#''or Vincent & the Doctor or Midnight or Dalek''
storm-and-starlight · 4 months
Doctors that could pull off Heaven Sent, as in the same plot and structure of the episode as it stands in canon:
Twelve -- obviously.
Eight -- He just seems like someone who could pull off a monologue and make it interesting -- I don't know if he could pull off the "that's a hell of a bird" (I need to relisten to the audios), but a.) I feel like he could and he could definitely pull off punching through the wall (he'd be much more of a sad wet cat about it though) and b.) I would absolutely watch Eight wander sadly around a mysterious castle for fifty minutes and not even because I'm starved for live-action appearances of Paul McGann.
Doctors who could maybe pull off Heaven Sent, but it would probably need some pretty major plot/style revisions to make it work:
Seven -- once again, he could absolutely pull off a monologue and make it interesting, and he's got the charisma and the ego to carry off an episode with him as the only character, but the episode would need to have a fairly dramatic tone shift to work with who he is as a person. Seven's speeches are very different in style and tone, and his solution to the episode would need to be immensely different.
Four -- 100% has the ego  to pull it off, but I'm not sure I can see him giving any of the speeches. I'm putting him into this category for the ego reasons, but he kind of also falls into the next one, where tonally it might be the same as the episode but it would need a plot/character/action shift, probably towards a much stronger puzzle sort of mystery.
Doctors who could pull off a focus episode at the level of Heaven Sent but would need a fundamentally different style of episode:
Fourteen/Ten -- they absolutely have the on-screen charisma to pull off an episode where they're the total focus, but Fourteen/Ten doesn't have the kind of speech patterns/problem-solving style that lends itself well to being a solo character. He needs someone to bounce off of so he can talk ten miles a minute and still have it work. (As a side note, this entire ranking was built around the idea that Wild Blue Yonder is basically Fourteen's Heaven Sent, and like... it really is, and also that's what I'm talking about when I say he needs someone to bounce off of -- we get just as much focus on him even with three other characters in the episode. Same with Midnight, really, but that's got too many other people to really be what I'm talking about.)
Nine -- I feel like Nine would have to go the route of getting really really angry to pull off that kind of focus episode, which means he'd need an outright antagonist he could interact with. (So basically just Dalek, tbh, but. y'know. more.)
Doctors who probably couldn't manage something like Heaven Sent: (NOT a commentary on whether or not these doctors are well-written or interesting or have distinct character writing, just a note that I think they need the rest of the cast around them in a way that a Heaven Sent-esque episode, by its very nature, removes them.)
Eleven & Five -- I don't want to sound mean but they just don't super, like... have enough ego to pull it off? They've always read as fairly mild compared to, say, Ten and Seven's mania or Twelve and Four and Nine's intensity, and their quirkiness works best when its contrasted or counterparted with someone who does have that kind of intensity (River Song) or characters who are a lot more "normal" (Amy and Rory, Nyssa and Tegan).
One, Two, & Three -- They just work best as part of an ensemble cast, like not even the case with Ten where they need someone to bounce off of, they literally just work best in stories when they're part of a group.
Doctors I don't have a good idea for:
Fifteen, Thirteen, & Six -- I either just have not seen enough of their eras or don't have a good enough grasp of their personalities (sometimes both) to say whether or not I think they'd work in an episode like this, so anyone who's got a better grasp of them please tell me what you think!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: this is categorically not a comment on any of the actors' skills -- this is about whether or not I think each Doctor as they are written would be interesting to watch in a Heaven Sent-like setting -- aka would each Doctor's personality, transported into that setting and plot, be interesting to watch or would it be dull and/or a tonal mismatch. The actors are all amazing and I love each and every one of them)
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ninthdoctorr · 5 months
something im curious about - reblog this post with your 5-10 favorite modern who episodes (in tags or not!)
EXCLUDING: any specials, season finales, the empty child, dalek, blink, silence in the library, midnight, vincent and the doctor, and heaven sent.
what episodes do you love that aren't the most popular?
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nipuni · 3 months
Happy finishing Dr Who!
I saw you've been watching other David Tennant things - have you seen his and Catherine Tate's version of much ado about nothing? Very good chaotic vibes and I highly reccomend. It's on the internet archive.
Do you have any favourite dr who eps?
Thank you so much!! 🥰 We have and we love it! So far from his filmography we have watched: Taking Over the Asylum, Blackpool, Casanova, Einstein and Eddington, Hamlet, Much Ado About Nothing, Richard II, Decoy Bride, The Escape Artist, Broadchurch, Mad to be Normal, Around the World in 80 Days, Inside Man, Good Omens and Doctor Who of course 😊
As for favourite DW episodes ooohhh there are so so many, let me pull up a list so I can go in season order 😆
S1: Father's day, The empty child/The doctor dances, Bad wolf/The parting of the ways
S2: The Christmas Invasion, New Earth, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, Army of Ghosts/Doomsday
S3: Gridlock, 42, Human Nature/The Family of Blood, Blink, Utopia/The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords
S4: Voyage of the Damned, Fires of Pompeii, The Doctor's Daughter, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight, Turn left
Specials 2008: The Next Doctor, The Waters of Mars, The End of Time I and II
S5: The Beast Below, Vincent and the Doctor, The Lodger, The Big Bang
S6: A Christmas Carol, The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon, The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People, The Girl Who Waited, The Wedding of River Song
S7: The Rings of Akhaten, Hide, The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor
S8: Deep Breath, Listen, Mummy on the Orient Express
S9: Last Christmas, Under the Lake, The Zygon Inversion, Heaven Sent, The Husbands of River Song
S10: The Pilot, Oxygen, The Pyramid at the End of the World, World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls, Twice Upon a Time
S11: It Takes You Away
S12: Spyfall part I, Fugitive of the Judoon, The Haunting of Villa Diodati
S13: The Halloween Apocalypse, Eve of the Daleks, The Power of the Doctor
Specials 2023: Wild Blue Yonder
and if I had to pick my most favourites I think they would beeee The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances, Doomsday, The Family of Blood, Blink, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight, The waters of Mars, The End of time I and II, The day of the Doctor, Heaven Sent, The doctor falls and Wild Blue Yonder 🥰
This ended up being so long I'm so sorry 😭 AHH we are already rewatching and loving it even more the second time so this list will just get longer over time lmao
Thank you for the message!! I had so much fun answering this 😊❤️
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ectomoog · 5 months
How to Get Your Friends into Doctor Who (2005) - A Guide
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Ok I really like Doctor Who, and of course I like introducing people to it, but oh my god do you forget how randomly terrible and/or cringy and/or uncomfortably Moffat-esque some of the episodes are, *especially* when you're watching it with someone who has no idea what to expect.
SO I made a list of ten episodes that I think would be the best loose sequence of episodes for a causal introduction to the show...
But first, some requirements:
It has to be a one-off (NO TWO-PARTERS), low commitment, etc
It can't require watching previous OR following episodes to be enjoyable
It needs to actually be good
It needs to represent Doctor Who well
In a social setting where you're showing a group of people an episode, most of these would be fine. Watching consistently with one person however, loosely follow this order, and if your person decides at any point that they want to commit to actually watching the show, skip straight back to The End of The World and watch Series 1. Ok list time...
1. Rose (S1, E01)
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I think Rose is the perfect episode of Doctor Who to start on. It's campy, it's fun and weird and it sets up almost everything you need to know for the Revival Era. You get the companion, the Doctor, regular Doctor Who tropes and themes, etc. Plus, if they can't get past the Mickey bin scene, this show probably isn't for them anyway.
2. Dalek (S1, E06)
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Skipping a few episodes into Series 1, Dalek is a great way to get a feel for the format of the show, and also a great and intentional introduction to the Daleks. The Doctor and the companion turn up in a mysterious place and have to battle an alien force and really unlikeable one-off side characters, the works basically. It's a fun monster-movie of an episode.
3. Vincent and The Doctor (S5,E10)
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Jumping a whole five series forward, Vincent and The Doctor is a notoriously heart-wrenching historical that I think is a classic (if a little indulgent) example of Doctor-meets-famous-historical-figure. It's nice to jump to a different Doctor and a different era of the show, to get a feel for its' diversity. Although there's a few moments relevant to the greater series plot, it's contained, very pretty, very sweet, and easy to understand.
4. Midnight (S4, E10)
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Midnight just feels like an essential episode to be honest. A fantastic one-off sci-fi horror/thriller, with one of David Tennant's best performances, a great introduction to the 10th Doctor. It's a shame you don't get more Donna, but I think this one would be my go-to if someone asked for the best episode to watch stand-alone, just based on how genuinely great it is.
5. Heaven Sent (S9, E11)
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Jumping to Series 9 with another critically-acclaimed episode, but also one that I think is an amazing introduction to the 12th Doctor. Heaven Sent is a little unconventional, and I'm not 100% sure it should be here, but it does give Capaldi a whole episode to just act his ass off, and he completely delivers. It's artsy, mysterious and dramatic, very much the high concept sci-fi style of Moffat's later scripts, so I think an appropriate watch.
6. The Voyage of The Damned (2007 Special)
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If you're not in a festive mood, try The Lodger or Demons of the Punjab instead
The Christmas episodes are too iconic not to show, and as far as Christmassy vibes, celebrity cameos and whimsical concepts go, this one is a fun one. This is David Tennant in his prime, with Kylie Minogue, a massive budget and a romp of a script.
6. Blink (S3, E10)
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I mean, duh, but genuinely I think Blink is just *too good* not to include. A tense, creepy, tightly-written piece of horror TV with twists and turns and drama, it's considered the best episode of Doctor Who for a reason, and along with Midnight is an amazing stand-alone episode. It's not super conventional, but all the timey-wimey stuff is very Doctor Who.
6. The Mummy on The Orient Express (S8, E08)
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If you're a Tennant stan you could swap this out for The Planet of the Dead
This one is just a fun one really. The Mummy on The Orient Express is stylish and fun, with a cool concept and a little peek into a more complex Doctor-companion relationship. With a short explanation you can get the context pretty easily, and it's a good example of your typical episode anyway.
HOWEVER if you have time, there's a bunch of two-parters you should watch instead, like The Family of Blood, The Empty Child, Silence in the Library, even Extremis.
9. The Haunting of Villa Diodati (S12, E10)
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Finally some 13th Doctor rep! This one has some of the strongest writing in the Chibnall era, and is a fun horror mystery that serves as a fun introduction to Jodie Whittaker as the 13th Doctor. It has a little bit of series-wide arc, but that's okay.
10. The Church on Ruby Road (2023 Special 4)
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If your person liked all those episodes but still doesn't want to watch 13 seasons of TV, just abandon ship and watch the 2023 Christmas special in preparation for Series 14 (or Season 1) in Spring 2024. The Church on Ruby Road is the beginning of the latest soft reboot of the show and has been explicitly created as a jumping on point for new fans. Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson absolutely shine in this special, it's fun and silly and in my opinion bodes very well for the next season of Doctor Who...
"in 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important" - Bannakaffalatta
I hope that was a success! After all those episodes hopefully you either had a good time with whoever you were watching it with, or you've already moved onto Series 1! I'll be trying this out the best I can with my girlfriend this year, so look out, because I may be back with adjustments later...
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foolishlyzephyrus · 2 months
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This was a very silly goofy post I enjoyed but it also sparked genuine curiosity: how accurate is this? I’m a data hound, so I did some fact checking. Please be aware I am by no means an expert and this was simply a result of some cursory investigating and inputting stuff into a calculator.
For RTD, I took it to mean any episode title that was singular. Only eight out of the sixty episodes of RTD’s run have one word titles, with six having two syllables (Dalek, Doomsday, Gridlock, 42, Utopia, and Midnight) and the other two being monosyllabic (Rose and Blink). That’s roughly 13% of his episodes. Definitely a trend but he was actually quite creative with his titles. Here’s some other fun statistical stuff: the most popular words in episode titles appear to be ‘dead’ (The Unquiet Dead, Forest of the Dead and Planet of The Dead), ‘planet’ (Impossible Planet, Planet of the Ood, Planet of the Dead) and ‘time’ (Last of the Time Lords, End of Time Part 1 and End of Time Part 2) occurring at about 5% each, with ‘earth’ and ‘doctor’ occurring twice each respectively.
For Moffat, I went a little more broad, considering any episode that used the naming convention ‘of’/‘of the’ or featured ‘doctor’ in any capacity. Out of the eighty-four episodes in his run, twenty six filled the criteria, that’s about 31%. Eighteen adhered to the ‘of’ requirement (Victory of the Daleks, The Time of Angels, The Vampires of Venice, Day of the Moon, Curse of the Black Spot, The Wedding of River Song, Asylum of the Daleks, The Power of Three, The Bells of Saint John, The Rings of Akhaten, Journey to the Center of the TARDIS, Robot of Sherwood, In the Forest of the Night, The Husbands of River Song, The Pyramid at the End of the World, The Lie of the Land, The Empress of Mars, and The Eaters of Light), four contained the word ‘doctor’ (Vincent and the Doctor, The Doctor’s Wife, The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe, and The Doctor Falls), and four fit into both categories (The Name of the Doctor, The Day of the Doctor, The Time of the Doctor and The Return of Doctor Mysterio; it’s funny once you realize that Name, Day and Time were all released sequentially). The claim is thereby substantiated, the man loves his ‘of’s’.
Chibnall’s criteria was difficult to discern but I decided on anything that contained the name of a Who monster classic or otherwise, was a part, or similarly used ‘of’/‘of the’. My findings were quite interesting as there was bunch of overlap between my selected categories. As a whole, out of the thirty-one episodes in Chibnall’s run, eighteen fit the criteria. That’s an overwhelming 58%, so it is most definitely correct assumption. In terms of part episodes, there were eight as there are two proper parted episodes (Spyfall, Part 1 and Spyfall, Part 2) and the serialized six-episode Flux series. Thirteen episodes contain ‘of’/‘of the’ with six exclusively using ‘of’/‘of the’ (The Demons of the Punjab, The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos, Nikola Tesla’s Night of Terror, The Haunting of Villa Diodati, Chapter Five: Survivors of the Flux, Power of The Doctor). This is where it gets interesting, as the remaining seven episodes containing ‘of’ are all the Who monster episodes (Ascension of the Cybermen, Revolution of the Daleks, Fugitive of the Judoon, Chapter Two: War of the Sontarans, Chapter Four: Village of the Angels, Eve of the Daleks, Legend of the Sea Devils). It would appear that Chibnall is an equal fiend for ‘of’s’, especially considering the monsters. So, very on brand for classic who naming conventions as well.
To conclude, it was a largely factual silly goofy post (props to @fanonical) and I enjoyed my little data collection exercise.
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is the Greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
and so we enter the final stretch, just 64 competitors remain, the seedings have been finalised and its time to make some even tougher calls. How long will the EU underdogs last and will your favourite be the ultimate victor (probably not)?
Grand Final: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Midnight
Third Place: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs City of Death
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World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
City of Death vs Midnight WINNER: Midnight
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World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs Heaven Sent
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Fires of Pompeii vs City of Death
Scherzo vs Midnight
rounds 5-7 under the cut
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Remembrance of the Daleks vs World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls WINNER: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent vs The Three Doctors WINNER: Heaven Sent
Turn Left vs Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Vincent and the Doctor vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
Partners in Crime vs Fires of Pompeii WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
Blink vs City of Death WINNER: City of Death
Caerdroia vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways WINNER: Midnight
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Chimes of Midnight vs Remembrance of the Daleks WINNER: Remembrance of the Daleks
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Robots of Death vs Children of Earth World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
Heaven Sent vs Dalek WINNER: Heaven Sent
The Three Doctors vs The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: The Three Doctors
Alien Bodies vs Turn Left WINNER: Turn Left
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Romans WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
Vincent and the Doctor vs Captain Jack Harkness WINNER: Vincent and the Doctor
The Husbands of River Song vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Partners in Crime WINNER: Partners in Crime
The War Games vs Fires of Pompeii WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
The Natural History of Fear vs Blink WINNER: Blink
City of Death vs Doctor Who and the Pirates WINNER: City of Death
Father's Day vs Caerdroia WINNER: Caerdroia
Zagreus vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs Survival WINNER: Midnight
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways vs Night of the Doctor WINNER: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
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The Chimes of Midnight vs Unnatural History WINNER: Chimes of Midnight
Remembrance of the Daleks vs The Curse of Fenric WINNER: Remembrance of the Daleks
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs The Greatest Show in the Galaxy WINNER: World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls
The Robots of Death vs Children of Earth TIE
Heaven Sent vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot WINNER: Heaven Sent
The Green Death vs Dalek WINNER: Dalek
The Star Beast vs The Three Doctors WINNER: The Three Doctors
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith
Time Crash vs Alien Bodies WINNER: Alien Bodies
The Mind Robber vs Turn Left WINNER: Turn Left
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs Solitaire WINNER: Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead
The Romans vs An Adventure in Space and Time WINNER: The Romans
Vincent and the Doctor vs The Five Doctors WINNER: Vincent and the Doctor
The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar vs Captain Jack Harkness WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness
Countrycide vs The Husbands of River Song WINNER: The Husbands of River Song
The Holy Terror vs The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances WINNER: The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances
The Curse of Fatal Death vs Human Nature WINNER: Curse of Fatal Death
Partners in Crime vs Lungbarrow WINNER: Partners in Crime
The War Games vs The Daemons WINNER: The War Games
Fires of Pompeii vs The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did WINNER: Fires of Pompeii
A Death in the Family vs The Natural History of Fear WINNER: The Natural History of Fear
The Happiness Patrol vs Blink WINNER: Blink
City of Death vs Mummy on the Orient Express WINNER: City of Death
Ghost Light vs Doctor Who and the Pirates WINNER: Doctor Who and the Pirates
Death of the Doctor vs Father's Day WINNER: Father's Day
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs Caerdroia WINNER: Caerdroia
Zagreus vs Genesis of the Daleks WINNER: Zagreus
Pond Life vs Scherzo WINNER: Scherzo
Midnight vs The Time Meddler WINNER: Midnight
Survival vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: Survival
Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways vs The Caves of Androzani WINNER: Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Reset vs Night of the Doctor WINNER: Night of the Doctor
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I genuinely wouldn't have this any other way.
Rip each other to shreds, ladies.
those who fought valiantly but didn't make it under the cut:
Clive (Rose)
Raffalo from Crespellion (The End of the World)
Jabe (The End of the World)
Gwyneth (The Unquiet Dead)
Toshiko Sato (Aliens of London/World War III)
Cathica (The Long Game)
Suki (The Long Game)
Sarah Clark and Stuart Hoskins (Father’s Day)
Dr. Constantine (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Nancy (The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Unnamed Female Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Novice Hame (New Earth)
Mrs. Moore (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Zachary Cross Flane (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Danny Bartock (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Scooti Manista (The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit)
Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters)
Nerys (The Runaway Bride)
Thomas Kincade Brannigan and Valerie (Gridlock)
Alice and May Cassini (Gridlock)
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Jenny (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Tim Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Kathy Nightingale (Blink)
Chantho (Utopia)
Morvin and Foon (Voyage of the Damned)
Bannakaffalatta (Voyage of the Damned)
Caecilius (Fires of Pompeii)
Evelina (Fires of Pompeii)
Soothsayer (Fires of Pompeii)
Ood Sigma (Planet of the Ood)
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Proper Dave (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Val, Biff, and Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Unnamed Hostess (Midnight)
Rocco Colasanto (Turn Left)
Capt. Erisa Magambo (Planet of the Dead)
Yuri Kerenski (The Waters of Mars)
Maggie Cain (The Waters of Mars)
Addams and Rossiter of Vinvocci (The End of Time)
The Unnamed Curator (Vincent and the Doctor)
Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes To War)
Rita (The God Complex)
Brian Williams (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Emma Grayling (Hide)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Orson Pink (Listen)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Ecpress)
Rigsy (Flatline)
O'Donnell (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Bennett (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Heather (The Pilot)
Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Jake Simmons (Age of Steel)
Katherine (The Girl in the Fireplace)
Ross Jenkins (The Poison Sky/The Sontaran Stratagem)
Eve Cicero (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Daniel Llewellyn (The Christmas Invasion)
Diana Goddard (Dalek)
Rita-Ann Smith (The Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel)
Shona (Last Christmas)
Vivien Rook (the sound of drums)
Unnamed Male Programmer (Bad Wolf/Parting of the Ways)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Lee Clayton (fugitive of the Judoon)
Sabra (Time Heist)
Mr. Copper (Voyage of the Damned)
Psi (Time Heist)
Pete Tyler (age of steel)
Ohila (Hell Bent)
Professor Docherty (The Sound of Drums/The Last of the Time Lords)
Hath Peck (The Doctor’s Daughter)
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thenerdyindividual · 13 days
Top 5 doctor who episodes
This should be considered cruel and unusual punishment! How am I supposed to pick five?!
But pick five I must so..
Unicorn and the Wasp
Tooth and Claw
The Christmas Invasion
Partners in Crime
I went based on what I love and rewatch over and over again, not necessarily ones that are really fucking good. So this list is missing some bangers like Blink, The Empty Child, Doomsday, The Dalek, The God Complex, Vincent and the Doctor, and Demons of the Punjab. Those are objectively really good story telling, but I have to be in the mood to watch them whereas the top five I will just sit and watch whenever I need a comfort watch.
Put “top 5 [topic]” in my ask and I will answer
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sourcreammachine · 6 months
Doctor Who episodes ranked let’s go
(o’th’ revived era. and eight’s movie because i’ve seen it)
and two-parters are counted as one, but i get to define what a ‘two-parter’ is. this is because i’m in charge not you
9.11 Heaven Sent aka the stars align and somehow Moffat manages to pull an incredible script out of his arse after being stuck up there for so long aka Capaldi is the new Atlas from carrying his entire era aka now you understand why i’m splitting up some two-parters and not others aka ahaha 9.11 lol
3.8/9 Human Nature / The Family of Blood
1.9/10 The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
3.10 Blink
2.4 The Girl in the Fireplace
4.12/13 The Stolen Earth / Journey’s End
1.6 Dalek
6.i A Christmas Carol
3.11 Utopia
4.8/9 Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead
7.v The Time of the Doctor okay hear me out first thing is i’m an absolute sucker second thing is why couldn’t season 7 have actually seeded any of this with actual thought and subtly rather than mystery-box hackery it literally makes me think of how much better his era could’ve been if Moffat wasn’t so up his own arse
2.8/9 The Impossible Planet / The Satan Pit
7.iv The Day of the Doctor
4.11 Turn Left
3.4 Girldick
1.12/13 Bad Wolf / The Parting of the Ways
7.iii The Night of The Doctor aka my boi Eight finally gets done justice
4.10 Midnight
4.6 The Doctor’s Daughter
3.2 The Shakespeare Code
3.i The Runaway Bride
2.12/13 Army of Ghosts / Doomsday
2.3 School Reunion
6.11 The God Complex
4.1 Partners in Crime
10.11/12 World Enough, and Time / The Doctor Falls (look, i’m a sucker i know, and i couldn’t give a shit about Gomez and Simm, but fuck you Moffat actually figured out how to write human emotions. Talalay’s finest hour. Lucas’ finest hour. Moffat did not deserve a swan song but he got himself one somehow)
5.2 The Beast Below
8.8 Mummy on the Orient Express (despite the awful, horrible ending, see below (very far below))
4.7 The Unicorn and the Wasp
4.2 The Fires of Pompeii
7.12 Neil Gaiman’s Good Episode
1.1 Rose
5.1 The Eleventh Hour
2.7 The Idiot’s Lantern
10.1 The Pilot
5.10 Vincent and the Doctor
4.i Voyage of the Damned
6.4 The Neil Gaiman Fanfic Hour
3.1 Smith and Jones
4.4 The Sontaran Stratagem / The Poison Sky
6.10 The Girl Who Waited
1.2 The End of The World
5.12/13 The Pandorica Opens / The Big Bang
2.i The Christmas Invasion
6.7 A Good Man Jumps The Shark
5.6 The Vampires of Venice
4.3 Planet of the Ood
7.ii The Snowmen
1.11 Boom Town
3.12 The Sound of Drums / Last of the Time Lords
1.7 The Long Game
7.7 The Rings of Akhaten
8.6 The Caretaker
5.7 Amy’s Choice
9.7/8 Zygons. you can basically hear Capaldi’s back cracking from him carrying it
4.v/vi The End of Time, Parts 1 & 2
10.6 Extremis, the most underrated episode fuck you
4.ii The Next Doctor
8.5 Time Heist
6.1/2 The Impossible Astronaut / Day of the Moon
2.1 New Earth
10.3 Twelve Decks a Racist
9.ii The Husbands of River Song (yeah i’m a sucker, the ending gets me)
6.3 Curse of the Black Pearl spot, fuck
11.1 The Woman Who Fell To Earth (based on how it made me feel in 2018, looking back yeah the warning signs were all there)
5.4/5 The Time of Angels / Flesh and Stone
5.11 The Lodger
1.3 The Unquiet Dead
7.4 The Power of Three aka Chris Chibnall Shits Himself on Live Television
2.5/6 Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel
7.9 Hide
10.5 Oxygen aka La Problema Es Capitalismo
8.1 Deep Breath
2.2 Tooth and Nail claw, fuck
1.8 Father’s Day
11.3 Rosa (bring back Blackman as an episode writer, she wrote Noughts & Crosses, she can do it)
7.11 The Crimson ‘Orror
6.8 Let’s Kill Hitler
6.5/6 The Rebel Flesh / The Almost People
4.iv The Waters of Mars
7.6 oh no it’s clara
9.10 yaay clara’s dead
5.8/9 The Hungry Earth / Cold Blood
12.5 Fugitive of the Judoon (again, based on how i felt watching it for the first time. it was a good episode and an interesting mystery box, just one filled with shit)
1.4/5 Aliens of London / World War Three
7.5 The Angels Take amy lol
2.11 Fear Her
8.4 Listen, aka the first episode that Capaldi carries, despite Moffat being himself again
10.ii Twice Upon a Time (ugh we could’ve had a brilliant trilogy to see out Capaldi, but instead we get Moffat masturbating on live television for an hour. look, The Doctor could have had an actual character arc - they feel like they’re on borrowed time after their resurrection on Trenzalore, after the events on Gallifrey they feel like any sort of feelings of ‘duty’ as last of the time lords (as errant and fleeting as such feelings might’ve been) are resolved, and after failing their BIG MASSIVE SEASON 10 ARC with Missy and getting stabbed in the back, and BILL [redacted for spoilers], they’re happy to accept their death - and that’s where the season ends. yuletide 2017 could’ve ended this arc, they’re taught the love of the universe again, they see the goodness they bring to all life - Clara, i am a good man. and when they sit down to die, those words ‘maybe just one more go’ could’ve had the weight of the universe behind them, it could’ve been the greatest who line ever written, had that line actually had weight on its shoulders. Moffat is a hack. mystery-boxing is hacking, end of story. Capaldi, the finest actor ever in the role, was done dirty by scripts with no weight and planning. Grand Moff lives up his own arse - that power gives him the ability to write incredible episodes such as Heaven Sent and everything he ever touched under Davies - but it makes all series, arcs and continuity fall apart into a pile of shit. this episode is the finest example - a universe of potential, reduced to one hour of self-congratulatory masturbation)
6.9 Night Terrors
11.9 It Takes You Away (the one with the frog god)
7.10 Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS
9.12 Heaven Sent Part II: Whoops
8.9 Flatline
7.3 A Town Called Widowmaker
4.iii Planet of the Dead
9.1/2 The Magician’s Apprentice / The Witch’s Familiar
6.12 Closing Time
3.7 42
13.i Eve of the Daleks (the aisling bea one)
8.3 Robot of Sherwood
9.5/6 Maisie Williams
6.13 The Wedding of River Song
5.3 Victory of the Daleks
8.11/12 Dark Water / Death in Heaven aka i’m sorry Gomez but not even you can carry this
3.6 The Lazarus Experiment
11.i Resolution (…of the Daleks)
10.2 Emoji Robots
8.2 Into the Dalek
10.5 Knock Knock. Who’s There? Yer mum
7.13 The Name of the Doctor aka the Biggest Waste of Richard E. Grant until Rise of Skywalker
7.2 Dinosaurs on a Plane
10.8/9 The Pyramid at the End of the World / The Lie of the Land
Doctor Who: The Movie!
11.6 Demons of the Punjab
7.1 Asylum of the Daleks
7.8 Cold War aka i’m starting to think Mark Gatiss might be a bad writer actually
3.4/5 Daleks in Manhattan / Evolution of the Daleks
11.5 P’ting
9.3/4 Under the Lake / Before the Flood aka the Biggest Waste of Peter Serafinowicz since the Clone Wars didn’t bring him back. also a deaf person falling in love with their interpreter is the most toxic thing ever. and it’s 90 more minutes of season 9 tedium ugh
2.10 Love and Monsters. yeah this high up
8.7 The anti-abortion episode. and it’s not just for that fact alone nonono, The Doctor is such an unbelievable unforgivable cunt this time. at least Clara calls them out in that brilliant final-ish scene BUT they’re still unforgivable AND they get forgiven anyway next week?? literally they take the way Clara’s character arc was going and throw it all in the bin
8.10 In The Forest of the Shite
11.7 Kerblam!
10.9 Empress of Mars aka i’m starting to think Mark Gatiss might be a bad writer actually
9.i Last Christmas aka remember how they reset Clara’s character arc after Mummy for literally no reason???? THEY FUCKING DID IT AGAIN!! she’s literally put in limbo for an ENTIRE SEASON, after they gave her TWO good offramps and apparently chickened the fuck out from using them?? and expected me to care when she (spoiler)? also the episode’s like really boring. bonus points for the absolutely perfect casting of Nick Frost tho, very nominative determinism
10.i is my hatred of Doctor Mysterio unwarranted? probably. but i still hate it
12.8 The Haunting of Villa Diodati, the most overrated episode fuck you. no it is not ‘the only good episode of season 12’ - it’s just as bad as the rest. The Doctor is unnecessarily unlikeable. the villain boy is nonsense, uninteresting and unlikeable. and worst of all - i don’t want to have violent sex with any of the people in this villa
12.4 Nikola Tesla’s Tower of Terror
11.8 The Witchfinders
9.9 Sleep No More aka i’m starting to think Mark Gatiss might be a bad writer actually
13.2 Flux Part 2: War of the Sontarans (oh yeah like they don’t do war normally, that’s like saying the fucking ,, toasting of the toaster or something)
7.i The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe (it’s only Chibnall from here on out let’s goo)
12.1/2 Spyfall. literally how the FUCK do you waste both Stephen Fry AND Lenny fucking Henry how the fuck. also The Doctor basically committed a nazism right
12.3 Orphan 55, the second most underrated episode - a lot of people say it’s Chibnall’s worst but i think there’s worse
12.i Revolution of the Daleks (the priti patel one)
11.2 The Ghost Monument
13.4 Flux Part 4: Village of the Angels
11.10 The Battle of Rashhcjxjshog s Kjalapados
12.7 Can You Hear Me? (that was the one with the finger guy. no i don’t mean jonathan banks)
11.4 Spiders in Sheffield
12.6 Praxeus
12.9/10 how did they let chibnall get away with it. isn’t there supposed to be oversight. aren’t there supposed to be safeguards. how did they let him get away with it
13.1 Flux Part 1: The Halloween Apocalypse
13.ii Legend of the Sea Devils
13.3 Flux Part 3: Once, Upon Time
13.iii The Power of the Doctor aka thank fuck, it’s finally over
10.5 Flux Part 5: Survivors of the Flux
10.6 Flux Part 6: Fuck You Chibnall
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bakamoonyasf · 7 months
My God Tier fave doctor who episodes
TOP 5:
Heaven Sent & Hell Bent (S9E11-12)
The Power of the Doctor (S13E9)
The Day of the Doctor (S7E15)
Doomsday (S2E13)
The Parting of Ways (S1E13)
The Parting of Ways (S1E13)
Bad Wolf (S1E12)
The Empty Child & The Doctor Dances (S1E9-10)
Dalek (S1E6)
Doomsday (S2E13)
Human Nature & Family of Blood (S3E8-9)
Turn Left (S4E11)
The Sound of Drums & Last of the Time Lords (S3E12-13)
Silence in the Library & Forest of the Dead (S4E8-9)
The Stolen Earth & Journeys End (S4E12-13)
Blink (S3E10)
The Waters of Mars (S4E14)
The End of Time (S4E17-18)
Midnight (S4E10)
New Earth (S2E1)
The Idiots Lantern (S2E7)
Partners in Crime (S4E1)
School Reunion (S2E3)
The Doctors Daughter (S4E6)
Daleks in Manhattan (S3E4)
The Day of the Doctor (S7E15)
The Time of the Doctor (S7E16)
Vincent and the Doctor (S5E10)
The Name of the Doctor (S7E14)
The Wedding of River Song (S6E13)
The Time of Angels & Flesh and Stone (S5E4-5)
The Rings of Akhaten (S7E8)
Asylum of the Daleks (S7E1)
A Town Called Mercy (S7E3)
Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS (S7E11)
A Good Man Goes to War (S6E7)
Let's Kill Hitler (S6E8)
The Pandorica Opens & Big Bang (S5E12-13)
The Girl Who Waited (S6E10)
Amy's Choice (S5E7)
Nightmare in Silver (S7E13)
The Snowmen (S7E6)
The Doctors Wife (S6E4)
Heaven Sent & Hell Bent (S9E11-12)
World Enough and Time & The Doctor Falls (S10E11-12)
The Zygon Invasion & The Zygon Inversion (S9E7-8)
Flatline (S8E9)
Dark Water & Death in Heaven (S8E11-12)
The Girl Who Died & The Woman Who Lived (S9E5)
Twice Upon a Time (S10E13)
The Lie of the Land (S10E8)
The Witch's Familiar (S9E2)
Time Heist (S8E5)
The Power of the Doctor (S13E9)
Ascension of the Cyberman & The Timeless Children (S12E9-10)
Demons of the Punjab (S11E6)
Revolution of the Daleks (S12E11)
Skyfall, Part 1 & Spyfall, Part 2 (S12E1-2)
Rosa (S11E3)
Kerblam! (S11E7)
Chapter Four: Village of the Angels (S13E4)
The Haunting of Villa Diodati (S12E8)
Praxeus (S12E6)
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror (S12E4)
Fugitive of the Judoon (S12E5)
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bellamysgriffin · 9 months
top 5 dw eps please :)
this is truly so difficult but if i HAD to pick... lets see
vincent and the doctor -- like she really is that bitch!!! and bill nighy is in it so bonus points
human nature/family of blood -- that two parter goes crazyyyy, it's so good for martha's character and it's a truly riveting premise
midnight -- literally bonechilling. the scariest dw episode probs
dalek -- i was trying to pick a s1 episode. i love the core four dynamics in boom town, i adore the two part finale but dalek is just. insanely good. it's truly crazy how remarkable that episode is and how much it establishes
father's day -- one thing i love about rtd who is how character-oriented it is and that is just a brilliant episode for rose's character. not to mention a real tear-jerker
honorable mention of course to love and monsters (my fav campy nightmare), and the doctor's daughter (my fav dw side character)
ask me my top 5 anything
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lockandkeyhyena · 2 years
I remember helping my mom, another DW fan btw, with making smth called Doctor Mew. Doctor Who but w/catz,,,
(Hey uh what’s your fav episode btw?? Mines the ones where the doctor is trapped in a traffic tram with River Song’s parents (I have a TERRIBLE memory and it’s been a while😭😭) and the one where they’re on the train on that Diamond planet, with the creechur we never got to see.. good shit,,,,?
OHHHHH MIDNIGHT IS A BANGER EPISODE,,,,,,,,,,,,,, honestly its rlly hard to pick but a few of my faves r blink (basic lol), vincent and the doctor, all of s10 (bill and twelve best dynamic), i caaant remember the name but the one where 4 has to decide whether to kill the daleks, turn left is also rllly good, ummmmmmmmmm ill add to this as i remember lawl
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britishsass · 2 years
what's your favourite doctor who episode from each season
Let me see-- I've only seen up to Season 10 (And only a couple of that one) so I'll do my best.
The End of the World OR The Empty Child/Doctor Dances. I know it's not the ones with the Slitheen, but I also love Rose, Father's Day, and the finale. This season has some great ones, and unfortunately the Slitheen. I'll say... Empty Child/Doctor Dances.
Christmas Invasion, Girl in the Fireplace, Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel... This one's got some bangers, but unfortunately, also Love and Monsters is there. Oh, and my most terrifying monster... that'll be later. My favorite killed me the first time I saw it. It's one of two episodes that made me cry. Army of Ghosts/Doomsday.
Blink is the obvious choice, but let's think longer about it. I actually love Runaway Bride, 42, and Lazarus Experiment-- as well as the fantastic Human Nature/Family of Blood. I actually like Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks, but I think I have to go with the obvious. Blink.
I know which one it's not! Planet of the Ood gave me NIGHTMARES! I hate the Ood. They're the one creature that actually scare me. The Ood are at their scariest in that episode, and I cannot take it. Okay, focusing-- Voyage of the D-mned, Partners in Crime, Doctor's Daughter, Unicorn and the Wasp, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Midnight, that finale-- I don't think this season really had any weak episodes. My favorite, though, might be unexpected-- Turn Left.
(Bonus to discuss the five specials-- It's not Planet of the Dead, but I think the other four are all equally fantastic. However, this includes the first episode I ever saw: The Next Doctor.)
Eleventh Hour, Beast Below, Vincent and the Doctor... Yeah, I know the obvious option, but I think my answer will seem strange, but it's got so many good ideas AND Rory is there. Amy's Choice.
Hm, let's see. The Doctor's Wife, Good Man Goes to War, Let's Kill Hitler, Night Terrors, God Complex... I have to go with the second of the two episodes that made me actually cry. This one has the honor of doing it TWICE. The Girl Who Waited.
I've said it before, but I'll note ones I like-- Asylum of the Daleks (which I have a poster for!), Rings of Akhaten is okay but not worth all the hype imo, and Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS. I'm not a big fan of Clara, so a lot of this season falls flat to me... And then there's a perfect episode among it all. Nightmare in Silver.
(Bonus for the trio of Name, Day, and Time of the Doctor. Obviously, my favorite is Day of the Doctor-- I have a poster for it.)
Bad news, this is where my memory gets super foggy. The only one I even remember is Mummy on the Orient Express.
I still don't remember much here, but I did reference a bit from this season for my TL!Ford au-- Specifically, The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar! My answer, though (since I like Osgood.) is Zygon Invasion/Zygon Inversion.
I only actually saw like... The first three episodes of this season. Pilot, Smile, and Thin Ice. However, I recall I loved Pilot.
I can't tell you my thoughts on the rest of the seasons, sadly. I've not had a chance to watch the rest, and the last time I saw any Doctor Who until just recently was like... four/five years ago? I remember watching it when I was doing a french project with my friend. We had to wait for our food to cook, so we just settled in to watch a couple of episodes instead. (Those episodes were Smile and Thin Ice.) I was in full cosplay as Doctor Horrible at the time, too. This probably makes my life sound even weirder.
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victoriawaterfield · 1 month
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is the greatest Doctor Who story ever told?
Wow, we are now down to a measly 256 stories
as before everything has been put into groups of 32 (as fairly as i can manage). Every day I will post the matches for one group, with Friday's off. At the end of the round groups will be paired up and mashed together to do it all again. That means the order the matches below are listed in has no baring on what they'll be against next round
You can still submit propaganda for posts here
Day 8
Death of the Doctor vs Miracle Day
For Tonight We Might Die vs Small Worlds
A Day in the Death vs The Mark of the Berserker
Day of the Clown vs The Temptation of Sarah-Jane Smith
K9 and Company vs The Nightmare Man
Adam vs Ghost Machine
Everything Changes vs Reset
Exit Wounds vs Children of Earth
The Curse of Anubis vs Dream-Eaters
Out of Time vs Detained
The Curse of Clyde Langer vs Co-Owner of a Lonely Heart/Brave-ish Heart
Fragemnts vs Captain Jack Harkness
The Wedding of Sarah-Jane Smith vs The Custodians
Dead Man Walking vs Countrycide
Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang vs Goodbye, Sarah-Jane Smith
Fear itself vs The Metaphysical Engine or What Quill Did
previous and future days under the cut - unfortunately i will have to get rid of the links after each day because there will be too many and the post will break, however they will all be tagged #round 3 (I think this is the last round I'll have to do this)
Day 1
The War Games vs The Gunfighters
The Daleks vs The Edge of Destruction
The Romans vs The Sea Devils
The Invasion vs The Time Meddler
The Green Death vs The Daleks' Master Plan
The Curse of Peladon vs The Aztecs
Terror of the Autons vs The Web of Fear
The Chase vs The Enemy of the World
The Daemons vs An Unearthly Child
The Power of the Daleks vs The Time Monster
The Dalek Invasion of Earth vs The Macra Terror
The Ark in Space vs Inferno
The Three Doctors vs The Evil of the Daleks
The Horns of Nimon vs The Tenth Planet
Spearhead from Space vs Dr Who and the Silurians
The Sensorites vs The Mind Robber
Day 2
The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances vs Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel
Day of the Doctor vs The Stolen Earth/Journey's End
Partners in Crime vs Gridlock
A Good Man Goes to War vs Turn Left
Blink vs Amy's Choice
Planet of the Ood vs The Runaway Bride
Utopia vs The End of the World
The Time of Angels/Flesh and Stone vs Dalek
Midnight vs The Doctor's Daughter
The God Complex vs Smith and Jones
The Eleventh Hour vs The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords
The Girl Who Waited ve Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways
Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead vs The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon
Father's Day vs Fires of Pompeii
The Waters of Mars vs The Doctor's Wife
The Beast Below vs Vincent and the Doctor
Day 3
The Fifth Citadel vs The Scarlet Empress
Camera Obscura vs The Book of the War
Lungbarrow vs The Cars that Ate London
Unnatural History vs Vampire Science
Mad Dogs and Englishmen vs The Creeping Death
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play vs A Photograph to Remember
The Scorchies vs Alien Bodies
The Forgotten Village vs I am the Master
A Full Life vs Interference
Living Legend vs Solitaire
The Year of Intelligent Tigers vs Human Nature
Peri and the Piscon Paradox vs No Place
The Lumiat vs Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Square One vs Gallifrey IV
The Last Post vs Death and the Queen
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street vs The Bekdel Test
Day 4
posted alongside day 3 to catchup on an earlier missed day
City of Death vs Trial of Time Lord
The Keeper of Traken vs The Brain of Morbius
Earthshock vs Castrovalva
Planet of Fire vs Survival
Enlightenment vs Paradise Towers
The Mark of the Rani vs State of Decay
The Pirate Planet vs Battlefield
The Key to Time vs Remembrance of the Daleks
The Curse of Fenric vs Warriors' Gate
Snakedance vs The Face of Evil
Horror of Fang Rock vs The Stones of Blood
The Deadly Assassin vs The Robots of Death
Genesis of the Daleks vs Mawdryn Undead
Vengeance on Varos vs The Five Doctors
Logopolis vs Ghost Light
The Androids of Tara vs The Caves of Androzani
Day 5
Whatever Happened to Sarah-Jane vs The Halloween Apocalypse
Listen vs Hell Bent
The Pandorica Opens/The Big Bang vs Under the Lake/Before the Flood
Last Christmas vs The Pilot
Mummy on the Orient Express vs War of the Sontarans
Village of the Angels vs Oxygen
Dark Water/Death in Heaven vs Time Heist
Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror vs Husbands of River Song
World Enough and Time/The Doctor Falls vs It Takes You Away
Spyfall vs The Haunting of Villa Diodati
Flatline vs Eve of the Daleks
The Woman Who Fell to Earth vs The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar
Thin Ice vs Fugitive of the Judoon
The Power of the Doctor vs Demons of the Punjab
Face the Raven vs Extremis
Flux vs Heaven Sent
Day 6
Time Crash vs Space/Time
Unnatural Selection vs Shada (webcast with 8)
Space in Dimension Relative and Time vs Doctorin' the TARDIS
Farewell, Sarah-Jane vs P.S.
Downtime vs Dr Who and the Daleks
The Flood vs Old Friends
Nothing at the End of the Lane vs Dalek Weetabix advert
The Land of Happy Endings vs An Adventure in Space and Time
Night of the Doctor vs Step Into the 80s/On Through the 80s
12 Doctors 12 Stories vs Pond Life
Merry Christmas Doctor Who vs Clara and the TARDIS
Shada (animated reconstruction) vs The Zero Imperative
The Star Beast vs Dimensions in TIme
The Room with All the Doors vs Scream of the Shalka
The Devil of Winterborne vs The Five(ish) Doctors Reboot
The Terror Game vs The Curse of Fatal Death
Day 7
The Chimes of Midnight vs The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Red Lady vs Albie's Angels
Absent Friends vs The Holy Terror
Ship in a Bottle vs The Kingmaker
Scherzo vs Jubilee
The Greatest Show in the Galaxt vs UNIT Dating
Storm Warning vs Human Resources
Seasons of Fear vs Day of the Master
To the Death vs Dragonfire
The Love Vampires vs Zagreus
Horror of Glam Rock vs The Natural History of Fear
Neverland vs Caerdroia
Doctor Who and the Pirates vs Robophobia
The Marian Conspiracy vs The Silver Turk
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg vs The Happiness Patrol
The Grey Man in the Mountain vs A Death in the Family
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timecrayon · 1 year
doctor who faves (nuwho bc i'm basic)
favourite doctor: 12
favourite companion: rose? bill? donna?
most underrated companion: martha, bill
best doctor arc: 9 or 12
best companion arc: donna!
favourite season: 5
favourite dynamics: 9-jack-rose, 10-rose, 10-donna, 10-wilf, 11-ponds, 12-bill, doctor-master
best stories: empty child/doctor dances, midnight, impossible planet/satan pit
comfort episodes: rose, beast below, vincent and the doctor, god complex
saddest episodes: doomsday, turn left
most horrifying episodes: midnight, empty child/doctor dances
favourite side character: wilf, sally sparrow, the tardis (sexy)
favourite master: missy
favourite villain: master, weeping angels (only in blink), dalek (only in dalek)
favourite story of every season: 1 - empty child/doctor dances, 2 - impossible planet/satan pit, 3 - blink, 4 - midnight, 5 - beast below, 6 - god complex, 7 - a town called mercy, 8 - flatline, 9 - heaven sent, 10 - world enough and time/.../..., 11 - demons of the punjab, 12 - spyfall, 13 - eve of the daleks
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