#( for rainy days ) | ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ᴛʜᴇ sᴛᴀʀs ᴛᴏᴏ ғᴏɴᴅʟʏ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ᴀғʀᴀɪᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ɴɪɢʜᴛ ;
dracaesanguinem · 7 years
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And why should I be calling you dragon eggs, again? I’ll explain: you were all bestowed on me as a VERY VALUABLE gift, something I cherish and love and hold dear in my heart. You’re more precious than rubies, just one could buy ‘a ship to take (me) back to the Free Cities’ and all three would leave (me) a healthy woman for the rest of (my) life; and still I would never give any of you away for the biggest price in the world. You’ve been here with me and Dany on this amazing journey and I cannot believe we’re growing so much with you all at our side.
This is a thank you post. Not because I reached a certain number of followers (which I can barely believe I did no matter how big or small the number of digits), but because I owe you some love in return for the one you’ve given us both.
I am grateful to each and every one of you for various and diverse reasons and love you all equally. But some of you have stood out with open arms, ready to have me and Dany enter into your lives. And to those, I want to give a little bit of individual attention (this is in no particular order):
Fil ( @killthebxy ): You Fil (ALL THE PUNS) my heart with happiness every time we talk or I see you on my dash. It was by pure causality that I came to form a bit of a bond with you, (PORTUGAL CAR*LHO) and embark on a lovely journey. I want to interract more with IC as we do OOC because I absolutely adore your vision of Jon and your understand of him. Also, you were one of the most supporting people here for me and I’ll never forget that. Vou guardar um espacinho no meu coração e no da Dany para ti e para o Jon. E nunca te esqueças, “mata o menino, João das Neves”.
Tati ( @rhaegxr​ + @vaedar​ ): You’re the biggest sweetheart I have met on this platform. There is not one single person that can disagree that you and Rhaegar (or any of your muses to be honest) are simply brilliant. On our little d/iscord verse, I’ve come to learn so much about my muse and how I, personally, want to portray her. And Rhaegar is simply the love of Dany’s life and their bond makes me want to cry each time because of how perfect it is. Thank you so much for putting up with me and writing with me and just being one of the genuinely sweetest, most supporting and loving partner-in-writing I know. Here’s to many more threads and tears to come!
Scarlett ( @cerseilionesslannister ): We’ve not written here, but nonetheless I feel like you deserve a bit of a spot in this post. Although our relationship did not start on solid ground, you’ve been incredibly supportive of me and that has, somewhat, helped me continue this journey with my muse. Also, I cannot go by without saying that your love for Cersei has inspired me to love my smol dragon queen as well. There’s not a lot of people that put the amount of work and dedication into their muse as you do with Cersei and I think we can all see the result of that in your beautiful portrayal. Thank you so much for being here each time I need to talk to you ♥ I’m really glad we met.
Sophie ( @rcseheir ): Thank you so much for allowing me to play in your little group verse. I cannot tell you how much it has helped me to come out of my shell with my muse and my writing ever since I sent that one message. I owe that to you: the people I’ve met, the lovely possibilities of what’s to come out of that story and pushing me to step out to the big unknown and just talk and meet people. It was a hard thing to do before the moment I got into this group, but thanks to you and your brilliant imagination, I was able to take that leap. Also, your Willas is simply… Amazing. Your portrayal and development of his story have breathed LIFE into him. He is YOURS, truly and completely. Your work and your passion reflecting on this amazing character. You earned all the love and praise you could ever possibly get! And, most of all, it inspires me, personally, a LOT.
Hash ( @mybigfatcock + @boaredtodeath​ ): I think that almost 90% of the people who have seen you on their dash before actually talking to you thought you were a p*orn blog ♥ and you have to admit it’s quite funny. In my case, I 100% thought I was too small and too green of a writer to write with you. Your love and passion for Euron is captivating, inspiring and so genuine. You just really LOVE your character and don’t sugarcoat him to appease to anyone’s tastings. And you’ve taught me to feel the same about Dany. You were the first person here to teach me to play Dany’s ‘darkest side’ and enjoy it for what it is. I can map out eons of theories and plot tons of crazy stories where things don’t quite go down the ‘hero’s journey’ theme and it makes SENSE and it WORKS because, ultimately, you have supported me to think outside of the box in that way — and I learn from the way YOU do it. I have not regretted, for one single moment, having met and developed a friendship with you. We are great partners in crime and I love to jokingly call Euron Dany’s “pirate hubby”. They(we)’ll conquer the world with ships and dragons and krakens and a lot of mutual understanding and support for crazy dark sides. ♥ I really like you
Ruth ( @shaenc ): (hey)  I JUST MET YOU (andthisiscrazy) and you’re already one of my favourite people here. You’re the big sister to my small Dany and I just adore Shaena so much already. Also part of the PORTUGAL CAR*LHO and “let’s taunt @killthebxy ‘s Jon” squad. I can’t wait to develop a friendship and write with you on our little Targaryen verse. It’s also so great I get to teach you more about the ASOIAF world while you teach me about Tolkien’s! Such a win/win.
But also, to all of you that I see on my dash every single that and have brought me smiles and reasons to want to come back over and over again (again, in no specific order):
♥ @saltveined : for writing such a heart gripping Theon && @theeldestsun : for your love of Doran and all of Dorne and being #1 in their defense squad && @wolfqueennamedstark : for making me love a character more than their canon version && @kisscdbyfire : for being such a sweetheart and writing the best wildling babes && @crowncdcrow : for being such an amazing writer and portraying such a perfect Jon && @hecantbekilled : for your awesome Robb and for bonding over coffee and berries && @taintedblccd : for putting huge smiles on my face and having such a great BIG heart && @theusurper + @griffinshand : for being best frenemies since the first minute we became mutuals and making me laugh in public and throwing JonCon at me (lords know I need him in Dany’s life) && @jbearmormont : for being the bear to my Dany and the Jorah I always want to run to, for having the most amazing understanding of one of my fav characters ever && @foreignaccent​ : because your love for Shae transpires and shines so beautifully! I love that you are so understanding and supportive and protective of such an amazing character. It’s inspiring and beautiful. && @akingslayerx​ : because your Jaime is amazing and you make him the justice he deserves! And there’s nothing wrong in loving the way you write him as well ♥ more power to you, honey! You DO write him beautifully. @ofblackfyre​: for creating such a sweet and genuinely great OC that I absolutely love. Lyanna is precious and Dany will forever protect her && @queenofkategat : for writing such a beautiful Lagertha and I can’t wait for us to play once you have your GOT verse settled && @keepfcith : for being the most amazing little and fierce bear and breathing life into Lyanna && @halvbjorn : for having one of the most amazing penned OCs in the fandom and being always so passionate about her && @oftarth : literally the first person I followed her and still one of my fav people && @rhacgal : for being the living fire and child to my Dany, the beautiful dragon Rhaegal && @earth-whisperer : for having Carlotta be such of the sweetest and most heartwarming characters I’ve played with as well as a mother-figure for Dany and just being such a sweetheart OOC && @ofgoldenwit : for your flawless and HUMAN portrayal of Tyrion, for breathing such an unique light into him && @neitherknightnorlady : for her wonderful Brienne and, possibly, the future captain of her queen’s guard && @motherofwolvcs​ : for being #1 in the Cat defense squad and writing so beautifully, inspiring us all, and being such a mother figure to all these babies && @thcbull​ : because even if I just met you, I’m always happy to see some love for Gendry and I hope we’ll be able to write some in the future. && EVERYONE ELSE I MAY HAVE FORGOTTEN, BUT LOVE ALL THE SAME!!
If you’re new here, as well, please never be afraid to contact me. I’m more than happy to meet new people, even if I haven’t followed you back, and possibly add you one day to my ‘dragon’s eggs’ baby list. ♥
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dracaesanguinem · 7 years
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dracaesanguinem · 7 years
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dracaesanguinem · 7 years
Hello wonderful person you, this is your Sunshine Dragon hoping that you had a great day and hoping that you'll find a crisp twenty on the ground to make it even greater!
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