#(giving very much a court of owls au vibe which im liking)
oifaaa · 1 year
I started writing about how Cyclops could be a good fit for Dick only to realise I was describing Batman.
Tbh, idk any Marvel counterpart that fits Dick fully.
Maybe Clint? Circus background, non-powered on a team of powered people, took up a new identity and had some teen take their former alias so they had to adjust to that, became a mentor figure, did some spywork? (I know in alt universes clints been a spy, but I honestly can't remember for 616)
Bit of a stretch, I guess, but It's the best I can think of
A lot of people have mentioned Scott actually which I do agree in a sense he could work well enough but I do think I'm gonna go with Clint since the point isn't that these characters are the exact same as each other and more I could see these characters doing a similar thing to each other without it messing with their personalities
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