#.also rereading databook stuff forgot hiashi loves veg tempura
everyneji · 2 years
Do you think the Main Branch would have even let Neji become a Chunin? From a clan perspective, giving a cadet branch better training and access to jutsu COULD UNLEARN the caged bird seal and then what? They're screwed, and could have a coup. I personally theorize that as the whole purpose of letting Neji compete was at the end to be like "nah, lmao, you're staying in your lane" hence why Neji really said "If I fall, you're going down with me"
I don't think it's the ONLY reason but I think it sure was A Factor, especially since Neji knows Rotation which is Not Allowed for Main Branch to know and he did that in front of a shitload of people. Thoughts?
I do indeed have a lot of thoughts about this and admittedly, this will be a lot of headcanon.
While the main family likely doesn't have the ability to block Neji from a promotion (this would be interfering with state matters) they could always pressure him personally. It's possible that, if they wanted to limit his growth, they would only allow him to take part in the exams out of A) an arrogant belief that Neji's blood makes him lesser despite his reputation as No. 1 Rookie and/or B) to keep an eye on Hinata in a situation with a lot of foreign nin who could be after her eyes.
This is an interesting concept, though it seems a little unlikely since Hinata was semi-disowned (though I wouldn't be surprised if she still had supporters since birth order matters so much to the clan) and even before he sees Neji fight Hiashi says "The Hyūga blood flows thicker in his veins than in anyone else's ... watch closely, Hanabi." He isn't in denial that Neji has the greatest potential in the clan. This echoes what Hizashi tells Neji as well:
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To have them both say it suggests this was something the family has been aware of since Neji was very young. Yet his potential is destined to be wasted because he was not in the main branch ... but we have to consider that Hizashi is a jōnin, and clearly a respected one since he got resurrected for the war. So is it just about promotions within the village structure, or is it something else?
What we also have to consider here is the role the Hyūga play in the village. While I interpret them as isolationist and arrogant, their loyalty to Konoha has never been in question. They call the choice to hand over Hizashi a "painful sacrifice" and Hiashi is willing to take the L before Hizashi forces his hand. They have their little saying they love:
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OTOH I think the Hyūga obviously kneecap themselves by so strictly rationing who learns what technique. Something like rotation is said to have caused foreign nin real trouble in past wars, but only the clan head and heir are taught it? (I think Kishimoto forgot he wrote that honestly but whatever.) Cutting off the nose to spite the face and all that. OTOH they clearly take pride in their place in the village and the strength they have to protect it.
My final point before I get back to the question at hand is that when you look at how IRL cadet branches work, there are some interesting points, with the main one being that they're often expected to take on duties that are 'below' the main family or too dangerous, such as travelling abroad or military service. The most dangerous job in a ninja village is being a ninja. That one Hyūga elder states:
"The kekkei genkai of the Hyūga clan is a vital asset of the village. And [Hiashi's] primary duty as head of the main branch is to protect it, now and forever."
With this in mind, do we consider that the role of branch members is to not just be a meat shield for the main family (which is functionally impractical) but to be the meat shield for the village as a whole, granting the clan great honour and respect in exchange? The main family do seem to end up ninja, but it's worth mentioning that it wasn't until the fourth databook that Hiashi was confirmed to be a jōnin; his rank before was always unlisted, as if his role as a shinobi was not of primary focus in his life until the war called everyone into action. In the first databook we also get:
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"Will a day of rest come for Neji..." His is a perpetual struggle: not just for acknowledgement, but for respect, and a place in the family that isn't what he has. Like Hizashi, I think Neji values his clan as a whole, but resents the caste system. He takes pride in being a Hyūga, and the reputation and role they have in the village, but he wants more than what is expected of him.
All of this is to say that I think the main family doesn't care what rank branch members reach, so long as they remain submissive, don't get personally ambitious and continue to obey them and serve Konoha. In fact they probably want branch members to achieve a certain level of success so the most dangerous missions go to them. It's like a resource they are exploiting. No doubt Konoha also sees this as a resource, since they have so little interest in interfering in the Hyūga's little slavery ring.
The note about learning how to dismantle the seal is interesting too because probably the biggest expert on jūinjutsu we see is good old Orochimaru, who did some pretty ooky things to gain his knowledge. I think this is some very esoteric knowledge, and a bigger threat than a branch member learning how it works on their own is collaboration between a main and cadet branch member, particularly between the clan head and a branch member: whatever knowledge they have on how the seal works could be extremely valuable to countering it. If I were a member of the main family, I would make sure this kind of bond could not exist, and I imagine the resentment on the part of the branch family is expected and almost encouraged in order to avoid it.
(In this sense, the family was 'fixed' by Hiashi and Hinata mending fences with Neji, hence the emphasis on how they now 'fight side by side' in the war. We just have to, you know, assume they put an end to the sealing practise and everything off screen. No word yet on reparations ...)
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Another thing I'll say is that I wish we got to see Neji's relationship with other branch members. I think in a way Neji is a kind of -- I use this very loosely but you get the idea -- 'model minority' who excels so thoroughly he's given privileges (e.g. training with the head of the family) which others could not get. He's also got very close blood ties to the head family. In many ways he's an exception, and we're told that he has the ability to be """free""" and reach great heights despite his position ... but what about everyone else?
This isn't to say Neji is privileged (it would be like saying Yang Guifei was privileged) but his compatriots who aren't geniuses and beloved nephews also deserve respect. It's entirely possible that everything I've outlined about my understanding of how the clan dynamics work only functions that way for Hizashi and Neji because they were so important to the main family outside of their branch status, and there are severe limits placed on branch members in general. Considering how badly Hizashi and Neji were treated, this is saying something.
When we see Neji in the chūnin exams he is exceptionally cynical to hide how deeply he cares and how thoroughly traumatized he is. I think he was beyond caring about consequence because he felt he would be killed no matter what, it was just a matter of how soon. So he said fuck it, I'm going to show off, run my mouth, and for just one blazing moment at least get to be the best not as a meat shield but as a person in my own right. In fact, "If I fall, you're going down with me" is very Neji in general: it's exactly how he handles the fight with Kidōmaru.
(Needless to say, I think growing up thinking his life has no value severely screwed up his perception of self but that's another topic entirely ...)
TL;DR: The main family is insulated by the branch members going out into the world and doing the most dangerous work the village could ask of the clan; while ambition wouldn't be desirable working hard and serving the village and clan well is; a sense of kinship and equality would be dangerous because the main family's power rests in dehumanization and othering; Neji wants to do his best but not just as a mindless meat shield, but as someone who is defending real values like family/friends/village and respected for it.
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