#(yours truly was then obliterated by -- so to speak -- delayed ignition)
leatherbookmark · 2 months
had an experience today like your buldak 😔. i got honey chilli chicken from the canteen and the lady doused it in sauce, but i had to leave it in my room cause i needed to go give my film to my teacher. come back 10mins later, starving, site down and take a huge bit into the chicken. which has been marinating in this sauce for far too long. my mouth was on fire, my throat was burned to a crisp, i started coughing and my eyes started watering. i didnt have any water. 0/10 would not experience again
oooooh nooooooooooooo AND NO WATER rest in pieces :'''(((((( violent spices need to sit down in the corner and think about their behaviour srsly >:(
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