#( aisling is in the kitchen with henri and ramsay )
bailesona · 2 years
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“  i’m  not  sayin’  i’m  responsible,  but  also  if  henri  asks  who  stabbed  all  his  fancy  japanese  knives  into  the  snowman  on  the  roof,  you  and  i  were  together  all  night,  right?  “          can  anyone  blame  him?  can  you  honestly  look  him  in  the  eye  and  tell  him  that  you  wouldn’t  have  done  the  same  thing  if  given  the  opportunity?  no.  you  can’t.  nate  knows  this  with  confidence,  just  as  he  knows  exactly  where  those  japanese  knives  will  end  up  if  he  doesn’t  seize  an  opportunity  at  an  alibi  before  henri  emerges  from  interrogating  a  remarkably  cool  tina.  still,  he’s  been  raised  by  a  good  set  of  father  figures.  two  swift  sweeps  of  his  hands  against  her  shoulders,  and  margot’s  coat  is  relieved  of  the  little  mounds  of  snowflakes  that  manhattan  bestows  upon  her  in  the  doorway.          “  but  to  be  safe,  we  should  probably  hide  in  the  living  room  and  establish  our  cover  together,  right?  or  we  could  go  to  the  kitchen,  really  get  inside  his  head...  yeah...  he’d  never  see  that  one  comin’...  you  know  what,  you  don’t  need  to  help  me,  you  should  save  yourself  before  he  drags  you  in  there.  you’ve  been  warned,  margot.  good  luck  and  god  speed!  “
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@sugcrwrites​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of all the other muses are in the tags if u want margot to mingle!! )
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clochanamarc · 1 year
if you ever wanna see aisling at her absolute dorkiest, take her to a farmers' market or join her in the kitchen for a cooking sesh, bc holy shit she is in her ELEMENT in any culinary situation. it's the one thing she knows she's good at. she gets beyond excited any time someone shows up with like, fresh peaches or aged brie or smth bc she can just unleash herself in the kitchen to use up these ingredients, and bonus points if she gets to share that experience with anyone.
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  you...  must  be  a  friend  of  aisling’s,  right?  sorry,  i  don’t  mean  to  be  rude,  i’m  just  kinda  new  here.  i’m  gabriela.  “          her  hand  extends  hesitantly,  a  practiced  motion  that  doesn’t  quite  have  the  opportunity  to  feel  natural  just  yet.  it’s  been  a  week  since  she  came  to  live  here.  eight  days,  technically,  but  who’s  counting?  and  considering  the  first  five  days  were  spent  in  a  blur  of  endless  meetings,  appointments,  exams  and  skype  calls,  she  thinks  she  ought  to  be  given  a  little  leeway  in  terms  of  familiarity  just  yet.  but  aisling  did  mention  that  some  friends  of  the  family  would  be  joining  them  tonight...  and  she  trusts  these  people  more  than  she  expected  herself  to  be  capable  of.  so  surely  that  must  mean  that  any  friend  of  the  family  can  be  considered  a  friend  of  hers.  right?  it  isn’t  until  a  snowflake  drifts  in  towards  the  doorway,  landing  in  the  stranger’s  black  hair,  that  she  realizes  just  how  rude  she’s  being  to  her  new  potential  pal.           “  oh!  god,  i’m  sorry,  come  on  in!  the  heating  is  on,  and  richard  is  setting  up  a  fire  in  the  living  room,  if  you  wanna  go  in  there?  aisling’s  on  the  balcony,  it’s  just  down  the  hallway  and  through  the  last  room  on  the  left.  or,  if  you  prefer,  i  can  go  let  her  know  you’re  here?  “
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@namcre​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter! ( and if u want namor to go mingling, i’ll put the locations of the other muses in the tags! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  ah!  agent  hill,  i  was  hoping  it  might  be  you.  come  in,  my  dear,  it’s  much  too  cold  to  be  lingering  outside!  let  me  take  your  coat,  hm?  “          yes.  his  usual  efforts  of  politely  restrained  grumpiness  have  been  set  aside  for  the  coming  weeks.  something  about  the  scent  of  cinnamon  and  sweet  apples  baking  in  the  hearth  is  enough  to  repel  that.  add  in  the  addition  of  some  heartily  welcomed  friends,  a  dash  of  the  good  whiskey  that  aisling  brings  back  from  ireland  every  october,  and  the  sound  of  a  good  jazz  record  playing  in  the  background...  well.  what  could  be  better?  other  than  maria’s  arrival,  that  is;  one  step  closer  to  actually  eating  the  lavish  feast  that  henri  is  screaming  about  in  the  kitchen...           “  i  hope  you’re  hungry;  we’ve  got  enough  to  feed  the  whole  city  at  this  rate,  and  tim’s  only  just  gone  in  to  bake  the  bread  rolls!  you  know  where  everything  is,  don’t  you?  help  yourself,  make  yourself  at  home,  dear,  won’t  you?  “
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@knowseverythingaboutyou​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter! ( and i’m gonna leave the locations of all the other muses in the tags so maria can mingle! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  ah!  you  must  be  sybil,  then.  welcome,  do  come  in,  just  mind  your  step,  alright?  there  was  a  minor  incident  with  some  eggnog  earlier...  “          not  him,  of  course.  but  who  would  he  be  to  land  his  better  half  in  such  an  embarrassing  introduction?  better  to  leave  the  culprit  as  a  vague  mystery,  then  reveal  their  identity  at  a  much  later  stage  in  their  budding  friendship  with  sybil.  an  arm  extends  to  keep  the  door  open,  his  other  hand  outstretched  to  accept  her  coat  and  outerwear.  ramsay  moves  behind  him  with  swift  and  silent  speed,  brandishing  a  baguette  and  several  varieties  of  fresh  herbs  while  henri’s  disgusted  scoffs  erupt  from  the  kitchen.          “  now,  now,  gentlemen,  let’s  at  least  pretend  we’re  civil  adults,  shall  we?  sybil,  my  dear,  would  you  care  for  a  drink?  or  perhaps  something  to  eat?  henri  won’t  be  serving  anything  just  yet,  but  etienne  has  been  sneaking  out  platters  of  hors  d’oeuvres  for  the  last  hour,  so  we  won’t  starve  yet!  make  yourself  at  home,  we’re  far  from  a  fancy  household.  “
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@sugcrwrites​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of the other muses are in the tags if sybil wants to mingle!! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  genevieve!  i  knew  you’d  make  it,  mum  was  worried  that  the  bad  weather  was  going  to  stop  you.  “          try  as  she  might  to  evade  the  relief  that  floods  her  voice,  tina  already  knows  it’s  too  late.  too  much  time  spent  with  aisling  as  her  mother,  with  siblings  to  care  for  and  co-exist  with,  rather  than  engage  in  endless,  cut-throat  competition  with,  have  combined  and  softened  the  sharp  edges  that  the  red  room  forced  her  to  obtain.  certainly,  those  edges  still  exist;  many  bullies  in  the  local  schools  will  testify  to  that.  but  there’s  enough  softness  in  her  now  to  embrace  certain  loved  ones.  like  aisling.  or  her  siblings.  or  gen.          “  i  can  take  your  coat,  if  you  want?  we’re  placing  them  all  in  the  guest  room;  stanley  said  he’d  make  a  new  coat  rack  for  the  new  year,  there’s  too  many  of  us  now  to  keep  using  just  one.  mum’s  in  the  living  room  with  victor  and  the  others,  and  everyone  else  is  sort  of  scattered  around,  but  you  know  you  can  obviously  go  around  wherever  you  want.  “
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@ohlazrus​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of the other muses are in the tags if gen wants to mingle!! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  you  must  be  one  of  mina’s  friends,  then?  you  better  come  in,  i  saw  leo  and  sammy  take  snowboards  to  the  roof,  and  they  won’t  bother  to  think  about  safety  until  they’ve  knocked  you  out.  “          there  does  exist  a  small  part  of  her  that  wonders  if  she  ought  to  exercise  a  touch  more  caution  with  just  inviting  people  into  the  apartment.  frankly,  all  along  there  had  been  this  unspoken  agreement  that  they  would  all  defend  themselves  perfectly  well  enough  to  handle  whatever  dangerous  stranger  had  the  audacity  to  waltz  in  off  the  street.  but  oddly  enough,  fighting  a  stranger  when  they’re  having  a  family  dinner  together  feels  out  of  place.  so  even  as  she  closes  the  door  behind  him,  she  finds  herself  lightly  hoping  that  he’s  just  here  to  socialize  and  have  a  good  meal,  rather  than  carry  out  any  nefarious  deeds  in  the  process.          “  i’d  offer  to  take  your  coat,  but  i’ve  been  working  on  this  prank  all  afternoon,  and  there’s  paint  on  my  arms.  don’t  suppose  you  want  to  help,  would  you?  i  just  need  someone  to  keep  watch  for  tim;  you  might  actually  want  to  keep  your  coat  on,  if  you’re  helping  me,  that  is.  “
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@lightcreators​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter for draco!! ( and i’m gonna leave all the locations of the other muses in the tags in case you want draco to mingle! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  i  wouldn’t  take  it  personally,  kiddo;  they’re  louder  than  my  mother-in-law  was  when  she  figured  out  her  son’s  future  betrothed  was  me!  you’re  here  for  the  dinner,  right?  “         he’s  already  pushing  the  door  open  for  his  new  friend,  other  arm  preoccupied  with  an  assortment  of  three  brown  paper  bags  in  a  last  minute  scavenger  hunt  of  the  local  stores.  vanilla  pods,  rum,  six  cans  of  italian  soda,  and  five  pounds  of  ground  pork,  to  name  but  a  few  of  his  purchases.  but  ultimately,  it’s  all  worth  it;  henri’s  asian  fusion  wrappers,  etienne  and  tim’s  custard  pots,  and  ramsay’s  cocktails  are  always  crowd  pleasers  this  time  of  year!  but  it’ll  take  a  good  three  hours  before  henri  winds  down  for  the  night.  and  if  henri  is  being  contrary,  then  the  entire  family  is  bound  to  be  at  decided  odds  with  one  another.  it’s  just  a  fact  of  nature.          “  you  hungry?  we  won’t  have  dinner  for  a  while,  but  i  happen  to  know  a  number  of  people  under  this  roof  who  planned  ahead  with  some  supplies  for  tonight!  leo’s  been  running  all  sorts  of  appetisers  out  since  lunchtime,  we  got  every  sort  of  snack  you  can  think  of.  or  if  you  want  a  drink,  there’s  enough  cocoa  in  the  kitchen  to  float  a  cruise  ship,  and  enough  eggnog  to  flood  the  pacific!  take  your  pick,  alright?  “
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@synthized​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the locations of all the other muses are under the tags if sin wants to mingle!! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  you  must  be  love,  yes?  please,  do  come  in,  new  york  is  much  too  cold  for  us  to  make  our  introductions  on  the  doorstep!  “          he  stands  tall,  but  the  blankets  that  drape  his  shoulders  make  him  feel  much  smaller  than  the  six  feet  five  inches  he  stands  at.  that  and  the  mug  of  hot  cocoa  that  warms  his  hands,  long  fingers  wrapped  around  the  heated  porcelain  as  he  steps  aside  and  nimbly  nudges  the  door  closed  behind  her  and  the  tiny  bundle  in  her  arms.  then,  just  as  quickly  as  he’d  felt  so  small,  the  tiny,  beaming  face  of  the  baby  is  enough  to  make  him  feel  like  a  giant,  a  soft  gasp  escaping  him  as  he  sets  down  the  mug  and  lifts  his  hands  to  cover  his  mouth  in  awed  wonder.          “  oh!  this  is  your  son?  oh  my  goodness...  oh...  he  looks  so  much  like  you!  please,  please,  come  in,  it’s  much  warmer  in  the  kitchen!  or  the  living  room;  wherever  you  like,  okay?  i  can  bring  you  something  to  drink  and  eat;  we  can’t  have  you  or  this  little  rudolph  catching  a  cold,  now,  can  we?  “
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@sugcrwrites​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  (  and the locations of all the other muses are gonna be in the tags if love wants to explore a little! )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  illyana!  you  made  it,  then!  i  was  beginning  to  worry,  mum  said  you  were  coming  but  the  weather  took  a  bit  of  a  turn...  “          the  implied  blizzard  casts  a  whirl  of  snow  in  the  door  after  her,  and  victor  finds  himself  briefly  bemused  by  his  own  embarrassment  over  it,  as  though  he  himself  summoned  the  cold  spell  to  seize  the  city.  as  if  he’d  ever  subject  his  plants  to  such  cruelties...  closing  the  door,  he  can’t  help  the  bright  grin  that  lights  up  his  face  as  he  holds  out  his  hands  to  take  her  coat.  illyana’s  been  a  part  of  the  family  for  so  long,  he  can  hardly  remember  what  they  were  like  without  her.  a  sentiment  replicated  by  everyone  else,  too;  although  none  have  been  here  as  long  as  himself  and  eli  to  recall  a  time  when  aisling  and  illyana  were  just...  aisling.  well,  aside  from  stanley  and  richard,  of  course.  but  that’s  just  one  particular  detail.          “  she’s  trying  to  do  yoga  in  the  laundry  room.  henri  started  yelling  in  french,  ramsay  responded  in  spanish,  and  tina  got  involved  in  mandarin,  so  after  ten  minutes  of  trying  to  translate,  she  just  took  a  bottle  of  wine  and  a  yoga  mat  and  walked  away.  you  want  some  eggnog?  stanley  made  some,  it’s  in  the  living  room.  “
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@breaksmen​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and the other muses’ locations are in the tags if you want illyana to explore a little!  )
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  hey.  you’re  here  for  the  dinner?  it’s  still  happening,  don’t  worry;  henri  has  beethoven  on  full  blast  in  the  kitchen,  so  i  don’t  think  anyone  heard  you  knocking.  “          her  explanation  is  distracted  by  her  search  for  the  keys  to  the  front  door,  stepping  around  the  woman  carefully  to  avoid  the  slippery  patch  of  ice  by  the  doormat.  a  deft  twist  of  the  keys,  and  the  door  swings  open,  warm  golden  light  spilling  over  the  mounds  of  freshly  fallen  snow  that  frame  the  doorway.  the  three  packages  of  saltines,  cornflakes  and  candy  canes  under  her  arm  are  set  carefully  on  the  side  table  inside,  and  she  steps  aside  to  usher  their  new  guest  into  the  cosy  hallway,  casting  a  somewhat  irritated  glance  at  the  churning  clouds  above.          “  i  figure  that  blizzard  is  coming  a  day  early.  i’m  gabriela,  by  the  way;  i  don’t  believe  we’ve  met  yet.  you  want  me  to  take  your  coat?  henri  just  set  out  some  mulled  wine  on  the  breakfast  bar,  which  means  someone  should  hopefully--  “          the  booming  roar  of  beethoven’s  greatest  hits  conclude  abruptly,  and  the  window  beside  her  slides  open,  just  as  the  radio  remote  hurtles  through  and  lands  in  the  dumpster  below.  a  blessing  in  disguise,  without  question.
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@criedmoon​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter for ROYA!  ( and i’m putting the locations of the other muses in the tags in case roya wants to mingle !! )
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bailesona · 9 months
okay so naturally the entire squad is aisling's crew in the pirate verse. stanley and richard are the rich dads, they bought the ship, they refurbished it with aisling, they have good equipment of a high quality. the initial plan was to travel to baratie and help expand on the restaurant, but that plan quickly sank the moment they adopted aisling at the age of 17, and raised her for the next thirteen years, at which point she'd already sailed with them to many islands and learned many languages and skills along the way. her charisma led her to become the unanimously elected captain, and she quickly recruited a crew of remarkable skill:
danny has two pistols and an absolutely dazzling aim with them, but perhaps his greatest skillset is as a makeshift doctor, using gunpowder, rags, whiskey and rope to heal an insane array of wounds and maladies. his cousin, though in name not bond, ramsay, is one of two chefs on the ship (the soul's tide), and uses his kitchen knives for a great deal more than just culinary use; though he cleans them very well each time regardless.
henri and etienne are a package deal. they also happen to have a remarkable gift for culinary work, but etienne prefers to put himself to physical labour, and is considered the physically strongest member of the crew. henri, on the other hand, prefers to use frying pans and skillets in a combat scenario, preferring the momentum of the swing to any other weapon in his arsenal.
rani and bella are both daughters of one of the most high ranking marines in the fleet. they also loathe their father with a ferocity that's worthy of praise and admiration, but use the skills he taught them to their advantage. rani is excellent at climbing and hiding, both trained into her DNA from a young age when she realized how much she loathed being violent. bella is talented with a rapier, but also makes herself very well reputed as a shot with a rifle. her career in ballet also provides her with remarkable poise and balance and movement, while rani's yoga expertise keeps her flexible and nimble on the battlefield.
trent prefers to negotiate and will often lean towards conversation before he ever picks a fight, but he still has his moments. in any case, he prefers using objects at hand to beat his opponent, or even better, to stay below deck and protect the children while the fight plays out. this is the exact opposite of nate's technique, who will select any item close at hand and lose his mind entirely amidst the enemies. but his favorite weapon is possibly the longsword he found in his first act of thievery.
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bailesona · 1 year
so i lost the list of reasons why ur muse should work at the diner, but god as my witness, i’m here to remake it. maybe even improve on it! so here we go:
the pay is INSANELY good. like, recent numbers reflect that nyc’s minimum wage is rising to 15 bucks, but i feel like aisling might have accidentally panicked and told someone once it was 20 dollars an hour at the diner, and then after some discussion and HUGE outrage from richard’s elitist family, aisling, richard and stanley all agreed the pay would be $22.50 an hour. and that’s just the minimum. “oh, that’s not realistic.” guess what bestie, the very NOTION that aisling can afford an apartment in manhattan even with her billions of euros in inheritance is unrealistic, this is just reasonable and necessary.
diner squad meals. it doesn’t matter how long the shift is, or when the shift is; someone will be working in the kitchen, and as long as stanley or richard or aisling are alive, you will be fed like kings, queens or unanimously elected monarchs! if henri is in the kitchen, he prefers to cook french food, german food, or fusion food that combines these two fields of cooking. coq au vin, schnitzel, french onion soup, hand-made bratwurst. if aisling is in the kitchen, she’s more of a by-the-mood cook, but it’s often italian or irish food, so irish stews, colcannon, pizza, spaghetti bolognese. and if stanley is cooking, it’s dad food. burgers, hot dogs, tomato soup, grilled cheese. ramsay prefers spanish and mexican food, but it’s always a comfort dish. tacos, quesadillas, paella.
flexible hours. none of that “14 hour minimum” bullshit, you can choose whatever hours you want, and you can cancel last minute, it won’t matter to them. aisling can and will cover people’s shifts. so will nate, even if he grumbles about it. they will insist you go home and get some sleep if you’re struggling, but there’s no punishment in store for anyone who wants to work one hour this week and 74 next week.
team-building exercises. basically an excuse to go to the lake cabin. it’s nice, though; no trust falls, just everyone sitting together around a bonfire and eating cheeseburgers and laughing at that one insufferable customer who made stanley nearly quit.
you get to meet very interesting people. literally. goddesses, aliens, members of royalty, agents in MI6, agents in the CIA, superheroes, supervillains, criminals, people from other timelines. you’d be forgiven for assuming morality would repel many of the morally darker characters, but it’s unanimously agreed that there won’t be any violence on the diner grounds.
unless you’re the company of v. they attack infrequently. but that’s how you get to meet the superheroes, so it balances out.
the uniform? literally whatever u want. you don’t even need to wear the nametag. but henri insists on long trousers and covered shoes in the kitchen, so be warned.
diner squad vacations. yeah! stanley made a fortune on a cookbook he published in the nineties, richard comes from OLD money, and aisling has several billion dollars in a bank in ireland. leo likes to be in charge of the vacation locations. last year it was koh samui. the year before it was sicily.
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bailesona · 2 years
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okay so here’s another hasty bio bc i’m not able to do the proper one just yet:
this is ramsay gordon. he’s a new chef at the diner, from a very rich but cold family who he has happily parted ways from after changing his name to ramsay gordon in an effort to cut all ties with them. if he ever tells you his real name, it’s a massive display of trust. nobody knows his real name, other than richard, who found out after a nasty run-in with ramsay’s father which resulted in richard being detained in police custody for a full day after he broke ramsay’s father’s nose. he regrets nothing.
he’s very polite, charismatic and charming, and insists on a calm, pleasant atmosphere in the kitchen. as such, he does the graveyard shift while henri confines his blistering wrath to the daylight hours.
he’s a pansexual icon and actually got the job from aisling following a brief fling with etienne that ended after two months, another fling with renée three months later that ended after one and a half months, and a third fling with their bread delivery guy which ended badly and resulted in the diner being deprived of bread for seven weeks once they realized etienne and renée remembered ramsay fondly.
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bailesona · 1 year
aaaand go ahead and give this post a like if u want ur muse to get some gifts from the squad! below the cut there's a list of what to expect from each character!
victor: flowers and plants. dried flowers, pot pourri, essential oils derived from his flowers. jams, dried fruits, fruit juices, chutneys, how-to books, seeds. he's got u covered for the flora.
eli: video games, cheat codes, music, playlists, mixtapes, movies, tv series, discontinued series. anything digital, really; he built aisling's computer from scratch over a particularly hot summer.
tina: origami and embroidery are her hobbies, as is antique shopping! you might get a paper bouquet, or a cute pillow cover, or a vintage brooch from milan. it's anyone's guess!
tim: usually baked goods or cookery books, although his recent fondness for decorating cakes has resulted in many culinary masterpieces being delivered to friends and loved ones this year.
andrew: his fondness for photography, videography and art means that it'll likely be a copy of a home movie, a framed family photo, or a poster or portrait he found in a store.
gabriela: much like andrew, her love for her family means that she places a huge wealth of value in the position of people in said family. as a result, pajamas, bedsets, mugs and placemats are all gifts she'll likely present to people.
stanley + richard: sweaters, hiking boots, scarves. honestly, they pick one thing and get a few personalized versions of it each year. one time they got wine glasses and aisling's had a sunset painted on it while nate's had a starbucks logo on it. also a hug. the hug is a traditional necessity.
nate: i can't really describe nate's gift language any better than the vibes of a dad who finds out his kid's favorite fruit is watermelon and he proceeds to make watermelon their entire personality for the rest of time.
henri + etienne: henri always attempts to give everyone super obscurely elite kitchen gifts. etienne consistently softens them into something else. japanese kitchen knives in a handspun linen holder? a ramen bowl hand-painted with your name and favorite colours, and a lacquered set of chopsticks.
leo + sammy: usually a gift from their worldly adventures. a boomerang and a marmite gravy recipe book was aisling's gift last year. the year before, they got stanley and richard matching kimonos and a katana with their names engraved on the blade. stanley uses it to trim the rose bushes whenever their neighbors are being pricks. which is always.
ramsay + renée: ramsay isn't accustomed to the idea that "money isn't everything", so renée has teamed up with him this year to stop him from buying people yachts and tech companies. so far, together, they have bought aisling a recorded play list of irish trad music and a framed family tree with stanley and richard at the top, aisling and the squad on the next level, and the foster kids stemming from aisling. needless to say, a very fondly and tearfully received gift!
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bailesona · 2 years
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“  now,  don’t  tell  me,  okay?  i  know  your  name;  difficult  to  forget  it  when  you’re  all  she  ever  talks  about!  you  must  be  jami.  “          facts  have  a  difficult  time  presenting  themselves  in  reality.  take  this  entire  situation  as  an  example.  he  knows  that  jami  isn’t  human.  he  also  knows  that,  as  a  result  of  her  definitively  not  human  genetics,  she  is  not  a  child.  in  fact,  she’s  over  three  thousand  years  old.  and  yet,  as  soon  as  he  opens  the  door,  dish  towel  slung  over  one  shoulder  as  he  peers  down  at  their  young  friend,  every  joke  he  memorized  about  the  age  and  alien  nature  of  jami  goes  out  the  window.  because  while  she’s  older  than  the  city  itself,  he  has  the  strangest  instinct  to  ask  if  there’s  any  adult  with  her  who  also  needs  to  come  in,  and  praise  her  for  making  it  all  the  way  to  the  apartment  on  her  own  in  one  piece.  desperate  to  avoid  saying  anything  stupid,  he  steps  aside,  offering  a  little  extravagant  bow  in  the  process.          “  after  you,  miss  jami.  aisling’s  up  on  the  roof  with  stanley  and  etienne,  they  wanted  to  have  some  hot  cocoa  without  henri  seeing  them.  but  you’re  welcome  to  make  yourself  at  home,  okay?  i’ll  be  just  inside  the  kitchen  if  you  get  lost  or  if  you  need  anything,  alright?  “
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@goldshadows​ liked THIS POST for a family holiday dinner starter!  ( and ramsay might be greeting jami, but i’m leaving the locations of all the other muses in the tags if she wants to mingle! )
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