#(which doesn’t really work bc the fabric is obviously really good quality and all off the same bolt)(but still)
courfeyracs-swordcane · 2 months
4, 6, and 20 for Alonzo Ballad Brothers??
4) What color or colors do you most associate with your OC?
Blue!! Mostly bc his uniform band (to signify what level/department he’s in) is blue but also that’s a Blue Guy
(SIDEBAR FOR WORLDBUILDING TANGENT— it’s a whole thing with the RF that ppl in most departments get to basically decide what they wear, you’re issued a standard uniform that a lot of ppl (Alonzo.) just go with but you’re also free to riff off of that basically as much as you want as long as you keep the colored band around the waist of your jacket so ppl know where you go)(the standard uniform also comes w light knee-pads built into the pants in the same color as the band but those are optional)
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PICTURED (left to right):
1. Kyrie’s only outfit is her customized uniform from when she was the RF’s special little mascot guy lmaooo (jacket got repossessed when she got arrested bc it still had the band on it so she’s technically impersonating a federal employee)
2. El is the only guy here who’s not a current or former RF employee and his jacket is a handmedown from the convent next to the tower so there’s no band on it! (Ditto the knees on the handmade pants)
3. There is not a mad science department for Ari’s band to correspond to so theirs on their lab coat is blank— ditto the knees on their sweats but they ripped those out and replaced them anyway (the band on their more. professional. uniform for their financial department front desk position is pink)
4. An also gets funky w their uniform! They used to have a more vermillion-and-gold color scheme when they had the special little mascot guy band, but they swapped for grey-purple-black when they got promoted since that didn’t really go with the black management band.
5. Alonzo’s basic ass uniform for the sword-for-hire department vs the security department 😔 his ass is NOT interesting.
(Also in-universe blue is the mourning color because of St Miri but nobody really holds to that anymore and also it’s definitely more of a thing in the city on the other side of the lake)(so it’s not really relevant but his ass IS doomed by the narrative)
6) Any flowers you associate with your OC?
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(Couldn’t find any good pictures of this genre red poppy rip)
20) What hobbies does your OC have?
NONE. That’s part of his issue lmao he has NO hobbies and NO friends he goes to WORK and then he goes HOME. and sometimes he goes to hang out with his sister (while he’s on the clock)(bc sometimes his job is supposed to be Hunting Her For Sport) and/or his boyfriend (on his days off) but neither of those really count as hobbies? When he’s at home he washes his uniform (for his job) every day bc he has sensory issues and he does paperwork (for his job) but those are also not hobbies. HOWEVER. I do think playing some kind of racquetball as recreation would fix him.
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Why did you start your entire counter-argument as a strawman to the things I said? Basically nothing you ranted about in the first paragraph was anything I said. I’ve paid 100 for an outfit, I gotten pants, and shirt, and a vest for about 100, which was my base line for this. Mind everyone, these were pretty basic, so no special pockets, extra requested adjustments, or whatever  These were also just bought as in stock items, for a 65cm doll. That’s a basic outfit for me. Socks, is something I make myself, and shoes are a separate expense. “100 or more” actually means that I’d pay 200, or 300 if it is elaborate enough, or if I personally commissioned something the artist would have to adjust their patterns for, or buy special fabric for. I’d probably pay more, but I also got a personal cut-off point for how much money I’d spend on some doll clothes. So I wouldn’t go over my own price to begin with, and make that clear also. (I’d honestly even buy my own fabric, and send it to them, if I wanted something specific.) I’m just not gonna throw the shirt/pants/vest set for 100usd, into the same category as a 300usd ballgown. That’s not how good marketing functions. And most people will not immediately go out of their way to buy the most expensive item/commission, and might be more inclined to go for a lower price range when buying stuff.
Mod: The rest is under the cut ❤️
“so maybe you’d toss me an extra $20 if you were really impressed” Did I say that? No. Did I say how much more I’d pay? No. Did I say I’d pay extra “after” I got the item/once it’s done? No. (Being able to be “Impressed” implies to me that the garment is in a state where it’s at a later stage.) Have I ever given a tip for a commissioned item/added some extra money as a bonus gift? Yeah. But that was outside the purchase, and was a nicety. It’s in the same sense, as when I send someone something they bought from me, I like to add in some candies, or small gifts, as a surprise. Yes, that’s different. In  your assumption I’d underpay, and then throw in “20usd” for being “impressed”. While I’d give a small bonus, no matter what. No need to impress me. I also wouldn’t commission you, tbh. “but that means that to you, my labor at a base rate isn’t even worth a third of what the state says is ok to pay entry level workers,” Where did you even get that from? Seriously. You were the one who claimed that the “more” from “100bucks or more” means only just 20bucks “if you were impressed”. That’s 100% you assuming something, and not even giving me the benefit of the doubt. I know some people undersell their work, but I in commissions, normally ask multiple times to give me the right numbers, after the 5th time I’ve asked, or more, I can’t exactly force them. If I ask for the right numbers, I mean it. If I did want something super specific commissioned, I’d immediately tell the maker to give me the right numbers, to avoid any kind of monetary grief. If I later noticed that I feel like I underpaid, or if I noticed that the entire project became more expensive, I’d ask them for a new value, or to not go as elaborate if it’s gonna cost them more time/money. And ask them to inform me when the cost of making becomes too much. Also, if it’s a finished item, or something they make on order, but isn’t specially commissioned, so I don’t speak to them, I’ll pay what their shop says. If you wanna blame me for not “paying what they deserve” you also have to demonise everyone who buys from these people, and I guess, also blame them for not putting up the “right” prices. You should, from the beginning, state what your prices are, if someone isn’t willing to pay the full price, is it even worth working for them? If their only complaint is that “It’s too expensive” then that’s a customer you should seriously skip, because you’ll probably waste more on them, than earn, in the end. “And you expect the work of a master tailor for that?” Damn, that must have been a parallel universe confession of mine you found, because I’m pretty sure I never said that, nor was there anything which could have implied that. Correct me if I’m wrong though. If I wanted a Master tailor, I probably wouldn’t start on instagram, since if I wanna commission a master tailor, I’d prefer to be able to go to them Irl. I also wouldn’t go to a master tailor for doll clothes, but that’s a different topic.   What I want is, simply, what was advertised, and what I paid for. I also literally specified that there are people who DON’T have the skills, and have prices which don’t match the final product. Or are you putting yourself, and Master tailors in the category, where I specifically mentioned: “where the person can’t sew straight, or symmetrical.” And noted the difference as: “You wouldn’t pay the same for a cake from a 5 star baker, and a store cake ” I doubt anyone would do that. “but the sellers who can come close to the company’s low prices—the ones you’re complaining about selling low quality clothes—are deliberately selling far under the value of what their labor would be worth if they were more experienced so they can make back some of the expense of learning the trade” So, this one, after reading it several times, because it genuinely confuses me, I don’t really get what it’s saying. What I got from this is:
It either sounds like some people are skilled enough, but just choose to create bad quality items. Since they won’t be compensated for their work anyway. (Which really isn’t a good way to advertise ones work. If that’s the case. Idk)
nd option, (and in context of what I said.) People who got little skill, since they just started learning, are undervaluing items, which are beginner level quality, but which, if we factor in stuff they had to buy to start in the hobby/trade to begin with, should either be in a similar price-point, or the same/more than what a doll company asks for their clothing, because the company is only able to ask for such a low price because of several different factors to begin with.  Even though their quality is very notably below what the company sell their clothes for.
Neither of these options, (which I got out of that, I could be wrong), sound good to me. I think the latter is more accurate, with the former interpretation, I pulled in what I got from the first parts of the rant. If someone is a beginner, they will obviously have more expenses in the beginning, because they will have to buy basic tools, and materials. But the bulk buying to begin, is often a one time bulk-investment. What I mean is that one doesn’t need to buy a sewing machine, new needles, chalk, or even bigger amounts of fabrics/thread, each time, but just the necessities missing at that point. And yeah, they’ll also use a lot of those materials, trial and error, and learning. But even if they have these expenses, they’re expenses for being beginners, that’s not something the customer should compensate for. The customer should compensate for the material, and time used, and for the actual skill the artist has used on the item they purchased. And should of course pay fairly for that. I’ll pay for what was made, and the time/skill used, and the materials, I’m not gonna pay for any side projects, or anything that isn’t directly related to my order. (Again, that’s what I get from the 2nd option. That they gain experience from making their own projects, while working on something for a customer) That’d be like going to the hairdresser, asking for a trim, and having to pay extra because my hairdresser decided to dye their own hair blue. I mean, all in all it’s a pretty weird argument. (If someone got something different, or could explain what was actually meant, if I got it seriously wrong, please do, because I’m honestly, seriously not sure I understood the argument.) I actually meant the people who overvalue the skills they don’t really have. You can literally find people who ask for the same prices as some of the more known, and skilled artists, but their products don’t hold up. If I can pay 50usd for a wig from a well known artist, who’s got a reputation for good wigs, and has done them for 5 years, I’m not gonna pay 50usd for a wig from someone who started making wigs 2 weeks ago. You aren’t even just paying for materials, time, skill, you’re also paying for the name of the artist. Which is why more popular artist might have higher prices, than unknown ones. It’s like how Guxxi could sell the same white t-shirt you get at a H'n’M, for a 1000% price inflation, bc people just care about the little label saying “Guxxi”.   (Yes, I censored the names) Even if companies can buy in bulk, most the clothes they make are also still handmade, and I’d be 100% willing to pay that for a handmade outfit, and to wait the weeks, and even months some companies take. Just like how I do with the dolls they make. Also, in that same vein, if you’re saying they’re underpaid, and undervalued. Most of them work for the respective doll-manufacturing companies, does that mean people should stop buying dolls also? Because if they’re not treating their tailors right, does that extend to their doll-makers? Are we supporting undervaluing/underpaying workers? That’s just what it sounds like. Did you mean something different? Seriously, this just came across as a little weird. Like, I can’t really think of many actual companies who make doll-clothes, who aren’t also directly tied to the doll making companies. And independent creators, and artists aren’t really companies to me. Also, in many of the doll manufacturing countries, the prices for raw materials is often below what we have to pay to begin with. Even if bulk buying cuts of a significant amount, a even bigger amount is just cut off by virtue of the materials being generally cheaper, or because they might get is straight from the producer, instead of going to a fabric/sewing supply shop, like most of us would have to. Plus, and I think this is important to note, if it’s their business, and taxes work the same way in these countries, as they do in some European countries, or the US (I assume), they can just write up material cost as business expense, which removes some of the taxes on the materials, which makes it even cheaper, something most small time commissioners might not do/can’t do, for whatever reason. So a regular artist would have to pay: full price for materials + markup from fabric stores + taxes for material + the time spent getting themselves noticed/improving, (which is a personal expense). Which might make it more expensive at large, comparatively. Finally, you used the price of 40usd for the materials, but I feel like this is pretty barebones, in terms of “what is the money used for”. What size is the doll? 30cm? 40-50? 60-70? What materials are you using? Cotton, polyester, wool, silk??? Does this focus on fabrics you own? New fabrics, specially bought for that outfit? If I was being pedantic: What counts into your price of 40usd raw materials? Did you add laces, and special fabrics? Does that factor in having to buy/make new patterns? If yes, how much would NOT making/getting a new pattern remove from the price? (I know free patterns exist, I like those) What length does the dress have? The petticoat? Are they floor length? Knee? One option will use different amounts of material. That’s just the basic material, not time, or effort invested. Just the materials. And I’m just gonna guess you’re gonna think “Why should I have given that detail, I was just making a quick point.” Since you already bothered to make a “submit long confession”, adding a quick note of how big the doll, and maybe what materials you’re even counting in, to make your point more understandable, would have been useful. Especially since you did spend the time creating a strawman, using those to argue with my points from the original confession, instead of taking the exact words I said. Just saying. So yeah, would be nice to have a base point to know what those 40usd are used for, because I don’t own any fabrics that’d reach a 40usd price point in raw materials for doll clothes, and I got some pretty expensive ones in my stash. Unless you’re seriously counting the price of buying a metre of fabric and using that as a price point, even if you don’t need to use all of it. In your case, as you said: A dress and petticoat and socks. (I assume the socks aren’t the same material?) So would you ask the price of 1m of fabric you bought, even if only 50cm were to be used? You buy 1x1.5m, and only use half of that 1m, so 0.5x1.5m. ????? I did some math based on fabric stores in my country, where I went with 1.5m of fabric each, with prices for normal mono-colour cotton being around 8usd pr metre, and a patterned red-white-polka dot fabric at 10 pr m. This is on the cheaper side, while the more expensive fabrics run from 15usd for mono-colours, to maybe 25usdh for pattern fabrics. But like I said, or asked, how much would you actually need of that 1m of mono and/or pattern fabric? Do you need a full metre of each to make a dress for a 30cm doll? Or even a 65cm? I actually did an entire run down of the prices, based on my country’s prices from the stores, but kinda realised that unless I put in the shop name, and link, it would seem like I’m just pulling random numbers, and I don’t want to put anything out that could identify me to people who know me. : P Final words. Yeah, I did take offence to your accusations, an strawmanning of what I said. While I did lack some context, I didn’t wanna make a long confession just to add “Oh btw, my price point of an outfit, was a set of in-stock items I paid 100usd for (excluding shipping).” and “Oh btw, when I said ”or more“ I mean I’d pay up to 300usd, since that’s my personal expense cut-off line for clothes. And I don’t wanna put items for 100usd in the same category as something for 300usd, and most in-stock stuff I buy is in that lower range to begin with, at least when it comes to single items.” Meanwhile you basically just tried to give yourself the biggest area to “call me out” on, and pretended my words were much worse for some reason. Also, as you can see, I also didn’t really get some of your points, but I did specifically state at those points, that I didn’t get what you meant, and that I set up my interpretation of what you said, in order to talk about it. Just so it doesn’t appear like I’m ignoring them. Difference is I made sure that it’s obvious that I’m not sure what you said, vs you just making it sound like your interpretation is what I meant. I personally have experienced a lot of this bullshit, of having my words twisted in order for people to justify treating me badly irl, so this is why I’m writing this half baked essay. Also, before someone wonders why I have sewing supplies, but still buy stuff, which is normal I know, but if someone wonders. I can’t focus for long times, and my hands are bad at holding still. I’m also not allowed to use the sewing machine, so I’m trying to get my own. For anyone annoyed at the length. It’s also pretty annoying to be accused based on strawmen where I  “rip off” beginner tailors, and demand “the works of master tailors” for the “4.5”. For the Mod, sorry for the length.
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