#(the Discworld witches and the Tiffany books’ musings on the responsibilities and isolating experience of being a witch in particular)
justassorted · 1 year
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[Image description: A chart of character inspirations for Ithadel. The inspirations are: Granny Weatherwax and Tiffany Aching from the Discworld series; Odo from Star Trek DS9; Goliath from Gargoyles; Tal Monteblanc from the webcomic Harbourmaster; and a blank spot with a “maybe” for Murderbot as a possible recent, subconscious influence. End ID.]
I have watched maybe 4 episodes of Gargoyles in my life and remember next to nothing, but I am also 100% certain that seeing Goliath in commercials at a young age is what shaped my mental image of “gargoyle.” 😂
Snagged from @archerwhiterp ! Feel free to snag it and tag me in turn, these are fun to see. I’ll put the template under the cut. :)
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