#(ooc: this is also my parents' wedding anniversary)
askhenry1987 · 4 months
Ive been seeing other askers, asking about your age.
When is your birthday? (old man)
Good question!
It is May fifth.
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fmallan · 2 years
madison beer.     she/her.     cisfemale.      ›spotted   at   the   met   steps   ,   full   name Francesca ‘Frankie’ Blu Mallan    ,   most   likely   listening   to   dear god   by   nessa barrett   with   their   airpods   pro   .   the   twenty four year old   gained   quite   a   reputation   ,   known   to   be   -volatile   yet   +whimsical   to   anyone   who   knows   them   .   you'll   easily   spot   them   when   you   hear   about   wearing a perfectly curated pajama set to bed every night, watching the sunrise over the city while huddled up with a bottle of champagne after a long, fun night out, candlelit hallways in penthouse apartments with window walls, and pinky promises being the be all end all   ,   followed   by   carolina herrera’s very good girl   .   latest   nepoupdates   article   talks   about   frankie   sneaking out of the back entrance of paris’ hottest nightclub hand-in-hand with a handsome model while on her other arm she was doting an unknown female before the trio ducked into a blacked out SUV  ,   but   i   guess   any   reputation   is   good   reputation   .   (   ooc  v   ,   26   ,   she/her   ,  mountain   ,   n/a   .   muse  k  &   subplot   # 5   .   )
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name: francesca blu mallan
age: 24
bday: leo sun, 8/10/98
nicknames: frankie, blu, frankie blu, franks, chesca
family background: being born into the mallan family was quite the honor in an america that is, or once was, shaped by old hollywood; frankie’s grandmother was lana haynes (think natalie wood, ann-margaret, jayne mansfield vibes), academy award winner and world renowned old hollywood starlet while her grandfather happened to be fredric mallan, one of the most famous filmmakers in the industry during the 1950s throughout the 70s. the pair had three children together, one of which was their oldest who carried on the name of fredric mallan but as a young boy he decided to go by freddie which later became one of the greatest names in rock ’n roll during it’s onset era of the 1980s up until his most recent retirement in 2017. freddie mallan had been touring with his band (think like aerosmith or motley crue or nirvana type fame) over in europe when he met english supermodel sofia austin. the pair had an extremely whirlwind romance marrying only after knowing one another for 111 days. two years after their marriage, on their wedding anniversary, the couple announced they were expecting a baby girl. francesca blu mallan was born august 8, 1998 at 6:13 am in manhattan to the extremely happy parents. 
sexuality: bisexual
living quarters and situation: she lives alone in a condo bought by her father for her on her 21st birthday.
living history: she was born & raised in new york city, but with her family being made of parents from different continents, the girl also frequently spent time in the united kingdom, as well as france, italy, and greece. her family has homes in aspen, colorado; paris, france; amalfi coast, italy ( and obviously in nyc, too )
occupation: socialite and musician
personality traits:
(+)whimsical, playful, masterful, romantic
(-)volatile, vengeful, arrogant, impatient
likes: sunglasses in the club, late nights/early mornings, tea before bed, music at all times of any day, sunshine bouncing off the pool ripples
dislikes: hostility, dishonesty, breaking pinky promises, the fact restaurants throw out their food at the end of the night rather than donate to a shelter, animal testing
favorite movies: lords of dogtown, almost famous, mr & mrs smith, fight club, elvis
tv shows: the oc, one tree hill, sopranos, rick & morty, what i like about you
playlist embodying my baby g ( it's a private playlist but lmk if the link doesn't work n u rly want it )
here is a lil vision board for her
pets: golden doodle named jagger; maltipoo named cobain; pomeranian named page/jp for jimmy page
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gladys-sloane · 6 years
Hufflepuff OOC Survey
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1. How long have you known your oldest friend?       Fifteen years which makes me feel old, but she is the absolutely the best and most amazing human being ever
2. Smells that remind you of home?       Meat smoking on the grill, coffee, strawberries
3. What movie can you watch over and over again?       Pride and Prejudice, 
4. Do you have any nicknames?       Liz
5. How was your day?      No complaints so far. 
6. Who do you wish was with you right now?      Lu but alas he’s at work or Jill but alas she’s hours away 
7. What are you too hard on yourself for?     Pretty much everything, it is kind of my jam.
8. Do you believe in an afterlife?       Yes.
9. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what animal would you create?      Panda and a dog to make a Pandapup
10. Top 3 OTPs?     Elizabeth and Darcy, Cory and Topanga, Molly and Arthur
11. Do you like it when people play with your hair?      It’s my favorite.
12. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?     The list is a long one....
13. Do you have a secret talent? What is it?     Making really terrible jokes that only I find funny...Other than that....not a one.
14. What does your name mean?     Consecrated one.
15. What was your favourite tv show as a child?      I loved tv when I was a kid. I lived off of the Disney Channel and Disney movies, but show? Boy Meets World
16. What’s the most thoughtful present you’ve ever received?       Two Chritmas's ago my dad made me a beautiful mirror with our family name and anniversary date upon it as well as the kids names and birthdays 
17. Would you ever become a vegan?       No. 
18. What social issue would you most like to spread awareness about?       There’s a laundry list. But I’ll save those for another time and another day. 
19. Tell us a story from when you were young        How young? When I was really young I fell down the tiniest of hills that felt huge and I was convinced that I had broken my leg and the only cure possible was that I have a wet washcloth on my leg and be allowed to sleep in the living room. Or if you want a little older I once played Kate Keller in a production of the Miracle Worker in high school. I developed the most insanely huge crush on the guy who played my husband. Who affectionately nicknames me poop and whose favorite saying “know your place and shut your face woman.” (He was a charmer, clearly.) He also once informed my husband of said huge crush. (Again, huge charmer.)
20. What age do you get mistaken for?        I still get carded anytime I buy alcohol and I’ve been over 21 for quite a few sunsets. 
21. What double standard is ridiculous and needs to be ended?         Parenting double standards. The idea that a father shouldn’t be responsible for things or that mothers are better at things. Ugh....And mothers who are like “yeah, I asked husband to baby-sit the kids tonight so I could go out for three hours of alone time.” DUDE! It’s not baby-sitting when it is your own kid. It’s just being a parent. Also, Dad’s are great and they should be given more credit.
22. Favourite thing to do on rainy days?       Curl up with a good book and read or cuddle up with Lu or the kids and watch a good movie
23. Do you have any stuffed toys?       I don’t. My girls have inherited (or stolen and claimed as their own) all of my former stuffies 
24. Who was your favourite teacher at school and why?      Mrs. Gill. She was this effervescent bubble of light and love. She marched           the beat of her own drum and she did everything with 300% enthusiasm.             She was inspiring and incredible. I still to this day love her to pieces. 
25. Most hufflepuff thing you’ve ever done?       I wasn’t sure how to answer this and I’m still not, but I’m going to use a picture instead, because it pretty much says it all. (I mean it sells out my Ravenpuff husband too, but let’s be honest the wedding party of 9 bridesmaids, 3 junior bridesmaids, 2 candle lighters, 9 groomsman, 2 flower girls and 2 ring bearers was all my handy work. I love them all still to this day and I have absolutely no regrets that my wedding party was so large the photographer had to stand on the balcony to take the picture.)
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bushiiido-blog · 6 years
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who wants a lucky date with sir auron with romance made by yours truly, me? doesn’t matter if it’s a boy or a girl.
press the ♥ if you want a starter. 
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