine that is related to fat storage. What's a lot of, fish is a superb supply of high-quality macromolecule. Digesting macromolecule results in bigger feelings of fullness and will increase rate considerably quite digesting fat or carbs. To boost fat loss and defend heart health, embody a minimum of three.5 ounces (100 grams) of fatty fish in your diet a minimum of doubly every week. 2. MCT Oil MCT oil is formed by extracting MCTs from coconut or vegetable oil. it's out there on-line and at natural grocery stores. MCT stands for medium-chain triglycerides, that are a kind of fat that is metabolized otherwise than the long-chain fatty acids found in most foods. Due to their shorter length, MCTs are speedily absorbed by the body and go straight to the liver, wherever they'll be used directly for energy or born-again into ketones to be used as another fuel supply. Medium-chain triglycerides are shown to extend rate in many studies. One study in eight healthy men found adding 1–2 tablespoons (15–30 grams) of MCTs per day to the restroom usual diets enlarged their rate by five-hitter over a 24-hour amount, which means they burned a mean of a hundred and twenty further calories per day. In addition, MCTs could scale back hunger and promote higher retention of muscle mass throughout weight loss. Replacing a number of the fat in your diet with two tablespoons of MCT oil per day could optimize fat burning. However, it is best to begin with one teaspoon daily and step by step increase the dose so as to reduce potential organic process facet effects like cramping, nausea and looseness of the bowels. 3. Coffee Coffee is one among the foremost common beverages worldwide. It's a nice supply of caffein, which might enhance mood and improve mental and physical performance. Moreover, it will assist you burn fat. In a little study as well as 9 folks, those that took caffein AN hour before exercise burned nearly doubly the maximum amount fat and were ready to exercise 17 November longer than the non-caffeine cluster. Research has shown that caffein will increase rate by a powerful 3–13%, looking on the number consumed and individual response. In one study, folks took a hundred mg of caffein each 2 hours for twelve hours. Lean adults burned a mean of one hundred fifty further calories and rest fat adults burned seventy nine further calories throughout the study period of time. To get the fat-burning edges of caffein while not the potential facet effects, like anxiousness or sleep disorder, aim for 100–400 mg per day. this can be the number found in concerning 1–4 cups of low, looking on its strength. 4. Eggs Eggs ar a organic process powerhouse. Although egg yolks accustomed be avoided because of their high cholesterol in content, whole eggs have really been shown to assist defend heart health in those at enlarged risk of malady. Additionally, eggs are a killer weight loss food. Studies have shown that egg-based breakfasts scale back hunger and promote feelings of fullness for many hours in overweight and fat people. In a controlled eight-week study in twenty one men, those that Greek deity 3 eggs for breakfast consumed four hundred fewer calories per day and had a Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire bigger reduction in body fat, compared to the cluster World Health Organization Greek deity a roll breakfast. Eggs also are a good supply of high-quality macromolecule, that will increase rate by concerning 20–35% for many hours when intake, supported many studies. In fact, one among the explanations eggs ar thus filling is also because of the boost in calorie burning that happens throughout macromolecule digestion. Eating 3 eggs many times every week will assist you burn fat whereas keeping you full and glad. 5. oil Coconut oil is loaded with health edges. Adding oil to your diet seems to extend "good" HDL cholesterol and reduce your triglycerides, additionally to serving to you melt off. In one study, fat men World Health Organization additional two tablespoons of oil per day to their usual diet lost a mean of one in. (2.5 cm) from their waist while not creating the other diet changes or increasing their physical activity. The fats in oil are principally MCTs, that are attributable with appetite-suppressing and fat-burning properties. However, some studies counsel that its metabolism-boosting effects could decrease over time. Unlike most oils, oil remains stable at high temperatures, creating it ideal for high-heat preparation. Consuming up to two tablespoons of oil daily could facilitate maximize fat burning. confirm to begin with a teaspoon approximately and step by step increase the number to avoid any organic process discomfort. 6. Green Tea Green tea is a superb food selection permanently health. Studies counsel that it's going to facilitate scale back cardiovascular disease risk and defend against sure sorts of cancer. In addition to providing a moderate quantity of caffein, tea is a superb supply of epi gallocate chin gallate (EGCG), AN inhibitor that promotes fat burning and also the loss of belly fat. In a study of twelve healthy men, fat burning throughout cycling enlarged by 17 November in those that took tea extract, compared to those that took a placebo. On the opposite hand, some studies have found that tea or tea extract has very little to no result on metabolism or weight loss. Given the distinction in study outcomes, inexperienced tea's effects seemingly vary from person to person and will conjointly rely on the number consumed. Drinking up to four cups of tea daily could give variety of health edges, as well as doubtless increasing the number of calories you burn. 7. Whey macromolecule Whey macromolecule is pretty spectacular. It's been shown to push muscle growth once combined with exercise and will facilitate preserve muscle throughout weight loss. In addition, whey macromolecule appears to be even more practical at suppressing craving than alternative macromolecule sources. This is as a result of it stimulates the discharge of "fullness hormones," like PYY and GLP-1, to a bigger extent. One study had twenty two men consume totally different macromolecule drinks on four separate days. They fully fledged considerably lower hunger levels and Greek deity fewer calories at consecutive meal when drinking the whey macromolecule drink, compared to the opposite macromolecule drinks. Moreover, whey seems to spice up fat burning and promote weight loss in lean folks and people World Health Organization are overweight or fat. In one study of twenty three healthy adults, a whey macromolecule meal was found to extend rate and fat burning quite casein or soy macromolecule meals. A whey macromolecule shake could be a fast meal or snack choice that promotes fat loss and will facilitate improve your body composition. 8. Apple vinegar Apple vinegar is AN ancient people remedy with evidence-based health edges. It's been attributable with reducing craving and lowering blood glucose and internal secretion levels in folks with polygenic disorder. What's a lot of, vinegar's main part, ethanoic acid, has been found to extend fat burning and scale back belly fat storage in many animal studies. Although there is not a lot of analysis on vinegar's result on fat loss in humans, the results from one study arpretty encouraging. In this study, one hundred forty four fat men World Health Organization additional two tablespoons of vinegar to their usual diets daily for twelve weeks lost three.7 pounds (1.7 kilograms) and fully fledged a zero.9% reduction in body fat. Including apple vinegar in your diet could assist you lose body fat. begin with one teaspoon per day diluted in water and step by step physical exertion to 1–2 tablespoons per day to reduce potential organic process discomfort. 9. Chili Peppers Chili peppers do quite add heat to your food. Their powerful antioxidants could scale back inflammation and facilitate defend your cells from injury. In addition, analysis suggests that one inhibitor in chili peppers known as chemical irritant could assist you reach and maintain a healthy weight. It will this by promoting fullness and preventing deadly sin. What's a lot of, this compound can also assist you burn a lot of calories and lose body fat. In a study of nineteen healthy adults, once calorie intake was restricted by two hundredth, chemical irritant was found to counteract the lag in rate that generally happens with faded calorie intake. One giant review of twenty studies ended that taking chemical irritant helps scale back craving and may increase the amount of calories you burn by concerning fifty calories per day. Consider intake chili peppers or victimization pulverized cayenne pepper to boost your meals many times every week. 10. Oolong Tea Oolong tea is one among the healthiest beverages you'll be able to drink. Although it receives less press than tea, it's several of constant health edges, due to its content of caffein and catechins. A review of many studies found that the mix of catechins and caffein in tea enlarged calorie burning by a powerful102 calories per day, on average. Small studies in men and ladies counsel that drinking tea leaf tea will increase rate and promotes weight loss. what is a lot of, one study found that tea leaf tea enlarged calorie burning doubly the maximum amount as tea did. Drinking many cups of tea, tea leaf tea or a mix of the 2 on an everyday basis could promote fat loss and supply alternative useful health effects.
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kahn20winkel-blog · 5 years
2O Healthy Reasons To Quit Drinking Alcohol Immediately
Alcohol dependence is a deadly and chronic disease. After extended What Are the Treatments Options for Alcoholism? to alcohol, the brain adjusts to the distortions alcohol produces and comes to be dependent on it. The longing for alcohol can be as powerful as the requirement for food and water. Drinking alcohol in moderate quantities may not be detrimental to your physical health. A woman may have 1 drink per day and a man can have 2 to 3 drinks per day. The consumption should not go beyond these levels. Heavy drinking is the leading cause of early deaths in several nations like Finland, United States and so on. And women are at a greater danger of diseases of the liver and certain forms of cancer than men. rasputin Listed here are some reasons to stop drinking: Alcohol is unhealthy for your blood pressure. Even non-abusive quantities of alcohol may cause the blood pressure to increase, particularly in more mature adults. Alcoholics are more susceptible to liver conditions. It may trigger varicose veins in the stomach lining which may swell up due to liver blockage and suddenly burst. The bleeding may be extremely difficult to quit. It damages your body's defenses. Chronic drinkers have weak body immune systems and are more susceptible to infections, allergies, and diseases. Their injuries likewise take more time to heal than normal. Heavy drinking can make your bones weak and make you more susceptible to bone disease. is alcoholism a progressive disease Drinking can inhibit the development of fresh bone tissues and give rise to low bone mass. Problem drinkers have a greater danger of infection after a heart surgical operations. Long-term alcoholics are 4 times more likely to get post-operative infections following heart surgical treatment than nonalcoholic people. Alcohol affects your heart rate, body temperature level, hormone levels and pain threshold. Drinking alcohol may have unfavorable repercussions on these biological rhythms. Long-term impacts of consuming alcohol are long-term damage to crucial organs such as the brain and liver. Consuming alcohol leads to bad memory and coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes or even blackouts. Mothers who consume alcohol while pregnant give birth to babies experiencing fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These children might struggle with mental retardation and other permanent physical abnormalities. In addition, research suggests that children of alcoholic dads and moms are at higher danger than other children of eventually becoming alcoholics. Alcohol is commonly connected with Obesity. Alcoholics are normally obese due to the fact that alcohol has lots of calories, so, even some alcoholic beverages a day will probably fatten you up in no time at all. And alcohol has no necessary nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Alcohol cause irregular heart beat. It enhances the danger of developing a specific variety of irregular heart beat, called atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter. Alcohol can function as a 'Blood Thinner'. Drinking even moderate quantities of alcohol can affect blood coagulation and serve as a blood thinner. Research reveals that heavy drinkers are commonly also heavy smokers. Alcoholics commonly suffer from clinical depression and anxiety.
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What is Binge Drinking? may have extreme sleep disorders and those who are attempting to give up, may likewise suffer from these sleep issues for many months after quitting. Alcohol might damage the thyroid function in women. Alcohol is injurious for your sexuality. It provides a high probability for sexual dysfunctions that might cause impotence and erection issues. Addiction to alcohol makes you more susceptible to abusive and violent behavior. Alcohol likewise increases the risks of domestic violence, like child abuse and crashes while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little crazy and you may not realize what you are doing. For this reason there are more possibilities of sexual violence.|Alcohol likewise enhances the threats of domestic violence, child abuse and crashes while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little crazy and you might not realize what you are doing. You may also experience a hangover after consuming large amounts of alcohol. You may experience headache, queasiness, dizziness, thirst, and fatigue. Extended use of alcohol might result in addiction (alcohol addiction). And sudden quiting may produce withdrawal symptoms, including extreme anxiety, tremors, convulsions and hallucinations. After long term exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the modifications alcohol produces and eventually becomes dependent on it. Drinking alcohol in moderate quantities may not be detrimental for your physical health. Consuming alcohol can have unfavorable repercussions on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics are generally obese because alcohol is full of calories, so, even a couple of drinks a day will probably fatten you up in no time. Alcohol also increases the threats of domestic violence, child abuse and accidents while driving.
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odgaard12gould-blog · 5 years
2O Healthy Reasons To Quit Consuming Alcohol Immediately
Addiction to alcohol is a deadly and chronic disease. After long term exposure to alcohol, the brain adjusts to the changes alcohol produces and eventually becomes dependent on it. The longing for alcohol can be as powerful as the requirement for food and water. Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts might not be damaging to your physical health. A female can have 1 drink each day and a male can have 2 to 3 alcoholic beverages daily. However the usage needs to not exceed these levels. Heavy drinking is the leading reason for early deaths in several nations like Finland, United States etc. And females are at a higher threat of illness of the liver and specific forms of cancer than males. rasputin Here are a number of excuses to stop consuming alcohol: Alcohol is unhealthy for your blood pressure. Even 2O Healthy Grounds To Quit Drinking Today -abusive quantities of alcohol can trigger the blood pressure to rise, especially in more mature adults. Alcoholics are more vulnerable to liver disease. It may cause varicose veins in the stomach lining which may inflate due to liver obstruction and all of the sudden ruptured. The bleeding can be extremely difficult to stop. It weakens your body's defenses. Chronic drinkers have weaker body immune systems and are far more susceptible to infections, allergies, and diseases. Their injuries also take more time to mend than usual. Heavy drinking can make your bones weak and help make you more susceptible to bone disorders. Consuming alcohol may prevent the development of new bone cells and cause low bone mass. need to clear up a troubling question: . . . raging alcoholic Alcoholics have a greater threat of infection after a heart surgery. Chronic alcoholics are 4 times more likely to develop post-operative infections following cardiac surgical treatment than nonalcoholic patients. Alcohol upsets your body's biological clock. Alcohol affects your heart rate, body temperature level, hormone levels and pain limit. Drinking alcohol may have negative repercussions on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics also do not eat properly and have disrupted sleep during the night, therefore affecting their health over time. Long-lasting results of consuming alcohol are irreversible damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. Drinking alcohol results in bad memory and coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes or even blackouts. Moms who consume alcohol during pregnancy give birth to babies suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These infants may struggle with mental retardation and other permanent physical irregularities. Additionally, research shows that youngsters of alcoholic dads and moms are at greater risk than other kids of eventually becoming alcoholics. Alcohol is often associated with Obesity. Alcoholics are normally obese because alcohol has lots of calories, so, even some drinks a day will fatten you up in no time at all. And alcohol has no essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. Alcohol cause irregular heart beat. It enhances the danger of establishing a specific variety of irregular heart beat, referred to as atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter. Alcohol may serve as a 'Blood Thinner'. Drinking even moderate quantities of alcohol can influence blood coagulation and work as a blood thinner. Research shows that heavy drinkers are commonly also heavy smokers. Alcoholics often suffer from depression and anxiety. Alcoholics may have serious sleep disorders and those who are trying to stop, may also suffer from these sleep issues for lots of months after quitting. Alcohol may hurt the thyroid function in women. Alcohol is damaging for your sexuality. It gives a high probability for sexual dysfunctions that may result in impotence and erection problems. Alcoholism makes you more prone to violent and abusive behavior. Alcohol likewise enhances the dangers of domestic violence, like child abuse and collisions while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little crazy and you might not understand what you are doing. There are more possibilities of sexual violence.|Alcohol also increases the risks of domestic violence, child abuse and collisions while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little insane and you might not realize what you are doing. You might also suffer from a hangover after ingesting substantial quantities of alcohol. You may experience headache, nausea, thirst, dizziness, and fatigue. Long term usage of alcohol may lead to dependency (alcoholism). And unexpected quiting may produce withdrawal symptoms, consisting of severe stress and anxiety, hallucinations, convulsions and tremors. After prolonged exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the changes alcohol produces and eventually becomes reliant on it. Consuming alcohol in moderate amounts might not be detrimental for your health and wellness. Consuming alcohol may have negative repercussions on these biological rhythms. Binge Drinking, What is it? are usually obese since alcohol is full of calories, so, even a couple of alcoholic beverages a day will likely fatten you up in no time. Alcohol likewise enhances the dangers of domestic violence, child abuse and injuries while driving.
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briefnewschannel · 2 years
1 in 4 Adults Has Liver Disorder That Ups Heart Risks
1 in 4 Adults Has Liver Disorder That Ups Heart Risks
FRIDAY, April 15, 2022 Alcohol abuse is a known cause of liver disease. But one in four adults worldwide has a liver condition not connected to drinking that ups the risk of heart disease, according to an American Heart Association scientific statement. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurs when abnormally high amounts of fat are deposited in the liver, sometimes resulting in…
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mhealthyliving · 2 years
1 in 4 Adults Has Liver Disorder That Ups Heart Risks
1 in 4 Adults Has Liver Disorder That Ups Heart Risks
FRIDAY, April 15, 2022 — Alcohol abuse is a known cause of liver disease. But one in four adults worldwide has a liver condition not connected to drinking that ups the risk of heart disease, according to an American Heart Association scientific statement. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) occurs when abnormally high amounts of fat are deposited in the liver, sometimes resulting in…
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2O Healthy Grounds To Stop Consuming Alcohol Immediately
Addiction to alcohol is a chronic and deadly condition. After prolonged exposure to alcohol, your brain adjusts to the distortions alcohol produces and eventually becomes reliant on it. The yearning for alcohol may be as strong as the requirement for food and water. Consuming alcohol in moderate quantities might not be bad to your physical health. A female may have 1 beverage per day and a man can have 2 to 3 drinks per day. rasputin Listed here are a number of excuses to quit drinking: Alcohol is bad for your blood pressure. Even moderate quantities of alcohol can cause the blood pressure to rise, particularly in older adults. Problem drinkers are more vulnerable to liver illness. It can trigger varicose veins in the stomach lining which may inflate because of the liver obstruction and all of a sudden ruptured. The bleeding may be quite troublesome to quit. It deteriorates your body's defenses. Chronic drinkers have weaker immune systems and are more susceptible to infections, allergies, and illness. 2O Healthy Reasons To Stop Drinking Alcohol Now take more time to regenerate than typical.
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additional assistance with heavy drinking . . . Raging Alcoholic Heavy drinking may help make your bones weak and make you extra prone to bone illnesses. Consuming alcohol may prevent the development of new bone tissues and cause low bone mass. Alcoholics have a higher threat of infection after a heart surgical operations. Chronic problem drinkers are 4 times more likely to get post-operative infections following heart surgical treatment than nonalcoholic patients. Alcohol upsets your body's biological rhythms. Alcohol affects your heart rate, body temperature level, hormone levels and pain limit. Consuming alcohol may have negative consequences on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics likewise do not eat properly and have disturbed sleep during the night, thus affecting their health and wellness over time. Long-term results of consuming alcohol are irreversible damage to important organs such as the brain and liver. Drinking alcohol causes bad memory and coordination, bad judgment, slowed reflexes or even blackouts. Moms who drink alcohol while pregnant delivered babies struggling with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These children may experience mental retardation and other irreparable physical irregularities. Furthermore, research shows that youngsters of alcoholic dads and moms are at greater danger than other children of coming to be alcoholics. Alcohol is often connected with Obesity. Alcoholics are usually overweight due to the fact that alcohol has lots of calories, so, even some alcoholic beverages a day will likely fatten you up quickly. And alcohol has no essential nutrients such as minerals and vitamins. Most Used Treatments Options for Alcohol Dependence? . It enhances the danger of developing a specific variety of irregular heart beat, called atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter. Alcohol may act as a 'Blood Thinner'. Drinking even moderate quantities of alcohol can impact blood coagulation and act as a blood thinner. Research reveals that heavy drinkers are commonly also heavy smokers. Alcoholics often suffer from clinical depression and anxiety. Alcoholics might have severe sleep disorders and those who are attempting to stop, may also suffer from these sleep problems for lots of months after quitting. Alcohol might hurt the thyroid function in females. Alcohol is injurious for your sexuality. It provides a high probability for sexual dysfunctions that may result in impotence and erection issues. Alcohol addiction makes you more prone to violent and abusive behavior. Alcohol likewise increases the risks of domestic violence, like child abuse and crashes while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little insane and you may not recognize what you are doing. Thus there are more chances of sexual violence.|Alcohol also enhances the risks of domestic violence, child abuse and accidents while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little insane and you may not understand what you are doing. You may also experience a hangover after consuming substantial quantities of alcohol. You may experience headache, nausea, light-headedness, thirst, and tiredness. Prolonged use of alcohol may cause addiction (addiction to alcohol). And abrupt stopping may produce withdrawal symptoms, including extreme stress and anxiety, convulsions, hallucinations and tremors. After prolonged exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the modifications alcohol makes and eventually becomes dependent on it. Consuming alcohol in moderate amounts may not be injurious for your physical health. Consuming alcohol can have negative effects on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics are typically obese because alcohol is full of calories, so, even a few drinks a day will fatten you up in no time. Alcohol likewise enhances the threats of domestic violence, child abuse and collisions while driving.
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2O Good Grounds To Quit Drinking Alcohol Immediately
2O Healthy Reasons To Stop Consuming Alcohol Now is a chronic and deadly illness. After long term exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the distortions alcohol produces and becomes reliant on it. The longing for alcohol may be as strong as the need for food and water. Consuming alcohol in moderate amounts might not be detrimental to your health and wellness. A female can have 1 drink per day and a man may have 2 to 3 beverages per day. rasputin Listed here are some excuses to stop consuming alcohol: Alcohol is hurtful for your blood pressure. Even non-abusive quantities of alcohol can cause the blood pressure to increase, most especially in more mature adults. Alcoholics are more vulnerable to liver disease. It may trigger varicose veins in the stomach lining which might swell up because of the liver blockage and all of a sudden ruptured. The bleeding can be extremely problematic to stop. It damages your body's defenses. Chronic drinkers have weaker body immune systems and are far more susceptible to infections, allergies, and diseases. Their injuries also take more time to heal than usual. Heavy drinking may help make your bones weak and make you extra susceptible to bone illnesses. Consuming alcohol may inhibit the development of new bone cells and give rise to low bone mass. Alcoholics have a higher risk of infection after a heart surgery. Chronic problem drinkers are 4 times more likely to get post-operative infections following cardiac surgical treatment than nonalcoholic patients. Alcohol affects your heart rate, body temperature, hormone levels and pain threshold. Consuming alcohol can have unfavorable repercussions on these biological rhythms. Long-lasting impacts of consuming alcohol are long-term damage to crucial organs such as the brain and liver. Drinking alcohol results in poor memory and coordination, bad judgment, slowed reflexes or even blackouts. Mothers who consume alcohol during pregnancy delivered infants suffering from fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These infants may suffer from mental retardation and other irreversible physical irregularities. In addition, research shows that children of alcoholic parents are at higher threat than other children of eventually becoming alcoholics. Alcohol is commonly associated with Obesity. Alcoholics are typically obese because alcohol has lots of calories, so, even some alcoholic beverages a day will fatten you up in no time. And alcohol has no vital nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Alcohol cause irregular heart beat. It increases the risk of developing a certain form of irregular heart beat, referred to as atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter. Alcohol may act as a 'Blood Thinner'. Drinking One in five adult Americans have normally resided with an alcohol dependent family member while growing up. of alcohol may affect blood coagulation and act as a blood thinner. Research shows that heavy drinkers are commonly also heavy cigarette smokers. Alcoholics frequently suffer from depression and tension. Alcoholics might have serious sleep disorders and those who are trying to give up, may likewise struggle with these sleep problems for lots of months after quitting. Alcohol might harm the thyroid function in females. Alcohol is injurious for your sexuality. It provides a high probability for sexual dysfunctions that may cause impotence and erection problems.
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Alcohol dependence makes you more susceptible to abusive and violent behavior. Alcohol also increases the dangers of domestic violence, like child abuse and accidents while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little insane and you may not recognize what you are doing. For this reason there are more possibilities of sexual violence.|Alcohol also enhances the dangers of domestic violence, child abuse and accidents while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little insane and you might not understand exactly what you are doing. You might also struggle with a hangover after ingesting significant amounts of alcohol. You might experience headache, nausea, fatigue, thirst, and light-headedness. Extended usage of alcohol may result in dependency (alcoholism). And sudden stopping might produce withdrawal symptoms, including extreme stress and anxiety, hallucinations, tremblings and convulsions. After long term exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the modifications alcohol produces and eventually becomes dependent on it. Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts may not be damaging for your health. Drinking alcohol may have unfavorable repercussions on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics are typically overweight since alcohol is full of calories, so, even a few drinks a day will probably fatten you up in no time. Alcohol also increases the dangers of domestic violence, child abuse and accidents while driving.
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2O Good Grounds To Stop Drinking Alcohol Immediately
Alcoholism is a deadly and chronic disease. After extended The Path to Addiction: Phases of Alcoholism to alcohol, your brain adapts to the distortions alcohol makes and becomes reliant on it. The longing for alcohol is as unyielding as the requirement for water and food. Drinking alcohol in moderate volumes might not be damaging to your health. A female can have 1 drink each day and a male may have 2 to 3 alcoholic beverages daily. The consumption must not go beyond these levels. Heavy drinking is the leading reason for early deaths in a number of countries like Finland, United States etc. And The Path to Addiction: Phases of Alcohol addiction are at a higher risk of illness of the liver and specific forms of cancer than men. rasputin Here are some reasons to stop consuming alcohol:
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Alcohol is hurtful for your blood pressure. Even modest quantities of alcohol may trigger the blood pressure to rise, especially in more mature adults. Alcoholics are more vulnerable to liver illness. It may cause varicose veins in the stomach lining which may inflate because of the liver blockage and all of the sudden burst. The bleeding may be extremely problematic to quit. It deteriorates your body's defenses. Chronic drinkers have weaker body immune systems and are far more susceptible to infections, allergies, and illness. Their injuries also take more time to mend than usual. Heavy alcohol consumption can make your bones weak and help make you extra susceptible to bone disorders. Drinking can prevent the formation of fresh bone tissues and cause low bone mass. Problem drinkers have a greater risk of infection after a heart surgery. Long-term problem drinkers are 4 times more likely to get post-operative infections following cardiac surgery than nonalcoholic people. Alcohol affects your heart rate, body temperature, hormone levels and pain limit. Drinking alcohol can have unfavorable repercussions on these biological rhythms. Long-term results of consuming alcohol are irreversible damage to vital organs such as the brain and liver. Drinking alcohol results in bad memory and coordination, bad judgment, slowed reflexes or even blackouts. Mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy give birth to babies struggling with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These babies may experience mental retardation and other irreversible physical abnormalities. Furthermore, research reveals that kids of alcoholic dads and moms are at higher risk than other youngsters of becoming alcoholics. Alcohol is often related to Obesity. Alcoholics are typically obese due to the fact that alcohol is full of calories, so, even some alcoholic beverages a day will fatten you up in no time at all. And alcohol has no important nutrients like minerals and vitamins. Alcohol cause irregular heart beat. It enhances the threat of establishing a certain type of irregular heart beat, referred to as atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter. Alcohol may serve as a 'Blood Thinner'. Consuming even moderate amounts of alcohol can impact blood coagulation and function as a blood thinner. Research shows that heavy drinkers are commonly also heavy smokers. Alcoholics often experience depression and stress. Alcoholics might have extreme sleep disorders and those who are trying to give up, may likewise experience these sleep problems for many months after quitting. Alcohol may damage the thyroid function in women. Alcohol is detrimental for your sexuality. It offers a high probability for sexual dysfunctions that may result in impotence and erection issues. Alcoholism makes you more prone to abusive and violent habits. Alcohol also enhances the threats of domestic violence, like child abuse and crashes while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little crazy and you might not realize exactly what you are doing. For this reason there are more possibilities of sexual violence.|Alcohol also enhances the threats of domestic violence, child abuse and collisions while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little crazy and you might not recognize exactly what you are doing. You might also suffer from a hangover after consuming large quantities of alcohol. You may experience headache, queasiness, dizziness, thirst, and tiredness. Prolonged use of alcohol might cause dependency (alcohol addiction). And abrupt quiting might produce withdrawal signs, consisting of intense anxiety, tremblings, hallucinations and convulsions. After prolonged exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the changes alcohol produces and becomes reliant on it. Consuming alcohol in moderate quantities may not be bad for your physical health. Consuming alcohol may have negative effects on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics are generally obese because alcohol is full of calories, so, even a few drinks a day will fatten you up in no time. Alcohol also enhances the dangers of domestic violence, child abuse and crashes while driving. beer drinking sayings
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paleorecipecookbook · 5 years
Diet and Pregnancy: How to Eat Healthy When You’re Expecting
On the surface, it may seem like they wouldn’t have much in common. But although these three individuals are dealing with such varied diagnoses, at vastly different stages of life, it’s possible their conditions all originated from the same place at the same time: their mother’s womb before they were born.
Thanks to ongoing research into the origins of health and disease, we now know more than ever before about diet and pregnancy. And the science is clear: A mother’s dietary choices during pregnancy—and even before conception and after birth—not only affect her baby’s health, they also help determine her growing child’s susceptibility to disease later in life. What’s more, the impact of her nutritional status can extend across future generations.
If you’re pregnant or planning to become pregnant, read on for the latest research into the connections between maternal diet and fetal health, plus a list of the nutrients I believe most deserve your focus during this critical time.
How We Know That Health Begins in the Womb—and Even Before
The idea that the nutritional environment we encounter in the womb affects our health from birth throughout the rest of our lives has come to be known as the developmental origins of health and disease theory, or DOHaD. (You may also see it referred to as the Barker Hypothesis.)
British research David Barker proposed this theory in the 1980s after concluding his now landmark study, which found that the biggest predictor of whether a person would develop cardiovascular disease wasn’t smoking or another expected lifestyle cause; rather, it was their weight at birth. (1, 2) His follow-up research supported and expanded this finding, concluding that babies born small to malnourished mothers are at a higher risk for hypertension and coronary heart disease, as well as type 2 diabetes, later in life. (3)
New Nutritional Research: A Look at the Latest Studies
Fortunately for us all, and particularly for mothers-to-be, Barker’s work has been reproduced and broadened over the past 30 years. While the theory originally focused on how maternal and fetal malnutrition contributes to heart and metabolic conditions, newer DOHaD studies have identified additional diseases that can result from maternal and fetal under- or overnutrition and have tied these conditions to very specific dietary choices. (4) Here’s a quick roundup of just some of the literature on the subject.
Diabetes and Obesity
Research indicates that a mother’s consumption of a Western-style diet (high in sugar, refined carbohydrates, and trans fats) may cause her child to develop diabetes and obesity, as well as several related conditions. (5) Although observational, one study found an association between high maternal gluten intake and type 1 diabetes in children. (6)
Maternal high-sugar diets, especially those high in sugar-sweetened beverages, have been linked with poorer childhood cognition, including poorer nonverbal ability and poorer verbal memory. (7) Conversely, a mother’s high intake of fatty fish has been linked to improved neurodevelopment, while increases in maternal choline intake during pregnancy may produce cognitive benefits for offspring. (8, 9, 10)
Studies in laboratory rats name maternal low-protein diets as potential risk factors for the development of slow-growing prostate cancers in offspring later in life. (11, 12) This isn’t the first time maternal diet has been connected to cancer development: a 2006 study suggested susceptibility to breast cancer might be predetermined in utero, with diet an influencing factor. (13)
Several studies make connections between maternal nutrition and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. One recent cohort study showed that low maternal high-density lipoprotein levels (HDL cholesterol) were associated with an increased risk for ADHD, particularly in boys. (14) In another, an “unhealthy” diet high in fat and sugar from processed foods was linked to ADHD symptoms in children who display behavioral problems early in life. (15) A Western diet may also elicit behavioral changes in children, including ADHD and depression and anxiety. (16)
Emerging evidence strongly suggests that maternal nutrition has long-term influences on bone metabolism in children, with nutritional inadequacies starting in pregnancy putting a child at higher risk for osteoporosis and fractures later in life. (17, 18, 19)
Why Your Diet Can Be a Danger to Your Child and Even Grandchild
If these studies alone aren’t enough to give you pause over what you put on your plate during pregnancy, consider that researchers have determined that the consequences of poor maternal nutrition status can persist through three generations. (20)
How is this possible? As humans, we’re able to adapt to our environment. But there is a critical period in which that adaptation happens: in utero.
During pregnancy, a developing baby’s epigenetic marks—the “traffic lights” on human DNA that can turn certain genes off and on—undergo substantial changes. These modifications are influenced by nutrients in the mother’s blood at the time of conception and can be passed down from generation to generation. Some changes enable the production of genetic expressions that make us better matched to the environment we are likely to find ourselves in once we’re born, while others set the stage for disease. (21, 22)
What Should You Eat Before, During, and After Your Pregnancy?
It’s clear that consuming the Standard American Diet isn’t a recipe for giving birth to a healthy baby who grows into a healthy adult. Eating like our ancestors did, however, is. While there isn’t one optimal human diet, we’re genetically adapted to eat whole, nutrient-dense plant and animal foods.
An ancestral diet rich in these foods can help you avoid deficiencies in the nutrients outlined below—nutrients that are critical for a developing fetus and that may influence gene expression, tipping the scales either toward health or disease.
Here are a few of my pregnancy diet recommendations.
Favor the Fat-Soluble Vitamins A, D, and K2
Unfortunately, vitamin A has developed a reputation for being dangerous in pregnancy, but it’s actually a crucial nutrient for fetal development; for example, it prevents deafness and internal organ displacement. It can be toxic in extremely high doses when vitamins K2 and D are inadequate, but when these vitamins are sufficient, the toxicity threshold for vitamin A is very, very high. Vitamin D helps placental function, plays a role in fetal lung development, and also protects a newborn’s cardiovascular health, while vitamin K promotes healthy development of the face, skull, and nervous system.
Vitamin A, D, and K2-Rich Foods:
Liver, beef, and goose (A, K2)
Full-fat dairy products (A, K2)
Cod liver oil (D)
Salmon (D)
Dark leafy greens, including kale, spinach, and collard, mustard, and beet greens (K2)
The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) of 2,600 international units (IU) a day of vitamin A is woefully inadequate. In addition to enjoying liver and dairy products, I recommend supplementing with between 20,000 and 25,000 IU during pregnancy. This dose has proven to be safe and may even prevent birth defects. The RDA for vitamin D is also pitifully low; I consider a good target between 2,000 and 4,000 IUs per day from supplements and dietary sources. There’s no specific RDA for K2 in pregnancy, but I recommend eating a liberal amount of K2-rich foods. If you need to supplement, do so at about one gram per day.
Focus on Folate
Folate is a general term for a group of water soluble B-vitamins, also known as B9, that are naturally found in foods. Folic acid refers to the synthetic compound used in dietary supplements and food fortification. Although folic acid is effective in preventing neural tube defects, it doesn’t have all the beneficial effects of natural folate.
Folate-rich foods:
Dark leafy greens, such as spinach and turnip, mustard, and collard greens
Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli and cauliflower
Lentils and other legumes
Liver, calf, and chicken
If you’re planning a pregnancy, try to consume between 800 and 1,200 mcg of folate per day for several months before conception. It can be difficult to obtain this amount from diet alone, which is why I recommend supplementing with 600 to 800 mcg of folate daily, depending on your dietary intake. Look for products that list “5-methyltetrahydrofolate” or “5-MTHF” on the label. And check your multivitamin, because most multis contain folic acid, not folate.
Concentrate on Choline
Choline plays essential roles during growth and development, especially in regards to cognition. The body’s need for choline increases during pregnancy. Yet sadly, an estimated 90 to 95 percent of pregnant women fail to meet recommended choline intakes.
Choline-rich foods:
Beef, liver, and muscle meat
Eggs, whole (whites and yolks)
Cruciferous vegetables, such as cauliflower
Pregnant women need roughly 450 mg of choline per day, while lactating women require more, around 550 mg. If you can’t get sufficient choline from dietary sources, I recommend supplements containing the (phosphatidyl)choline form; most prenatal supplements and multivitamins do not contain choline.
Opt for Omegas
Long-chain omega-3 fatty acids, particularly DHA, are required for healthy brain development. DHA concentrates in babies’ eyes and gray matter, protecting their brain from oxidative damage. It’s a misconception that we can meet all of our DHA needs from plant foods like flax; we need DHA from seafood sources. And while it’s true that mercury levels in fish can be potentially harmful, low-mercury fish and fish high in selenium (which prevents the adverse effects of mercury toxicity) are good options, with data indicating that the benefits of eating fish during pregnancy far outweigh any risks.
Pregnancy-safe omega-3-rich foods: (23, 24)
Cod and cod liver oil
Insist on Iron
Anemia is a common problem during pregnancy, one that can be avoided by adequate iron intake. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you should supplement: indiscriminate supplementation during pregnancy has been shown to be harmful. Instead, amp up the amount of iron in your diet.
Iron-rich foods: (25)
Liver, especially duck and pork
Clams, cooked
Spinach and other leafy greens
Dried herbs
And What Foods Should You Absolutely Avoid?
Unsurprisingly, if you’re trying to conceive and have a healthy pregnancy, you should avoid those foods responsible for the negative fetal health outcomes mentioned in the studies above, foods which had no place in the diets of our hunter–gatherer ancestors. Of course, avoiding these toxic foods is applicable to overall health as well:
White sugar
White flour and other cereal grains, including whole wheat
Processed soy products, such as soy milk and soy protein
Industrial seed oils like soy, corn, and canola
Important note: Although DOHaD research typically highlights the first 1,000 days of life, beginning at conception, as the most critical for positive dietary exposures, your diet in the months and even years leading up to conception is also important.
Here’s to your child’s good health—and yours as well.
Now, I’d like to hear from you. Are you pregnant or trying to conceive? What are you eating? Will you add any of the foods recommended here to your plate? Let me know below!
The post Diet and Pregnancy: How to Eat Healthy When You’re Expecting appeared first on Chris Kresser.
Source: http://chriskresser.com January 10, 2019 at 11:49PM
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silva52grace-blog · 5 years
2O Healthy Grounds To Stop Consuming Alcohol Today
Alcoholism is a deadly and chronic condition. After extended exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the distortions alcohol creates and becomes reliant on it. The longing for alcohol may be as unyielding as the need for water and food. Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts might not be bad to your physical health. A female may have 1 beverage per day and a male may have 2 to 3 drinks per day. rasputin Listed here are some reasons to stop consuming alcohol: Alcohol is unhealthy for your blood pressure. Even non-abusive quantities of alcohol can cause the blood pressure to rise, most especially in older adults. Problem drinkers are more vulnerable to liver illness. It may trigger varicose veins in the stomach lining which may swell up due to liver obstruction and suddenly burst. The bleeding can be quite troublesome to quit. It weakens your body's defenses. Chronic drinkers have weaker body immune systems and are more susceptible to infections, allergies, and illness. Their injuries also take more time to mend than normal. Heavy alcohol consumption can make your bones weak and help make you extra vulnerable to bone disease. Consuming alcohol can inhibit the development of fresh bone tissues and induce low bone mass. Alcoholics have a higher risk of infection after a heart surgical operations. Chronic problem drinkers are 4 times more likely to get post-operative infections following heart surgery than nonalcoholic individuals. Alcohol upsets your body's body clock. Alcohol influences your heart rate, body temperature, hormone levels and pain threshold. Consuming alcohol can have negative consequences on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics likewise do not eat properly and have interrupted sleep during the night, therefore influencing their health and well-being in the future. Long-lasting results of consuming alcohol are permanent damage to essential organs such as the brain and liver. Drinking alcohol results in bad memory and coordination, poor judgment, slowed reflexes and even blackouts. Mothers who consume alcohol while pregnant delivered infants struggling with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). These children might experience mental retardation and other irreversible physical problems. Furthermore, research suggests that kids of alcoholic moms and dads are at higher threat than other children of eventually becoming alcoholics. Alcohol is typically associated with Obesity. Alcoholics are usually obese because alcohol is full of calories, so, even some drinks a day will likely fatten you up in no time. And alcohol has no necessary nutrients like minerals and vitamins. Alcohol cause irregular heart beat. It enhances the danger of establishing a certain kind of irregular heart beat, referred to as atrial fibrillation, or atrial flutter. Alcohol can serve as a 'Blood Thinner'. Drinking drinking of alcohol may impact blood coagulation and work as a blood thinner. Research shows that heavy drinkers are commonly also heavy cigarette smokers. Alcoholics typically suffer from clinical depression and stress. Alcoholics might have serious sleep disorders and those who are trying to give up, may also struggle with these sleep issues for many months after quitting. Alcohol may damage the thyroid function in females. Alcohol is damaging for your sexuality. It provides a high probability for sexual dysfunctions that might cause impotence and erection problems. Alcohol addiction makes you more prone to abusive and violent habits. Alcohol also increases the risks of domestic violence, like child abuse and accidents while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little crazy and you might not understand what you are doing. There are more opportunities of sexual violence.|Alcohol also increases the threats of domestic violence, child abuse and collisions while driving. Alcohol consumption makes your mind temporarily a little insane and you may not realize exactly what you are doing. You might additionally experience a hangover after consuming large quantities of alcohol. You may experience headache, nausea, thirst, light-headedness, and tiredness. Long term usage of alcohol might cause dependency (alcohol dependence). And abrupt stopping may produce withdrawal symptoms, consisting of severe anxiety, convulsions, hallucinations and tremblings. After extended exposure to alcohol, your brain adapts to the changes alcohol creates and comes to be reliant on it. Drinking alcohol in moderate amounts may not be injurious for your health and wellness. Consuming alcohol can have unfavorable repercussions on these biological rhythms. Alcoholics are usually obese due to the fact that alcohol is full of calories, so, even a few alcoholic beverages a day will likely fatten you up in no time. Alcohol also increases the dangers of domestic violence, child abuse and crashes while driving.
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