#(the answer is yes but fortunately they haven't changed much in like 8 years)
dykeminecraft · 9 months
Phoenix can't fucking go Anywhere in Zoraxis locations without someone going "??? That's Indigo"
To be fair it saves them a lot of trouble, bc immediately after going "wait that's Indigo" whoever it is simply decides to leave them alone bc well. Their reputation,
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akookminsupporter · 3 years
I think those of us who communicate mostly via anons can have a hard time realizing how much pressure bigger platforms might feel, and the magnitude of hatred and personal attacks they receive. The very fact that many smart and compassionate people were compelled to turn off anons should tell us all something. Discourse can be scary to participate in. Anonymity makes things a little easier for us shy ones. But when a person opens up a platform for other people to come and dialogue -with the luxury of anonymity at that- there is a lot of risk involved. It shouldn't be expected to be this democratic forum either. Having a blog devoted to a particular relationship doesn't make it a free for all for every anonymous idea. Maybe it is best to step back and take an hour or two, or maybe a day, before acting upon feelings of irritation or sadness that might arise from internet discourse. At the other end of every conversation, there is a living human being. If some folks met irl, they would probably hit it off famously. We are all armies after all, and Jimin and Jungkook's bond supporting armies at that!
Anyway, love your blog. It is a fabulous place❤
I completely agree with you Anon. I am aware of the risk I take by not turning off the anonymity option, especially being a blog about jikook. But as I said before I also understand the security that option offers, especially for shy people like you mention. Before I became more active on my own blog I used to follow several blogs and sometimes I would send asks but I was self-conscious when the anonymity option was turned off, that's why I don't turn it off because I know how it feels, it's the same reason why I try to answer all the asks that are sent to me, because it's not a nice feeling when you send your opinion to someone and they never post it or comment on it. But at the end I decided what ask to respond or post, after all is my blog. But those are personal decisions.
Right now I have the advantage that I'm an extremely small blog and not at all well known, so I don't get a lot of asks and fortunately I don't get hateful asks or at least not directly towards me and the ones sent against Jimin and Jungkook I just delete them, so I can't say that I know what several accounts have felt to the point of disabling the anonymity option. Right now I can tell you there are few things that would lead me to do that or worse, abandon the blog. I hope that never changes.
And yes, we can't forget that those of us who run these blogs are people too.
Sometimes it's hard to believe that those who send hate-filled questions call themselves fans of BTS or any of its members, because they clearly haven't heard and understood the message that for 8 years they have been sharing with their fans.
Thank you for loving the blog🥺
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