#*voice over the intercom* spoiler alert there is hurt noct in the daft little wholesome one shot
ivorydice · 1 year
heads up 7 up
Tagged by: @oftincturedwords (thank you!! <333)
Rules: post the last seven sentences from one of your WIPs! i’m not going to say it has to be the absolute last seven sentences you’ve written - just from something you’re still working on.
Note: I literally just started this on Friday night because I need a break from my main fics which all seem big and super angsty and are ganging up on me, and this fic is the dumbest thing I've ever written and I'm having such a blast with it lmaoooo here's a bit that keeps making me cackle
Good boy! Umbra’s tail thumps against the dock and he pants, enjoying the petting along his fur. It’s nice, it’s wonderful even, but it can’t last forever, and, sure enough, Lunafreya pulls away, getting to her feet with a soft sigh.
There's a sly glint in Pryna's eyes as she comes closer and sits, and her happy panting is a little too smug as Lunafreya approaches her. Umbra can see her tactics already, the way she’ll take advantage of his absence. Extra pets, extra treats! Opportunist! Scoundrel!
Tagging (with zero pressure): @promptos-barcode, @avianscribe, @kaelinaloveslomaris, @every-lemon, @quartzguts, @amiyade @breakfastteatime, @marmolita and anyone else who wants to do this *bonk* you're tagged!
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