#( đŸ©» ) ───── hoseong’s ot8 moments !
btshoseong · 11 months
â†ș 💌 àŁȘ ˖ ∿ author’s note , @ minors dni with this or you will be blocked ! also tw for mentions of sasaeng footage ( a sasaeng recorded se3oulhope & se3oulv during their ‘sexual tension moment’ and uploaded it online without their knowledge )
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DURING AN EAT JIN EPISODE, seokjin had decided to be particularly generous with himself by ordering hoards of his favourite foods to eat and present to army.
UNBEKNOWNST TO HIM, hoseong had some free time on his hands so he’d decided to watch some of jinnie’s live, and of course seeing the food presented, the man couldn’t resist. it was probably halfway through jin’s broadcast when a knock on the door startled the eldest, only to see hoseong poke his head in.
“hi,” he’d grinned, stepping inside. “i’ve come as a valuable asset to your broadcast, hyung-nim.”
SEOKJIN WASN’T STUPID, but he allowed hoseong a feature since he was cute. hoseong did not hesitate to grab different plates, stumbling upon the tteokbokki which was out of his reach.
“Hyung, ‘bokki.” he pleads, making grabby hands. seokjin sighs dramatically, but still proceeds to grab the tteokbokki for him.
“Yah, you think being cute is everything? Yo-”
WHILE IN THE MIDST OF his speech, hoseong had snatched up jin’s chopsticks, lifting a piece of tteokbokki in his mouth and chewing gently. jin’s complaining dies down to complete silence. he watches the way hoseong’s lips wrap around the rice cake, almost suckling on it as he attempts to finish in one swallow.
WITHOUT REALISING JIN’S silence, hoseong leans forward to grab another piece, but this time he’s a little messier, and the sauce spills down the corners of his lip and chin. seokjin doesn’t even grab a tissue, instead tsking lightly and pressing his thumb across hoseong’s bottom lip, wiping the sauce away slowly. he proceeds to wrap his own lips around his thumb, licking it clean as hoseong’s attention is brought to the action. he eyes his hyung quickly before looking away, almost embarrassed as he gulps. seokjin simply smirks.
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“Ah, seriously. Do you know who I am, huh? You think you’ll get away with bringing me here?”
DRAGGING HIM BY THE COLLAR, v shoves hoseong into a chair facing the chief of police. the members were filming a skit for their 12th episode of run bts. min yoongi, chief of police, sits up in his seat with narrowed eyes.
“Yah, who do you think you are harassing my officers, huh? Do you know whose station you’re in?” he asks, fingers intertwining. hoseong huffs, looking around, before crossing his arms and slouching in his seat.
“I don’t even know why I’m here. Why would I know whose station this is? It’s my first time at a police station.” he states, clearly pouty. yoongi clicks a few keys on his laptop before looking at hoseong again.
“You don’t know what crime you’ve committed? You’re killing ARMYs everyday by being too perfect!”
THE SUDDEN REVEAL OF HIS CRIME has hoseong snorting, slouching further in his seat from embarrassment. it takes him a moment to compose himself before he sits up straighter, leaning against the desk separating himself and yoongi.
“Ah, chief, come on. Is that my fault? I’m an innocent guy. I wouldn’t hurt anyone.” he attempts to convince, fingers drumming against oakwood. yoongi hums, although he doesn’t seem to be buying it. hoseong proceeds to gently push yoongi’s laptop closed so he can get a better view of the older. “Can’t you let me off this once? I’ll make it worth your time.”
YOONGI TENSES WHEN HE FEELS hoseong’s fingers subtly drape over his own. he looks at their hands and then up at hoseong who is resting his cheek against his free hand care freely. hoseong caresses the back of yoongi’s pale skin, tracing circles with a cheeky grin on his face.
TAEHYUNG, WHO HAD BEEN QUIETLY observing the interaction, eyes yoongi carefully. it seems as if the older was almost contemplating the offer, entranced and confused. taehyung pretends to cough, breaking yoongi out of his thoughts, and causing him to clear his throat, moving his hand away.
“Right, you’re free to go.”
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THE STILL WATER RIDS HIM OF THOUGHT. hoseong, who had stepped out for a nice and relaxing dip in the water, settles himself against the edges of the pool. most of the members were busy elsewhere, either playing games or sleeping within their respective hotel rooms, giving him some rare moments of quiet solitude.
THERE WERE TWO DIFFERENT POOLS WITHIN this hotel complex, both on opposite sides of the property, and their staff were generous enough to buy one out for them for their stay, meaning he wouldn’t run into any fans whilst on break. the lights turn purple, and hoseong slouches a little, allowing the water to reach his collarbones as he closes his eyes.
THAT MOMENT OF SERENITY IS SOON infiltrated, however, when the familiar voice of a cheery friend leads him to open his eyes. he elicits a dramatic groan, turning to see hoseok in a simple tank top and shorts, with a towel draped over his shoulder, heading the younger’s way.
“Did you just come here to pester me or what? Can never have even a minute of peace in this group.” he complains, but there’s a cheeky smile on his lips as he rests his arms against the edge of the pool, looking up at hoseok who takes his tank top off swiftly, leaving him shirtless. the older squats, resting a finger below hoseong’s chin.
“Is that what you’ve reduced me down to already? A pestering friend?” hoseok tsks as hoseong swims away with a chuckle.
“Friends that don’t come with benefits aren’t of any use to me.”
HOSEOK SAYS NOTHING, INSTEAD DIVING head on a few feet away. surprisingly, hoseong isn’t completely drenched from a splash, and hoseok surfaces to push his hair back. he swims towards the younger, leaving merely inches of space between them. “Benefits, hm? You’re the one that needs to be benefitting me. Younger ones should take care of their elders.” he states, and hoseong swims closer.
“Seokie wants benefits?” he asks, voice quiet. hoseok pauses, immediately regretting his words when he catches that familiar glint in the younger’s eyes. hoseong settles his hands against hoseok’s hair, pushing it back further and making sure no single strand is out of place. he then wipes the water from hoseok’s face, teasing his thumb against the older’s bottom lip which he eyes intensely. hoseok gulps, his hand instinctively reaching out to grab hoseong’s waist – and the video cuts off right there.
THIS PARTICULAR FOOTAGE WAS SHARED online by a rather notorious user within the sasaeng community. the video thankfully isn’t of the highest quality or audio since it was taken from afar, but many armys were very vocal about their distraught as to the lack of respect for se3oulhope’s privacy, especially due to the fact that this video had even led to a public scandal for the members involved. many to this day are still unsure if it was really hoseok and hoseong in the video whilst shippers would use this to further feed their ship and create fan wars with others.
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HOSEONG HATED IT WHENEVER NAMJOON was intentionally made to be heated, and not in his usual jokey way, or with the members, but rather when outsiders would point fingers at him merely to bring him down. hoseong was aware of a lot of namjoon’s tells; for instance, he notices the clench of namjoon’s jaw, the furrowing of his brows, and the way his tongue would poke the insides of his cheek. he knows it’s namjoon’s way of holding himself together, and he wishes he could do more in these instances.
THE REPORTER WAS CLEARLY ACTING OUT of line. he remembers the way namjoon’s foot was bouncing uncontrollably behind the desk, away from prying eyes, and covered by the table cloth. he wished he could have done something, but he had to keep himself in check as well, least he put the entire group’s image in jeopardy with his outrage. the reporter was clearly enjoying himself, however, asking these questions about their plagiarism accusations thinking he was putting them in hot water.
YOONGI HAD ANSWERED DILIGENTLY IN namjoon’s place, most likely having noticed the leader’s irritation, and hoseong couldn’t have been more grateful. the rest of the press conference had gone by particularly smoothly after that, but hoseong could see that namjoon was still not over the accusations made towards them.
ON THEIR DRIVE BACK HOME, HOSEONG purposely accompanied the leader into the first parked car. they usually had at least three different ones so that they weren’t all cramped together, but the rest of the members knew it would be best to leave namjoon to hoseong’s care in this moment, so they decided to share between the two other cars. hoseong enters to see namjoon resting his elbow against the window, and carefully shuffles close enough to where their thighs are inches from touching.
“Joon-ah, you wanna talk about it?”
NAMJOON RESPONDS WITH MERE SILENCE, and hoseong understands completely. he looks out through the window, but he’s determined to make himself useful, resting his hand on namjoon’s thigh and rubbing gently. he feels the older tense under his touch, perhaps not really expecting it, but a few moments in, and namjoon places his hand on top of hoseong’s. he looks at the older, a little startled, but namjoon continues to watch as the car pulls out onto the main road.
NAMJOON’S HAND WASN’T MUCH LARGER than his own, but today’s events have left him with enough anger to spike his blood, leaving visible veins that hoseong admired quietly.
“Your hand’s pretty.” he mumbles, and surprisingly, that gets namjoon’s attention. he tilts his head, glancing down at his veined hand on top of hoseong’s, and then looks to hoseong’s clear infatuation that builds out of nothing. he shifts a little, rests his hand on the younger’s thigh now.
“You like veiny hands, Seongie?”
HOSEONG SHAKES HIS HEAD. “NOT JUST any hands. Your hands.” he says, and namjoon gives the younger a light squeeze, humming in approval. namjoon shifts even closer then, seeming to welcome this new distraction. hoseong smirks lightly, but he almost jumps out of his skin when the driver in front slides open the partition curtain, causing namjoon to back away as the two are informed of oncoming traffic.
THANKFULLY FOR BOTH OF THEIR PEACE of mind, namjoon kept his hands to himself for the rest of the journey, but hoseong most certainly felt the older’s gaze searing holes into his side.
⊂ JI ✶ SE3OUL ⊃
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JISE3OUL HAVE FAR AND MANY MOMENTS between them. this particular instance had taken place during a bangtan bomb where hoseong was in the background of hybe’s gym as seokjin was talking to the camera. the male was accompanied by hoseok and taehyung who were all conversing and laughing together whilst jimin was a few feet away attempting to lift some weights.
“He’ll call for your help. Trust me, I know.”
“How much are you betting? ₩1,700,00 says he’ll definitely whine to win your favour.”
HOSEONG ATTEMPTS TO HIDE HIS SMILE, clearly amused by hoseok and taehyung’s confidence over the matter. he watches jimin start with a simple 10kg dumbbell, heading over in front of the wall length mirror in order to try out some reverse grip curls. he contemplates for a second, unsure whether jimin would really call for him when he’s perfectly capable and fit. hoseok wiggles his eyebrows.
“Well? You have to make a decision now, because if he calls for you before you’ve decided, you owe us both ₩1,700,000 each.” he says, pointing between himself and taehyung. hoseong waves the duo off when they begin to tease him further, causing him to smile more.
“Yeah, yeah. Okay. ₩1,700,000 each if he asks for help.” the male agrees, leaving to do his own routine. all of the members were perfectly aware of hoseong’s strength within bangtan. he and jeongguk were often times an unmatched duo, feared by their members, but very easily exploited by park jimin who would whine and pout when he was in the mood to be lifted and carried around.
TODAY WAS CERTAINLY NO DIFFERENT. in fact, gyms presented a far greater opportunity for jimin who targeted hoseong more times than he had fingers to count on. the older was in the middle of doing db squats when that all too familiar whine left jimin’s lips.
“Hyuuuuungie! Please come here.”
THE MALE PLACES HIS DUMBBELLS on their designated rack before heading over to jimin who was standing in front of two 40kg weights by his feet. hoseong’s hand habitually moves to reside on jimin’s waist, oblivious to hoseok and taehyung who were quietly celebrating in the distance.
“Minie?” he asks, concern clearly laced within his voice thinking jimin might have gotten hurt. the younger merely pouts though, looking up at him. he points down to the weights by his feet.
“Can you help me out with these? I’m trying to do some curls but they’re a little heavy.” he explains, cheeks puffing out. hoseong tilts his head, eyeing the dumbbells.
“Well, why don’t you grab one of the 35s? The whole point is to build up more strength towards lifting the heavier weights.” but that’s not what jimin wants to hear. he rests a hand on hoseong’s forearm.
“No, the 35s are too light! These are perfect. I just need a little assistance. Please? Just a little bit.” he says, seemingly determined with hoseong’s presence behind him. the older looks down at the dumbbells again and sighs, giving up.
“Sure, sure. But tell me if it gets too much, okay? You shouldn’t push yourself past your limit like this.” he says, moving to lift the weights with practiced hands and standing behind jimin, making sure to hold the weights out in front of him. “Are we doing standard curls?”
JIMIN NODS, AND HOSEONG MUMBLES A quiet affirmative, instructing the younger to grab the left dumbbell first, which jimin does. hoseong then hovers his hand below jimin’s own in case of muscle failure, basically taking the form of a rather
 intimate spotter. jimin smiles, unbeknownst to hoseong, as he slots himself perfectly against the older’s chest, close enough that he could hear hoseong’s steadily beating heart.
AND JUST LIKE THIS, HOSEONG ASSISTS jimin with his curls, although he seemed to be doing fine, only ever ‘struggling’ when hoseong was getting suspicious. jimin looks up, eyes wide and innocent, when he reaches his third set, his nose brushing the hoseong’s neck. “How am I doing, trainer-nim? I hope you were paying attention.”
BY THIS POINT HOSEONG WAS BASICALLY sweating, seemingly a little nervous with the camera recording a few feet away, as well as the rest of the members being present and knowing hoseok and taehyung were watching them. that doesn’t really stop him from pressing into jimin further, however, nuzzling his face into the younger’s neck. “Just perfect, baby.”
JIMIN GIGGLES, AND THE DUO FINALLY break apart when the members crowd around them, yelling all sorts of crazy nonsense while trying to create distance between the two.
“Order! Order in the courtroom!”
⊂ SE3OUL ✶ V ⊃
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DURING THEIR TWO MONTH LONG HIATUS in 2O19, hoseong and taehyung had particularly taken the world by storm, although not in a way that most would have anticipated.
THIS INCIDENT HAD BEEN CAPTURED through the inability of another sasaeng of giving these idols the privacy they deserved. hoseong and taehyung had clearly exchanged sentiments in private of visiting paris together for a few nights during their break, something which had only been hinted at through sightings of the duo at the airport on the day of their leave.
THEN FAST-FORWARD TO TWITTER, many armys had made passing comments of seeing hoseong and taehyung together a day or two after landing in paris, stating that they’d noticed how many parisians were polite and respectful by making sure not to ask for autographs or pictures from the boys since they were on break.
ALL SEEMED WELL UNTIL ONE NIGHT where hoseong and taehyung had decided to head to one of the local clubs to check out the nightlife and have some fun. maybe they should’ve been more careful, but this was their vacation time for god’s sake! they were merely letting loose, oblivious to the recording of a phone a few feet away.
TAEHYUNG’S HAND GLIDES DOWN hoseong’s loosely buttoned shirt, every so often leaning in to whisper something in the older’s ear as they danced. they were lost in the beat of the music, holding hands, pushing and pulling gently, and twirling each other around, creating a lively atmosphere for others to come and join them.
IT HAD BEEN ONE OF THE BEST NIGHTS for taehyung and hoseong. boundaries had been misplaced amongst the thrumming of alcohol in their veins, heading to the bar after a few songs where their sweaty bodies were hunched close, ever the clingy couple together. they were conversing, hoseong asking taehyung if he felt tired or if he wanted to go home yet, to which the younger shook his head, resting against hoseong’s chest.
TWIRLING A STRAY STRAND OF TAEHYUNG’S hair between his index and thumb, hoseong garners the younger’s attention again. it had seemed as if hoseong was teasing him, and taehyung was whining for more attention, leaning further and further into hoseong’s space, but a tap on hoseong’s shoulder earns his attention–and the clip cuts off right there.
ANOTHER LOCAL HAD CAUGHT ON TO THE sasaeng recording se3oulv’s intimate moment, and so before the two boys could have ventured further, they were immediately informed of the situation, causing them to leave in a disgruntled manner thereafter.
MANY VIEWERS OF THE CLIP HAD SPECULATED that taehyung may have been leaning in for a kiss from hoseong before the camera cut off, leading to a wildfire of rumours and speculations which to this day have not yet been addressed. hybe did take action, however, to put a complete stop to the distribution of their artists’ private activities, threatening legal action against those who attempt to spread the video online.
⊂ SE3OUL ✶ GUK ⊃
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SE3OULGUK WERE IN THE MIDST OF A BANGTAN bomb video where the group were being filmed backstage. hoseong was simply sat on the couch beside hoseok who was giving a review on his snacks to the audience. hoseong wasn’t the focus of the cameramen, but their job began to prove difficult with the way hoseong was eyeing someone off camera with a soft, entertained smile.
IT WAS ONLY FOR A MINUTE BEFORE HE PULLED out his phone, sitting comfortably. in the background, you could hear someone calling “hyung, hyung!” clearly addressing hoseong who was snickering to himself as he continued to ignore the voice of this member.
“Ah, why are you ignoring me?”
HOSEONG LOOKS UP FROM HIS PHONE TO SEE pouting. hoseok who was clearly beginning to become distracted, looks to the duo. “Yah, are you two having a fight or what? Jeongguk-ah, come sit here.” The older states, motioning for who we now know is the maknae pestering hoseong off screen.
JEONGGUK APPROACHES WITHOUT ANY HESITATION, but he simply stands in front of hoseong and hoseok, as if contemplating where he wants to sit. he ends up choosing hoseong’s lap, which the older dramatically complains about, saying jeongguk is crushing his thighs with all of that weight. he is purposely ignored as jeongguk watches hoseok go back to explaining the flavours of his skittles.
SITTING UP, HOSEONG ATTEMPTS TO ADJUST HIMSELF, but soon tenses when he feels jeongguk shift around on his lap, trying to find a more comfortable position. hoseong’s hand immediately encircles jeongguk’s waist, his veins popping with the grip he sustains, trying to communicate his distress. jeongguk’s lips purse as he looks back to see a glint of warning flash across hoseong’s eyes, only encouraging his mischief. he shifts around again, whining innocently.
HOSEONG, WHO IS A WEAK MAN, CAN ONLY TAKE so much. he knows what jeongguk is doing, and he bites down on his bottom lip, moving the maknae around one last time before he lifts the male up bridal style, earning a startled laugh from hoseok who watches him stand with a war cry. the cameraman quickly turns the camera to focus on the duo, which is a point in the video that fans couldn’t help but notice the very obvious boner that hoseong was sporting due to him wearing leather pants. they believe that it’s because of this reason that hoseong carried jeongguk away to teach him a lesson.
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @bts-dream , @fairiepoems
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