sorachan15 · 4 years
Chu Wanning Protection Squad, reblog this post to enter
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sorachan15 · 5 years
good morning shizun!!! 💕☀️
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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I’ll use my own fists to change fate!
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sorachan15 · 5 years
Sanji: *flirts with anyone*
Usopp: You’re being awfully quiet, Zoro.
Zoro: No one plans a murder out loud.
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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Traffic trio
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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“Who has the higher bounty now, shit swordsman?”
im still obsessed with wano bois, enma, and especially sanji teasing zoro about their bounties
Patreon | KoFi | AO3
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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Kagura’s adorable murder family.
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sorachan15 · 5 years
Important Notice
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Hi all! Some very kind fans have put together translations of the events leading to why the SV manhua has been taken down! This google doc will give you more information about what has happened! It also has Japanese trans!
Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aV6w-2d5axQqv-jhQURb1IRL2re0eFd-1znfnjFyf6w/edit?usp=drivesdk
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sorachan15 · 5 years
You know what twists me up about the Beefleaf pairing?
He Xuan doesn’t hate Shi Qingxuan. It’s shown by how He Xuan treats Shi Qingxuan. He didn’t have to pretend so hard to be Shi Qingxuan’s confidant…but he did. Even when he was setting up the stage for his grand revenge…
He protects Shi Qingxuan. Continually. Like he didn’t need to save him from falling into the whirlpool. He didn’t have to carry him out of danger’s way. He didn’t have to pull him from the water’s end where the ghouls in his domain could have easily dragged him down. To the very end he ‘played’ the reluctant loyal and protective friend. Why did he do that?
He avoids…physically harming Shi Qingxuan? Only when his victim was unresponsive did he break his arm? I don’t know. It just feels tender in a way. Like when Shi Qingxuan was kidnapped by his clone. Shi Qingxuan was carefully lead away by the hand, and when Xie Lian took over and started to beat the clone up, the clone didn’t retaliate. (Though now that we know that Hua Cheng knew exactly what was going on, him pounding He Xuan into the ground is much more hilarious. A “if anything happens to my Dianxia, I’ll end you.”)
He Xuan gave Shi Qingxuan multiple chances NOT to be involved. Multiple chances to stay safe as long as he stays out of his brother’s turmoil. He Xuan even helped him escape heaven to a peaceful sanctuary. But Shi Qingxuan picked his brother every time.
Even during Shi Qingxuan imprisonment, He Xuan made sure no harm came to the god. The crazy people pawing at him were disgusting, but not violent. Shi Qingxuan was knocked out and chained up (twice) but not beat up…unlike his brother.  
Neither choice He Xuan gave to the brothers for his revenge would kill Shi Qingxuan. And when Shi Wudu tries to force a third choice, by strangling his own brother, the person Shi Wudu loves more than any other, He Xuan rips off Shi Wudu’s arms. As if to say that Shi Qingxuan’s death is never an option.
It just seems that with all the years of being Shi Qingxuan’s ‘friend’ He Xuan found no cause to hate or even dislike the god. Where he understood that  Shi Qingxuan was the catalyst behind his misfortune, but the blame entirely lies on Shi Wudu.
Where if this was another life, another time He Xuan and Shi Qingxuan really could’ve been “best friends.”
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sorachan15 · 5 years
Jy!!! (its rin btw!) congrats on your milestone!! You're amazing and you deserve all the bestest things this year has to offer
@lianhuawu rin!!! thank you!!!
this was ridiculously fun to write HAHAHA
“Your Highness, I must teach you something,” Wind Master Shi Qingxuan suddenly said, and his serious demeanor made Xie Lian straighten up.
“What is it?”
Shi Qingxuan held his fan in his hand, and pointed it dramatically at Xie Lian’s face. “I must teach you flirting!” He said, voice loud and resonating around the temple. Ming Yi put his face in his hands, stood up, and left.
“Uh,” Xie Lian said, and then fell silent while Shi Qingxuan continued to talk over his confusion.
“Your Highness, I know that your type of cultivation means you can’t have any eye contact with anyone ever,” Shi Qingxuan said, fanning himself.
“That’s not-“ Xie Lian started, only to be interrupted by the other, “But that means you don’t know the act of flirting! Sometimes you need to get information from someone, and you can only do that from flirting,” Shi Qingxuan was really serious about this, Xie Lian marveled.
“So, in conclusion,” Shi Qingxuan said, “I will teach you flirting now!”
Xie Lian was about to politely refuse, but then he realized Hua Cheng had left to do some business, and he didn’t really have anything else to do anyways. And, a small part of him thought, how would Hua Cheng react, even though it seems a little embarrassing?
“Call me Flirting Master!” Shi Qingxuan said.
“Flirting Master,” Xie Lian said obediently.
Shi Qingxuan’s grin was practically blinding.
“First, you must make eye contact, and be confident,” Qingxuan said, and then proceeded to look into Xie Lian’s eyes, a light smile on his lips. It made him look handsome, yes, but…
It was uncomfortable, and felt nothing like whenever Hua Cheng smiled at him. Xie Lian has always felt a pleasant warmth when Hua Cheng would smile, yet Shi Qingxuan’s smile now felt more awkward to look at than anything.
“Have you fallen for me yet?” Shi Qingxuan asked, placing his hands on Xie Lian’s. It was warm, too warm, so unlike Hua Cheng’s cold ones.
He pulled away. “I’m sorry, Wi- Flirting Master, but I don’t think I can learn like this,” he said gently.
Shi Qingxuan hummed thoughtfully. “Maybe you need to learn hands-on, and a more aggressive kind.”
Xie Lian worried over what that could mean, watching as Shi Qingxuan stood, and gestured at him to stand up.
“Where are you bringing me?” Xie Lian asked, as Shi Qingxuan pulled him towards the wall of the temple.
Then, his world spun as he was suddenly slammed gently against the wall, with Shi Qingxuan placing both hands at each side of his head, pinning him in place.
“Wind Master?” Xie Lian froze, his face uncomfortably close to Shi Qingxuan. Too close, too close!
Shi Qingxuan had a smug smile on his face, as he cocked a brow and said, “Hey,” in a tone that was way too low and way too seductive!
The door slammed open, and both of them turned to see Hua Cheng and Ming Yi at the doorway.
Shi Qingxuan immediately paled. “Ming-xiong! This isn’t what it looks like!” He jumped back, red crawling up his cheeks.
Ming Yi looked completely dead. “I didn’t say anything,” he said.
Hua Cheng’s eye was twitching. “Ge-ge, did he…” It seems even he could not finish his question.
An awkward pause resumed, before, “Ah, let’s just eat, I finished cooking,” Xie Lian deflected, his hand trembling slightly. Why did he feel so weird when Hua Cheng saw him with Shi Qingxuan like that?
btw the “hey” is totally the one from into the spiderverse HAHAH
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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In unison, the two masters scooped up a spoonful of broth and brought it to their mouths.
“So,“ Xie Lian said. “What do you think?”
With a loud bang, Ming Yi dropped face down onto the table, knocked out cold. 
On his other side, Shi Qingxuan sat in silence, two streams of tears running down his face.
“Sirs,” Xie Lian asked, hesitant. “Do you… have any words to spare?”
Shi Qingxuan slowly turned towards him, wiped away his tears, and took Xie Lian’s hand, squeezing it painfully. 
With great effort, he finally managed to speak. “…your highness.”
Xie Lian returned the grip. “What is it?”
Shi Qingxuan’s tongue flapped uselessly in his mouth, his stream of snot and tears muffling any sound he wanted to make. Still sniffling, he turned to give Ming Yi a shove. “Ming-xiong… Ming-xiong!! Ming-xiong, what happened to you, come on, you have to wake up!!!”
Ming Yi remained collapsed on the table, unresponsive. Shi Qingxuan, who’s always disliked being ignored, only shoved harder, until he finally lost his patience and started shaking Ming Yi by the shoulders. 
Unable to watch this any longer, Xie Lian decided to speak up. “Wind Master, please calm down and put down the broom.”
Shi Qingxuan whipped his head around, fingers still clutching onto the broom.“WHAT?” he yelled. “WHAT DID YOUR HIGHNESS SAY? I CAN’T HEAR YOU!”
At this, Ming Yi shook awake, switching abruptly back into his male form. “I’ve been possessed,” he muttered, face ashen and hair utterly disheveled. “Please exorcise me.”
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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(Song - Alone by Jonathan Young)
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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sometimes you just can’t win
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sorachan15 · 5 years
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MXTX interview
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sorachan15 · 5 years
wei ying saying “lan zhan”
pt. 1
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