#((Anyway this is different from my usual WIP cause I'm planning on turning this into a sticker! :3))
revrads · 1 year
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Sticker WIP of my favourite old priest couple :)
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classicrocker2000 · 2 years
for meta asks: 1, 6 and 10 :p
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Oh god I have way too many (15 WIPs), so I'll limit it to six:
- Blood From a Stone: My friend Gizmo and I got the idea for this while we were planning a different AU based on this comic book mockup:
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Some pretty fun Marvel silliness, right? Well... we ended up making it our own horror story. Which is where one of my favorite aspects of this story comes in, and that's writing classic horror vampires- the kind that burn in daylight and are just... dramatic (or maybe I just realized that I just like writing campy horror). And I also loved writing the dynamics between the six Rolling Stones member (six because Brian Jones is here too because the writers said so). The thing that really sucks though is that we wrote this way too quickly. Almost eleven chapters in four days and now there's just an epilogue left ;_; It's honestly the kind of story that doesn't need a sequel, and yet I want to write one anyway, just so I can have a bit more fun with the vampires here.
It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but it's definitely the story I've had the most fun writing.
-Power to the People: Gizmo and I have been working on this story since May 2020. The gist of the story is that a supernatural event causes most of London to gain superpowers, though not everyone stays sane. This is also a massive crossover fic, considering we've had the Beatles, the Stones, and the Who among many, many others. We're almost thirty chapters in, and I have no idea how long this will take us to complete (partly because it spans at least two or three years of in-universe time and we're kind of breaking this up into little arcs). That and frequent writer's block doesn't help on my end. The parts I have the most fun writing are Eppy's journey of self-actualization. It can be tough at times, but knowing that the end result is Eppy being mostly at peace with himself makes everything worth it.
-Beatletopia: This is a bit different than my usual style, because it's more of a comedy that I write with Gizmo and @lennon-cuddlywump. This started because two of us absolutely loved playing Miitopia and all three of us are mutuals. What I like most about this fic is just that it's a chance for me to write with both of my frequent collab partners and it's a lot more lighthearted than the stuff I usually tend towards (vampires, explorations of mortality, etc.). We're currently working on chapter 16.
-If I Needed Someone: This is a fic I'm writing with @sky0fblue where Brian survives the overdose and goes on to face life and all it's challenges. My favorite part of writing this fic is that not only am I working with someone whose skill level maybe even surpasses my own, but I also finally found a fic idea for Eppy surviving that didn't involve him becoming a vampire in the process (unlike Fly By Night, in which he did become a vampire). We're three chapters in, and though it's been a while, I'm hoping to get some more work done on that as summer approaches.
- Of Magic and Music: This I started developing in September 2020 and it ended up turning into another collab with Gizmo. The gist here is that in a world where magic is struggling to survive, John finds out he can do magic and things get progressively crazier from there. With this fic, I once again have the most fun writing character dynamics, especially between John, Eppy, and Martin. This one is 14 chapters in and will probably be another long runner. (I'd say we need to learn how to keep our fics concise, but then again, the existence of Blood From a Stone, To the Beat of an Angel's Wing, and In the Heart of Madness exist, which are all on the shorter side- if unfinished- with a clear throughline planned.)
-That Time I Sold My Soul (title shortened for simplicity's sake): This one is also one I started a long time ago- June 2019 specifically- and then when I told Gizmo about this, she was instantly onboard. So here, the plot is that Mick and Keith are vampires, Brian's a witch (with a chip on his shoulder considering he sold his soul), Charlie's a werewolf, and Bill the creep is an incubus (he was originally a vampire before I decided I didn't want the group to be flooded with vampires). Honestly, the most fun I have here is by trying to imagine how Stones history would have gone had they all been supernatural creatures, as well as the unique challenges they face (such as creep being sensitive to sunlight and Charlie dealing with the whole full moon thing). We're writing chapter six now, though I currently have no idea how long this is going to last.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Well... honestly, I have fun writing for almost everyone! But if I had to narrow it down, it'd probably be Eppy when I'm writing Beatles fic and Keith when I'm writing Rolling Stones fic. He's a nervous gay bean that I absolutely vibe with, and honestly, some of my most fulfilling moments as a RPF writer have been having Eppy just... catch the break he didn't really get when he was alive. Namely by having the boys be supportive. And with Keith, the best part is taking someone with a "devil may care" attitude and throwing him in the most random/bizarre situations imaginable (it probably isn't obvious that I'm slightly bitter the original Stones lineup didn't make movies, but what can you do?)
10. How would you describe your writing process?
-Honestly, I'm not sure how to describe my writing process, which boils down to just writing something down when I have some free time or whenever my friends are online. I most often write collab fics because I find it 10x easier to write when I'm working with a friend. Bouncing ideas with someone really gets the creative juices flowing.
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captainunderkrupp · 3 years
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I've been sitting on this AU for several months now, developing it with the help of some friends on the Trollstopia server... and as I wanted to use it for the upcoming Creek Week, especially since I've been working more on it, so I might as well announce it now :3
Rock Creek AU. Explanations, warnings, and more art under the cut.
So a bit under a year ago, after TWT came out, I found several AUs where Creek ended up in Volcano Rock City and interacting with Barb somehow. They were all very interesting, but none of them really hit my specific tastes for what I might want out of that sort of story... so I was inspired to start developing my own!
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The basic question, of course, is: What if Creek had somehow ended up in rock troll territory after the first movie? And this fun little project of me speculating, having fun drawing different designs and looks for him, and figuring out how he interacted with the rock trolls we know and love, and I ended up throwing him into VRC for two years, between the first and second movies, and just kept writing down ideas and thinking about it. It's now kind of a monster of an AU, but one that I'm very excited about.
In fact, I'm currently working on what is going to be a very long fic that I'm not sure when it will be done, though I can say it may still be a few months out. I was planning on finishing it before announcing this AU at all, but... I couldn't resist the urge to use him in the Creek Week prompts, so here we are :)
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Anyway. Here are some basics for this AU specifically:
It starts out as if he ended up heading toward rock territory instead of wandering back toward Pop Village, like is implied in TTBGO.
He's found by the rock trolls and brought in to Volcano Rock City. He spends lots of time too sick to do anything except be miserable, though when he gets better he starts doing his usual thing, trying to work into other trolls' good graces for his own status in what he now thinks of as his new home, since he assumes he won't be welcome back with the pop trolls...
But the rock trolls are not easily trusting of pop trolls in general, even if he insists he's different. So Barb decides she wants to see how he may be affected by their kingdom's string… 
And may misadventures besides, some of which will affect only him, but others which may cause a butterfly effect through all the kingdoms!
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This story will contain:
references to trollstopia and TTBGO. there are characters from both shows that affect the main plot and interact with him.
lots and lots of headcanons about different trolls. as this is an AU, they may not match up with my usual HCs about them, but I do enjoy meta and extrapolating directly from canon.
the theory that creek has relatives, branch, cybil, and rosiepuff. he also gathers some of his own found family in a few rock trolls as he develops.
no main shipping. creek will have his own crushes and entanglements, but please do not expect any specific ships to become endgame with him in this story. there may be side character relationships, however.
OCs. there is at least one OC central to a good part of the plot, and another that will make more than one appearance. also, some of the characters are underdeveloped, to the point that I may have to develop them into basically OCs to make them usable for this fic.
a complex redemption arc. one of the main things I find interesting about creek is how he became an antagonist, and how he could redeem himself. I don't tend to enjoy most fandoms' modern definition of a redemption arc, so please expect some twists and turns with how I redeem him.
DARK THEMES. while the general AU can be discussed without touching these themes, the fic itself may be rated between teen and mature, and will have plenty of warnings. I will try to make the darkest of the scenes I am currently writing skippable, but this is your warning.
ANY OF THESE THINGS CAN CHANGE. the main points should all still apply to the final fic, but details may shift as I keep working on this WIP.
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So that’s the basics of the AU! Feel free to send me questions, though I may be a tad slow answering them since I’ve been so busy with fandom events and commissions, hehe. And thank you for reading!
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lizzie-wendigo · 3 years
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Well, this takes a long time as a WIP, but after the Abyss redesign, I decided to change the pose of Abyss. Well, I decided to do the story of how they met.  By the way, if you pay attention to the book Abyss reads, it's a pun on the name of the author of the book: "Mary Shelley" ------------------------------------
After a long day, Spade was preparing to rest in his favorite place, an old weeping willow tree near the park. This willow tree was special, it was quiet, the breeze blew warmly and it was near a lake that led to the sea, and the best thing is that it was isolated, without being disturbed by anyone. This day would be different, because when he arrived he found a strange girl sitting in his place reading a book, at first spade got upset and thought about leaving, but he really wanted to rest for a while, and the girl didn't seem to be noisy or annoying, so decided to try to talk to her... "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" Spade said approaching. "This is my special place." "I have no problem, go ahead..." Abyss said without taking her eyes off the book. They were silent for several minutes, each lost in thought, yet Spade couldn't help noticing the book Abyss was reading. "Good book, a classic" Spade said.
"Excuse me?" Abyss said. "The book, Frankenstein, is a classic"  "Oh right, it is..." Abyss said without looking away from the reading. "I have read it 4 times, this is the fifth" "Your favorite book?" Spade asked "Something like that" Abyss commented "I feel identified with this book, reading it brings me comfort" "Well, you don't look very comfortable" "why do you mention it?" "You're reading a book alone under a tree away from others... Maybe you are sad" Abyss became annoyed and stopped reading, throwing an annoyed look and a little growl, which made Spade jump. Abyss immediately calmed down, again changing his expression to a sad one. "I haven't had a good day" Abyss said with a sigh. "Of course uhh... it was just a guess" Spade said a little uncomfortable and sitting up again in his place "We all have a bad day"
"I just decided to escape from everything for a moment and get distracted with a book" Abyss said as he took back the book that he dropped a few moments ago. "Dr. Frankenstein's monster. A creature made from putrid parts of the random dead buried in a graveyard, confused and trapped living in a world that wants to kill you just for being different. He will never be able to rest in peace because of a mad scientist who only wanted to play God and create life. He did him like this, unable to find friendship or love, making him suffer because he treats him like a beast... Victor Frankenstein is the real monster..." There was silence and spade looked at her indifferent and at the same time moved by what Abyss had said... "Sorry, I'm crazy, don't listen to me" Abyss said, looking away "It shows that you want to talk about it" Spade said very chivalrous "Yes, but nobody cares, I have no one to talk to" "I can make you at least choke on what frustrates you" Abyss looked at him a little doubtful, but she really needed it and she couldn't refuse, so she sighed deeply... "Today I had a fight with my cousin..." Abyss said sad with downcast eyes "Your cousin?" Spade asked "I have no siblings, and to me, he is like my older brother: Gum, him and my second cousin: Sheriff. We always played together, and neither of us could make friends, 'cause we are mixed race, that's why we had each other. Time passed and Sheriff got a girlfriend, and spent a lot of time with her, we were happy for him, at least he has someone else. But... the problem started a month ago... Gum started making friends... they were friends his age, and almost the same as him. They were also mixed race and male, they soon became friends with Gum, and little by little he was moving further away from me.  I have been practicing to show the native dance show in the park, I'm part of the dancers. I wanted to invite him to see him more often, but when I went to see him, I was with his friends... and he was negotiating to meet me. He said he didn't know who I was" Said Abyss holding back the tears in her eyes, while Spade listened to her with attention" I argued and fought with him, and now I only borrow books the library to read away from people. I'm alone." There was silence, while Spade thought about it... "If your cousins could get friends, why do you think you couldn't?" Spade asked somewhat indifferently "Look at me! people don't even want to get close to me. They thinks that if they look at me I'll turn them to stone for pleasure, that I'll devour everything they give me like a wild dog, or that I'm too stupid to understand a damn simpler game than tying their damn shoelaces. Not even those from the native show want me in the group, they accepted me just because I have a mermaid descent and I dance very well... anyway... I plan to quit the group... "You shouldn't do it. If you like, just do it without caring that others judge you" Spade said looking into her eyes. "You shouldn't let what people think of you affect you either, believe me, I recognize a damn beast when I see it. I live with hateful creatures, and of all of them, I think you are the most civilized person I know. "you think so?" Abyss said as her eyes lit up
"Of course. Besides, I don't mind your company. I don't usually live with many people, or with people who are too happy, they're not to my liking. But I wouldn't mind living with you" "...?" "WAIT! NOT IN THAT WAY!" Spade yelled blushing "I mean! just for company!" And that silence was broken by the laugh of Abyss, who seemed more animated now, showing her true personality and smiling at her new friend, As Spade gazed at her sharp-toothed smile and lake-lit eyes, it seemed beautiful to him... "You know, there're other books that I have read, and I would like to talk about them one day. Maybe some of them you like" Abyss said with a smile "What..? Oh, sure! the books... Uhh..." Spade answered a little nervous while he blushed" Sure... It would be good, to meet again soon. "Then I'll see you soon" Abyss got up and extended her hand to Spade as a sign of farewell, and he took it shaking it... "By the way, we haven't formally introduced ourselves. "Sapde said "I'm Spade Dice you can call me Spade" "I am Abyss Maria Mug. Call me Abyss. I have to go... I have a show where to dance. And if... if you want to go... you can attend, it's public. See you soon spade!" Abyss ran away, while Spade watched her from afar sitting under the willow tree ... "Abyss... What a peculiar name. Very... elegant" He thought. "I wasn't at all interested in being her friend when I saw her, but... I think I wouldn't mind spending more time with her..." Spade watched her go as she blushed slightly, letting out a light sigh... ----------------------------------------------
My writing is HORRIBLE! I know... but at least I tried. Well, as you saw, this happened 2 years ago, so Abyss was 11, Sheriff 13 and Gum 14. All teenagers do that at some point in their lives. (Besides that I was watching Onward and the younger brother inspired me, I hate him) But Gum was sorry, he really felt very bad for having denied his cousin, and obviously he learned the lesson, since currently he doesn't deny it at all and he loves her as she is, that is a sign of maturity, don't you think? By the way, Spade developed an almost immediate crush for Abyss. Cute :3
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