#(hello yes that is nostalgia speaking i'm well aware lol)
dangerliesbeforeyou · 2 years
least favourite type of review on places like letterboxd is people watching an old kids film for the first time as an adult and being like 'ugh this is such a stupid film! the characters are annoying the plot is predictable and the humour is so goofy!' like buddy it wasn't made for your 35 year old ass lol ?????
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hello, my beloved! for the get to know me asks: 20, 31, 36, 46, 59, 73. yes, i'm aware it's a lot, but sue me, i'm nosy. 💙
20. Would you rather wake up with your makeup magically done, or your hair?
makeup all the way. i can brush and style my own hair, but i'd probably need to make some sort of faustian deal with the devil to finally gain the ability to pull off flawless, matching wings on both eyes. it would be a miracle to never have to struggle with that again.
31. What's a show that everyone loves that you didn't?
i know it's a classic, i know it's a product of its time, but i just could not make it through more than a few episodes. there's so much rampant bigotry of every form and so many of the jokes punch down (and aren't even funny anyway) and ross is awful and just... ugh. i honestly think friends is only as beloved as it is because of the 90s nostalgia, but maybe that's just me lol.
36. If you could learn one language fluently, what would it be?
i live in a country where the population is primarily chinese, so i'd love to be able to easily converse with almost everyone i meet. also it's one of the most difficult languages in the world so it's lowkey a flex to speak mandarin fluently imo.
46. Do you have any tattoos, or want to get one?
i have no tattoos and i would never get one because i'm a huge coward. if i could magically get a tattoo with no pain though, it would probably be something celestial-related - maybe a crescent moon with little stars around it.
59. What country that you haven't been to do you want to visit most?
greece! i fully blame my pjo phase in middle school.
73. What time of day do you like best?
6-8pm. i absolutely love sunsets, and that twilight hour just between evening and night when everything feels a little dreamy and magical.
thank you for the asks, bestie! ily and i hope you're doing well <3
send me a 'get to know me' ask!
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