#(too many names to keep track of so i'll just use their immortal ones)
heymeowmao · 9 months
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七时吉祥 | Love You Seven Times E15 ° mood.
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theamberalice · 1 year
Alright I'm doing it I'm trauma dumping.
Below is the account of the toxic boss, or as much as i care to write. Most of it I've blocked out buttttt I think writing always helped my mental health. So who cares, I'm doing it. Might delete later.
She's not getting named. She doesn't deserve to immortalized as anyone. She is just She.
There were warning signs in that first week.
She trains me, hypes up the job as so much work. So hard. I'm going to work evenings, eventually. She has me read the manual and... I don't recall much other training that first week beyond that/the basics.
I think she had warned me before that my second week on the job (the first week of spring semester) she was having necessary surgery and was going to be out. I feel like she did. But it's been 7 years. I don't know for sure.
That solo week she's gone she calls to check in once. I dont call her. Shes in recovery: and honestly that first week was more than enough training to cover everything. She didn't hoist anything major on me and we have good student workers that cover my dumb ass. Shes surprised I get on so well without her (Disappointed? Unnerved? Honestly no idea what the vibe was. I was just trying to be reliable and you know not fucking bother her after major surgery). Other departments fill in for me to cover the library at night so I don't stay the whole day. I think someone even covered my lunch but that bit is foggy.
Note: later at times it was just me and her, she never had anyone else cover me. (and there were many, she could never seem to keep another library coworker for more than a year- wonder why) IThat was never arranged beyond that first week without her. Maybe I did too good a job at being reliable, maybe it was just her covering her tracks, who knows.
The rest of the flags creep in slowly. The way she talks about the person who was in my position before feel... weird? Like that girl, I'll call her Diane, was like her best friend. They got on so well. Diane could do all this graphic design stuff to make marketing materials (read: I should learn how to do it just as perfect) but oh, I needn't force myself to learn what she knew (reality: I did, if only to import her work into a program that wasn't unweldly, laggy, and was compatible with everyone else had on campus). Diane had this fantastic whirlwind romance with an Austrialian and moved there to live out her dreams (foreshadowing: some weird poking into my romantic life with my future husband would ensue later).
Then there was the way she treated the other people working in the building. She insisted that the circulation desk was not a water cooler. That she worked hard to make it not a "water cooler". That talking to other employees would discourage patrons from coming to talk to us.
Note: This would later apply harshest to me and my future library coworkers. We weren't allowed to talk to each other for more than a minute before she'd come stomping out of her office to check on us. She positioned us at the desk where she could see at least one of us at all times through her window at the far corner of the library. I barely knew either of my two direct coworkers because of this.
She'd openly say things that were negative about other employees too: but in this subtle sly way that framed it around her view of the library. "So and so thinks he can run a library without a degree." "So and so is trying to do this to the building." She also had these expressions of disapproval whenever I joked with someone. Or talked normally in a way she didn't like. Or people said hi to me.
And then there were her reactions if anyone higher up in the food chain talked to me without her knowing about it first.
One time, maybe a few months into my tenure, maybe longer, the head of IT called me directly when shs and I were discussing something. She gave me this glare. This "you fucked up and now hell will reign down on you" glare. Turns out, the IT director was just wanting to have a laugh with me. My dad happens to work for a big IT service that colleges use, we were switching over to said service. Normally my dad would've been one of their direct contacts but had to give it to his coworker because, ya know, me working there is a conflict of interest for him. IT director thought it was hilarious. I probably would've too. But the whole time She was glaring at me. I could feel her anger. How dare I have this chat while we were having a conversation. How dare I interrupt her? How dare I have a little laugh. She was more important. No one called her about this. Reader; this set me into a full blow panic attack as I tried to scramble to end the call politely and quickly to get back to whatever the fuck She was currently pissed at me for. Now whenever this story of how my dad works for big IT service I have recurring panic and want to throw up.
Then there was her philosophy on proper Library behavior. While shushing wasn't something she did: she was sensitive to any volume above a whisper. She insisted thst any noise that echoed into the area must be stopped. Didn't matter from who or from where. This library has terrible acoustics and i was expected (and actually did once because she was watching) to talk to other employees about thier noise level if it carried from the north side (not the library) to the library in anyway. Me and my library coworker/ student worker were supposed to walk the floor every thirty minutes to stop noise before the collective volume of students got above a murmur. And not just one of us had to walk per thirty minute interval. Oh no. We were each supposed to walk independently of each other within the same thirty minute block, regardless of what we were working on; amount of students; when the floor was last walked. Yes, she checked
Note: This task was the first big clue she had control issues. My first coworker and I tried to do a system of asking the other when we walked last, so we could keep doing our tasks while also doing this busy work in the time frame she wanted. And it was busy work, as 80 percent of the time there would be a grand total of 10 people in the library. Walking the floor was really only necessary when study hall was in the building. These huge groups of teams constantly forget we are a library and needed the supervision. But the moment She caught wind of our developing system she crushed it. Insisted we both needed to be walking as often as possible. Didn't matter when the last time was. All the time was best. Her checking began in earnest after that.
Little things start to add up. I notice how while I'm being told one thing, I'm expected to do another. Be creative but only build off what others are doing/have done. Reach out to other departments, but send me your communication first because I can’t trust you to do it yourself. Tell me your opinions but if they don't align with mine they don't matter. Do this task, but I'll only give you expectations after you're already "doing it wrong". Come talk to me, but when you do ill give you the cold shoulder and act annoyed. Deligate to student workers but I will hoard tasks like a goblin and not explain my logic to why only I can do this minor thing.
I notice how she expects me to be exact with timing on everything. I'm supposed to do everything within her time frame, not mine, not the actual time of year, not taking into account outside knowledge or practices. It has to be done in her way or not at all. If I don't do exactly three posts a week on Facebook then I'm a failure. If I don't make an event every month and have it be different and unique and special Im a failure. If I schedule things months in advance at HER request and life things come up on the same day (like buying my fucking wedding dress) then how dare I exist outside of this library, failure.
Note: The Facebook thing really pissed me off for a number of other reasons. I started in 2016. No student was using Facebook. She insisted on searching up every potential student worker on Facebook before she'd talk to them. She got annoyed when she couldn't find them (because duh) or the kids had it private. I tried to get us on anything else, but she refused to do anything. I could see the PR people using other stuff but she was just ignorant. Literally the only people that looked at our Facebook then were staff, which was NOT who Facebook was for, according to her. Like I'm just supposed to make our students use this outdated platform and then our followers out of thin air for her.
I notice how I'm supposed to have all the answers for things outside of my power to control. No I don't know why that social media is pretending to have an account for us, I didn't make it. No, I don't know why this link isn't working today it was yesterday and that's the link you gave me. No, I can't just stop the students from downloading new apps on our IPads or saving documents on our PCs. When the pandemic hit she literally expected me to check every link on our website was working everyday and make a document, which she never read, and got mad when I told her which sites weren't working even though that's what she WANTED ME TO DO. Everyday for two months that's all I did. No not joking.
One on one meetings last an hour minimum. It's here her control issues are most obvious. She literally corrects the marketing materials i make with a red pen, marking tiny printing errors literally no one else would notice. Im talking periods not lining up exactly with the sentence above. Font sizes looking different to her eyes and refusing . Rarely it has to do with the actual wording of content.
The first time she disciplines me for something, its a minor mistake. I don't even remember for what. She later says she's surprised I didn't cry in that meeting. Which ???? Who even says that.
By this time I have a lovely coworker, Molly. Molly is much more independent and strong willed than I am. Molly also takes none of Her shit
Molly and I are given a rare opportunity to be alone together after a particularly nasty incident with her. She, oblivious to how a normal job and wardrobe function, critizes me for wearing the same pair of pants twice in a row. Thst this will make a bad impressikn on the library and therefore her. Or that I can't take care of myself. I am driving Molly home after this, quietly fuming, because Molly's car is having trouble. Some point in the drive, she turns to me.
"Hey, I don't think the way She's treating us is normal."
I chase that relief of that moment for the next four years in therapy.
My next coworker after Molly fled for greener pastures doesn't come until nearly a full year after she leaves. It's a guy this time, Josh.
Josh did not know how to deal with her shit.
Josh makes the grave mistake of "having a life outside of the Library" and makes friends in the theater department and joins the school play. She fumes whenever he leaves on time to go to rehearsal. She fumes whenever someone comes to talk to him about theater. I quietly cry a little, because even though she said I could have opportunity outside the library when I started. Reality is after 2pm I'm chained to the desk and don't go outside the building. I can't trust the student workers to be alone. And she can't watch the desk, she's got important director things to do.
Note: Her important director tasks that cab only be done in her office are easily done at the main desk by my current director regularly and often.
Josh is fired near the end of 2020. I don't know why, and that's fine. I do not have a coworker beside her for the remainder of her tenure.
It is here in the timeline where I learn a little of why boss is the way she is. I will not divulge it. That is not for me to say. I will say that in context I made a LOT of sense. But she let the effects of that drip onto me and everyone around her. That wasn't ok. It's not ok for anyone to regurgitate their trauma into abuse of others. That's what she did.
At the beginning of 2021 I am done with her bullshit. Therapy cannot go forward while she is my boss. I'm stalled. I do little rebellions. I mouth her barbs back at her from beneath my mask. I make small friendships with coworkers from other departments. Now that I'm not marketing, she can't control as much of me as she did. She threatens to take away tasks from me and I laugh. Then she'd need to do them herself.
The meetings between her and I turn into interrogations and daggers thrown at me. She forgets there's an office down from her and that someone else can hear her words. Her treatment of me flutters back to my bosses boss. I know nothing of this. No one comes to comfort me. No one asks how I'm doing. No one openly supports me. That's what I hate worst of all.
I can't tell you how elated I was when she told me she was leaving. I cried my way home.
This is only the surface. I've been writing this for three hours and it's still. NOT. ENOUGH.
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im-pok · 3 years
Just for fun (and to make these easier to find) I have made a compilation of JSRF quotes!
I did find the quotes from this video by RisingSonic17 on YouTube. I do suggest watching it as it gives more context to the lines:
Keep in mind that some interactions may be missing, as I have never played JSRF and may be unaware of some interactions. Characters and their quotes appear in chronological order according to the video.
"This is the GG's Garage. Hey, where's our pizza? Huh? You're not the pizza guy? Oh, you're here to join the GG's, eh? Heh... Tell you what. Find Gum. She's the one you wanna talk to. Just get close to her and pull the 'Right Trigger'. Got it?"
"Why don't you talk to her now?"
"Now, just 'cause you're new don't mean you can act like a big baby. The police are tightening up here, especially since the Rokkaku took over the police force. I know we look crazy 'n all, but even we know to pick our fights. So don't mess things up for the rest of us, got it?"
"Roboy's training changes as your skill level changes, so be on the lookout."
"I had a feeling Poison Jam would have their hideout in the sewers beneath Rokkaku-dai Heights. This is it... looks like the time to throw down has finally come."
"Man, those Poison Jam freaks are out of control. I say we start on Chuo Street and cover everything to Rokkaku-dai Heights and 99th Street in our graffiti. Chuo Street is probably the best place to start."
"Roboy told you, right? If you find a Mystery Tape, you gotta check the GG-notebook. It'll tell you where to find the Graffiti Souls in the area."
"Where the hell is Yoyo? Maybe he freaked out and skipped town? I'm sure he's alright. But we gotta take care of those Immortals. They've been walkin' around like they own the place. We gotta go and cover up all their graffiti."
"I'll send those Immortals back to the grave as many times as I need to!"
"We'll stop those Noise Tanks!"
"Poison Jam knows something about Yoyo. I know they do."
"Damn! Punk, I'll get you for that!"
"The fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
"Here they come. The crazies from the Golden Rhinos. Concentrate, and watch your back. These guys ain't no joke."
"We gotta protect the streets. That's not a choice. We can't let these fools just waltz in and take over."
"The real enemy is your own fear. Remember that."
"So you're the cat that wants to join us, huh? I don't know where you're from, but the streets are tough. Real tough. Let's see what you're made of. We'll start you off nice and slow. Let's see how much air you can grab. Press the "A Button" to jump."
"Dogenzaka Hill is GG territory. I heard there's some headphone wearin' freak creepin' up here. If I could just find him, I'd show him what's up...."
"You can do it, can't you?"
"There are a couple of places in Shibuya Terminal where you can get on the roof of some buildings. You can get there by jumping from a Grind. You should check it out. Who knows what you'll find up there? When you're looking for something, the best place to start is the Map. You can see it by pressing the START button."
"The area of 99th Street is built around a tower that has a bunch of places to Grind. Definitely check that place out. There are also telephone poles to Grind and billboards to Wallride... the most important thing is to just try everything out. Oh, and don't forget to check the map by pressing the START button. That should give you some helpful hints"
"We actually found Roboy in a dumpster. Corn fixed him up real nice."
"I've been lost in the severs before. Its kinda crazy in there, but as long as you keep moving up, you'll be ok."
"Yoyo just can't chill and stay out, can he? He'll be back soon, I'm sure. I heard the Immortals hang out in the skyscraper district or something..."
"Actually, they say Roboy is actually a Noise Tank prototype. Don't tell him that though, ok? We don't wanna make him cry or nothin'. In any case, we're gonna get those damn Noise Tanks."
"Those tracks should connect Sky Dinosaurian Square to the edge of the skyscraper district..."
"I hear that Poison Jam's woman leader has been showin' her face in town."
"Man, the Rhinos gotta be pissed off!"
"Shibuya Terminal is in a state of panic. I really wanna stay out of this, but we gotta go over there and take care of business."
"Don't use your eyes. Just try to feel it, ya know?"
"Graffiti has the power to wake up the energy that's asleep in the streets of Tokyo. The Rokkaku Group... the police... they don't know what's up. So let's just cover this whole place in art, yo."
"Yo, you know that dude Hayashi from the Rokkaku police force? That guy is one messed up dude. He's a complete psycho. Watch out for him."
"I heard through the grapevine that some weird-lookin' girl's been hangin' out at Rokkaku-dai Heights."
"So you think Poison Jam is after us?"
"We gotta get the Doganzaka Hill goddess statue that Poison Jam took. We better hurry, or things are gonna get real ugly."
"Anything go down while I was gone?"
"I've always thought that thing in Shibuya Terminal was nasty lookin' anyway! Let's do a little redecoration."
"Sometimes, you just gotta get moving or else nothin's gonna get done, yo.
"Hey, I've heard of you. You're one of the GG's, huh? Tell you what... I'll race you. If I can beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, then this place belongs to me. Got it?"
"Hope you won't regret that."
"Shibuya Terminal? Now that you mention it, there was this huge guy wandering around there... And fishy graffiti? That sounds familiar, but I didn't really look close enough to see if the graffiti that the fool was paintin' actually looked like a fish or nothin'."
"Hey. Is it true Poison Jam used to cause trouble in Chuo Street under a different name?"
"Rapid 99 of 99th Street. They don't show their faces in public very often. Some say Rapid 99 and Poison Jam are sworn enemies because something big went down a while back. I don't know the details, though. A friend of mine told me that the girls in Rapid 99 are real lookers. I just think he was too scared of 'em to say otherwise. In any case, it ain't gonna be easy to find 'em."
"You meet Rapid 99 yet?"
"Noise Tanks? Never heard of 'em. But we gotta find Yoyo. I'll go through the sewers and check out Kiboganoka Hill."
"Those Immortals really get on my nerves..."
"Crazy stuff is going down all over town! Looks like it's time for a little clean up... GG's style!"
"Time to get serious."
"This kid's kinda funny."
"This time we should be able to tell if it's the real one or the fake Yoyo just by talkin' to him, right?"
"That crazy guy?! What're you talkin' about? He looks nothing like me. Besides, we don't got time to deal with that fool. Remember? The Golden Rhinos??"
"Well, they told us to come. Don't look like we got any choice."
"There are some things that you can only feel when you're out in the streets, you know?"
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. I'm guessin' it was you... Its on! If you loose, you're gonna be answerin' to me from now on, punk!"
"You think you can do this too? Let's see it!"
"Man, you're not all that. Here, I'll show you one more time."
"The deep end of the sewers is closed off because it's contaminated. At least, that's what I heard..."
"Hey, why you gotta go out and get a dog?! There's only one thing I hate more than dogs, and that's goldfish."
"I heard Rapid 99 used to run under a leader named Cube..."
"Thing that ticks me off most is, the Immortals ain't worth all this talk and trouble. I wonder if they got somethin' to do with Yoyo's disappearance?"
"There's a bunch of real big guys with real big attitudes causin' a big scene over on Highway Zero. Maybe they might know something about the Noise Tanks. Man, where the hell is Yoyo?!"
"What is UP with Yoyo, anyway?!"
"Hey, Graffiti Souls are a big commodity, right?"
"I don't care if it's a golden rhino or a blue hippo, I'll send 'em right back to the zoo where they belong."
"What's their master plan? I mean, the Golden Rhinos don't seem like their just out here to run the streets, you know what I'm sayin'?" (This quote was spelled like this in game. From my knowledge it should be "they're just out here...")
"Here comes Gouji. Let's end this."
"Did you get all the Graffiti Souls? We still got a full laundry list of things to take care of, you know."
"Hehehe... So this is your hideout."
"Poison Jam are... kinda cute!"
"Is it just me, or does Captain Hayashi not look like he eats his breakfast?"
Poison Jam:
"I don't think Yoyo's that kind of a person."
"I think hes hiding something."
"This feels like a trap. Be careful."
"Someone's after DJ-K?! You sure about that?!"
"Gouji Rokkaku is kinda interesting. But, I think he went a little too far this time..."
"I love everything about Tokyo... even the things I hate."
"Hur hur hur. You want to get rid of us, don't you? Nothing in life is free. You gotta work for it. Beat us in this race and we won't mess with you anymore."
"Har har har!! I told ya'll you were a bunch of wussies!"
Rapid 99:
"ghahah! Next thing you know, you will be all crying like a baby."
"If you can win a flag battle against us, I'll tell you where Poison Jam' s hideout is."
"Suit yourself."
"I won't hold back."
"Hey. Keep it real."
"There's this lightning-quick girl over at Kiboganoka Hill. Dunno if she's still there. But man, I gotta say, I'm really trippin' out over Yoyo missin' and all."
"When it comes down to it, the Immortals are just dried up mummies, man. I bet they all nasty under those bandages."
"The Noise Tanks might look strong, but they're like cheap action figures! Just run into them and they fall apart! Oh yeah, that girl from the stadium... I heard she's been lookin' for us. You seen her yet?"
"Aww man..."
"The fortified residential zone... it's directly attached to the underground sewers. Man. I don't like that place at all."
"Is that dude in black even human? My heart's pounding... I don't know why."
"You're never as good as you can be! Don't slack off!"
"Y'all are crazy!"
"This doesn't look good."
"Alright. Stay cool."
"Yeah.... we were a little too laid back this time, I think."
"The fortified residential zone... hey, why don't we pick numbers to decide who goes?"
"It's about time the Rhinos brought things up a notch. We better be ready to get real serious too."
"What the hell IS that big thing, anyway? But, you better watch out for that fool in black..."
"If you get a "Jet" in the Trials, you can even use people who aren't here to take out into the streets."
"You're one of the GG's, right? Then tell this fool that they got the wrong girl! They think I'm one of you guys! So, they dragged me out here and looked what's happened to me!!"
"Hurry up! Tell him that I'm not a GG!!"
Noise Tanks:
"Hey, you're that GG that helped me out! Thanks for that man. Say... there's something that I've been wondering since then. You wanna find out who's the fastest? I KNOW I can beat you. Let's give it a shot!"
"Alright. Fine. See ya."
"I'll get 'em good no matter what!"
"The more worked up we get about this, the harder it'll be to find what we're lookin' for."
"There's somethin' not right about the way the Golden Rhino's are actin'."
"Why are those Golden Rhinos going after the Radio station? Well, make sure to be on the lookout for Captain Psychopath."
"We gotta save DJ-K! I can't stand listening to this music anymore!"
"If this town could talk, what poetry it would speak..."
"Practice all you want, it will not make a difference."
"It is not over yet. Prepare yourselves."
"Heh... Go on. Fight!"
"Are you ready?"
Special interactions:
"Sometimes it just doesn't matter how much you practice."
"Dude. I'm bored. Entertain me."
"Hmph. What a bore."
"My sources tell me that the Noise Tanks and the Rokkaku Group are in this together. Be careful."
"So is that Clutch guy in with Rokkaku too? Or is he just a little punk?"
"I'm about ready."
"The Golden Rhinos are really startin' to get on my nerves..."
"I got better things to do than play house with Gouji Rokkaku, but man, that big ugly thing has GOT to go."
"Graffiti Souls' sole purpose is to be sought out."
"You're looking for that kid, Yoyo, right? Tell ya what, if you go out and get some Graffiti Soul points... Hey! Wait a sec, you've already got quite a few. Lemme see those... Sucka! Thanks for the Graffiti Souls! See ya around!"
"Hah, hah! I look forward to it!"
"I dunno, but I just don't get what's going on here. Heh..."
"This Gouji Rokkaku dude is pretty funny!"
"Haaaahaha! Tokyo ain't half bad!"
"If you can beat me at my own game, I'll leave you alone."
"Suit yourself."
"The fortified residential zone... Unless you're absolutely sure of your skills, you should stay away from that place."
"I've dealt with the Golden Rhinos once before. If you don't take them seriously, you're as good as dead."
"I can't stand even looking at that thing. Its just so... so... damn ugly!"
"Yeah. You just have to try everything with an open mind."
Beat to Corn:
"So you're the leader of the GG's? Heh... How's this sound? If I beat you in a race around Doganzaka Hill, you and your buddies have to answer to me from now on. If you beat me... well, we'll just see when it happens."
"Huuuh? You're so boooring..."
Talking to Beat in the garage before fighting the police:
"Anyway, I'm ready to rock. But what's up with that pooch, eh? Where did ya pick him up? You sure that's not the leader in disguise? Heh heh. Its only a matter of time before I become the leader of the GG's anyway."
Combo to Gum:
"What's this?! Who's been sprayin' these ugly tags on my turf?! Hmph. Was it you, princess? You've been a bad, bad girl. You've better hit me with everything you've got, 'cause I ain't gonna hold back just because you're a girl!!"
"The cue tone get you all jumpy?"
"You liked that, eh? I'll do it again for you."
Yoyo to Rynth:
"You're... like... you know... yo."
"Where'd you come from?"
Gum to Rynth:
Rynth to Beat:
"Cool. Welcome aboard."
"You kinda... smell weird."
Garam to Boogie:
"Hey. I'm next in command around here, little lady. The name's Garam,"
Combo to Boogie:
"This group is growing bigger every day. Fool just dig me, I guess."
Gum to Boogie:
"So you're the one from Kiboganoka Hill, huh? Well, this is the GG's. What you see is what you get. Just be yourself, you'll be cool."
Garam to Jazz:
"Well, um... I... uh... be cool."
"That freak who's been making all those weird tags... you think he's connected with the Golden Rhinos somehow?"
Boogie to Garam:
"Alright. Stay cool."
Jazz to Garam:
"I feel ya, but I think you should try to chill a bit. Keep it together."
Corn to Clutch:
"What a fool. But the fortified residential zone... that's deep in the ghetto. And it could be the fake one again..."
Jazz to Clutch:
"Don't push your luck."
Beat to Clutch:
"You just wanted some attention from us, right? Aww..."
Combo to Clutch:
"Man, you're such a jerk I almost like you."
Garam to Clutch:
"One of these days, I'll get you one-on-one! Just you and me, fool!"
Boogie to Clutch:
"Fine. I'll let you off just this once."
Slate to Clutch:
"Heh... Stay outta trouble."
Corn to Yoyo:
"Long time no see, bro."
Clutch to Yoyo:
"So you're that Yoyo guy, huh? Heh..."
Jazz to Yoyo:
"So, you're the real deal, huh? 'Sup. I'm Jazz."
Combo to Yoyo:
"You gonna go and try to get back into shape, huh?'
Garam to Yoyo:
"Heh... I caused enough havoc for the both of us while you were gone, bro."
Rynth to Yoyo:
"The most unbelievable stuff was happening while you were gone! Hehehe..."
Yoyo to Slate:
"Hey, sorry about all that, yo. My bad. But thanks to those fools, I'm all out of shape now. Maybe I'll go out and cause a little havoc to warm up, yo."
Yoyo to Jazz:
"Man, things have sure gotten busier sice I was last here?"
Gum to Beat:
"That fool dressed in black who's been hanging around Chuo Street... now that I think about it, you guys kinda look alike."
Clutch to Beat:
"In times like this, you won't fall as long as you look where you're going. Heh heh."
Garam to Beat:
"Hey, you know that guy everyone's been saying looks like you? Well, is it you?"
There is some cutscene dialogue missing from these lines. If I can find all the cutscenes, then I'll be sure to add them.
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erindrifter · 4 years
So, I just binged the entire Dark Knight Trilogy pretty quickly, and since it's been a pretty long time, I kinda want to talk about it. I'll go movie by movie on my opinions, then give an overall score.
This movie is pretty great. It came out during a completely different time of superhero movies, so it feels different from the others. I also really like how the suit was more armored than the others, and not as flashy.
The storytelling is pretty linear, with only a small handful of flashbacks. There's a lot in the first act, but that's it. The rest of the movie is linear storytelling. You find out one thing, then find out the next, and so on.
The movie sets up the fact that this is a superhero movie, but is also taking itself seriously. It's grounded in reality, and the characters reflect that decision. Ra's Al Ghoul has alternative methods to seem immortal, superpowers aren't actually a thing, etc.
This movie plays as a thriller/crime fighting movie. It's got mob bosses, and syndicates, it's got everything. Most criminals even have the stereotypical accent. The most outlandish thing in the entire movie is the whole hallucinogen thing they got. And that's something that's at least plausible.
All in all, it's a good movie.
Right off the bat (heh), this movie feels different from the first movie. It's got a much more serious tone, and it introduces the Joker pretty early on. You know the goal, now we just have to get there.
This movie has the most linear story. It's got the least amount of flashbacks (none) and just goes from point A to point B with no detours. Everything that happens in the movie leads to the ending.
This is also the most "realistic" of them all. There are no hallucinogenic plots to destroy the city, no angry ninja assassins, just a dude with half a burnt face. Other than that, it's a gritty crime-fighting movie with some politics thrown in. By "some", I mean that you gotta pay attention before you lose track of what's going on.
Some say that this is the epitome of Superhero movies, and in my (admittedly biased) opinion, that is not true. But it is still a really great superhero movie, and a pretty good movie in general.
This is the movie that a lot of people don't like very much. And, I'll admit, I used to be one of those people. But, my opinion has changed after this last rewatch.
This movie is a big ball of storyline. Very messy, too. There are lots of flashbacks, timeskips, etc. They don't do a super great job explaining how long is spent between scenes. The opening scene takes place 6 months before the movie, I think. I know this from a quick line halfway through the movie. Bruce spends 3 months in the prison. I know this because they mentioned the bomb taking 5 months to explode. Except, that doesn't line up? But the engineer says that the autopilot patch was 3 months old? Yeah, it doesn't make sense. And there are SO MANY flashbacks. Some people think they slow down the movie, I think it's a necessary evil because of the story elements they're throwing at us.
But how's the rest of the movie? Well, not super smart. The League of Shadows has this plan to destroy Gotham, but in this scenario, Gotham would become a martyr of a city, and the effect wouldn't really have a positive impact. It might actually encourage the criminals in other cities. Either way, not a smart move. Bruce, keep track of your money. You didn't even know you lost most of it. And that's before the stock exchange scene. (Which is obviously fraud, and should not have been a thing that actually went through). And, that Robin reveal is so dumb. Making his actual legal name Robin? Why? There are 5 Robins to choose from! "You should use your legal name, Richard. Or Tim. Or Jason. You're an orphan, your last name might have changed to Blake at some point. Or that's your middle name."
BUT!! Does this movie have redeeming qualities? Other than the fact that it's pretty fun to watch? Yeah. It deals with the fallout from the other movies quite well. Batman is a fugitive, Gordon gets slammed, Gotham is under a sense of security built upon lies. Batman has to deal with the fact that he killed the father of a pretty capable person. There are lots of new things, but they don't become too overwhelming to learn about. Most performances are pretty solid.
Overall, this movie, while the weakest of the trilogy, is still pretty good. There's lots of things to make fun of, but nothing too significant.
Well, this is a pretty good trilogy. Christopher Nolan does pretty great work. There's not much I can actually complain about in these movies, they're pretty solid.
It breaks the mold of the traditional trilogy sequence. Most of the time, it goes like this: Introduce the setting/characters -> Bring heroes down to their lowest -> Heroes are triumphant
Instead, this trilogy goes like this: Introduce setting/characters -> Bring Hero down to their lowest -> Then get them down EVEN LOWER and end with only a small bit of hope.
But, this trilogy pulls it off pretty well. I'm rather satisfied with it.
If you have any questions about my review, or anything specific you want to know about, feel free to ask them!!
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