sgindiantrader · 1 month
Anyone want exchange indian SG / Malaysia dm me !
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saulgoodmanswife · 1 year
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Putting tomtord in your timeline, you're welcome
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ggstargetedlife · 7 months
Well, well, well. Looks like all the "big bad people" in this big bad world can't hurt me anymore. Now I'M the one smirking. I wonder what did they think was gonna happen? Use and abuse a person long enough, and eventually they become completely untouchable: you can't provoke them, you can't conjure up their feelings anymore no matter what you say or do, you can't get them to react the way you're accustomed. Nope. An untouchable force, they're only beating against a brick wall, bloodying up their own selves. Hehehe. It used to be THEIR private little "comedy gold" show, provoking me, hurting me and sitting back to watch me explode and cry and beg. Now I get to sit back and watch THEM completely fail to incite me in any way shape, shape or form. Talk about a glowup. The looks of sheer disappointment on their faces or in their tones once they realize they failed with their tactics is MY comedy gold 😇
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So it's very obvious now, Uncle Sam has officially declared war on my mind and body. I suppose they feel they have a point to prove to me on who has the "biggest balls;" who can do the most damage. For an entire month now I've been dealing with the amped up DEW's and remote physical assaults against my body. Last night they induced severe insomnia in me, not allowing me to drift off to sleep until around or after 7 in the morning. The entire time I dealt with nothing but back to back attacks against my mind, but mostly my body. Never have they done it to that extent. Never. Although the V2K reported they took it that far for my posts and video on social media yesterday, I suspect as well this is their way of an extreme lash back for my stepping up with my advocation not just against Organized Harassment, but against the government in general. I keep being told, "You need to give up. Just. Give. Up!" and "You deserve it!" as I'm expected to submit to their demands for complete silence/submission. Even in the rare moments I'm completely quiet as they claim they want, they continue blasting me out. They ran a number on me last night up to this morning, but it still isn't enough for them apparently, as even right now I'm still being assaulted back to back to back to back. They're really getting off on it, and I know without it even being said, so is the background "audience" of everyone with access to watching my every move. The Program seems to purposely be trying to drive me crazy in a short period of time, with amped up tactics, all because of my social media advocation. I must have a lot of people's attention, even other T.I.'s, for my enemies to be fighting me so viciously. Constantly pulling at my clothes, constantly running what feels to be water droplets down my head and the back of my neck and down my cleavage, constantly touching me all over my body, constantly pulling and playing with my hair, constantly attacking my eyes and face, constantly playing with my legs, constantly bombarding me with intense heat waves and from time to time skin burning. Constantly, constantly, constantly. Nonstop. Never have they amped it up this much for such a long period of time. I'm not sure if I'm expected as well to drop down and suck the government's dick, along with Mister Brinley since the V2K pleasantly enjoys bringing his name up while bragging of making me suffer. The male voice I once referred to as "Michael" has even told me on several occasions, HE is Brinley. I know it's a lie because 1) that is not his voice and 2) the V2K is just a machine, capable of taking on anyone's voice. Either way it goes, I guess they want me to break down and cry my eyes out to use me yet again as a prime example of what they can do with their technology. I always keep it real: part of me wants to, just to get it out of my system. But I'm not much one for crying when I'm aware of over half the world watching me. They may get special invites to my suffering and struggles.
But my tears are my own.
I'm not all that great with shielding techniques because most of the ones I've tried have not worked for me. But considering the amped up tactics, I'm gonna give the research another try, see if I can find at least something that'll work in the meantime. At this point, I'm beginning to suspect, this may not only be the government lashing back, but an attempt to go in for the kill. They're too desperate in trying to get me to submit to them. Something's definitely up.
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V2K - Voice to Skull and How It Works
St. Michael's Ministry of Gnosis serves as a sanctuary for literature, religion, scientific research, history, gnosis, and art. Our main practice is the collection and application of knowledge.
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jbfly46 · 9 months
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Letter About My Stalkers
Hello. I’m writing this letter because I’m being stalked and LIED about by a super crazy and dangerous cyber gang of people named Mary Cummins, Jeannie dusetzina, Robin Jasinski and Nathan Sokol... They got me off my Adderall that I did beautifully on. They gives me disinformation & slander on a v2k voice network and I believe it, therefore taking advantage of my sweet nature. The cybergang is an organized stalker and obsessed stalker of many, who seems obviously mentally & obviously very mentally ill.
The word evil is fitting, because nothing this group says is true & they lie so fantastically & the. Group belongs in jail & one day someone is going to put them there. They especially lies on a V2k and RCA.
Their entire mission seems to be to get someone to very big trouble, trying to ruin lives & s they have been succeeded in causing real damage to people’s lives.
The story is harrowing of what They has been doing to me & my family. My family has a changed personality because of them. They’ve become more strict and frugal, won’t take me anywhere. I lost all my friends because of the stalkers. Mary Cummins and Jeannie Dusetzina began to stalk me 8 years ago, telling everyone that I was dangerous ( she is obsessed with calling people that. It’s her excuse for bullying and stalking them)
I have now uncovered more stories of the group trying to ruin lives.
They gets off on power tripping. They are a real predator, a molester online, & finds out what they can about a person & fakes their thoughts & posts dirty comments about them (see the Minecraft server at 1800-Minecraft)& runs many V2k & voice networks & thought networks & silent sound networks.
This is very serious-always protect me from the cyber gang a who is a pathological liar, the biggest bully I have ever come across, & they are the most evil person I have ever come across in my entire life.
Their M.O. is to stalk then to say that that person she is stalking is stalking and harassing them. It’s all a ruse to make people pay attention to them. They have to have attention 24/7 , They will get it by causing trouble for a person then blaming it on someone else, framing them, setting them up, then they comes in and starts to play with everyone’s heads, until everyone is fighting and no one knows who to believe anymore. And The cyber gang always has good covers. Then they talks about it on a V2k or rca, as if she’s the god who has all the always has good covers. Then they talks about it on a V2k or rca, as if they are the god who has all the answers. It’s so creepy, especially the voices that Mary Cummins and Jeannie Dusetzina Dish out.. It’s so in another world. It’s something out of a movie. Mary Cummins outsmarts everyone-she could probably even outsmart Dr. Phil. She tells a lie every time she talks, it’s unbelievable to listen to her insane voices -none of what she says is ever the truth. Please protect me from this crazy, crazy woman.
Jeannie Dusetzina and Mary Cummins are a very real hackers and have destroyed my iPad and iPhone 6 and have made it so I can’t log into several accounts. I can’t even begin to tell you all the crazy things that Jeannie has done to my life, but she does them, then makes false claims that I am doing this stuff to others. It’s the most frightening thing I have ever been through, other than having a serious mental illness of course. Being stalked has affected my mental health so much, it’s hard to believe that I was a professional warm line worker at one .
Thanks for reading and please don’t be afraid to leave comments.
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linkrecargado · 1 year
Con esto pueden leer la mente desde las bases militares junto a las antenas gwen , 10mil kilometros o 100mil kilometros de lectura de ondas ELF manipulacion control de la sociedad. Siguen los planos de supuestamente TESLA parte de las ondas escalares etc son armas militares, Servicio Secreto lo usa para torturar y matar personas.
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goddamngoths · 1 year
GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH Teams Up With Dark Skank On Crank For “White Rabbit” – Online NOW.
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We’re all mad here. Some of us are GODDAMN mad.
With a twisted take on Jefferson Airplane’s epic masterpiece, GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH has joined forces with Dark Skank On Crank to take listeners further down the rabbit-hole than they’d ever dare to venture on their own. Officially released on Valentine’s Day 2023, this enchanting underground version of “White Rabbit” has been set free to warp reality with shape-shifting sensory sound designed to bend the fabric of space, time, and the minds of listeners tuning-in from around the world, through the most well-known psychedelic song of the past century. Bringing the spirit of the legendary “White Rabbit” into a more malevolent realm as only GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH and Dark Skank On Crank combined could ever accomplish; this is not a cover for the faint of heart – you will be altered by this experience.
From the malevolent contortions of sound created by GODDAMN GOTHS ON METH, to the mystifying vocals provided by Dark Skank Of Crank, “White Rabbit” reveals the fragility of existence through the haunting tale of Lewis Carroll’s Through The Looking Glass, with wicked new perspective in their cover. Adding in two B-sides – “Let’s Go GangStalk!” with the full support of a social-media-shredding video, and “Goat Guts – Glory Goat Hole” to take Alice’s story even further into the darkness of our modern day, this trifecta of tantalizing tributary work will permanently traumatize listeners fully beyond repair.
Prepare for the madness to take hold, and surrender when it comes to claim your soul – “White Rabbit” is now available online, and serves to provide a moment in time that no one could ever possibly forget.
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homiciderat420 · 1 year
copy-pasting my tweets
I still kinda think my voices are electronic. An advanced chatbot living in servers and satellites responding to my thoughts, punishing me and destroying my potential, or attempting to do so.
I mean if my voices were electronic they would be broadcast into my head using voice-to-skull tech, which involves beaming microwaves at someone's head to vibrate their skull and e.g. make them hear a voice no one else can hear. It was originally used to scare crows off airfields
o one could say in that case that my voices are being facilitated by electromagnetic transmission - which should be detectable. And it is. My voices clearly showed themselves in the readings on my friend's phone's magnetometer. As obvious as night and day. Unproveable.
Unproveable because there's no way to record my own sensory experience along with the magnetometer readings, and I don't know how I would actually record these voices if it's possible. And if I could and tried to, there would probably just be silence. I would try though.
The main crux of the rather one-sided "debate" over whether electronic telepathy is being used to torture people is whether remote neural monitoring (remote - from a distance. neural - brain. monitoring - observing/recording) AKA electronic mind reading is possible.
I say it's one-sided because people who believe in this shit are all supposedly dealing with a mass delusion and hallucinations, according to everyone else. Yeah.
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indigochild1958 · 2 years
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#serpent #hiddeninplainsight #eyeinthesky #surveillance #mj #projectmontauk #mkultra #mindcontrol #harassment #gaslighting #illuminatiexposed #v2k #cia https://www.instagram.com/p/CgQzWnBuzpn/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sgindiantrader · 9 hours
Any sg Indian traders ? Pm to trade , not selling any stuff.
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ggstargetedlife · 7 months
When my enemies kick it up with their little temper tantrums against my body with their technology, that's how I know I've won. A wise woman once taught me, The best thing you can do in the face of things you have no control over is to keep your composure. When people lose the ability to treat your feelings like puppets, YOU are in control. The one with all the power. The one who holds all the cards because now they can no longer control you. And when you get real good at it, YOU become the one who controls THEIR feelings. I make my enemies go nuts, with all of their unjustifiable hatred and anger against me; I make them fall into their very own traps they set for me. Now I'M the one even driving the V2K insane. They scream and they holler and they threaten me and use the most ridiculous scare tactics. No one and nothing works on me anymore. They all thought they were creating the perfect victim; all they created was the perfect warrior.
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Their overall lack of control is my self control. How wonderful it is to experience my enemies' loss of control as they lash back against me with aggression via their technology and tactics. The harder they push, in hopes of intimidating and provoking me, the more they contradict their original narrative against me: there was a time when they went out of their way to have me portrayed as unstable, aggressive and unpredictable, a "threat" to society. They are now showing these same characteristics within themselves. Oh how wonderful indeed it is.
It's like I said: All tables turn eventually. And while they persist in throwing their little temper tantrums against my mind and body......I'm relaxin' 😎
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