#(to clarify i want to see as much as i can of pedro and bella)
ellies-enrichment · 1 year
Hey why did bella mention Joel's jacket having his scent btw
Just curious why they would do that
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morningsound15 · 1 year
“I guess my gender has always been very fluid,” Ramsey said. “Someone would call me ‘she’ or ‘her’ and I wouldn’t think about it, but I knew that if someone called me ‘he’ it was a bit exciting.”
As for pronouns, Ramsey said she would check “nonbinary” if it’s an option on a form. “I’m very much just a person,” she added. “Being gendered isn’t something that I particularly like, but in terms of pronouns, I really couldn’t care less.”
-- that's making me think Any pronouns? Not necessarily They/Them all the time.
Yeah! I mean until they say anything more specific, right now we can assume any pronouns are fine since that’s what Bella says in the interview. I made my post because I’m seeing lots of folks casually throwing around she/her when talking about Bella’s performance in TLOU and while I think that’s fine & doesn’t bother them at the moment I wanted people to know they are genderfluid/non-binary, not cis! But again we don’t have a lot of clarification about what we should be using all the time. I WILL say that at least in a couple recent interviews I’ve seen with Pedro and Bella together, Pedro has been using they/them pronouns for Bella.
I’m not trying to police anyone’s language, until Bella clarifies this is like all we have to go on but I was feeling like not a lot of people knew about their gender! I was just trying to spread the word and make sure people weren’t getting confused. Bella is a non-binary actor playing a female character (a la Emma Darcy playing Rhaenyra in HOTD) and we should make sure we remember that when talking about their performance.
Plus idk for me personally the phrase “being gendered isn’t something I particularly like” makes me lean more towards using gender neutral language for them. I also fuck with “if someone called me ‘he’ it was a bit exciting.”
All in all I’m excited young people in huge shows under massive spotlights able to come out and speak about their gender in this way it’s very cool to see. And Bella rocks in TLOU and I’m stoked for the rest of this season and beyond.
Tldr: good for Bella! Good for the genderqueer babies, good for her them him good for us all!
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