k66-official · 11 days
Hey Dororo? I've got a question... Are you a baby at heart?
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so, tto answer your question… u,m i don;;t think sso…? sorry………………..
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colormush · 23 days
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prokopetz · 2 years
do you say "d six six" or "d sixty six"
(With reference to this post here.)
The second one. d66 tables were sometimes referred to as d6/d6 tables decades ago, but – unless you pronounce the slash – "d6/d6" sounds exactly like "dee-sixty-six", so the latter soon stuck.
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cerinslair · 8 months
d66 Ways to Explain This Player Character’s Brief Absence
Aw beans, one of your players couldn’t show up to tonight’s game. Here’s 36 ways to explain why their character is missing just for this session! Roll a d66 (rolling one d6 for the tens-digit and another d6 for the ones-digit) or choose an option that makes sense for your situation.
For brevity, “PC” will be used in place of the missing player character’s name.
11: PC had previously sworn an oath to a wizard they were indebted to, granting the wizard one-time power and authority to temporarily summon PC to them whenever they require their aid. The wizard is cashing in right now.
12: PC found a cursed scroll which temporarily turns them into an incorporeal spirit, forced to haunt the other player characters undetected until they learn some moral lesson the scroll wants them to learn.
13: A faerie spirit on a quest for revenge mistook PC for someone else and stole them away in the night. They’ll return PC once they realize their mistake.
14: The battle of two quarreling chronomancers blew through your location, and PC fell into a time-rift left in the wake of one of the wizard’s attacks, sending them into the (near) future.
15: Aliens abducted PC but will return them when they prove too difficult to contain/experiment on.
16: PC finds themself trapped in a time-loop, and eventually discovers that they only way to escape is to avoid contact with the other player characters for the duration of the loop.
21: PC overheard something the other player characters said about them out of context and misinterpreted it in a way that greatly upset them. They sneak away to abandon the group when no one is looking but return upon realizing it was all a misunderstanding.
22: PC has an important family (or other personal) matter to attend to that requires their swift response, as it involves legal recourse surrounding the disappearance of someone close to them. They will return once it is settled.
23: A scatter-brained wizard’s apprentice studying teleportation magic accidentally switches places with PC, teleporting them to their mentor’s tower an impossible distance away. The apprentice thinks they can figure out a way to swap back with PC if given some time on their own. They hope PC hides in their study until they do – their master tends to fireball intruders on-sight and ask questions later.
24: PC has been possessed by a ghost, who will return control of their body to them once they complete some task the ghost wasn’t able to finish before they died.
25: PC stepped away to refill their water, and got turned around on their way back. They wandered around lost a while, but will find their way to the other player characters eventually.
26: A faerie spirit decided they fancied PC and whisked them away to the faerie realm in an attempt to seduce them. They’ll return PC once they realize they aren’t their type.
31: An enterprising minor demon wants to strike a bargain with PC and teleports the two of them to the top of a tower in an attempt to show off. However, the demon’s pitch is not going well, especially when it’s revealed they lack the power to get them both back down again without resting a while first.
32: PC is called in for jury duty, and either has to serve their time or go to the local magistrate to appeal for a waiver.
33: PC ran into an old friend and went to catch up with them over some drinks. However, the two of them got held up by some of the friend’s newest adversaries.
34: PC is avoiding the other player characters while they prepare a surprise for one or all of them – a gift, or a party to commemorate a certain event like an anniversary or holiday.
35: PC is troubled by recent events – related to the group’s adventures, or external to them – and wants some time alone to clear their head.
36: PC has been haunted by dreams of a symbol in a dark room. They spot this symbol on a stray cat and can’t help but investigate. It seems to be leading them somewhere, but only if they follow it alone.
41: PC is visited by the restless spirit of a friend long gone. Their ghost wants to tell PC a secret – a secret that they must take to their own grave – and leads them away from the rest of the player characters.
42: PC has been struck by sudden inspiration for a work of art, and they simply must bring it into the world before the inspiration fades.
43: PC received an ominous warning from a fortune teller to stay away from [events of today’s session] and is keeping a safe distance just in case.
44: PC is having a crisis of faith in themselves after recent events and takes off on their own for a while until they reassure themselves of their skill. Training montage optional.
45: PC is sent a threatening message by one of their adversaries telling them that if they don’t leave the group, their allies will be made to suffer for it. They leave, believing it to be some heroic self-sacrifice. They return once they realize they are all stronger together, and only with each other’s help can they defeat the adversary’s threat.
46: PC tried to follow an “astral projecting for dummies” guide as a joke, but ended up separated from their body until they figured out how to stop.
51: PC ran afoul of a witch years ago, who tried to curse PC with eternal sleep. However, the witch got their arcane verb-tenses mixed up. So instead, PC was cursed to sleep through a specific date and time. That date is today.
52: PC is shown something that causes them to doubt if their cause is the right one, and leaves until they can find out the truth. They return when what they were shown is proven to be a fabrication by their adversary to mislead them.
53: PC leaves the group because they feel their contributions aren’t appreciated enough. They return after some self-reflection reveals they weren’t feeling unappreciated, they were feeling jealous.
54: PC is feeling extremely ill today. If your group has access to magical disease relief, specify that such relief will still take time to affect whatever sickness has befallen PC – it will just relieve some of the pain in the meantime. Until then, they require rest.
55: PC must take a day off for an important religious observance of their faith.
56: PC received a message from a character they flirted with in town, inviting PC to come visit them for some fun. They sure are taking their time coming back.
61: A minor celebrity from one of PC’s niche interests is going to be in town sort-of-but-not-really nearby, and PC just can’t miss this opportunity to meet them!
62: PC accidentally stumbled into the secret hidden lair of a C-list villain. It will take them a little bit of time to escape on their own.
63: PC saw a rare, elusive mystical beast, prized by many, such as a unicorn. They chased after this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and will return very disappointed.
64: PC is in a sour mood after accidentally breaking a sentimental keepsake, and just wants to be alone for a while.
65: PC insulted a wizard, who responded by turning PC into a pile of rats. Rats, plural. We’ll have to collect all of them up before they can be changed back.
66: PC is just feeling soooooo eepy. Little nap.
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tomorrowusa · 6 months
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There's been a great amount of consternation over the results of the November 22nd elections in the Netherlands. Much of the hysteria comes from people who know nothing about Dutch politics or how the constitutional system works there.
We see news stories in Anglophone media saying that Geert Wilders and his far right PVV party "won" the election.
It's true that the PVV won more seats than any other single party there. However what's often left out is that the PVV won just 37 seats in the lower house of the Dutch parliament (called the Tweede Kamer) out of a total of 150 seats. A governing majority requires 76 seats and the PVV is 39 seats short of that. The PVV simply cannot govern by itself.
Politics in the Netherlands is quite fragmented. And because of an overly strict system of proportional representation for the Tweede Kamer, a lot of little shit parties representing narrow interests manage to win seats. 15 parties won seats in the recent election.
The outgoing VVD (24 seats) and the GLPVDA (25 seats) have already said they would not join a coalition with Wilders's PVV. The new NSC (20 seats) has been very iffy; its leader said he would not support the PVV's anti-Islamic policies which would violate the Dutch constitution. Don't expect DENK, (3 seats), an immigrant rights party, to join a PVV coalition. VOLT (2 seats) is a pro-EU party which would not likely join in a coalition led by Wilders who is anti-EU. The SP (5 seats) is a socialist party diametrically opposed to the PVV. D66 (9 seats) is a socially progressive and its membership would probably not be comfortable in a Wilders-led coalition.
So if you add up the seats for parties which may have reservations about the PVV, it's a clear majority.
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HOWEVER, Wilders may try to entice one some of those parties with pledges of moderation; though that may not sit well with hardliners in his own party.
Another possibility would be for the GLPVDA, VVD, NSC, and D66 to try to form a government. They do have 78 seats, two more than needed for a majority. Though in Dutch politics it wouldn't look good for the party with the largest number of seats to be left out of government.
A more likely possibility would be for the VVD or NSC to prop up a Wilders government without joining it. This way they would not be tainted by direct association with him and could pull the rug out from under him if he becomes too extreme.
One last option is simply to string out coalition negotiations while a caretaker runs the country. It usually takes about three months to form a government under normal circumstances in the Netherlands. But in 2017 it took a record 225 days to do so. In neighboring Belgium it took 589 days to form a government back in 2010-2011.
So people freaking out over Geert Wilders should dial down their stress levels at least a bit. Even if he becomes prime minister he'll be limited in what he can do. Though this election should serve as a warning to other democratic countries not to take things for granted.
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krukel · 7 months
Aaaahhh kutland fucking hell
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Ik ben verkiezingsprogramma’s aan het lezen voor de Europese verkiezingen en het is af en toe toch wel een beetje jammer dat politici niet zo heel veel van AI afweten
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thaumic-hobo · 2 years
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A set of d66 tables for generating Books of a Magical & Occasionally Dark Nature.
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princemick-archive · 2 years
bro your blog is my left-leaning newspaper
welcome to the daily kyle, here we talk about micks tits and trans rights.
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homoerotisch · 1 year
kaag </3 kan haar zo niet uitstaan
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k66-official · 1 year
Oh? Dororo, you have a phone?
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I think our phones are connected to the Kero Ball, or something like that? I've not looked into it much, to be honest.
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colormush · 2 months
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haarlemupdates · 4 days
In 2022 sloten PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, CDA en Actiepartij een coalitieakkoord voor Haarlem. Het coalitieakkoord vraagt om actie! De coalitie stelde hoge ambities op voor het verduurzamen van de woningvoorraad. Na twee jaar is het tijd om de balans op te maken en vooruit te kijken. Welke stappen zijn er genomen voor het verduurzamen van woningen? Wat kunnen Haarlemmers in verschillende buurten de komende jaren verwachten? En hoe kun je als bewoner zelf bijdragen aan verduurzaming, zowel in een huur- als in een koopwoning? Hoge duurzaamheidsambities De coalitiepartijen zetten in op een isolatie-offensief. Zij stimuleren verhuurders en eigenaren om hun woningen te isoleren en energieverspilling te voorkomen. Blok voor blok, straat voor straat. Het doel is om corporatiewoningen met EFG-labels veel sneller dan de landelijke afspraken te verduurzamen. Tegelijkertijd is de ambitie om een start te maken met drie warmtenetten. Dit alles moet ook bijdragen aan het reduceren van de CO2-uitstoot met 60% in 2030. Wat is al gelukt en waar is extra inzet nodig? We vragen het aan verschillende sprekers en gaan er graag met u over in gesprek. Ook krijgt u handvaten om zelf de verduurzaming van uw woning aan te pakken. Of het nu gaat om een huurhuis of een koophuis, of u zelf aan de slag wilt of samen met buurtbewoners, er zijn verschillende experts die u alles over de mogelijkheden vertellen. Na de eerste inleidende sprekers kunt u zelf kiezen bij welke experts u aansluit om verder te praten over specifieke uitdagingen bij bijvoorbeeld koop of huur. De middag wordt georganiseerd en ingeleid door de Haarlemse gemeenteraadsleden van PvdA, GroenLinks, D66, CDA en Actiepartij. Info Datum: Zaterdag 8 juni 2024 Tijd: Inloop 15:00 uur, start 15:30 uur, borrel 17:00 uur Plaats: Kweekcafé, Kleverlaan 9, 2023 JC Haarlem De middag is gratis toegankelijk Aanmelden kan via deze link. Op het programma deze avond staan onder andere bijdragen van: Wienand van Dijk: kwartiermaker warmte bij de gemeente Haarlem Stef Bais: adviseur duurzaamheid & warmte bij Elan Wonen Ingrid Houtepen: adviseur bij Stichting !WOON Hans Broeks van het zonnewarmtenet Ramplaankwartier Buurtcoöperatie Duurzaam Garenkokerskwartier Het Groene Raadhuis            
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rcvandenboogaard · 1 month
Tegen emotionele propaganda hebben argumenten niet veel zin
Omdat de politieke partij D66 het niet zo geweldig had gedaan bij de Kamerverkiezingen van 2022 werd er door het partijbestuur een commissie ingesteld die de dieperliggende oorzaken van het falen bloot moest leggen. Er kwam een rapport waarin onder andere gezegd werd dat de op zich heel redelijke en verstandige standpunten van D66, vertolkt door bewindslieden en andere partijprominenten die…
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eltjedoddema · 2 months
Eltje Doddema
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zoueriemandzijnopmars · 7 months
Debatten zijn leuk in theorie maar in de praktijk zijn het altijd onderwerpen die ik niet interessant vindt of (nog irritanter) ze zetten partijen tegenover elkaar waarvan het allang duidelijk is waar de verschillen zitten
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