#'the guy im hoping will be in my future starts telling me he professionally pops ghosts for a living' 'uhNOT the words i used'
july-19th-club · 4 months
ok dean's do as i say not as i do ass in the cassie episode when sam realizes that not ONLY is his supposed playboy brother actually a guy who will drop everything and reveal The Secret to the first girl who spends more than a month with him but . he will reveal The Secret at all, a thing he's spent the past six months loudly saying there is never any use in doing because we can't keep friends in this life anyway
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abovethesmokestacks · 4 years
Distant Connection 1/7
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Pairing: Bucky x reader
Word count: 830
Rating: General audiences
Warnings: none
| Distant Connection Masterlist |
I’m not gonna lie, I am both excited and nervous as heck about this series, but I really hope you guys will take to this story. As stated on the masterlist, this fic will have no tag list. It will update Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9 pm EEST. So enjoy chapter one and see you guys Thursday!
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Chapter 1: This Is Fine
To: SHIELD Inc (all)
From: Nick Fury
Re: Company quarantine
As most of you have probably seen and heard from the news, we too are facing the threat of  covid-19. As such, management has made the decision to enact social distancing protocols. This means our offices will lock down, and all staff that can work from home will do so. Our IT dept will help anyone who needs assistance in setting up their laptop so they can work from home. If anyone needs to come by the offices to pick up equipment, documents or the like, please contact your supervisor to agree on a time. Attached you will find the complete guidelines for how we will work during this emergency. We don’t know for how long this will last, but we will strive towards going about business as usual, with extra team meetings set up, these will be input in your calendars. Questions can be directed towards me, Maria Hill from HR or your supervisors. Be safe, people. Let’s get through this.
Nick Fury
So. This is fine. The world is just a raging dumpster fire, but this is fine. You have a major project you are about to start working on with someone from one of SHIELD’s other offices, and now you need to do that over, what, fucking Zoom? Skype? A fucking endless email chain? You skim through the guidelines and you can’t help the slightly hysterical laugh that escapes you, because. What. The. Fuck. Is this happening, really?
You happen to be in the office when the email is sent out, you get Trip from IT to help you set up the VPN you need to be able to access company systems from home, you rifle through all of your folders and then just dump all of them in a box. It’s a surreal feeling because you are essentially cleaning out your office. As if you’re losing your job. This will be fine. You send an email to your project collaborator, someone named Barnes, suggesting a first video conference call on Monday before you log off.
This is fine.
You drink a lot of wine over the weekend, check the systems, sleep in, put out work appropriate clothes on Sunday evening. It’s still a work day. You’re a civilized human being. This will be fine.
Barnes’ voice crackles through seconds before your screen flickers and his… chest comes into view.
“Think you need to adjust your camera, bud,” you tell him, then panicking and checking your own camera to make sure you’re not giving him a weird boob shot.
“Shit, sorry, I’m- -damn thing.” More flickering and finally, his face comes into view. 
Well. Yikes. A handsome face looks back at you, hair neatly swept back, eyes blue enough that even a shitty laptop webcam makes their colour come through perfectly. 
“Hi, James. I suppose we’ve sort of dealt with the introductions, huh?”
“Yeah, I… I guess so. Or, well… If we’re gonna be working on this for the foreseeable future, you can maybe call me Bucky?”
Bucky. Okay. That’s… Nickname basis from day one. That’s okay. It’s fine. Stay professional. This is important. You shuffle around a few papers, share a document and off you go. Work like any other day. Your slacks chafe against your waist, your chair sucks. You sign off after two hours, stand up, stretch, pop the button on your slack, panic again when you’re gripped by the fear that you didn’t turn off your camera. It’s off. Okay. This is fine. You can work with Barnes. This is fine. You’re gonna need to figure something out about the chair. And the slacks.
“Ugh, sorry, can we- Keep talking, okay, I need to stretch, my back is killing me.”
“Oh, Jesus!
“What? What happened?”
“Goddamn car backfired down the street.”
“Oh. That- Coulda been worse, right?”
“Hi, Ba-”
There’s a cat butt on your screen. A great, big furry cat butt.
“Alpine! Off the desk, now! Off! Jesus Christ, I can’t take you anywhere! I’m so sorry, I was getting a coffee and had the call window up, he must’ve snuck in and gotten to the button to open the call. He is apparently ready to take over the world, opposable thumbs be damned.”
You can’t help but smile, wide and earnest, for the first time all week. 
“You have a cat?”
“I have a monster, but sure. Had ‘im for about… two years now? No manners. Do you have any pets? Or… kids?”
“No on both accounts. Just me kicking around in this shoebox.”
“Okay. I’m sharing a place with a coupla roommates, but we're all working from home now, and we're all in our rooms, so pretty much in a shoebox here, too.”
The connection flakes a little, freezing the image on him on a small smile. Yeah, okay, he’s cute. But this is work. Get a grip, damn it.
This is fine.
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Could I ask headcanons of Black Eagles flirting and crushing on Byleth (professor?)?
[Ask and you shall receive lol. Lately I’ve been busying myself with long reports, so I needed something cutsey to recharge.(Sorry if it’s complete rubbish lol) It’s not much but I hope you like it!]
Ehh. She won’t be a student much longer anyways. 
Byleth will always be her professor...but maybe another title can be ticked onto that list? She hopes so. 
However, she doesn’t go too overboard. Just a few teasing gestures and quips every once in a while to sedate the budding sentiment in her heart 
With more pressing issues over love, Edelgard can’t afford to play the role of lovesick schoolgirl 
She sets side her personal feelings for the professor when around others. Instead they are treated as a good friend and adored instructor. Alongside the present given on Byleth’s birthday are a few other trinkets Edelgard picked up herself, you know, because she’s extra 
When alone her thoughts often drift. There are many occasions where work ends up procrastinated 
She keeps everything bottled up inside and doesn’t even hint at the idea of a crush to anyone. To love is to be compromised, to be compromised is to be weak, and to be weak is to fail
This is something she firmly believes until the support of her peers and affection from her professor begin to challenge it 
Perhaps there is room for love in her future 
“My teacher, you are an important companion to everyone here and to myself. You must never forget that”  
Oh he is smooooth. 
Yet subtle 
He knows that he shouldn’t become too attached considering what’s to come in the future. His mind and body are her highness’ to command
....well, all good things come in moderation anyways. What’s a little meaningless flirting?
His flirting methods follow the ‘attack of opportunity’ plan. Meaning that he tosses in his quips when the time seems fitting 
He knows what he is doing. Never assume otherwise 
Obviously such conduct towards a teacher is unrefined. Does he care? The guy couldn’t give less of a sh*t 
He has 100% commented on their dancing attire at least once
People should mind their own business lest they want to lose their tongue. Can’t gossip when you can’t speak, right?  
If the professor doesn’t seem to mind then why should he stop? If they recuperate then that’s even better
It’s no fun when prey doesn’t fight back once in a while. 
“Oh do go on. The droll behind your ever so taunting tone is intoxicating. It almost makes this insufferable lecture mildly entertaining” -shots fired. Professor or not, ‘love interest’ or enemy, Hubert does not tone down the sarcasm 
No one even suspects that he has an interest in Byleth. He downright makes it appear that they are his sworn enemy (whether this is intentional or not? You decide) 
‘Flirt’? ‘Caspar’? That’s funny
It’s not that he can’t do it. Caspar can be very charming when he wants to be, but why bother? 
They’re his professor. If he starts kissing up to them then the others might start to think he’s pegging for special treatment 
He also doesn’t want them to like a facade. He wants them to like him
Not that he would turn said special treatment down if offered. He d o e s want to get stronger, and the extra time with his “favorite”*wink* professor is a lucky bonus 
He tends to have a ‘lingering eye’ that’s easy to pick up on if you catch my drift
he is not pure hearted, just a dunce. There is a difference
The boy blushes at every little action without even noticing
He loves to watch them train, both to better his own moves and to admire them without it seeming weird 
Literally everyone knows that Caspar has a thing for Byleth before he knows it himself. He’s the kind that mistakes a crush for admiration 
He’s also a big baby when it comes to them giving other people attention. 
He justifies his interruptions as: “The professor doesn’t have time to do __ for __! They have enough to do as it is!” 
Now what does that translate to in Caspar language?: “The time the professor spends doing __ is time they could spend with our class me” 
Someone help him. He’s so thick headed it’s actually sad 
“My apologies. I will be returning after the clearing of my head” 
She’s unfamiliar with the courting methods in Fodlan. Are they the same as in Bridgid? 
Thoughts of the professor occasionally will interfere with her study time
Also her appetite. Normally she eats plenty at meals since she hates waste, but the professor makes her nervous about her etiquette 
let’s just ignore that Byleth eats like a ravenous boar
She wants to take them to see Bridgid. It’s only natural to want to share the things you love with those you care about 
She embraces the affection she feels. Byleth is a truly wonderful person and the royal family would gladly accept them if Petra expressed her feelings 
When she returns she wants to ask them to accompany her 
For now she will remain at their side both in battle, in leisure, and in spirit 
Petra also isn’t one to approach with caution. The way she flirts is through honesty 
If they do something she likes then she says so. If they look nice or are trying something new then she’ll comment on it. If she sees something in the shop that they might like, then she buys it 
Petra is simple. She does for Byleth what she thinks will make them happy and doesn’t overthink it in the slightest 
The newfound feelings aren’t discouraged nor appreciated. It is a battle between practicality and love for her 
Not because of them being a professor, but everything else 
Mercenary, teacher, reincarnate, solider, tactician, etc. 
Such a dangerous profession with so much blood on their hands. Are those the ones she wants to hold for the rest of their days? 
Will they even live long enough to grow old with her? 
She wants a reliable partner to take care of her and not give her a heart attack on a daily basis. So far only one box is checked 
She will not be a widow at such a young age. She refuses 
When these thoughts emerge Dorothea retracts from Byleth. There’s still the open friendliness that was there before, but now an extra barrier has been put up 
She won’t go out of her way to give Byleth special treatment. Her search for a partner other than them will continue on 
Maybe she’ll find someone else to smash these feelings so that there will be no need to confront them 
Only after they ‘die’ will she stop suppressing them. 
“To think that it took such a disaster for me to see the light. Why do people realize such things when it’s too late?” - she focuses on personal growth until the reunion. Relying on another person to prevent the past from reappearing is not what she wants. 
The best way that Ferdinand can communicate his feelings is through words
He tries. He really tries to come across as a potential life partner for the professor. He can only be a student for so long, and they’re close in age. Logically there is nothing wrong with the possibility of a courtship 
but because speaking ‘frilly’ is a normality the effect is not like how he hoped 
When Ferdinand falls, he falls hard. Yes, he is a flirt. Yes, he stretches himself thin trying to please everyone. Yes, he has his quirks that make him extremely confrontational 
So when he finds someone with the ability to make him both strengthen his morals, question the bigger picture, and grow as an individual (after the whole ‘noble’ mine-bomb) it’s a big deal 
Therefore he will not relent in his pursuit of Byleth unless they explicitly tell him to stop. If words don’t work then he instantly pegs for quality time and acts of affirmation 
Greets them every morning, carries their supplies, invites them to tea, delivers lost items, etc. People really do peg him as a kiss ass. 
He doesn’t get the ‘heart flutters’ that people talk about. When he’s beside the professor he just feels energized. Like he could actually beat Edelgard ‘could’ is the key word in that scentence
“Good morning Professor! If your schedule allows it, would you care to join me for tea later this afternoon? Your company would make it the perfect level of sweetness” 
A firm believer of “age is but a number”
It’s more of his personal beliefs that tone down any pursuit of the professor. They are currently in a position of power over him that halts any relationship progression at a professional level. 
So as any healthy person does: he vents any growing affection into his studies
He h a t e s how they make him restless.He’ll be feeling drowsy one moment but then their face will pop into his mind 
He can’t even sleep through class. Not with them there 
Actually works in the class’ favor since he starts contributing to the lectures. If you can’t beat them then might as well join them 
This is how it is during pre-timeskip for the most part. Occasionally he will let his thoughts slip but never any action
He has crests to research and Byleth has students that seemingly want to die by the hour. There is literally no time to flirt 
Now AFTER the timeskip, things are different. Linhardt is a blunt person which sometimes works in his favor. Just so happens that flirting comes naturally to him  
most of the time it doesn’t though
“Could you refrain from doing that? It’s distracting”                                      “Linhardt, i’m stretching. How is that distracting?”                                         “You are an attractive individual. Need I say more?” 
Life is short. He has no filter 
“HI PROFESSOR!”                                                                                       “Afternoon Bernadetta. I see you’re out of your room today”                       “W-what? OH! Yes. Y-y-yEs i aM IM SORRY I’LL GO BACK PLEASE DON’T PATRONIZE MEEEEE” 
She’s scared. What’s new? 
The girl never expected to have these feelings. One night she was painting when what was supposed to be a cloud began to resemble her professor 
It was downhill from there.
Her behavior is exactly the same as prior to her feelings. Being a naturally jittery person works to her advantage, no one suspects a thing! 
Compared to simply being friends it will take longer for her to be comfortable 
She will avoid Byleth at all times outside of lessons. It’s just too hard to communicate anymore 
Eventually her outer shell will crack. The once new feelings will begin to feel normal and the old bernie will be back. Jittery, hyperactive, kind, lovable bernie 
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Home - Part 10
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We spent all of Sunday at my place, Bucky and the girls seemed right at home which was nice. When it came time for them to head home Bucky asked me to go with them, Sam hadn't managed to track down Jack yet so he didn't want me staying home by myself. I didn't need much persuading, i packed an overnight bag and went home with Bucky and the girls.
Monday morning was soon here and it was nearly time to get up and get the girls ready for school, Bucky was still in bed with me, usually he would be up and dressed by now.
"As much as i love having you in bed with me Buck, arent you going to be late for work?"
"Not today doll, I've got an appointment with Mrs Potts at 9:30 then I'm working from home today"
"Who's Mrs Potts?"
"Principal, you still wanna come with?"
"If you want me to" i nodded stroking my fingers over his stubbled jaw.
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"I want you too"
"Okay, count me in" I kissed him quickly before getting out of the bed "im gonna go jump in the shower and get dressed before the girls wake up"
"Shower with me" he wiggled his eyebrows.
"We don't have time for that Buck" i laughed and left the room before he could change my mind (which wouldn't take much to be honest the man was irresistible).
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"Good morning James, please come in and take a seat" Mrs Potts said coming out her office. Bucky stood up taking my hand and leading me inside the office.
"Morning Pepper" he smiled at the woman with a familiarity, Mrs Potts.... Pepper, looked me up and down waiting for introductions.
"This is my girlfriend Y/N" Bucky introduced smiling down at me.
"Pleasure to meet you Y/N, I'm Pepper Potts" she reached out a hand which i quickly shook before taking the seat next to Bucky.
"So James, you said you needed to talk to me about Allie's teacher Ms Harper?"
"I do, honestly Pepper i don't think the woman should be aloud to work with kids" Bucky told her getting straight to the point.
"Okay.... what makes you say that?"
"Doll? Tell Pepper what happened"
"Sure....she made Allie cry because she wanted to wear a tutu and cowboy boots for a start, that alone was bad enough but the main problem was when i turned up to the mother daughter picnic to hear Ms Harper telling our 5 year old she shouldn't be at the picnic because she doesn't have a mom was the final straw!"
"She said what??" Pepper asked with wide eyes clearly shocked to hear this.
"Exactly! When i told Ms Harper she can't be saying things like that to a 5 year old she didn't even apologise! Just shrugged and said 'why not its true, her moms dead' i mean who says that to a kid Mrs Potts?? its disgusting and unacceptable behaviour from an adult who quite frankly should know better"
"James, Y/N im so sorry! Your 100% right, that is unacceptable behaviour from one of my staff and i will deal with her accordingly i promise"
"Thank you Pepper, i knew you would. I know you don't tolerate this kind of thing. I thought it best to sit down with you personally about the matter" Bucky said sounding very professional even though Pepper was clearly a friend.
"I just don't understand why she would target Allie like this"
"Ms Harper and i used to go to school together, she had always had a crush on me. Then when the girls started here she'd ask me out all the time and i'd turn her down. Ask Tony about Joanne Harper, im sure he'll remember her" Bucky rolled his eyes "she's never been spiteful to my kids until Y/N started doing the school runs"
"Even called me Mrs Barnes the first time we met" i added remembering that first confrontation with the she witch.
"Y/N was our nanny before we started dating" Bucky told Pepper "we haven't been dating long"
"I see, so she see's Y/N turning up everyday for school runs and assumes you got a wife? Wow" Pepper let out a breath as she tapped her pen against her notepad she had been making notes in.
"Crazy huh?" Bucky scoffed
"Id say so yeah, leave it with me. I'll deal with her".
After thanking Pepper for her time Bucky and I left hand in hand walking back to his car. We passed Allie's classroom and she smiled and waved happily, Ms Harper saw us both and was suddenly white as a ghost. I couldn't help but smirk at her 'i told you not to mess with my kid' i thought to myself as we continued the walk to the car.
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"I come in peace" Steve called through the door before walking in with Rosie. I hadnt spoken to him since dinner the day he asked if i was sleeping with Bucky.
"Hi Steve" i laughed rolling my eyes at how dramatic he was acting.
"Hey sweetheart, are you still mad at me?"
"No, how can i stay mad at that face huh?" I let him pull me in for a quick hug with the arm not holding Rosie.
"Thank you, i promise to keep my mouth shut next time"
"It all worked out okay in the end so dont sweat it" i shrugged.
"Yeah? So you and Bucky....?"
"Are together, so thank you i guess" i chuckled "guess we needed that push to admit to how we both felt"
"Your welcome" Steve smiled looking proud of himself.
Steve came with me to pick the girls up from school later that afternoon, Bucky was at home working, his assistant Chloe was sat on the sofa in his office quietly scrolling through her phone waiting for Bucky to tell her what to do.
"Chloe could you grab me a cup of coffee please?" I heard him ask her as i walked passed the doorway.
"Hey, nanny?" I heard her call from behind me and turned to look her way "Mr Barnes wants a cup of coffee"  she said before i could ask what she wanted.
"Im his nanny not his maid, besides he asked you to get it not me" i told her and continued on my way to the kitchen where the girls were sat at the table with Steve colouring.
"So girls what do you want for dinner?" I asked them.
"Spaghetti!" Brooke answered loudly sounding hopeful.
"Okay sure i can do that" i smiled and started to pull out what i needed.
"I want pork chops" Allie bounced in her seat .
"I don't think we have pork chops Al" i said looking through the fridge and freezer.
"But i want pork chops!" She pouted with crossed arms.
"Okay let me see what i can do" i said not wanting to let her down. I headed towards Buckys office to tell him i was popping out to the store but got stopped by Chloe.
"Im sorry but Mr barnes is busy, just because your his nanny doesn't mean you can just walk in".
Y/N: Your assistant is a pain in the ass! X
Bucky: what did she do? Xx
Y/N: I was coming to tell you that i need to run to the store, Allie wants Pork Chops for dinner but your guard dog wouldn't let me in, said just because I'm your nanny doesn't mean i can just walk into your office xx
Bucky: what a load of bullshit! You can come into my office anytime you want ;)
Y/N: haha!
Bucky: can you come to my office please? Xx
Y/N: Fine I'm on my way xx
As i approached Bucky's office Chloe stopped me again!
"I thought i told you that you cant interrupt Mr Barnes!"
"Bucky asked me to come see him"
"Bucky? Its a bit unprofessional for an employee to use his first name so casually don’t you think?"
"Its a good job I'm not just an employee then isn't it" i snapped pushing past her to Bucky's office. I felt her hand grab my arm and spun to face her "you better remove your hand from my arm before i break it" i said through gritted teeth.
Bucky's office door opened and he saw Chloe grabbing my arm.
"Chloe what the fuck do you think your doing?" He practically growled.
"I told her not to interrupt you sir but she wouldn't listen"
"Let her go, right now! I asked her to come see me"
"Oh....." she released my arm looking a bit sheepish and i walked over to Bucky.
"You okay doll?" He asked rubbing my arm where she had grabbed me before pulling me into his arms.
"Chloe you should go home, its not like your much help to me here. We'll talk at the office tomorrow"
"Okay" she nodded grabbing her things and making a quick exit.
"She's lucky you opened that door Buck, i would have knocked that bitch out!"
"Im sorry about her babe, i'll talk to her tomorrow don't worry. Ive ordered the pork chops by the way, they'll be here in 20 minutes"
"What? Who's delivering you pork chops?"
"I know a guy" he shrugged pulling me into his office.
"What are you doing Buck i need to start dinner...."
"Ive missed you all day"
"We can't do this now" i laughed as he pulled me down onto the sofa "Steve and the girls are in the kitchen"
"I'll be real quick they wont ever know" he mumbled as he kissed my neck.
"Behave Mr Barnes!" I wriggled off his lap "i'll make it up to you tonight i promise, but we got 3 hungry girls and a Steve to feed right now"
"Fine okay, but i'll hold you to that"
"I should hope so, you done in here?"
"Yeah i'll be out in a minute" he said resting his head back against the sofa as he tugged at the crotch of his pants that had gotten considerably tighter.
"You make it so hard to walk away Buck" i moaned at the sight.
"You just make it so hard doll" he smirked making me laugh.
"Down boy" i winked and quickly left.
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Home taglist: @jeremyrennerfanxxxx123 @lumar014
@bbmommy0902 @past-perfect-future-tense
@heathens-takeitsl0w @captainchrisstan
@ladymelissastark @93generation
@sebastianstansqueen @oceansxpurple
@Imjstaghoststory @rainbowkisses31
@superavengerpotterstar @cap-just-said-language
@booktease21 @ms-betsy-fangirl
@wildest-dream- @michelehansel @thummbelina
@abbylizy @sweetlittlegingy @lorabem
@barnesandrogersworld @dumblani @broco8
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danfanciesphil · 6 years
Give Me A Try (New Chapter)
Gay Instagram Model/Bartender Phan AU Part 3
(Part One)
(Part Two)
(Read on Ao3!)
Dan’s in the middle of his break, scrolling through his phone, when a text notification appears at the top of his screen. He drops his bagel into his lap, cursing.
The text is from Phil. He doesn’t know any other Phil’s, so it has to be AmazingPhil, texting him, inexplicably.
He clicks the notification, eyes wide, simultaneously scooping up the bagel bits that have fallen onto his knees.
From: Phil To: Dan im in makeup for a weird photoshoot for some korean clothing brand and they just put loads of silver goo in my hair to make it chromey
As Dan is reading the message, searching between the lines for a reason Phil might be telling him this information, another text pings through.
From: Phil To: Dan whoops, i kinda meant to send that to PJ. but hey, if you’re interested, here’s a pic of me with ‘Kpop Idol Silver Hair Paste’ in lol xx
From: Phil To: Dan [image]
The phone slips from Dan’s fingers, clattering through his legs to the floor of the staff room. Phil has sent him a selfie. An un-edited, un-Instagrammed photo of his breathtaking face, up close. Sure, there’s a weird silvery goop in his usually raven hair, but still. Gingerly, Dan retrieves the phone, a small, strangled sound escaping from his throat as he surveys the image in front of him.
It makes a little more sense now that Phil has informed him that he had actually mistakenly texted the original message, but did the guy really have to follow up with a photo? He must, surely, be aware of Dan’s crush. He witnessed the brunt of Dan’s obsessive stalking in person on his phone, after all.
Bagel entirely forgotten, Dan just stares down into the pixelated blue of Phil Lester’s eyes, wondering how to respond, and if he even should. Deciding eventually that it would be rude not to, Dan shakily types out something he hopes is vaguely witty.
From: Dan To: Phil hahaha wow :’) kpop? more like kpoop. (it looks like bird poop, sorry dude.) x
From: Phil To: Dan hahaha it does ur so right. and if you think thats bad you should see the outfits… xx
Settling back into his chair, Dan bites his lip. As he thinks of a potential response, his eyes wander over to the spot, just to the right of him, where he and Phil had stood not long ago, when it had seemed like maybe, possibly, Phil might’ve…
But obviously that’s absurd. 
Dan’s wishful thinking had clearly driven him to the point of hallucination, because the very notion that Phil Lester, AmazingPhil, the famous Instagram model, would ever have looked at Dan as anything more than a random bartender, is laughable.
Dan sighs to himself, then smirks. Well, just because he has no chance, doesn’t mean he can’t utilise his semi-connection to the celebrity to get some behind-the-scenes footage of his fave.
From: Dan To: Phil well now i have to see x
There’s a noticeable pause, and Dan wonders, panicking vaguely, if he may have pushed too far. Is it a little much to ask this of Phil? Maybe he just won’t respond, and Dan will have to quit his job forever, or maybe just spend his shifts on red alert that Phil will wander into the bar, and hide from him if he does-
He texts back.
From: Phil To: Dan [image]
From: Phil To: Dan hot, right? xx
For two long, uninterrupted minutes, Dan is frozen. Then, he lets out a muffled groan of frustration. The photo Phil sent is a full body shot taken by someone else; he’s dressed in an asymmetrical long white t-shirt with several long rips through the chest, some bright pink camouflage trousers, and a shiny silver puffer jacket with a black fur-lined hood. The outfit is a complete disaster, but it doesn’t matter in the slightest. His chest is visible through the slits in the tee; having seen it twice now IRL, Dan is drawn to the slivers he can see. The trousers make his eyes pop, and the jacket matches the silver streaked through his hair.
His pose is casual, feet apart, smirking at the camera, with his hands gesturing to his body as if to say ‘see what i mean?’. If he’d posted this on his Instagram, Dan gets the feeling he’d have saved it to his camera roll anyway, maybe even made it his phone background.
Dan’s done that with a few of his favourite photos of Phil in the past. He won’t even dwell on the time when Phil posted a photo of himself in the bath and Dan, in a semi-sleep-deprived fit of insanity, printed the photo out and stuck it on his wall.
Tyler came over once, weeks later, saw the photo taped above Dan’s bed, and tore the thing down. He’d told Dan, quite rightly, to stop being such a creep and keep his crazed obsessive behaviour to social media like everyone else.
“Who even has physical photos these days?? You’re like a fucking serial killer!”
Dan chuckles at this memory. He’s glad for Tyler, sometimes, even if he’s only good for keeping Dan’s stalkerish behaviour within the realms of normalcy.
Belatedly, he realises it’s been over five minutes and he still hasn’t responded to Phil. Also, his break is close to being over.
From: Dan To: Phil woww. please, phil of the future, tell me what life is like in 2087 x
From: Phil To: Dan stawwp. i keep laughing out loud at what ur saying and now the designer is sending me death glares :’’’D xx
Trying hard to ignore the fact that his dorky jokes are apparently literally making Phil ‘lol’, Dan checks the time, and sighs, typing out another message.
From: Dan To: Phil is the designer a martian? or maybe secretly one of those reptile-people? maybe skin him just to be safe. also my break is over so i gtg. have fun on set of NASA’s moonlanding recreation x
From: Phil To: Dan aww ur at work too? that sux. i forgot that u work at night lol. hope u stay dry this evening ;) xx
From: Dan To: Phil speaking of… why are u at work? isnt it kind of late for a photoshoot? x
From: Phil To: Dan well its 8am here so no haha xx
From: Dan To: Phil where are you? x
From: Phil To: Dan seoul :) hence the… unusual fashion lol xx
Dan’s eyebrows shoot up his forehead. He stands from his chair, throws his half eaten bagel in the trash, and looks around himself. He’s in the staff room - a small, dusty space with a row of falling apart lockers, a couple of chairs and a small table. There’s a hook on the wall which holds a load of unused aprons, and a rusty heater for when it’s especially cold.
He’s about to go back out to serve a load of rowdy customers some overpriced cocktails, then mop a dancefloor sticky with sweat, alcohol, and whatever other liquids might have found their way there. Then, he’s going to go back to his crummy flat way across in Kemptown, unfold his sofabed, and fall asleep to Netflix.
Phil, on the other side of the world in Korea, is having his hair, makeup and wardrobe done by professionals. He’s being treated like a celebrity, no doubt, and pampered excessively. Later, he’ll receive high-definition, professional photographs of himself looking gorgeous, and post them to his Instagram, where millions of people will tell him how stunning he looks.
Dan sighs to himself. How the other half lives.
The following day, Dan wakes up to find that Phil has updated his Instagram story, and posted the photo with the silver goo in his hair. The same one he’d sent to Dan. The caption reads:
Not sure silver hair was a good idea! The designer was going for Kpop, but ended up with Kpoop… can’t wait to show you guys the photos from this shoot! xx
Two things cross Dan’s mind.
First, Dan can now officially state that he had a sneak-peek at an official AmazingPhil photo before it was posted.
Second, the bitch totally stole his joke.
He smiles to himself ruefully, then decides to leave a comment. There’s no way that Phil will even see it - he’s never seen any of Dan’s others, or at least Dan sincerely hopes he hasn’t, as they’re mostly things like ‘choke me’ or ‘slap me round the face with your yaoi hands dad’.
Okay, maybe he tends to leave those sorts of comments when he’s less than sober.
This time, Dan just taps out a simple:
danisnotonfire: joke stealing is a low form of theft phil smh ;)
Still smiling to himself, Dan rolls over onto his side, and settles in to watch Phil’s story. The stories are usually long, silly, and full of adorable clips of Phil being clumsy and cute. As expected, this one is no exception. It’s a tour of Phil’s hotel room in Seoul, which is very posh.
Phil exclaims over the origami hand towels on his bed, the robe provided for him in the wardrobe, and the multiple options on the ‘disco shower’ as he calls it. Just as Dan is marvelling at the panoramic shot Phil has filmed of his view from the balcony, a notification pings at the top of his screen.
amazingphil replied to your comment: joke stealing is…
Dan sits bolt upright in bed, the sheets falling off him. He runs a hand through his messy hair, eyes wide. He clicks the notification before it disappears, heart pounding.
Oh no, oh no, oh no. Dan hadn’t intended for him to actually see. What if Phil thinks he’s being rude? He doesn’t actually mind Phil stealing his stupid joke about the hair goo. It’s an honour, if anything, that Phil finds his dumb joke good enough to post as a caption millions of people will read.
Heart thrumming, Dan finds the response Phil left.
danisnotonfire: joke stealing is a low form of theft phil smh ;)
amazingphil: @danisnotonfire aha i was kinda hoping you wouldn’t see ;D
Another notification pings at the top of his screen.
amazingphil started following you
“Holy shit,” Dan says to nobody.
amazingphil liked your photo
“Fuck,” Dan squeaks, clutching his pillow for support. “Stop it Phil, I’m gonna have a heart attack.”
Curious, Dan clicks the last notification, wondering which photo it was that Phil pressed the little heart for. To his surprise, it’s a selfie, one he took at work around a month ago. He took it during a lull between serving, if he remembers correctly. The lighting hadn’t been awful when he was doing his hourly fringe check in his phone camera, so he’d snapped a pic. It’s nothing special, just a moody expression and a wash of pink lighting across one half of his face.
amazingphil commented on your photo
amazingphil: nice pout ;) xx
Dan falls back into the pillows, mind obliterating itself into a thousand, tiny pieces.
Over the next few weeks, Dan has several text conversations with Phil. They’re usually started by Phil himself, who will - out of what Dan assumes is boredom - sometimes send him a random meme, a musing about his surroundings, or a selfie. For obvious reasons, Dan prefers the latter.
No matter how many times Phil reaches out via text, the surreality of it never fails to send Dan’s mind freewheeling. It always knocks the wind out of his lungs, it always makes him stop dead in his tracks, and it always leaves him struggling to recover for the next few hours. Whenever this happens at work, Tyler never fails to tease him mercilessly.
“Whoops! Please excuse him, sir, his mind has been blended by a single text from his crush,” Tyler tells a customer the fifth time Dan drops a glass behind the bar.
Dan scowls at his friend, but doesn’t try to defend himself. It’s true, after all. One text from Phil has him behaving like a moron. He becomes physically inept, unable to make the simplest drink.
One night, after the bar has closed, Dan and Tyler are cleaning up.
“So when’s he gonna stop torturing you over text and come sweep you off your beer-drenched tootsies?”
Dan rolls his eyes at this. “He’s not, Ty. He’s a rich and famous superstar, and I’m clearing up puke for the third day in a row.”
Dan wrinkles his nose as he continues mopping up the patch of vomit. He’s suspicious at this point; three days in a row is unusual. Is the same person coming in each night and spewing their guts all over the dance floor out of spite? Perhaps it’s some sort of hate crime.
“It’s like a Cinderella story!” Ty exclaims, pirouetting around his broom. “Except it’s gay, which makes it even better.”
Dan scoffs at him. “I’m pretty sure fairytales don’t involve stalking someone over social media and having them find out. He’s just taking pity on me because he saw that first night that I’m a fan.” Dan dunks the mop back in the bucket, turning to Tyler. “Besides, I’m pretty sure he has a boyfriend.”
Tyler sucks in a scandalised breath. “What! Who?”
Dragging the mop back to the supply closet, Dan laughs. “Remember the drunk guy he came with? The one who gave me a lovely Rainforest shower?”
Dan sighs, locks the cupboard, and nods. He digs into his pocket for his phone, and brings it over to show Tyler the photo of Phil and Charlie kissing. Matt, the security guard wanders over to see as well, letting out a low whistle.
“He’s a nonce if he thinks that guy’s behaviour was attractive,” Matt says. “He puked ‘soon as I got him out the door that night. All over the pavement.”
Dan looks at Matt, tilting his head in interest. “He did?”
Tyler plucks the phone out of Dan’s hand, zooming into the photo to have a better look, a frown on his face.
“Yep, your friend there came out, called him an Uber and sent him off,” Matt says. “Doubt pukey there would’ve made it home without him.”
“Nice guy,” Dan mutters, cheeks warm.
“This is staged,” Tyler announces abruptly.
“Look,” he says, bringing the phone back over for Dan to see.
He zooms in on the crux of the kiss, right onto Phil’s face. Dan grimaces.
“Ty, I don’t want to see-”
“Shut up and look at his face,” Tyler interrupts, grabbing Dan’s chin and angling it towards the phone. “See how his lips are puckered? All stiff and pointed, like he’s kissing his grandma. And his eyes are open.”
“He’s looking at the camera!”
“Nah, Tyler’s right mate,” Matt says. The gum he’s chewing is making gross squishy sounds right in Dan’s ear as he leans over to look. “He looks awkward as hell.”
Dan narrows his eyes at the photo, trying to see what the others see.
“Besides, didn’t you say he hated that guy?” Tyler asks, clicking off the photo.
Dan tuts, snatching his phone back. “Well, apparently he was just being nice to compensate for the fact his kissing buddy covered me in sugary cocktail.”
He makes the smart decision to step away from this preposterous conversation before he does something stupid. Like allow either of these morons to give him hope that Phil is actually single.
Not that Phil being single would even matter.
“Or he was making it clear that he’s available!” Tyler calls after him as Dan stalks over to the staff room. “He whipped his shirt off for you twice and gave you his number. Do you think he’d do that if he had a boyfriend?”
“Drop it, Ty!” Dan calls back, shutting the staff room door behind him.
He will not let himself fall into the trap of daring to believe he could get someone as gorgeous, as hilarious, as pure and… amazing, as Phil Lester. 
He won’t.
This is a good philosophy, in theory.
In practise, it turns out to be a lot more difficult. Dan finds this out to his cost when Phil strolls into Habenero the following Friday with Charlie Hickory at his side. Dan’s stomach sinks as soon as he sees the pair, the butterflies that appear each time Phil so much as acknowledges exploding into dust the moment he registers who Phil is here with.
Phil makes a beeline for the bar, a big smile on his face as he sees Dan. Warily, Dan smiles back, very aware that he is not exactly Charlie’s biggest fan.
“Dan!” Phil sings, chipper as ever.
Blushing already, Dan waves an awkward hand. He will never, he’s sure, get used to hearing his name on Phil Lester’s lips. “Hi. You’re back.”
“Of course! This is my local hangout now,” Phil says, winking. “Great cocktails, cute bar staff, crazy Bingo nights… this place has got it all.”
“Some people might not agree with you about the cocktails,” Dan can’t help himself saying, glancing at Charlie.
Charlie shuffles awkwardly on the spot. “Right,” he says, casting a look at Phil. They share a look that seems loaded with something Dan is not privy to, and then Charlie sighs, turning to Dan. “I wanted to, uh, apologise. About last time. Totally not cool of me to… tell you off like that. I was wasted.”
For an awkward moment, Dan waits for the actual word ‘sorry’ to leave Charlie’s mouth. It becomes obvious fairly swiftly that the dude feels he’s already said enough, so Dan just gives him a tight smile, and clears his throat.
“Oh, yeah man,” he says. “Let’s just… move on, I guess.”
If Charlie won’t say sorry, then Dan’s sure as hell not going to say he forgives him.
“So, drinks?” Phil asks, seeming to sense the taut atmosphere. “Maybe not cocktails?”
Dan can’t help the splutter of laughter, but Charlie shoots a dagger-like glare Phil’s way. It makes Dan’s lip curl; how could anyone be angry with Phil, of all people?
“Maybe some beers?” Dan suggests, teeth clenched. “We have a load of craft beers, or if you’re more into spirits I could make you guys a-”
“I’ll have a vodka and light tonic, no ice,” Charlie interrupts. “A double. If you use regular tonic, I will know.”
“Charlie,” Phil hisses under his breath.
They exchange another loaded look, and again Charlie sighs, turning to Dan with a fake smile. “Please.”
Swallowing the urge to roll his eyes, Dan nods, then gladly turns his attention to Phil. “And for you?”
“Oh,” Phil says, like it’s only just occurred to him that he needs to order as well. “God, I’m so bad at deciding, err…”
As he’s dithering, Charlie sighs. “Are you cool to get these, Phil? I’m gonna go find us a table.”
“You don’t wanna dance?”
“Not in the mood.”
Phil nods, obviously disappointed. “Okay, yeah, I’ll meet you in the back.”
With that, Charlie is gone, slipping into the crowd. The look of distaste must be more evident on Dan’s face than he thinks, because Phil laughs at it.
“I know,” Phil says. “But he does have a few… marginally amiable qualities.”
‘Why have you chosen to be with someone that’s marginally amiable when you’re so great,’ is what Dan wants to ask. Instead, he simply shrugs, deciding to change the subject.
“Have you decided on a drink yet? I’d better get on with making his low-cal dishwater.”
Phil laughs a little, then leans forwards, his smile deepening as he leans across the bar. “Surprise me.”
Something sparks a roman candle in Dan’s stomach, and his skin prickles with the heat it creates. He drags his eyes free of Phil’s with some difficulty, nodding, and turns to make the drinks.
He prepares Phil a ‘PopQueen’ cocktail, which is one of their most popular. It’s inspired by popcorn, along with the trio of Pop Queens that rule the gay music scene: Gaga, RiRi, and Bey. The moscato vodka base is made from Italian grapes to represent Gaga’s heritage, the spiced rum is a shoutout to Bey’s favourite drink, and Riri comes in in the form of a smoky splash of passion fruit bitter. The rest is topped up with popcorn syrup, lemonade, a sprinkle of caramel popcorn kernels, and as many sparkly cocktail sticks as Dan can fit in.
He explains the whole concoction to Phil as he presents it, a little smug because he knows this is an impressive looking cocktail. It’s probably his favourite one to make; the Viniq shimmery moscato vodka makes the drink swirl and shimmer - always exceptionally pretty.
Sure enough, Phil’s mouth drops open at the sight of it. “Okay wow,” Phil says, chuckling. “I’m gonna get drunk tonight, aren’t I?”
“If that’s your plan, this should definitely help you on your way,” Dan says, laughing too. “I wouldn’t recommend having a second if you want to remember your evening.”
Phil leans forwards to take a sip of the PopQueen, moaning around the straw, much to Dan’s dismay. He plucks one of the popcorn pieces off and eats it, eyes closed. In related news, Dan struggles not to fall to the floor. “Dan, you are an artiste,” Phil says. “Popcorn is my all time favourite food.”
“Oh, wow, that’s... lucky, I guess,” Dan stammers, a swell of pride surging up into his chest. “Glad you like it.”
“So, how much?”
“Oh, on the house.” Dan smiles, sliding the cocktail across the bar along with Charlie’s vodka tonic. “I feel bad for not letting you in on the forfeit for Bingo last time.”
The look on Phil’s face softens into something so sweet Dan can taste sugar on his tongue. 
“You don’t have to do that,” Phil says softly.
“It’s fine, really,” Dan assures him, all but sliding his elbows across the bar towards him. “I insist.”
A twitch in the corner of Phil’s mouth, and then he’s leaning across the bar. It happens slowly, but Dan still manages to be caught off guard. One moment, he’s watching, bemused, as Phil inches towards him, and the next there’s a light press of paper-soft lips to his cheek. A scratch of stubble grazes over Dan’s skin as Phil leans away.
“Thanks,” Phil tells him, smiling. “You’re sweet, Dan.”
And then he’s turning away, drinks in hand, slipping into the mass of people.
For the next few hours, Dan hopes for Phil to return to the bar for another round. He waits, eagerly, for this moment to come. Instead, Charlie is the one who brings his and Phil’s glasses back over, and waves to flag down Dan’s attention.
He nods in acknowledgement, finishing up the drinks order he’s in the middle of, and sidling over to Charlie. He forces a strained smile.
“Same again?”
“Yeah,” Charlie says, digging out his phone. “And a couple of vodka shots.”
He says nothing else, eyes glued to his phone screen. Dan waits for a moment before moving off, eyes stuck to Charlie’s face. He’s the kind of gorgeous that shouldn’t exist in real life. Unblemished, tanned skin. Clean, dark stubble, lacing his perfect, razorblade jawline. His hair is a swoop of glossy mahogany; even the cut of it looks expensive.
Charlie’s eyes flick up to Dan’s, obviously questioning why he’s staring, so Dan nods, embarrassed, and hurries to make the drinks. From a superficial standpoint, it’s obvious why Phil is with Charlie. Obviously, in Dan’s eyes, Phil is the most attractive man on the planet, but that’s just because he’s Dan’s type. Even he can tell that Charlie is objectively a beautiful human being.
It’s just a shame about everything below the surface level.
Dan pours the two shots Charlie ordered. “All together it’s twenty pounds, please.”
Charlie snorts, then pockets his phone at last. “Figures you’d give Phil the discount.”
He pulls out a twenty and slaps it on the counter.
“Sorry, I can’t give you guys free drinks all night.”
Charlie just stares back at him, a faint, knowing smile caught on his dusty pink lips. One of this thick eyebrows is slightly quirked, sliding an irritation under Dan’s skin. “Listen, Danny, is it?”
“Dan,” he grits.
“Dan,” Charlie says, leaning across the bar. “A little advice, yeah? Don’t be so transparent. It just comes across as pathetic.”
He downs both the shots in quick succession, baffling Dan, who is frozen, mortified, to the spot. Before his brain can thaw enough to stammer out some witty rebuttal, Charlie has swept the drinks off the counter, and is moving away.
Cheeks burning, Dan turns around, trying to calm his boiling blood. He squeezes his fists together, counting to ten, the way he makes himself after all encounters with dickhead customers.
“Hey, sweetcheeks, can we get some drinks over here, please?”
With a deep sigh, Dan unclenches his fists, and turns to the next customer.
At around one in the morning, Dan runs to the bathroom for a minute, and on his way, he sees Charlie. He’s against the wall of the club, near the DJ booth. There’s a muscular, dark-skinned man pressing him there; their faces are close. Dan can’t stop, he’s left Tyler and Dodie to the mercy of the drunks in their worst state - things get rowdy an hour before closing - and he needs to get back there. So, instead, he simply tucks the image away in his mind, to think about later on.
That man, leant against Charlie in a less-than-innocent seeming stance, was certainly not Phil, after all. As he exits the bathroom, he notices that Charlie is gone, as is whoever was with him.
At 1:55am, the lights come on. As usual, an enormous groan chants out of the crowd of patrons on the dance floor, followed by a few pairs awkwardly stepping out of the shadows, some squinting and eye-covering, and the slow, jelly-legged walk to the coat-check area.
“I think I just saw some guy getting up off his knees in the corner,” Tyler says despondently. “Shotgun not mopping the floor tonight.”
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Dan sighs. “On the dance floor? Really? Why can’t they suck each other off in the bathroom like normal people?”
“Oh, there were definitely people doing that in one of the stalls about an hour ago,” someone says to Dan’s right. The voice, for some reason, sends the hairs up on the back of Dan’s neck.
He turns, wondering when Matt’s voice got so low, only to find that Phil has perched himself on one of the bar stools, the dregs of his cocktail still in a glass in front of him. For a moment, Dan is too stunned at the sight of him to reply. Then, he registers that the lights are on, and cringes, knowing he likely looks frightful. Phil, of course, looks radiant as ever even under the harsh fluorescents, apart from a faint tiredness, visible in the dark circles underneath his eyes.
“You’re still here,” Dan comments. “I thought you guys had gone.”
“Charlie left,” Phil says, looking away from Dan. “Or I assume he did.”
Out of sight, Tyler catches Dan’s eye, making an obscene gesture with his hands before snickering and running off in the direction of the supply closet. Dan just glares after him, pink-cheeked, and turns back to Phil.
“Wait, he left without telling you?”
One of Phil’s shoulders moves towards his neck, then falls. “He does that.”
“Wow that’s… kind of shitty.”
As soon as the words are out, Dan regrets them. He can’t help but think of Charlie’s comment from earlier; it rings in his ears as if the guy had screamed it at him.
Don’t be so transparent. It just comes across as pathetic.
He was right, probably, though Dan had hated hearing it. He should stop being such a suck-up. It must be awkward and cringey for Phil to see Dan so obviously smitten.
Still, Phil throws him a faint smile. “It’s cool. He’s just a flaky guy. A bit of a princess. He grew up rich, so he’s always been a bit superficial. I’m trying to wring the bourgeoisie out of his blue blood.”
Dan snorts with laughter. “In my experience, you can’t filter the dickishness out of people very easily.”
There’s a silence, then. Phil regards him with a faintly curious expression.
“Maybe I’m wrong,” Dan says once the silence gets too uncomfortable. He shrugs, grabbing the rag from his back pocket and starting to wipe down the bar. “I don’t know the guy, really. I’ve just had a couple of unfortunate experiences with him.”
“Oh no,” Phil says, face falling. “What did he do this time?”
Dan laughs, bitterly. “Don’t worry about it. He’s just a little mouthy, is all.”
“Ugh, I’m sorry.”
“Nothing I can’t handle.”
“So, when do you get to leave this place?” Phil asks, playing with his glass. He still hasn’t drunk the remainder of his cocktail. “Or do you sleep here?”
“On weekdays, the bar closes at two, so I get out of here at around two-thirty.”
“Christ,” Phil mutters. “And I thought my job was long hours.”
A laugh bursts out of Dan’s throat, but he covers it as best he can with a cough, turning away. Busying himself with ‘dusting’ some liquor bottles, Dan tries to compose a straight face. Is Phil honestly going to try and argue that his job is difficult? When was the last time that guy ever grabbed a broom, or handled someone’s sticky change?
In a minute, Dan is going to go into the corner of the dance floor, get down on his knees, and clean up some randomer’s come. A few weeks ago he saw Phil swanning about a five-star hotel in Korea. If AmazingPhil’s worst complaint is that he had to have a few questionable outfit choices put on him, and some silvery goo in his hair, then he needs a reality check.
Nevertheless, Dan knows that he can’t say any of this. Not only would he never dream of insulting Phil Lester, but it’s pointless to try and explain the differences between classes to someone in a privileged position. They’ve usually forgotten how to understand.
“Are you close by, at least?” Phil asks, interrupting Dan’s thoughts.
Dan turns back to him. “Kemptown. It’s half an hour’s walk, more or less.”
“You walk?” Phil asks, eyebrows skyrocketing towards his quiff. “At two in the morning?”
“Five in the morning on weekends,” Dan confirms, hiding a smile at Phil’s surprise. “It’s okay, you get used to it. Besides, it’s mostly just drunk idiots chugging cans of cider and threatening to run into the sea. Not too scary.”
Despite Dan’s reassurance, the look of pity and concern on Phil’s face doesn’t subside. After a while, Dan turns from it, feeling awkward. He busies himself with clearing away the last of the empty glasses, yawning into the crook of his elbow. Tonight was rough.
“You should crash at mine,” Phil blurts.
Sure he must have misheard, Dan faces Phil slowly. “Um, what?”
“If you’re exhausted, I mean.” Phil fidgets, fingers tapping against his glass. “Like, on the nights you can’t face walking all the way home, you can totally just sleep on my sofa.”
Speechless, Dan simply stares.
“The couch is pretty comfy,” Phil continues in a ramble, not meeting Dan’s eye. “And my flat is just up the road, literally like a minute away. I’m not saying, y’know, come over every night, ‘cause obviously… that might be an issue, but you can absolutely stay round on, say, Saturday nights when you finish later. That wouldn’t be a problem.”
He’s just being nice. That’s Dan’s only explanation. Phil Lester is a sweetheart of a person, and he got so worried about the hypothetical danger involved in Dan’s walks home, that he offered something big, even though he didn’t really mean it.
Dan is a stranger to him. He needs to decline the polite offer, and let Phil off the hook he accidentally created to string himself up on.
So, Dan forces out a small chuckle, and says: “Oh, no, it’s really fine. Thanks for the offer, that’s really good of you, but I quite like the walk. It’s a nice come down after a busy night.”
Phil nods, chewing his lip. He looks unconvinced. “I’m not just saying it, though.” His voice has dropped to a lower tone. “Like tonight… you’re so tired, I can see it. Just grab some sleep at mine before you head back across town.”
As soon as Phil mentions it, the quilt of his own exhaustion flops around his shoulders, dragging Dan’s bones towards the floor. He tries to picture the stumble back to his crummy flat in Kemptown, loathing each imaginary step.
“You barely know me,” Dan says - one last attempt at refusal.
Sensing he’s won, Phil smiles very slightly, then downs the rest of his cocktail at last. “I don’t know if it’s just me, Dan, but I have this feeling that we’re going to be good friends.”
(Part 4!)
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marshaeb · 3 years
P.S: I'm Mated With The Cursed Alpha!
Chapter Seven
Hey guy! Don’t forget to Like, Comment, Review, and Follow for more updates! My apologies in advance for all the grammatical errors. Book will be professionally edited when completed.
After all that had just transpired, I was expecting Mom to blow up on me as soon as we stepped through the door, but her behavior was quite different. She was quiet and calm as she sat at the cleared dining table, looking through a pile of paperwork.
My heart was in my gut... I didn’t know how to feel or what to say after all the mess I got us in. I stood there timidly, with my sore, wounded arm covered with blood, held up to my chest.
I was a total mess. You’d swear I’d been out scuffling with Chelsea and her clique the way that I looked. Bloody and drench from wetting it up and my hair was a tousled fro of fluff.
“Um, Mom...” I said quietly...almost too quietly.
She paused and gave me a hard stare.
“I-I just want to say I’m sorry Mom...” I sniffle. “I-I didn’t mean for things to happen the way it did tonight... He attacked me out of nowhere—
“Nah uh... Stop it right there!” She said sternly. “How many times have I told you, Joel? For once listen to me when I talk to you! All I wanted was to keep you away from danger... from allowing something like this to happen! Still, you disobeyed me and snuck out!”
“But, Mom I-I’m sorry... I-I could explain—
“What’s left to explain, dear?” She said. “Everything has already happened... though I hate to even think this way, but probably this was meant to be... probably this all explains the reason for your rebellious behavior... it was to led you to him.”
“No Mom... This is all coincidental... that’s it!” I said feeling my wound starting to burn. “That’s all it is.”
“Do you really think so?” She asked in a shaky voice. “I saw something you didn’t see...”
“Saw what mama?” I asked confusedly.
“That look in his eyes... The way he looked at you.” She said. “You don’t know how it feels yet... The first time you smell your mate... it hits you like the strongest substance there is... It drives you crazy! Almost like you’re losing your mind... Why did you think he did what he did and attack you...not wanting to let you go!”
My mind instantly went back to St. Pete’s. When he saw me from across the room. I just popped off and came at me full force.
“Mom...what can I do?” I begged her.
“What can you do?” She repeated with no hope in her voice. “Joel, there’s nothing you...or I can do right now...but to wait to see where your future lies on your eighteen birthday.”
“B-but Jackson!” I said feeling my whole world crumbling down around me. “What am I supposed to—
“Jackson has been sent on a three-month mission in the west...” She said, “and for one thing...thank heavens he’s not here, because things would have been even more disastrous if Alpha Darius found out that his potential mate has a boyfriend.”
I took in sharp deep breaths and embraced myself tightly. ’I don’t want Jackson to get hurt...” I mumbled.
“Then I suggest you do the safest thing there is...keep your mouth shut and don’t mention his name.” Mom said. “By the time he’s back from his mission, you will by then know who your potential mate will be.”
“But...but my birthday is in three months, Mom...what will I do then?” I asked. “The hospital is out of our territory...”
“I know...which is why I’m busy trying to set things up for your safety,” Mom said. “And that’s tripling security too.”
A look of confusion crossed my face.
“But... I am safe! I’m on our territory!” I said.
Mom stopped and gave me a dead stare. “You really don’t know who you’re messing with, do you?”
I swallowed deeply. The guy’s crazier than I thought.
“A powerful Alpha, who have been searching seven years for his mate... has finally found her by sheer luck.” Mom said. “Could you imagine how hungry he is for you? Do you think a hot-blooded, superior Alpha like him could resist his mate?”
I stood there quietly as reality began to settle in.
“I doubt it...” She continued. “I’ll exchange you from the hospital for a little while with Samantha at the preschool... It’s only for blocks away from our home and it’s properly guarded.”
“The Nursery?” I gasped. “Mom... I’m not a caretaker.”
“It’s either that or risk yourself being at the hospital.” She said. “I don’t think you understand what it is to be marked Joel... and it’s different from an Alpha. It’s like volts of uncontrollable pleasure, rushing through your body... like venom. When he claims you, a part of him lives inside you forever.”
I could hear the intensity in her voice... Just hearing her explain it made me tremble with fear.
“So...until then...we wait,” she said. “Now go and take a bath. I’ll call over a nurse to patch up your wound.”
She walked back over to her desk and continued to sort through her paperwork.
After reaching upstairs to my room, Talloc was nowhere to be found like always. She was out hunting.
The sounds of howls rippled through the dark forest, but it was chilling and wretched. It was the cursed Alpha’s, and I know he was somewhere in the dark eerie forest, watching me at this very moment.
~Present Day~
About a week has passed and I’ve been staying indoors ever since. My wound was healing faster than I thought it would, but the soreness was still there.
Nobody knew about what had taken place that night. Mom made sure of that. But just being here, trapped indoors had me so paranoid. Overthinking about everything that has happened and the consequences that would happen to me if I slip up again.
I really miss having those privileges when I could move about and enjoy my freedom. Now that I’m thinking about it, I rather have Mom’s strict curfew any day than being locked up from Alpha Darius.
My mind kept going on Jackson... I wanted him here with me. To comfort me and tell me what I needed to hear. That I am his mate and this is all one big misunderstanding, but sadly, it wasn’t.
A few months from now, I might be Mated to a man I barely even know. It saddens me to even think Jackson and I wouldn’t be together like we hoped, but to a man overly possessive Alpha who attacked me and nearly capture me against my will.
And he won’t leave me alone. Ever since that dreadful night, he has been stalking me almost every night.
His huge black wolf is always there...in that same spot in the woods... watching my room. He’s driving me insane. It was as if he’s waiting for any moment for me to slip up.
This feeling is like being on death row... knowing a terrible fate awaits you.
Talloc suddenly flew into the window I left open for her, nearly scaring my trouble soul half to death.
“Talloc!” I gasped, holding my chest. “You scared me, girl.”
She rolled her neck and squawk back at me.
“Did you had fun hunting last night?” I said to her, trying to wipe off the drop of blood from her beak.
And as you guessed right, she wasn’t gonna just let me step up to her and clean her beak without being defensive. She pecked my finger softly, holding it in her mouth.
“Come on, Talloc...just because you older now doesn’t mean I-I can’t clean you up just a little,” I said, but it was hopeless.
My rebellious snowy owl flew off in one huge flap, dropping the stack of pictures and old letters out of the window.
“No!” I shouted, running over to the window as they scattered everywhere across the lawn. “Shit!”
I turn around to catch my breath.
“Urgh...Talloc! Damn that feisty bird!” I grunted. “My pictures...they all fell over! I have to get them before they all get ruined.”
I threw on my navy denim jacket and dashed to my room door, but then I suddenly remembered that it wasn’t safe...he could be out there.
Though I’m still safe on the territory,
I’m just beyond paranoid to even encounter him again, face to face. Plus mom had already warned me, for my own sake to keep my distance.
I can’t make a fool of myself again... and for Mom’s sake, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I embarrassed her even more than I already did.
A deep, anxious sigh left my lips as I thought about this situation I’m now faced with. All the memories I collected would be completely ruined if they’re exposed too long.
Deep down in my heart, I wanted to dash out there this instant and collect every last one of them, but my mind had me in fear. Reminding me that he could be out there, but can he really during the daytime?
Usually, he comes out during the evenings just to let me know he’s watching and waiting...and it pisses me off, but maybe...just maybe I might have a chance.
It won’t take long...
I breathed in sharply when I suddenly remembered that Jackson’s letter from back in the eleventh grade was in that stack! That was the time he officially asked me to be his girlfriend...and our pictures!
“I have to get them!” I breathed heavily, walking back in forth in my room. “I better get all of them now...before the wind blows them out of the territory. Then he’ll find those photos with us!”
I crept back over towards my window and slowly, but thoroughly surveyed the grounds for any sign of his black wolf or any of his minions. Surprisingly...there was no sign of him at all.
I was right... Maybe he really does pass through during the evenings. And there’s also those painful, silver Barb wires Mom has up to keep out any intruders. It looks safe enough and besides all my pictures are on the lawn.
“SHIT!” I exclaimed. “No, no, no, NO!”
One of them fell on the other side. Oh Moon goddess, why?!
I crunch down against the window post, breathing shakily. My nerves were taking over and I could feel my throat getting drier and drier by the second!
What the hell! Everything bad is happening to me lately and unfortunately, there is no way to run from it or avoid it. I literally hate my life now.
I held in my breath and slowly took another look out the window. Carefully I observed the proximity of the others to that one that was out of bounds.
My eyes glanced over across the forest once more. I used my sharp wolf senses to pick up if he was out there... Usually, the hairs on my arm would stand up if I sensed him...but it so happens that I didn’t feel anything. There is also no sign of him...so it should be safe!
It has to be! But I have to be cautious and as prompt as possible.
With every fear building up inside me, I pushed it aside, balling my hand into a tight fist, and ran downstairs as quickly as I can.
As soon as I step to the backdoor, my heart launched in my throat. It was now or never.
I turn the doorknob and haul my tail towards the scattered images and letters. My mind was so numb, I felt like falling out from the fear and anxiety if he caught me.
Almost done... Just the other four over there in the flower bed. I quickly ran over and collected them. All in accounted for, except that one. It was just a few inches on the other side.
I held the stack against my chest as I scan the rattling trees of the forest. It was so calm but daunting. If whatever, he might be out there.
I’d dread the day if it happens to be a personal picture of me and Jackson and he gets his hold on it before I do.
Shit! I can’t take this anymore! I have to get that now! I rest the others down and gradually inched my way over. As I reach the barbed wire fence, my supply of oxygen was growing thin. The amount of fear of cutting my windpipe was unbearable.
I licked my lips and lengthened my short arm slowly over. It was so close, but yet so far.
Just a flick of my nail, it scraped the tip. No matter how hard I try, it was useless. Until I started to lose my temper, unleashing my inner wolf as my nails lengthen into claws.
Finally, I latched onto it, but with all that concentration... I let my guard down. I should have known better!
His huge black wolf jumped out of nowhere and dashed over to snatch my hand..but once again, I lucky to pull back my hand right in time.
For a second I felt my heart stop and I swear I mess up myself.
He licked his huge tongue over his sharp teeth and stared down at me like a piece of meat. I tried to catch my breath as I look at the picture underneath his large paw.
What was he doing here? Doesn’t he have a pack to lead? Was he there all this time? Watching me...waiting for the right moment to strike. Mom was right, it’s really not safe for me at all.
I quickly dashed over, collecting the others, and ran back inside up to the room.
I closed my curtains from the outside. I just couldn’t bear it anymore...but what picture was that? There we’re words written behind it!
I sorted through the stack of pictures and letters. Jackson’s letter is here... Thank Goodness it wasn’t that!
As I continued to go through, all we’re present... except that one!
“Our one-year anniversary, Christmas Eve collage! SHIT!”
Read Chapter Eight (Click the link below)
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emperor-lover · 7 years
Hey I love your scenarios. Can I please request a guanlin college au? Thank you!!
Thank you for loving my writing!! ❤❤ Sorry this took so long, i’m in the midst of all my final assignments and midterms at uni right now, but here you go!! It’s a bit more friendship with a hint of potential future relationship so maybe i’ll do a part 2 sometime later on if you’d like? Enjoy! 
Kuanlin college!AU (that kinda wasnt a college au, idk i got a bit sidetracked by basketball lmao)  ALSO HAPPY BDAY KUANLIN BBY HOPE UR SWEET SIXTEENTH IS LOVELY LIKE U KIDDO
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he’s well known around campus as THE international student 
like a guy who appeared from a manga/manhwa, he has godly features and proportions
just a very perfect looking human
He’s also the guy that still seems to be having a growth spurt because you swear he’s taller than he was a month ago
Has a keen interest in languages, so he’s doing a double degree in Korean and English
People’s first impression of him are always that he’s this really cool guy
He has this signature outfit of a bomber jacket and ripped jeans
and sunglasses
Everyone’s eyes are always drawn to him immediately
“he looks like a celebrity!”
as soon as he took off his sunglasses and sat down, he gave everyone this cute gummy smile and introduced himself 
Despite his fashionable attire, he’s rather introverted and sticks to the same group of friends
The first time you met was in class at the start of your first year
you were running late because you had gotten lost because there had been a mistake in the timetable
you had made it in the correct building but it was seriously like a maze
and there was like 2 minutes left until the lecture would start but you were still so lost
1 minute to go and you were about to give up
when Kuanlin strolls past you leisurely
He’s about to turn the corner when he glances back at you
you glanced over at the sound of his voice
“…if you’re looking for the lecture room for korean, it’s over this way…”
You thanked him in relief and followed him around 2 more corners before making it to a seat just in time for the lecture begin
After the lecture was over you spotted him leaving and you had rushed over to him
“Hey, thank you so much for showing me where this room was, you’re a life saver!”
He had looked away and you saw a slight pink flush light up his cheeks
“Happy to help.”
Your resolution when you were beginning college was to make lots of new friends so you decided, hey why not start now
“I’m Y/N by the way, it’s nice to meet you!”
As you introduced yourself, the two of you walked in step with each other
Turns out you do almost all the same papers as he does
The two of you end up just having this sort of silent seating plan
Like it randomly started one day and since then the two of you have always sat next to each other
Round mid semester exam time, the two of you would study together in the library
You’d take turns buying each other coffees
Kuanlin has remembered your coffee order in one go, much to your surprise
He gives off a very innocent vibe despite his mature appearance
He also tends to be very focused, and will always keep his emotions in check
Unlike you, because during exam time, u were streeeeesssed out
A complete contrast to Kuanlin’s very calm soul
The only times he breaks free from the calm is when he finds something funny
Like he’ll break out into this cute breathy laughter that’s super adorable
Because he’s an international student, he struggled to settle in at first at college
but after joining a few clubs and being introduced and meeting lots of nice people, Kuanlin really thrives in the college life
There is this really prestigious basketball team at your college - “Wanna One” and every semester they participate in a tournament against other college teams
Wanna One’s biggest rival is a team called “Mnet” (lol mnet, what a punny bball team name)
It’s such an intense competition as the winning club gets a huge benefit
like helping funding for national and overseas tournaments, helping paying off college tuition fees, getting more exposure to professional basketball scouters etc 
It’s tough though because Mnet is a team that tends to play dirty and will try to dramatise anything so the other team will get fouled (can y’all tell im having way too much fun with this)
A few of your friends, and friends of friends are in Wanna One
So you went to the tournament to cheer them on
You noticed from the crowd that there’s a new but familiar face in the team
The arrival of the new maknae, the hidden ace, Lai Kuanlin
No one outside of W1, as well as yourself had ever seen him play basketball before
so everyone’s a bit worried because the stakes on the game are so high
but those worries were all put to rest as soon as Kuanlin stepped on the court
The star shooter of the match, he didn’t miss a single hoop and ended up being the player who raked in the most points helping W1 claim victory
After the game, you, Wanna One and all their friends went to a karaoke place to celebrate
You were sandwiched between Daehwi and Jisung who were singing their hearts out to some girl group songs
Everyone’s laughing and having a good time
But then you noticed Kuanlin surrounded by all these girls/new found admirers
And although he looked slightly flattered by the situation he also looked very uncomfortable due to the sudden attention on him
You weren’t too sure if you should intervene or not, and just as you decided you were going to say something, Jisung shoved the microphone into your face forcing you to sing with them
After many more songs, you decided this would be a good time to go outside to get some fresh air and a break from all the ruckus
“Y/N? what are you doing out here?”
Kuanlin was sitting on a bench outside the karaoke place
“I thought I’d take a break from the noise, it was getting stuffy in there…what about you, you’re the star of the night, you should be in there celebrating with the others!”
“Same as you, the craziness was getting to me”
You gave a light pat on the back, “Things wont be that normal for you anymore, you’re practically a celebrity!”
Kuanlin had just hmm-ed in response, getting lost in his thoughts again
After that day, you didn’t see Kuanlin as often anymore, which surprised you
it was weird and out of character of him to not have him showing up to classes
and there was always one empty seat next to you, which made your heart ache a bit?
you felt sad that you hadn’t been able to see him at all recently, and he had been extremely slow in replying to any of your messages
Turns out this applied to all your friends in W1 too
You found out eventually that they were preparing for the big national tournament in the coming month, so they were too exhausted to go to class
Videos were popping up on snapchat and facebook of them practising late into the night/morning
sometimes only getting 1 hour of sleep every night, maybe less
you were so shocked, your friends were being overworked like crazy by their coaches, but they just kept smiling and saying that they’re happy
Your birthday comes round, and you decided that you were just going to have a small gathering because all your friends were busy
You sat in the dorm corridor with a small group of your close friends
As you blew out the candles to your cake, you couldn’t help feel upset that none of the boys had been able to make it, or even respond to your invitation
You knew that they’re incredibly busy, so you’re annoyed at yourself for blaming them
You forced a smile onto your face and thanked your friends who had showed up, and after digging into the cake, you all retreated back into your rooms
The clock on your desk ticks away, and as it hits 11.59pm, you sigh
For some reason you had wished that at least Kuanlin could’ve turned up for your birthday
You had stopped denying that you missed him dearly
you missed his voice and his laugh
and his friendship
you also missed that warm fuzzy feeling in your stomach whenever he smiled at you
A few tears roll down your cheek and you wipe them away angrily
Why are you getting so worked up over a boy? 
A boy who is just a friend
Just a friend who bought you multiple coffees
and took notes for you in class that week when you were sick
and accompanied you on late night walks to McDonalds
A sharp knock on your door echoes through your room
Looking at the clock, it’s 3am, and you realise you fell asleep
who tf would be knocking at 3am tho
It’s saturday night, so you’re scared it’s some drunk person causing a scene so you stay in your room
Another knock, but this time a voice rings clearly with it
“Y/N? Are you awake?”
You go over to the door, and after a bit of hesitation you open it
Kuanlin is standing there, holding a present and looking apologetic
“Surprise! Happy Birthday Y/N!”
“You’re three hours late.” you turn your back on him and return to your room with him following behind
“Oh cmon, dont be like that, haven’t you missed me?? Me and the guys are sorry that we couldn’t make it earlier…”
“Y/N? did you hear me?”
He turned on the light and looked at your face clearly
“oh…Y/N, are you crying??”
You shake your head angrily but there’s no denying the tears running down your face
Kuanlin is so concerned, and pulls you into a hug
“Hey, hey, hey it’s alright, what’s made you so upset?”
You hug him back, clinging to him, your anger evaporating at the close proximity
instead your heart is now pounding at an insane speed and you can feel the cheeks starting to heat up
“I just…I’ve just really missed you, you idiot”
you try to disengage yourself from the hug and hide your face but Kuanlin just wipes away your tears gently with his thumbs before pulling you closer and patting your hair
“I missed you too Y/N, a lot.”
He pulls away slightly and hands you the present
“The basketball season is drawing to a close, so we get to go on a break for a few weeks, I just thought I’d come let you know in person and give you this at the same time.”
His face is tinged with pink and he scratches the back of his neck in embarrassment.
After unwrapping it you see it’s a beautifully and intricately designed necklace
You marvel over it as it sits delicately in the palm of your hand
He’s still nervously looking at you trying to assess your reaction
“UH…if you don’t like it, there’s an exchange card in the gift box, so if you don’t want it you can change it to something nicer at the shop just in case you -”
“Kuanlin, it’s beautiful, i really love it”
this boy had spent hours at that shop trying to find that freaking necklace
and every single member of W1 had seen it and reassured him that you’d like it
but he was still nervous af the poor kid
He took a deep breath to try calm himself down as he took the necklace from your hand and signalled for you to turn round
you did and he gently pushed your hair to the side
his fingertips brushed your neck as he put the necklace on you and you couldn’t help but shiver
Suddenly his arms wrapped round your waist and you were enveloped by his warm body
“Y/N…Happy belated Birthday.”
After Kuanlin left that night, you lay in bed replaying the scene over and over in your head
Something about your relationship with him was different now, but in a good way
Playing with the necklace still hanging round your neck, you smiled to yourself
Who knows how things will go from here, but right now all you can think about is the next time you’ll see Kuanlin and how much you liked being in his embrace
huhuhu i always struggle to end my AUs and they turn out extra mushy, im sorry! I’m going to try really hard to do at least one update a week, but because my final exams are coming up real quick I can’t promise anything! Remember, if you’ve sent in a request, I will put them up on my masterlist as soon as I’ve seen them, so you can check if I’ve received them/if i’m working on them there! Once again, thanks for reading!! xo
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torontoseoulcialite · 6 years
 HOMEBOY Seoul (Part of Expats in Korea: Seoulcialites)
Being an expat in Korea, we’re often pigeon-holed into 2 categories: Teacher or Military.  There are so many people doing original and interesting things in Seoul!  In this new series, I’d like to introduce you to some creative people I’ve been lucky to meet.  They may have started their professional journeys as teachers (or even military), but have explored so much more in the land of morning calm: Korea.  Today I’m sharing some love about one of my favourite culinary wonders in Itaewon and how YOU can be part of Homeboy’s next great adventure at Vatos Urban Collective.  Today’s Seoulcialite: Matt Lee of HOMEBOY Seoul!
 Check out HOMEBOY Seoul’s latest Pop-Up: Tuesday April 17th, 2018
(Scroll Down for Location & Directions to Vatos Urban Collective)
Lunch 12 PM – 15:30 PM // Dinner 17:30  PM – 1 AM
(Kitchen Last Call @ 12 AM & Bar Last Call at 12:30 AM)
A little Seoulcialite note: I checked out HOMEBOY’s last pop up at Motor City earlier this year.  We rocked up and, after a once-over of the menu, decided to order one of everything.  The price is right: the total for 3 people was KRW 66,000 (cash only) and we were bursting by the time we finished up our last bites.  The food is unparalleled, and the people behind the brand are dedicated not only to great food, but to the Food & Beverage community in Seoul.  If you went to their first event there’s not a chance you’d miss this pop-up.  If you missed it, arrive early or go at lunch to avoid disappointment!
Check out my review of HOMEBOY Seoul.
What originally brought you to Korea?
I was born in Korea, lived more than half of my life in California.  I was a college athlete (Soccer) and majored in Kinesiology.  I was far away from the Food and Beverage industry.  After College, I was lost between staying in the states or going back home and finding my future there.  I needed a compass.
I met Dae-Young Kim (Co-founder of Manimal Tribe) when I was working part time at Vatos Urban Tacos. He was an Assistant Manager back then.  I  worked with him for about 4 months and then I went back to the states.  When I came back to Korea after College, he contacted me first to ask if I wanted to work with him at Manimal Tribe.  I couldn’t accept that offer right away, since I wanted to start my career in sports science.
I’ve been working at Manimal for about 6 months now and it became my life career and passion.  I will make this industry hope for the hopeless; for the youngsters out there dying to get a job.
What’s your favorite thing about living in Seoul, Korea?
My favorite thing about living in Korea is I feel like I belong here.  I lived in the states for a long time and feel like I’m pretty white-washed, but I never felt that I belonged there.  And especially in the Itaewon community, I love how everyone cares about each other’s restaurants, share feedback, take care of each other off-work, doing collaboration. Such a small area but I’m sure it has the biggest potential and love.
Tell us a little about HOMEBOY and it’s Roots
We started HOMEBOY to give happiness and provide a place where F&B industry people can come after work to eat, rest, and play.  We have three co-founders of HOMEBOY: Junki Kim, Sangyoon Im, and myself (Matt Lee).  Each one of us works full time at Manimal Tribe.  I have a strong love for HOMEBOY because it was my first project that I put my everything into it, EVERYTHING.  We saw its potential and learned to “work hard and it will pay for itself”.
HOMEBOY Aspirations
I want to say something to the next generation in the F&B industry out there: “I was a NOBODY part-timer at Vatos, college drop-out, nobody cares if I quit my job.  But I worked hard and put my everything into it and it worked.  Now I’m having a meeting with Vatos Owners in their room.  If I can do it, you can do it.”  I want HOMEBOY to be the place where F&B people and Seoul people can come together at Korea’s first Asian Street Food Restaurant.  The most important thing for me is for HOMEBOY to be the hope for young people out there struggling about their future.
Making HOMEBOY Daebak (Awesome)
Manimal Tribe is definitely different company than others in Korea.  Realistically renting out the whole restaurant for team members is hard.  Manimal does with no questions asked.  DY and the Co-owners have been mentors to our team members and role-models for us all.  When we were preparing for HOMEBOY, our owners thought it wouldn’t work.  I would say “it won’t be DAEBAK”.  We did it DAEBAK and now they are very supportive to make HOMEBOY a brick and mortar store. We are always appreciating their guidance, encouragement and love.
Give us A Favorite Memory of Korea and on of the rise of Homeboy.
Definitely, my favorite memory of Korea was the day when HOMEBOY opened.  I was worried that nobody would show up.  Right when we opened, customers started coming in until we had to close for the break time.  When we opened for dinner service, there was “The Line” in the restaurant, popping with customers.  It was an awesome feeling that I’ve never felt before. And the best part out of all was when customers were asking “When are you guys going to have the second pop-up?”
Check out HOMEBOY Seoul’s latest Pop-Up: Tuesday April 17th, 2018
Lunch 12 PM – 15:30 PM // Dinner 17:30  PM – 1 AM
(Kitchen Last Call @ 12 AM & Bar Last Call at 12:30 AM)
For More Information about HOMEBOY Contact Matt Lee:
Tel: 02-790-6788
Will we be seeing you at HOMEBOY Seoul’s next pop-up April 17th?  Let The Toronto Seoulcialite know to look out for you by commenting below!
Expats in Korea – Seoulcialites: Matt Lee HOMEBOY Seoul HOMEBOY Seoul (Part of Expats in Korea: Seoulcialites) Being an expat in Korea, we’re often pigeon-holed into 2 categories: 
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