#*noomys post
kittytaco05 · 1 year
Rewatching one of my all-time fave movies, What Happened to Monday, and in my heightened stage of depression and start of my period; this movie always, always, without a doubt, will make me cry like a slobbering little bitch. Noomi Rapace has a way to tear my heart to shreds.
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sleepynegress · 7 months
On Greta Danesti...
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I'm just taking this time to correct a certain anti-Black, (and anti-Romani) sadly typical fandom troll's misogynoir fuckery in the tag and establishing who Greta Danesti is in canon Castlevania animation lore. This is Greta Danesti's official character sheet:
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She's the village headwoman of Danesti a few miles away from Alucard's castle. This is what her voice actress, Marsha Thompson looks like:
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It's pretty obvious her character design took cues from the actress, who is Afro-British. In show canon, however, her family escaped from the Roman city of Carthage, which today, is located in the African country Tunisia. Alucard correctly speculated where her people are from while conversing with her, here (s4 e5):
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Greta then confirms that her people did escape the Romans, but she now fully embraces her "family" in her village who are "from all over" and the responsibility of taking care of them.
This same troll used the g-slur to insist that she is Romani.
She is not. This troll used an early character design here, to make her case.:
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And though it does have similarities to Romani clothing... It also looks like it takes cues from Tunisian clothing and likely local and non-local European clothing of the era with "fantasy" elements sprinkled in, as well, which would match the fact of her village's people coming from all over:
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There definitely should be more Romani rep in media as it is so often whitewashed, but Greta is not Romani.
FYI, these women actors actually *are* of Romani descent: Fairuza Balk of The Craft, Oona Chaplin who played Robb Stark's wife in GOT (she's also Charlie Chaplin's granddaughter[!]), and Noomi Rapace from the Swedish movie, The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo says her father may have been of Romani descent, as well.
And because I can predict it, as people like to find ways of discounting blackness in every way...
Yes, there are plenty of non-Black indigenous POC in North Africa, including within Tunisia. Another fun fact... Africa has more indigenous human genetic variation among its peoples than every other people on the planet has with everyone else on the planet[!]. All this to say non-white POC AND Black people are indigenous to Tunisia.
I feel I have to say that because there is a lot of anti-Black anthropological fetishization of North Africa. Egypt is a major example of that (see: Rami Malek, an indigenous Coptic Egyptian who self-identifies as African man of color and has likely had to clarify that *often* because people keep wanting to mislabel him as an Arab, but I digress...) And sadly, there is a decidedly anti-black movement to totally disconnect certain North African countries' identities from a continental African one, and to largely see it as mainly a part of the MENA world (it is both kiddies, BOTH). Here is an informative article (linked in the image) about that struggle:
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So, this got heavy...but between the post insisting that Greta is NOT Black and the one saying she's not bisexual because that same troll is purposefully and maliciously being obtuse about how words go together... I figured clearing some things up and educating folks might be helpful. BTW, the fact of those issues in the article makes her blackness all the more resonant as rep in pop culture. And hey, poly folks have disagreements, just like the het folks do... -Still bi. I'm gonna end here with two images from the linked article of anti-racist Tunisian protesters (MENA and Black):
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P.S. I also side-eye those keen to make her muscular... I mean yeah she wields a big-ass hammer and shortsword/dagger, but the tendency to masculinize black woman characters deserves a hardy eye-squint. Especially, given that the show has *no problem* making muscular women look like that and they DIDN'T for Miss Greta.
See: Zamfir and the Berserk-style sword-carrying Vampire warrior, Striga. Both of whom had that flex going on.
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noomicodes · 4 months
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celticbotanart · 2 months
Been feeling under the weather these past few days (hence why I'm a bit inactive here, as per usual); so let's go for another music post~
I've recently finished the season 1 of "Constellation", highly recommend it if you are into scifi, space/astronauts and time-alternative dimension-fuckery. The show is pretty awesome, and Noomi Rapace, who plays the protagonist is also a favorite of mine (and she's killing in this role as always <3).
I won't elaborate a lot, due to personal reasons but also bc spoilers, but the finale really made an impression on me and I've been thinking a lot about it. It also reminded me a lot of a couple of songs I know with these themes of "lost in space (metaphorically and literally)", longing, loss/grief and so on, and I want to share them with y'all~
1- "Moonhearts in Space" by Tina Guo ft Serj Tankian
You were undressed With your lies, I confess But I don't want to know 'Cause we're going to space Children, let's pretend We can see everything But we can't I can make the pain go away No, you can't
For context, Tina Guo is the original cello soloist in the soundtrack of the game "Journey", which is majorly cello all over it, as the "voice" of the main character. And also yes, that Serj Tankian (vocalist of System of a Down), haha. An unlikely pair that really pays off in this collab - Tina has a very intense and emotional playing style, and Serj really goes hard with sensitive, beautiful vocals as he does <3 I love how the lyrics are "all over the place", like someone's thoughts going from one thing to another really fast~
2- "Toki no Kioku" ("Memory of Time") by Yoko Kanno
Far away, long ago Wandering lost, so alone Passing eyes, parting sighs Some pains come through Where time flows, no one knows Pulsing dreams, barely seen In skies, thoughts of love go by
This is the ending theme of an anime / 6 episode OVA called "Please, Save My Earth" - the main plot is kind of inspired by the tale of Princess Kaguya (moon beings experiencing humanity). The story of "Please Save My Earth" tells about these teens who start to have dreams from their previous lives, where all of them worked together in a space station at the moon, trying to find a way of helping Earth and humanity, longing for it. It's a very strange anime, ngl, but I found it so captivating, from the detailed 90s anime style to the mysterious, introspective narrative. The music is by Yoko Kanno (most known for her work on Cowboy Bebop's OST), and "Toki no Kioku" really reflects the somber and melancholic tone of the story. I'm linking the version with the ending credits because I think the beautiful animation adds so much to the music's experience!
3- "The First Corpse on the Moon", by Lethe
Lethe is a project featuring Tor-Helge Skei and Anna Murphy (former Eluveitie, current Cellar Darling). No lyrics here because they are nowhere to find online, and I can understand only some bits of it (I have a hard time picking up English in singing). It's enough though, cause the title is pretty self-explanatory. Out all of these songs, it's probably the song that makes me think of "Constellation" the most (if you know, you know). I've always loved Anna Murphy's vocals and how she goes for darker, more introspective themes too, and this song is no exception
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neverfadeaway-rpg · 1 year
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Hello à tous·tes ! ✨
Après un bon mois d'ouverture, et déjà 48 membres ayant posés leurs valises à Night City, ainsi qu'un event lancé pour propulser et faire avancer l'intrigue, nous avons également plusieurs préliens qui sont fortement attendus parmi nous, promettant autant une bonne dose de feels que du drama ! Pas mal de diversité, pas mal de pré-liens particulièrement libres pour que vous puissiez vous approprier les personnages comme bon vous semble ! ✨ Nous avons décidé de mettre ceux disponibles en lumière, au cas où vous pourriez être tenté par ces derniers ! 👀 En attendant, bonne lecture et au plaisir de se croiser sur NEVER FADE AWAY ✨
F A M I L I A U X 🟪
prélien de EZRA KRAJAHR (ft. Dane DeHaan | corporatif lié à Orbital Air, petit génie du netrunning) | 3/5 libres [M/F/NB/GF] | entre 27 et 45 ans | le reste au choix ▬ (demi)frères/sœurs ▬ lien
Frères et sœurs d'une fratrie née dans l'espace, tous abandonnés par leur mère sur Terre peu de temps après leur naissance. Iels découvrent tous·tes peu à peu les circonstances de leur naissance et l'existence des un·e·s et des autres.
prélien de EDS DUNCAN (ft. Pedro Pascal | garagiste du Pegaso, ancien street racer) | libre [F] | 33 ans |  en corpo ou en gang (à l'exception des wraith) ▬ petite demie-soeur ▬ lien
Lola vit très mal sa vie, à chercher sans cesse un semblant de famille qu'elle détruit dès qu'elle l'approche de trop près. Coeur explosif et corrosif s'auto-détruit sans cesse et blâme son frère (Eds) pour tous les déboires qui lui arrive.
prélien de NOTT FRAZER (ft. Noomi Rapace | solo, mercenaire indépendante au sang chaud) | libre [F] | 38-42 ans | corpo, biotechnica (entreprise négociable - poste au choix) ▬ soeur ▬ lien
Leysha a porté sur ses épaules l'espoir de voir la famille Moore retrouver sa gloire passée. Elle a bossé dur pour arriver à une place confortable au sein d'une corporation. Depuis l'objectif atteint, elle ne s'est plus vraiment ce qu'elle doit souhaiter. Du haut de sa tour d'ivoire, elle se sent bien seule et gère un mal être que l'argent ne peut pas combler.
prélien de JAAFAR TAWFIQ (ft. Rami Malek | highrider, infirmier au MedCenter et pour la Trauma Team) | libre [H] | 40 ans | au choix ▬ jumeau ▬ lien
frère disparu et longtemps regretté. aujourd'hui total opposé de son jumeau, il vit pour servir les plus offrants et tient plus de la machine que de l'homme. personnage déshumanisé par les épreuves de la vie, il a fait de son existence une véritable descente aux enfers.
préliens de ARI YUN (ft. Kim Seo Hyeong | tyger claws, netrunner et membre de l'atlantis, chargée de la cybersécurité, ex-fixer) | libres [F/M/NB] | entre 38 et 80 ans | principalement membres des Tyger Claws ▬ famille Yun ▬ lien
La famille Yun, d'origine coréenne, s'est élevée dans les ruelles crasseuses de Night City, baignée dans l'illégalité et leur appartenance aux Tyger Claws. Habitué·es à aller contre le sort et se serrer les coudes pour survivre, iels ont appris à ne compter que sur elleux-mêmes. Quelques idées sont proposés, le reste de la famille est à créer ensemble.
A M I C A U X 🟪
prélien de EDS DUNCAN (ft. Pedro Pascal | garagiste du Pegaso, ancien street racer) | libre [M] | 20-25 | apprenti mécanicien au Pegaso ▬ le petit dernier ▬ lien
Billy c'est le petit nouveau (même si ça fait bientôt deux ans qu'il est là) qu'a bientôt fini sa période d'apprentissage. S'il est arrivé en payant pas de mine, c'est un jeune homme qui se transforme peu à peu et qui gagne chaque jour un peu plus de confiance.
I N C L A S S A B L E S 🟪
préliens de JAAFAR TAWFIQ (ft. Rami Malek | highrider, infirmier au MedCenter et pour la Trauma Team) | 5/6 libre [M/F] | the outlaws ▬ robins des bois des temps modernes ▬ lien
hors-la-loi qui volent aux riches pour donner aux pauvres. tous les moyens sont bons pour essayer de changer le monde. eux, on choisit de vivre en priorité pour les autres.
préliens de ZOLA SHEPARD (ft. Jimmi Simpson | propriétaire de l'Atlantis, fixer, mercenaire, membre des aldecaldos) | 3/4 libre [M/F/NB] | 30 et + | différents postes à l'atlantis | allégeances diverses (gangs) ▬ le staff de l'atlantis ▬ lien
groupe éclectique aux idées bien diverses, allant des accrocs à l'adrénaline aux personnalités plus mesurées ; drôle de cirque qui permet au club de fonctionner. iels ont tous·tes leur rôle à jouer, et possèdent tous·tes un cocktail en leur hommage, qui se lève à chaque deal réussi.
préliens de REED BURNHAM (ft. Jeffrey Dean Morgan | lieutenant des aldecaldos) | 5/8 libres [M/F/NB] | entre 25 et 50 ans | membres du sous-groupe des Aldecaldos dirigé par Reed ▬ famille ▬ lien
Sous groupe d'Aldecados dirigé par Reed vivant dans les Badlands, famille dysfonctionnelle mais pourtant soudée. Profils variés, vie de violence, de sable mais aussi de rire.
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kynvillingur · 1 year
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I posted 7,754 times in 2022
That's 6,914 more posts than 2021!
110 posts created (1%)
7,644 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 430 of my posts in 2022
#esc - 26 posts
#homestuck - 16 posts
#eurovision - 14 posts
#me - 12 posts
#goncharov - 7 posts
#save - 7 posts
#siouxsie sioux - 6 posts
#unreality - 6 posts
#iceland - 5 posts
#tintin - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#the swedengate thing is so fucking funny to me as an icelander because the only time the nordics are relevant on tumblr is for eurovision
My Top Posts in 2022:
guess fucking what babes
28 notes - Posted September 8, 2022
the steel samurai is just blorbo from maya's shows
33 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
every british actor has been in an episode of midsomer murders
39 notes - Posted October 21, 2022
semi-hot take
millennium trilogy tumblr does not appreciate noomi rapace enough. all the posts are about rooney mara's half assed lisbeth and not noomi. did none of you watch the original swedish films instead of the american remakes?
46 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i love you synths i love you 80s synthpop i love you new wave i love you synths i love
47 notes - Posted September 25, 2022
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haroldgross · 1 month
New Post has been published on Harold Gross: The 5a.m. Critic
New Post has been published on https://literaryends.com/hgblog/constellation/
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[3.5 stars]
Constellation is one of those big concept science fiction stories wrapped up in a family drama. And that’s a good thing. While there is a huge leap you have to accept for the story to make sense, it is the impact, both current and past, of the knowledge that makes the story.
Peter Harness (War of the Worlds) created a fascinating world that is almost ours, but not quite. And he found a solid cast to pull it off. Headlined by Noomi Rapace (Black Crab) and backed up with James D’Arcy (Six Minutes to Midnight), Jonathan Banks, Barbara Sukowa (White Noise), and young twins Rosie and Davina Coleman, the story is packed with emotion and tension.
One major challenge of the series, however, is that the production design failed on one point utterly: Keeping the worlds clear and separate. While it works in some venues and scenes, others it just doesn’t. And though you can argue that it is a way to help the audience feel what the characters are feeling, that’s garbage. I’m pretty sharp about stories like this, typically. But I found myself constantly confused about who I was watching where. The City & The City, Counterpart, even Fringe had to deal with this, not to mention countless other shows and movies, and they managed visual hints. That extra cognitive load was annoying and, ultimately, distracting.
A complication of watching this series is that I was also watching The Signal at the same time. A very bad idea in case you find yourself in the same position. The two shows have so much setup in common that it is hard to keep them separate. But where Signal goes huge and ends on a very tiny, focused, human note, Constellation starts smaller, has a horror sensibility, and swings more for the fences. And, in its final moment, swings way off the left as well. That final moment robs the story of much of its power, though the lead up to it was perfectly fine. I’m literally talking about the last two seconds.
Those aspects aside, the show is definitely worth viewing if you want to see some high-concept science fiction in action. They do pull it off, even if I would have preferred some different approaches or choices at times. But the mystery and the level of trust in the audience continues to fill out Apple+’s library of solid sf. And the questions it poses, and challenges it presents you with, are the kinds of things you want from this genre.
Where to watch
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fashioneditswebsite · 2 months
Dries Van Noten’s most memorable looks, as the Belgian fashion designer steps down
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Many famous people, such as Florence Pugh, Cate Blanchett, and Margot Robbie, have worn Dries Van Noten's designs. After 38 years, Belgian designer Dries Van Noten is stepping down as creative director of his namesake fashion brand. "In the early '80s, as a young guy in Antwerp, my dream was to have a voice in fashion. Van Noten fulfilled his dream with the help of many supportive people. He now wants to focus on other things. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dries Van Noten (@driesvannoten) He will step down at the end of June. His last collection will be menswear in spring/summer 2025, in Paris in June. His studio team will create the women's collection. They have been working closely together for years. I have complete confidence that they will do a great job." This doesn't mark the end of the Dries Van Noten fashion brand The House that Van Noten treasures so much will soon announce a new creative director, and he has stated that he will continue to stay involved in it. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dries Van Noten (@driesvannoten) Van Noten completed a fashion design course at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium in 1981. After opening his flagship store in Antwerp in 1989, he became a member of 'The Antwerp Six,' a group of Belgian creatives revolutionizing the fashion industry. The group included Walter Van Beirendonck, Ann Demeulemeester, Dirk Van Saene, Dirk Bikkembergs, and Marina Yee. Five years later, he debuted his first collection. In 1991, he debuted at Paris Fashion Week with a menswear collection. Two years later, he launched womenswear and became a regular on the schedule. Fashion firm Puig acquired a majority share in the brand in 2018. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dries Van Noten (@driesvannoten) Over the years, Van Noten has built up a reputation as a quietly experimental fashion designer. He blends the old with the new. He plays around with silhouette. This is mainly seen in the ballooning, oversized shapes of coats and sleeves. The design was showcased at his recent Paris Fashion Week show in February. Florals are a recurring theme in his clothes, and Van Noten says the flowers often inspire him in his garden. While Van Noten's work isn't a red carpet mainstay like some of the other major brands on the Paris Fashion Week calendar, celebrities make an impact when they choose to wear his designs. Florence Pugh was nominated for a BAFTA for her role as Amy March in Little Women back in 2020, and she brought a welcome splash of color to the red carpet in her pink and black Van Noten creation. A fuchsia dress-meets-cape was worn over a black mini dress, with the voluminous sleeves and bow detailing giving a subtle nod to Amy March's fashion. Pink and black were central to Van Noten's work in 2020, as Margot Robbie also wore that color combination to the London premiere of Birds Of Prey the same year. She paired her full black skirt with a feathered bralette, tapping into the trend for underwear as outerwear, and donned hot pink opera gloves. Cate Blanchett chose to wear Dries Van Noten to the Oscars in 2008 when she was pregnant with her third child, Ignatius. The midnight blue gown had an empire line for her bump and gold accents. Additionally, the sequinned flowers on the skirt were particularly eye-catching. Kirsten Dunst wore a floral Van Noten gown to the Baby2Baby Gala in Nov 2023. Noomi Rapace wore a navy and white floral print dress with statement red gloves at the Cannes Film Festival in May 2022. The dress, created by Van Noten, featured dramatic oversized sleeves. Read the full article
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Caught the first episode of that new Noomi Rapace psychological thriller scifi Constellation and it made me realize I have seen far more random ficlet scraps and idea posts on Tumblr and other blogging sites utilizing the whole Lost Cosmonauts thing as part of or the basis for scifi horror than actual fully fledged short stories or novels or films.
Which is to say please recommend some if you know any
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tctmp · 1 year
Drama  Thriller
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theechudar · 2 years
Black Crab Movie Review: Intensely brilliant Noomi Rapace in a predictable film- Cinema express
Black Crab Movie Review: Intensely brilliant Noomi Rapace in a predictable film- Cinema express
Despite falling prey to genre cliches every now and then, the screen adaptation of Jerker Virdborg’s novel ends up being an engaging one, for the most part. The post-apocalyptic wartime story it presents does get a tad predictable from time to time (some revelations being anything but revelatory, in the end), but under the circumstances, the acting remains a standout. Noomi Rapace gives us her…
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copperwaverider · 2 years
Latest add to my Spotify Liked Songs list. This song was featured in a movie that I watched last night called “The Trip.” It starred Noomi Rapace (if a movie features her, I’m in! lol) and Aksel Hennie. (I’ll post a trailer for it.)
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brothim · 3 years
watching What Happened To Monday
spoiler alert
Ok beginning. A nod towards the Chinese one child policy, which is radically applied to the whole world (or the USA at least, but same thing I guess) because of dwindling resources
Ok, the grandfather obviously wants to protect his seven granddaughters, so he has to amputate all of their pointer fingers because Thursday lost hers in an accident but like.... that scene was brought across kind of emotionless.
Fast forward to present times, monday is puking her brains out before her big day at work. She says she's just really nervous but we all know the only reason women ever puke onscreen is because they're pregnant. I bet you it's gonna be a reveal later
The checkpoint dude asking Monday whether he has to search her....... makes me kind of uncomfortable
Male colleague accusing monday of having slept her way to the top, nice integration of everyday sexism. Looking forward towards having hologram phones and people still doubting my competence
They send three swat guys with machine guns who still somehow fuck that up. If they were sent to kill why not shoot on sight?
How are the sisters still chilling in their house unbothered? How did the authorities just have three guys killed and not send another team???
Bro, why does the sniper unnecessarily kill her colleague, alerting wednesday so she can hide? Is their entire military operation just made up of unqualified people??
There's a whole ass army outside, yet somehow they did not secure all exits
Loved the scene where the swat gets mauled by an angry crowd
Again, how are the sisters still chilling at home???? Hello???
While Wednesday is struggling, let's let this guy inside and have a chat
It's Monday's checkpoint dude?????
You have to fuck him Saturday, that's the only way
This is where I'm like: that movie is 100% written and directed my men (looked it up afterwards, it is).
Not only is Saturday, the virgin, willing to have sex with a random guy, but she is also somehow able to enjoy him eating her kitty cat while in an incredibly stressful situation
To hack him, their ID armbands have to be in close proximity for a while, which absolutely cannot be achieved without an explicit sex scene
He also doesn't even notice she's not his girlfriend because, obviously, same face = same woman right?
Did Saturday really just judge her missing and presumably dead sister Monday for having kinky sex??????? After she had kinky sex with her missing sister's boyfriend?????
Also Monday's not dead
Incompetent authorities finally have the idea of raiding the sister's house, still didn't secure all exits
Checkpoint guy finally understands he fucked one of Monday's sisters but he loves her so he has to save her!!
Also what's the function of the female black fed? She's always there but doesn't have a single line. Diversity win!
Called it. Monday's pregnant
Also her motivation was her pregnancy all along. Because what else would serve a woman as motivation?
Searching the tumblr tag and scrolling through pages and pages of thirst over the checkpoint guy, with none of the main characters in sight
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abs0luteb4stard · 2 years
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by Noomi Roomi (instagram, web store, Linktree)
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elverted · 2 years
   good  morning  n_n  i  think  i’ve  completed  jane’s  faceclaims  into  her  40s  . . .  now  to  figure  out  what  jane  does  with  her  life  post  series,  etc  <3 
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