#(fortunately though Lucas eats 47 in a different way)
ellenchain · 8 months
Aaaaaaah, the otters! Cuteness overload!
I love how cool mysterious bad boy Lucas turns into a blushing first date nerves mess. 47 has that effect on him.
Olivia: Omg, only cringe washed up middle aged losers who desperately want to connect to their long past youth wear skinny jeans. You're so embarrassing!
Lucas: ....but I am a washed up middle aged loser without a youth.
Lucas is a man of many faces, but when it comes to 47, somehow no mask fits quite right 🤡
((both men are incredibly deadly, but I think when exactly two of the same ilk meet, it cancels the deadliness and coolness out, and what remains are two men who somehow don't know what they are beyond that))
And hahahaha yes exactly, Lucas is a washed up middle aged loser without a youth. Sad, but true. I think all parents are embarrassing at some point, Lucas has to go through this phase too. He can be a cool mercenary all he wants - for Olivia, he's the guy with too-tight jeans and holes in his T-shirt who picks a fight at the supermarket checkout because the cashier wouldn't accept the coupon from the old lady in front of him.
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