fagdykebassboy · 10 months
I need to get some fuckin weed to fall asleep i Can Not keep doing this shit its 2 am ill be lucky if im asleep at 3:30
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twewy-comix · 3 years
7th twewy VII - code: S.H.O.
(this is the liveblog post)
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whoa, hey, let’s not jump to conclusions here!
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god imagine getting a drink and it’s like 90% ice cube. sphere. whatever
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anyway back to our normal friend josh
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who can use jesus beams now! but still has shit defense and will get mauled by crabs the moment you look away!
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center gay
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f-”fujisan roku ni o-mu naku”............ god fucking dammit i hate sho
(the subs won’t tell you what the mnemonic is. but i did. just now. sho says it a lot in the jp version. it means uhhh something about a bird at mount fuji idfk who cares. i guess the thing he was saying while drawing the sigil last ep was a really, really long mnemonic for pi??)
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fun twewy memories: trying to decipher that goddamn map
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at least these guys lived! what a relief! (jk they die too)
so uh, the anime showed new wall reaper designs once each and then went back to the originals...??
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me when im playing the second half of week 2 and keep getting mugged by taboo noise
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oh nvm i think that’s one of the new designs (he dies immediately)
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yknow i never got why like, in movies and stuff when there’s a boulder or some huge object heading toward the characters, why they never go to the side?? even when there’s plenty of space to?? they just keep running straight, like that’s gonna do any good
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they special day
ok but i kinda prefer the game version where he saves joshua from getting killed by noise because he wants to do the killing himself? you cant just take away perfectly good brain worms like that, bro!!
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anyway: zowee yaowee
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oh. right, i heard they got permission to use the actual irl names for neo, i guess theyre using them here too (but they kept 104, ofc)
(”in the real life”)
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anyway this was a fun little 7-episode anime
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ok i noticed them in the op too but uhhh the game didnt have spiders, right? (are crabs like spiders?)
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if only there were some huge red glowing beams of light from which we could infer their location!!!
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ok blue ones work too
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h-heart-shaped... moe???
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okay so they switched on the lights as thanks for saving them before, but also beat’s here, but also he’s “accidentally” protecting them from noise on purpose(???) and now the textures are all fucked up
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oh right, this hadnt happened yet. i guess it’s more dramatic on a roof at sunset
(z-zowee yaowee...?!)
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they’re on the roof, but they have to go to the roof on top of the roof. what will they find there? perhaps... a third roof???
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male gaze
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fucking same
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male gaze
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oh come ON
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so like, are cheesy paint roller guns standard issue for reapers
(oh so we get to see NEKU bleeding profusely from bullet wounds but not the character everyone wants to see bleeding profusely?? i see how it is.) (im everyone)
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male gaze
they dont show his wings shattering either??? what sick fuck is responsible for not catering to me specifically
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is that better or worse than zetta slow? i’d google it but i dont want that in my search history
oh right uhh the roof broke and now theyre floating in a dimension of prismatic roof pieces(??) that show memories(???)
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male gaze (furry edition)
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dude teleports all over the place and beats the shit out of them. pretty accurate to the game! 
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for one brief, fleeting moment, i thought they were gonna hold hands
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rest in fucking pieces. pi-eces
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then he explodes himself. and i guess dies, permanently, as dying always is in this anime, and we will totally never see him again
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josh pushes neku off the roof, clear of the explosion. good thing there’s another roof not too far below
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“oops, i could’ve sworn the other roof was on that side :3c”
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he ends up back in blank white background zone. gosh, if there’s one thing i cant stand, it’s when art has a blank white background!
kitaniji is slow clapping, because secretly he sent the final mission to get rid of minamimoto for everyone. guess he heard one “megs” too many........
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ah, so THAT’S why he dyed his hair in the sequel
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anestheticrage · 4 years
Be me: back from the lands of plague and rats. finally home to the capital city of ... plague and rats. everything is clockwork and damn those are some big whales. no time to see the sights, gotta check on my non-wife queen, and my non-daughter daughter. they gucci, chillin in the high tower. #fuckthatpeasantlife Heres a piece of paper babe. it says the plagues are still plagues and the rats are still rats. whats that zippy shadow doin on the roof top. whats that zippy shadow doing standing right next to us. what's that zippy shadow doing with his knife in my girl. oh shit. oh shit. its the fuzz, i swear i didnt do it. it was The Shadow Man with the A E S T H E T I C and the sexy voice. aww shit they takin me in
now were in the dungeons. with the rats. and the plague. and a serious case of UNBRIDLED GODLY RAGE. break down the bars with your bare teeth and indulge in a few dozen counts of lethal self-defense. gotta find non-daughter-chloe-moretz and teach her wrong from right.
but not before the resident time lord comes to give you some sick ink and make you jump around on floating rocks. what an ominous voice. itd be a shame if he sounded like a FUCKING. TEENAGER. IN THE NEXT ONE.
aces, we got some motherfuckin powers. now its time to do the stabby dance. you dance i stab. now were talking. good thing the swords are CLOCKWORK TOO. time for some revenge cause this is a fucking stealth game so WHAT ELSE WOULD BE THE GOD DAMN PLOT. here come the heavy-handed moral decisions, tap x to NOT GIVE A FUCKKKK. electricity is a thing cause of the whales and dont forget THE CLOCKKKWOORRKKK!!! murder has never been this fun and diverse.
'haven't you played deus ex th-'
cross a big bridge, break into a whore house, and kidnap leonardo davinchi. now we got the fuzz right where we want em. man what a day. time to knock back a few drinks with the boys. itd really be lovely if they
back in action and its time to wade through the sewers and stab aesthetic murder man with a heart of gold. WE'LL EXPLORE HIS MORAL CONUNDRUM IN THE DLCCCCCSSS
thats one more checkmark off my shitlist. and now for traitors. and the traitor traitors. and the rats. and the pl- GOD DAMMIT THEY TOOK CHLOE AGAIN.
at least i still have you Samuel. you'll never leav- samuel no! SAMMY BOY COME BACK IM SORRY. EVERYONE WAS JUST A BASTARD. I COULDN'T HELP MYSELF.
now were alone. just like all the other times. if only i had collected enough magic rocks to summon plagues and rats. TWISTTTT. FEED UPON THE FLESH OF STEAMPUNK CULTISM AND PHILOSOPHIC COMMENTARY. YES MY FURRY MINIONS: CONSUME! (wait does whale oil make steam?? blubberpunk??)
climb the lighthouse and crack open the boys with a cold one in front of your not-really-sorta-maybe-still-cant-tell (???) daughter and hope she doesn't have daddy issues in the next one.
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Explosive warmth
Ground Zero ¦ Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
GENRE: Smut. Fanfic. 18+. Aged up characters
WARNINGS: Smut, sex, cursing.
This is my first fanfic post. I hesitated on posting this, but here we go. Hope you like it. 😊
P.S This was originally a bakugo x original character because I like writing with names, but I changed it to bakugo x reader. Sorry for unchanged pronouns/grammar errors.
Please do not copy/plagiarize. Lovelots.💟
You took the coffee from the server's hands, thanked him, and rushed out the door.
You entered the company and went straight to the elevator, a few good mornings was thrown back and forth
You went straight to Ground Zero's office and placed the coffee on his table, exited the office, went to the bathroom and looked at yourself.
You pulled your sleeves, removed some hair covering your face.
The rush was intense this morning.
You went back to your designated desk and checked his schedule for today.
He is supposed to appear on an interview with Deku.
You sighed. He yells everytime you bring this one up.
Suddenly, you heard some explosions coming from Bakugo's office.
"God fucking dammit! Y/N!" You immediately stood up and went for his door, knocked three times before entering.
"Yes?" You asked standing in front of him.
"That shitty hair is gonna come here today." You nodded.
You just cant help but stare at him, his muscles evident on his shirt. His sweatpants exposing the slight bulge.
"Hey?! Are you listening?!" You snapped back to reality when you heard him yell.
"O-Okay, I'll be sure to serve him tea later." He glared at you, and you smiled at him.
"By the way, the interview with Deku today-"
"Goddamit! I fucking told you to cancel that shit! Im not going to have an interview together with that fucking nerd!"
"Yes, you told me that, but I also told you that Im not gonna cancel this one anymore because its already the third time this month, that you want an interview with the number one hero, cancelled. So, I'll be accompanying you later. Dont worry."
He growled at you. "Who the fuck is the boss here?!"
"You, of course." Beaming a smile at him. "We'll be leaving by 4pm, Sir. So, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now." You turned around to leave. You hear him muttering curses and shuffling around, you just chuckled and headed for the door.
"Goddammit. Y/N." You turned around once again when you did, a pair of something soft touch your lips.
He kissed you roughly and you responded immediately. Your hands wrapped around his neck and his are placed on your waist.
The couple of you were so deep in the kiss when knocks on the door disturbed your heated rendezvouz
Both of you let go, catching breaths.
"I-I'll check it out." You manage to utter. Suppresing the whine of having to stop. You fixed your ruffled blouse, opened the door and saw Red riot smiling outside.
"Whats up?! Is bakugo there?" You just nodded.
"Red riot's here." When your head turned around he is already on the couch looking pissed.
You let Red riot in and asked him to sit on the opposite couch where bakugo is sitting.
"Hey! Whats with the face?" Red riot asked.
"You're an idiot. You fucking bastard!" You chuckled at his response.
You went to the counter behind the couch where Red riot's sitting to prepare tea.
They were talking about Hero work, well. Red riot is talking about hero work and Ground Zero's just staying silent.
"Hey. Bakugo. You know. You should try dating already!"You felt your ear throbbed when you heard that, you even stopped moving to see if he's gonna answer.
A few seconds passed by.
"Dating doesn't sound too bad." For some odd reason, his response made your heart skip a few beats.
You took a deep breath and brought the tea to them.
"Mmmm! This is really good Y/N."
"Thank you, Red riot."
"You can call me Eijiro when we're alone!" He took another sip of tea.
"You know, I cant believe that you're gonna last as bakugo's secretary. You're so sweet and bakugo's just-"
"Stop talking there you idiot! Dont give her any ideas!" You just chuckled and shook your head.
You just slipped back to the counter to clean up.
"You should leave now!"
"What?! Why?"
"Leave now or I'll blast you off the roof!"
"Fine! fine! Thanks for the tea again, Y/N!" You paid a look at Eijiro who is now on the door waving goodbye.
"Bye eijiro!"
"What the fuck?!" You jumped when Ground Zero appeared behind you and yelled.
"What is it?"
"Why're you calling that Idiot Eijiro?!" You frowned.
"Because he said so?" You responded, not sure why he is acting all weird about it.
"Then I command you to call me Katsuki too!" shocked is the appropriate word to describe how you feel when he snapped.
"O-okay, K-kat-su-ki." You felt your cheeks blush, its the first time you called him his first name.
"Its KATSUKI! The fuck are you stuttering for?! You just called that idiot Eijiro!" You blinked a few times while staring at him.
Is he somehow jealous?
"You're being cute." You told him.
"The fuck is being cu-"He was cut off when you pulled his collar and kissed his lips.
You heard and felt him mutter idiot while you kiss but did not pay anymore attention to that and just continued enjoying his lips.
He let go of the kiss and pulled you by the wrist. He pushed you on the couch.
He smirked, and damn, he is hot.
You looked into his eyes and it was those of a predator ready devour its prey, which is YOU.
That thought brought a chill down your spine, out of excitement.
He then kissed your lips again, not too long though. His kisses travel down to your neck almost immediately.
He nibbled and sucked, and you're sure it left a mark there again.You're gonna have to conceal that again..
You felt a grasp on your left breast which made you moan. He started to unbutton your blouse impatiently, complaining that its taking too long, so you helped him.
When its finished, he immediately took it off. He took no more than 5 seconds to remove your bra next.
He kissed your cleavage and proceeded in licking your left nipple.
You moaned when he started sucking on it aggressively, your back arched, feeling more and more sensitive to his touch.
His right hand went roaming further down when you felt his finger touch your sensitive part.
You bit your lips as the thin clothing between you and his finger felt so rough.
"T-touch me more, please." You uttered, eager to feel more of him.
He stopped suckling your nipple and went back to face you. He claimed your lips once more as he slipped off your underwear.
You then, touched the hem of his shirt before pulling it up, he continued removing it for you.
His muscles are defined,you thought. Tracing down his abs with your finger.
When you reached his sweatpants, you pulled the string and looked at him.
He's staring at you intently, you pulled his arm to get him even closer.
"I want you inside me, Katsuki."
"Godammit!" As if the tiny string thats been holding him back popped, he flipped you over.
With no warnings, he slammed his cock inside you. It made you moan loud. You held on to the sofa while he's coming in and out of your castle.
Your walls are embracing his cock very well and he lives for it.
"You're so fucking wet!" You bit your lower lip, getting turned on by his grunts and moans.
""K-katsuki! You feel so good inside me!"
"Yeah? Whose cock can make you feel this good?"
"Y-yours katsuki! Only yours!" You screamed, head is spinning because of the sensation he's making you feel with every thrust.
"Damn right!" His pace fasten as you felt a familiar build up.
"I-I'm close!"
"M-me too. im gonna cum inside you!" My eyes widen when he said that.
"W-wait! I might- ah! get pregnant katsuki!"
"Yeah? Then get pregnant with my child!Ah! fuck!"
"Katsuki!" You called his name out as you felt a blissful release.
"Y/N!" Not a moment later you felt katsuki's seeds spilling inside your walls.
You felt his hand arounf your waist, embracing you.
You rested on that position for a minute then and both sat down on the couch.
He placed his arm around your shoulder as you rested on his chest.
You stayed silent for a few minutes.
"We should start going out together." You shot my eyes up at him, looking shocked.
"What? Dont you dare tell me that you just want to be fuck buddies?!" You laughed, he really panicked.
"Take me out on a dinner first." You answered, sticking your tongue out to tease him.
"Fine. whatever." You smiled and rested on his chest again.
"But not tonight, you have the interview and you said your mother asked you out tonight." I said, circling my fingers in his chest.
He grunted but did not protest anymore. You smiled again.Still can't believe he's asking you out.
"Stop blushing!" He yelled. You looked up at him again, and he should talk. His cheeks are deep red.
You just shook your head and chuckled.
EDIT: Part two can be found here
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berrydorkstuff · 5 years
Explosive Warmth
GENRE: Smut. Fanfic. 18+. Aged up characters
WARNINGS: smut. sex.cursing.
Word count: I dunno. Sorry 😥
This is my first fanfic post. I hesitated on posting this, but here we go. Hope you like it. 😊
Oh, btw, I posted this on my original acct instead of the one for writing. Maybe I'll just post it again there, or maybe not. Lol
P.S This was originally a bakugo x original character because I like writing with names, but I changed it to bakugo x reader. Sorry for unchanged pronouns/grammar errors.
Please do not copy/plagiarize. Lovelots.😘
Ground Zero Bakugo Katsuki x Reader
You took the coffee from the server's hands, thanked him, and rushed out the door.
You entered the company and went straight to the elevator, a few good mornings was thrown back and forth
You went straight to Ground Zero's office and placed the coffee on his table, exited the office, went to the bathroom and looked at yourself.
You pulled your sleeves, removed some hair covering your face.
The rush was intense this morning.
You went back to your designated desk and checked his schedule for today.
He is supposed to appear on an interview with Deku.
You sighed. He yells everytime you bring this one up.
Suddenly, you heard some explosions coming from Bakugo's office.
"God fucking dammit! Y/N!" You immediately stood up and went for his door, knocked three times before entering.
"Yes?" You asked standing in front of him.
"That shitty hair is gonna come here today." You nodded.
You just cant help but stare at him, his muscles evident on his shirt. His sweatpants exposing the slight bulge.
"Hey?! Are you listening?!" You snapped back to reality when you heard him yell.
"O-Okay, I'll be sure to serve him tea later." He glared at you, and you smiled at him.
"By the way, the interview with Deku today-"
"Goddamit! I fucking told you to cancel that shit! Im not going to have an interview together with that fucking nerd!"
"Yes, you told me that, but I also told you that Im not gonna cancel this one anymore because its already the third time this month, that you want an interview with the number one hero, cancelled. So, I'll be accompanying you later. Dont worry."
He growled at you. "Who the fuck is the boss here?!"
"You, of course." Beaming a smile at him. "We'll be leaving by 4pm, Sir. So, if there's nothing else, I'll be leaving now." You turned around to leave. You hear him muttering curses and shuffling around, you just chuckled and headed for the door.
"Goddammit. Y/N." You turned around once again when you did, a pair of something soft touch your lips.
He kissed you roughly and you responded immediately. Your hands wrapped around his neck and his are placed on your waist.
The couple of you were so deep in the kiss when knocks on the door disturbed your heated rendezvouz
Both of you let go, catching breaths.
"I-I'll check it out." You manage to utter. Suppresing the whine of having to stop. You fixed your ruffled blouse, opened the door and saw Red riot smiling outside.
"Whats up?! Is bakugo there?" You just nodded.
"Red riot's here." When your head turned around he is already on the couch looking pissed.
You let Red riot in and asked him to sit on the opposite couch where bakugo is sitting.
"Hey! Whats with the face?" Red riot asked.
"You're an idiot. You fucking bastard!" You chuckled at his response.
You went to the counter behind the couch where Red riot's sitting to prepare tea.
They were talking about Hero work, well. Red riot is talking about hero work and Ground Zero's just staying silent.
"Hey. Bakugo. You know. You should try dating already!"You felt your ear throbbed when you heard that, you even stopped moving to see if he's gonna answer.
A few seconds passed by.
"Dating doesn't sound too bad." For some odd reason, his response made your heart skip a few beats.
You took a deep breath and brought the tea to them.
"Mmmm! This is really good Y/N."
"Thank you, Red riot."
"You can call me Eijiro when we're alone!" He took another sip of tea.
"You know, I cant believe that you're gonna last as bakugo's secretary. You're so sweet and bakugo's just-"
"Stop talking there you idiot! Dont give her any ideas!" You just chuckled and shook my head.
You just slipped back to the counter to clean up.
"You should leave now!"
"What?! Why?"
"Leave now or I'll blast you off the roof!"
"Fine! fine! Thanks for the tea again, Y/N!" You paid a look at Eijiro who is now on the door waving goodbye.
"Bye eijiro!"
"What the fuck?!" You jumped when Ground Zero appeared behind you and yelled.
"What is it?"
"Why're you calling that Idiot Eijiro?!" You frowned.
"Because he said so?" You responded, not sure why he is acting all weird about it.
"Then I command you to call me Katsuki too!" shocked is the appropriate word to describe how you feel when he snapped.
"O-okay, K-kat-su-ki." You felt your cheeks blush, its the first time you called him his first name.
"Its KATSUKI! The fuck are you stuttering for?! You just called that idiot Eijiro!" You blinked a few times while staring at him.
Is he somehow jealous?
"You're being cute." You told him.
"The fuck is being cu-"He was cut off when you pulled his collar and kissed his lips.
You heard and felt him mutter idiot while we kiss but did not pay anymore attention to that and just continued enjoying his lips.
He let go of the kiss and pulled you by the wrist. He pushed you on the couch.
He smirked, and damn, he is hot.
You looked into his eyes and it was those of a predator ready devour its prey, which is YOU.
That thought brought a chill down your spine, out of excitement.
He then kissed your lips again, not too long though. His kisses travel down to your neck almost immediately.
He nibbled and sucked, and you're sure it left a mark there again.You're gonna have to conceal that again..
You felt a grasp on your left breast which made you moan. He started to unbutton your blouse impatiently, complaining that its taking too long, so you helped him.
When its finished, he immediately took it off. He took no more than 5 seconds to remove your bra next.
He kissed your cleavage and proceeded in licking your left nipple.
You moaned when he started sucking on it aggressively, your back arched, feeling more and more sensitive to his touch.
His right hand went roaming further down when you felt his finger touch your sensitive part.
You bit your lips as the thin clothing between you and his finger felt so rough.
"T-touch me more, please." You uttered, eager to feel more of him.
He stopped suckling your nipple and went back to face you. He claimed your lips once more as he slipped off your underwear.
You then, touched the hem of his shirt before pulling it up, he continued removing it for you.
His muscles are defined,you thought. Tracing down his abs with your finger.
When you reached his sweatpants, you pulled the string and looked at him.
He's staring at you intently, you pulled his arm to get him even closer.
"I want you inside me, Katsuki."
"Godammit!" As if the tiny string thats been holding him back popped, he flipped you over.
With no warnings, he slammed his cock inside you. It made you moan loud. You held on to the sofa while he's coming in and out of your castle.
Your walls are embracing his cock very well and he lives for it.
"You're so fucking wet!" You bit your lower lip, getting turned on by his grunts and moans.
""K-katsuki! You feel so good inside me!"
"Yeah? Whose cock can make you feel this good?"
"Y-yours katsuki! Only yours!" You screamed, head is spinning because of the sensation he's making you feel with every thrust.
"Damn right!" His pace fasten as you felt a familiar build up.
"I-I'm close!"
"M-me too. im gonna cum inside you!" My eyes widen when he said that.
"W-wait! I might- ah! get pregnant katsuki!"
"Yeah? Then get pregnant with my child!Ah! fuck!"
"Katsuki!" You called his name out as you felt a blissful release.
"Y/N!" Not a moment later you felt katsuki's seeds spilling inside your walls.
You felt his hand arounf your waist, embracing you.
You rested on that position for a minute then and both sat down on the couch.
He placed his arm around your shoulder as you rested on his chest.
You stayed silent for a few minutes.
"We should start going out together." You shot your eyes up at him, looking shocked.
"What? Dont you dare tell me that you just want to be fuck buddies?!" You laughed, he really panicked.
"Take me out on a dinner first." You answered, sticking your tongue out to tease him.
"Fine. whatever." You smiled and rested on his chest again.
"But not tonight, you have the interview and you said your mother asked you out tonight." You said, circling your fingers in his chest.
He grunted but did not protest anymore. You smiled again.Still can't believe he's asking you out.
"Stop blushing!" He yelled. You looked up at him again, and he should talk. His cheeks are deep red.
You just shook your head and chuckled.
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