#* — thread.  ❝ heavcnsgrief : shmi.  ( 02 ).
   anakin had just closed up shop ; visited jira at her stall and bought his almost daily purchase of pallies for his mom. thanking jira with a soft kiss to the cheek, the nineteen year old anakin skywalker headed home as fast as his legs would go, running down the sand hills until he reached their home. pressing his hand against the panel, the door pulled up and opened for him, anakin stepping through and shaking the sand out of his hair.    ❛ mom ?! i’m home ! ❜   he called through the house to make himself known. stepping through to the kitchen and placing the pallies on the counter for her. turning with a frown when he didn’t hear her call back, or seen that she had appeared from another part of the house.     ❛ MOM ?! ❜   he yelled out again, starting to move away from the counter and through the house.
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   ❛ mom ?! are you home ?! ❜   now the worry was starting to kick in, and anakin felt his feet moving faster than they every had before as he stormed through the house, checking almost every little crack and hole for his mom. it was unlike her NOT to be here. she was always here to greet him when he got back from watto’s.   SO WHERE WAS SHE ?
@heavcnsgrief liked for a starter  //  shmi skywalker.
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