#* ch: marya organa cybele.
happyhauntt · 2 years
and finally — random writer questions: numbers 1, 7, 13, 14, & 15!
hey @geohenley cait i love you
1, who's your favourite character to write?
this changes on an hourly basis bc my brain is full of bees and existing is difficult, but if i think on it probably megan and cassia. megan because writing for her gave me the freedom to write in a style that was most natural to me. her book began as an experiment in that and it was so fun! megan is hard to write now because that style feels so disconnected from who i am now as a person, and in a narrative sense i’m trying to so hard to make the writing flow like it did in the earlier chapters that i’m psyching myself out. but she is still my favourite. cassia, on the other hand, lets me tap into a darker, more prose-driven style of writing that i love too. megan is fun, but cassia lets me paint pictures with my words and when i get it right, it feels so vibrant and beautiful to me. i love her for that.
7, do you plan everything out before you write or do you sit down and go with the flow?
THIS IS SO FUNNY TO ME BC I WAS THINKING ABOUT THIS THE OTHER DAY. so i used to plan everything down to the line. honestly. i have documents upon documents planned for my fics, and i used to find it easier to write if i knew what was coming next. and reading over my plans would get me excited again if ever i lost interest in writing. these days i find it out hard to put plans out rather than go with the flow - i struggle so much with focusing these days that going with the flow is sometimes the only way i’ll get something written. personal preference, though, is definitely planning over pantsing.
13, is there one character that always fights you when you try writing them?
yes! emma morley from my spencer reid fic. she is a perfectionist and i have deleted almost everything i’ve ever written for her more than once because none of it is good enough, and i know that’s all in my head and so is she but it’s a lost cause at this point.
14, what is your go-to ‘self-indulgent’ genre of writing (such as comfort, angst, enemies to friends, etc.)?
i’m a sucker for tooth-aching fluff. the sweeter the better. i also love angst and while i love to read happy endings, if i’m writing angst i don’t love writing them, which is funny because if i’m reading and there’s no happy ending i lose my fucking mind
15, what two characters did you never expect to work together?
marya and poe from my star wars fic. they’re not in a relationship and they were never planned to be anything even remotely shippy. they were supposed to be friends, and not even good friends, and really i did not expect them to just click the way they did while i was writing?? he was supposed to be flippant with her. poe has strong morals, and marya’s actions violate pretty much all of them, and he wasn’t supposed to like her very much for that - understand her actions, maybe, but not validate her for them. but they’ve got such romantic vibes to them and i?? can’t cope?? they are not ever romantically involved, but they’ve got such strong and painful in another life we could have feelings that they both just silently acknowledge. there’s an affection between them that i never expected. and i think they interact directly only twice in the whole fic. it’s mad.
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happyhauntt · 2 years
fic edits ━━ Beautiful Ghosts  ━  Star Wars: The Organa Siblings.
“He is my brother and I will save him if you won’t..”
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