#(anyways I’ll start tagging this au w/ the tag black butler horror au)
a-tcos · 3 years
I have another ask. . . Let's say... we get Black Butler into Cabin In The Woods corner~(which btw is my all time favorite horror movie besides the OG first films of Nightmare, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and Wrong Turn) what stereotype would they be? Either from the film or any others that weren't added sadly
YESSSS (I love cabin in the woods!!). I’ll try to add all of the stereotypes from the movie but I’ll also subvert and add others here and there as the black butler characters :
I mentioned in my previous black butler horror AU post that o!Ciel Phantomhive and Hannah Annafellows would be survivors akin to the Final Girl. Hannah is sensible but “pure”, the same goes for Ciel (except the purity thing is weird because I usually write him as a child, you know?). I also see Lizzie Midford falling into this category. Hannah and Lizzie are closer to the OG idea of a Final Girl, but oCiel takes it one step further by being ruthless and cunning, doing whatever it takes to survive and outsmart the horror.
Grell Sutcliff is likely to survive, but she’s definitely the Genre-Savvy Horror Nerd (ie. Randy Meeks from Scream). I see her being into horror and true crime so hardcore that she’ll use what she’s learned to help her survive. I did mention that those skills, in turn, could be used so that she could be a killer, but I don’t see her killing off any of the cast. Even when she directly expresses that she’s thought of murder, I just don’t see her actually acting on it. If he’s included, Othello definitely fits the “Genre-Savvy” type while also being a bit of a geek.
Claude Faustus and Agni are the Smart Guys, but in different ways. Agni is completely kind and compassionate while being knowledgeable and practical. This is his current outward and inner appearance. I do think Claude has the capacity to be truly nice to few, but put an emphasis on few. He has the same skills as Agni, but he is not as sociable or charitable as Agni. He is paranoid and suspicious. In fact, I can see him as someone who is a Big Bad, someone who could kill off the other characters and feel no remorse. Claude is obviously terrible in canon, but he has the somewhat-unique character of stoicism and mysteriousness that lends itself well to portraying him in different ways. I’m also grouping these two together because I can see them getting along (not as well as Agni gets along with Seb, but I see Agni as someone who’s now willing to be friendly with anyone).
The closest characters to the Dumb Jock stereotype are Ronald Knox and Prince Soma. They’re not exactly jocks, but they’re active with strong personalitities and make rash decisions. However, Ronald isn’t dumb and I can never get mad at Soma for not knowing any better.
I don’t really think any characters from Kuro really fit the Stoner stereotype. I definitely have headcanons that a lot of them have at least tried weed or regularly smoke for various reasons, but not anyone who fits that exact stereotype. I’ll quickly say that I see Claude and Undertaker smoking the most out of all of the cast. Undertaker is just a fun guy so of course he would and Claude deserves to feel mellow (perhaps that’s why he’s calm? /j).
I think William T. Spears is a really interesting character in put in a horrror setting because he has a lot of elements from different archetypes (at least in my characterization and headcanons of him based off of what I took from canon). He looks like a Workaholic Dad but has no spouse or children. He seems smart but he hasn’t had the time to exactly show off his skills. He seems like an easy kill, frankly, but I love writing him because I think he deserves more development.
I have to say it: Undertaker screams slasher to me (or maybe even similar to Jigsaw). I don’t always like writing him as a big bad from the get-go, though; i definitely like writing him as just being this Weird Guy. I can’t believe that I have soft spots for Claude and Undertaker. I do see those two getting along despite them literally never meeting in canon (season 2 is canon in MY heart, it’s just that the season 1+2 canon are different from the manga canon, aka the main canon). Either way, he’d fit one of three tropes: Slasher, The Old Guy That Warns the Cast To Get Out, or Goth. These could also go hand in hand, though.
Alois Trancy? I mentioned seeing him as a victim, but not being the first to die; he’s the character that really deserves to survive but you just know won’t because the writers hate him /j. In all seriousness, i would love to say that if I were to write him in this AU he’d survive, but I can’t say that. Alois Trancy will always deserve better, but I think he’s just a character that’s almost always doomed to die, even in most AUs. Not sure if that’s any particular trope or stereotype, but I just think he’s so important and lovable that he has to die (you know, to tug at the heart strings).
I mentioned most of my thoughts on Bard, Finny, and Mey-Rin on my other horror AU post, but I’ll add that Mey-Rin is technically final girl material. It’s just that I see all of them surviving or none of them surviving whatsoever. They’re all the Comedic Relief that happen to have survival skills and would 100% survive had it not been for Ciel and Sebastian getting involved.
Did I purposefully put off Sebastian until the very end because I’m a jerk? Yes. Is it because I solely think he’s the perfect slasher victim? Yes. Or maybe I just think he is in this AU. I mean he’s attractive and skilled with very few drawbacks. I do headcanon him as having anger issues and impulsive behavior (as well as being not the smartest man by a long shot), but I digress. He’s very skilled, almost as skilled as his canon counterpart. However, this isn’t exactly a horror trope/stereotype. Sexy characters/characters that partake in vices dying first? Oh, now that’s a trope. I hc human Sebastian as being a sex worker, and unfortunately that isn’t good for him in horror. If I’m writing then he’s not the first corpse to show up, but if he’s grouped with anyone mentioned here EXCEPT for Finny, Mey-Rin, and Bard... he’s definitely one of the first - if not the first - to die. When I mean “the first corpse to show up”, I’m talking about minor characters that would kick off the main plot in a similar way to Drew Barrymore’s character in Scream.
That was a lot BUT I’m in love with this AU. I gotta do more with it (writing, drawing, rp, or anything really). Thank you for this ask!! I’ll definitely answer more asks about this as well as start making my own content w/ it.
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