#*heavy pained sigh*
haru-chi · 4 months
Okay, let's talk about the recent Natuyuu chapter for a little bit ... and something that just moved me to tears ><
let's ignore that the appearance they teased was for the cats and not what I wanted and wished for which's fine I'm fine I knew it was impossible .. yet hoped nonetheless
the chapter was really cute indeed, but I was shocked that the Reiko's pic was gonna be addressed right after the reveal !!! that took me by surprise yet a very happy one to confirm what I was saying back then ...
but before that, the way Natsume started to realize and know for sure that that might've been Reiko by remembering his father was too much for me ...
this chapter was such a good demonstration of how much our little sunshine has grown so much emotionally ... I was tearing up seeing him trying very hard to remember that blurry memory of his father taking him to an amusement park T^T
the boy who forced the memories out of his system so as not be broken down by it .. the same boy who refused to see the only parents' picture he had so that he won't be hurt or cry when he sees them ... who always pretending to be fine talking about his real family .. who ran away from any mention of them that he just purged any faint memory he once had till the point he really forgot everything related to them despite how this act of itself was hurting him deeply ...
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this same boy right now is doing his best to remember his own father .. to remember a said precious memory .. he was trying really hard something the past Natsume would never do .. but sadly, all he managed was those blurry images .. he no longer remembers his father's face .. yet he wasn't broken down or sad .. he was actually happy as if he holds something dear to him .. that even if it's blurry, even if he no longer remembers it much ... the fact that it exists no matter how faint it was was enough for him .. he does have such a happy memory inside of him afterall .. he was content by this alone .. not pain or sadness but happy to know it was there ..
I can't say it well enough how much he has grown up now ...
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and when by the end he did remember this faint memory very clearly .. he didn't cry or was sad (I sure was tho) No, he was very happy as if he was above the clouds dreaming something nice ... even Madara comment that he was weirdly happy and daydreaming ...
this was just ... how to say it ... it just moved me to tears with happiness ..
and his father ... his father was such a kind loving father which just break my heart even further .... Natsume didn't cry but I cried in his place ... even tho I was also happy and proud of him so much ..
Now to Reiko ...
I really was happy how Midorikawa-sensei proved my point when I said that Natsume lacks the ability to recognize a happy Reiko because he just never seen her like that, so even when that picture was indeed Reiko Natsume's mind was like "a girl that looked like Reiko" ... I won't dig deeper for this since I already did for a bit in a different post.
"if that picture was indeed Reiko, is the reason I didn't recognize her because that was an expression I have never seen before ?? I think that smile perhaps was ...."
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the way Midorikawa-sensei let Natsume realize that through his father's memory was clever yet cruel to me .. while also proving that that smile was indeed toward someone she loved (her husband) .. a kind of smile that you show to someone dear to you like the loving smile Natsume's father showed to him in that memory ...
now was the artist her husband ?? or was it a 3rd party who knows both of them, so they only captured the moment ?? in the first place why was her picture in an exorcist auction ?? I guess that the next question that Natsume needs to address now that he confirmed she was indeed Reiko :)
slowly but surely, the grandfather reveal is upon us and I'm here for it and all the pain he will bring with Reiko's full story :)
PS : a funny thought that occurred to me when Natsume was thinking " what kind of person will buy that picture I wonder?" and my mind went "who knows, maybe he will be Yorishima as plot twist" as if that shut-in exorcist will go to auctions or even leave his house for that matter xDD
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juleteon · 2 years
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thinking about the werewolf twins and their (second) adoptive dad...
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crimeronan · 5 months
i keep being like "i bet hunter's nervous system is Fucked after the possession, he's almost definitely feeling phantom pain in his scars because of the damaged nerves underneath & he 100% thinks it's psychosomatic. this kid is gonna go years without getting his underlying shit sorted because of his complete inability to tell when pain is 'a problem'" & then i google neuropathic pain so i can indulge these thoughts accurately & google is like "heyyy girl. how's it going haha. so, like. have you scheduled an appointment for your bum leg yet,"
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mexashepot · 5 months
One of the executed hostages the other day was a friend of a uni friend of mine...
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httpiastri · 19 days
Him going to let go, but you just cling onto him tighter because you know you both need it after this weekend>>>
:(( the way that you sent this even before he lost his tire too….. he definitely needs it now 😭 and me too
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maudlintrash · 2 years
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Peter Bonnington and Lewis Hamilton making me Unwell
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sassmill · 4 months
I haven’t looked in on the unfinished side of our basement in a while and… my dad’s hoarding has actually gotten significantly worse. And we just heard from my grandfather last night that he’s pretty sure my grandmother is going to pass soon. And when that happens, my father’s hoarding is absolutely not going to get better. So. That’s a lot. I brought it up to my mom and she told ME to research psychiatrists that specialize in hoarding. It’s a very eldest daughter kind of day.
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#bleh. dont burn yourself out kids#everything ive been a part of for the last 4 years in this lab has to b published eventually#and i just had my 1st paper published. probably the most interesting thing i worked on and how do i feel abt this? i dont feel anything#but bitterness. every congratulations i hear i just wanna say fuck off. dont encourage this. do u kno what i did to make that data exist#as u see it? i mangled something within myself beyond repair. enjoy the information if u want but i wont#all i see is a symptom of an illness im doing nothing to treat#everything i did in this lab will be seeped in anger and pain#it has to change. i wont let it be the same in my next lab. no more fucking timed experiments#i cannot b trusted to b normal abt them#ugh. i just feel bad bc i finished my measurements for the week and i have a 2 day lul until i leave on vacation#and i kno i have to get 3 heavy instruments to fedex tomorrow bc i didnt do it today#sigh. i csnt focus. i spent so much time today tryint to remember what im supposed to b doing. then i made myself mad writing out the#hypnoses for an experiment i didnt fuckinf design and i dont care abt. like y did we do this? idk i just fucking do what u tell me#maybe ill go run again. i dont wanna do anything#my dad yesterday: ready for vacation? me: yea 😭😭😭😭😭#just gotta not crash my car on the drive to the airport bc i have to drive myself there 🙃#unrelated#i hope the instrument manufacturers appreciate the unicorn tape i got specificly for shipping those things#bc how could i not when given the option?
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haru-chi · 9 months
Do you ever think about how Seiji's sister was jealous of him because of his innate talent and strength somethihg she can never have, but on the other hand Seiji might've also been jealous of her ? Because of how free she is to the point of casting her family away to pursuit what she believed in not fearing or caring what anyone think, that she wasn't bound and refused to be bound by the same shackles that bound him ??
Or do you think about how his sister leaving might've left him with no choice but to accept being the Matoba's leader with no running options anymore and put him under huge pressure like no other since if he too run away, who will keep the Matoba clan together ?
Or do you think about how one of the reasons Seiji wanna do a good job being the Matoba's leader might've been his feeling of guilt or responsibility toward stealing the dream of his sister ?? So he can't complain or treat this matter half hearted or it gonna be rude and add to the pain of his sister if she sees that ??
Just me casually thinking about the Matoba siblings :)
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somedaytakethetime · 6 months
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Riveting content 😌😮‍💨
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ponds-of-ink · 1 year
You ever get a character spinning in your head that you really want to draw for fun/challenge, but there’s no official guide online to help you get started?
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This isn’t even for any AU purposes. I really just see animation tests using characters and my brain goes “hmm no one does Quasimodo so can I?”. Too bad I am now starting to see one reason why. :/
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random0lover · 1 year
About to have a mental break down in the shower… I’ll let everyone know how I feel after <3
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saw an instagram reel from a physicist at cern and it was like a punch to the gut all over again
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brightlotusmoon · 1 year
Oh! It's screaming knee weather. Got it. Time for some good 50/50 hybrid strain.
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