storm-and-starlight · 6 hours
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storm-and-starlight · 6 hours
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storm-and-starlight · 13 hours
I’m having a spirited debate and need a larger sample size
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storm-and-starlight · 13 hours
I hope every writer who sees this writes LOADS the next few months. Like freetime opens up, no writers block, the ability to focus, etc etc you're able to write loads & make lots of progress <3
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storm-and-starlight · 15 hours
Can someone who actually has tiktok tell me what song is playing in the background?
EDIT: I have been informed it's called Little Things by H2kStudio. Thank you!
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storm-and-starlight · 19 hours
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we still get immediately shoved out of our immersion in tv shows or films when The Girl find a dead body and immediately shrieks - we just don't find it realistic because we're pretty confident most people would gasp rather than shriek (i.e. sharp inhale rather than sharp exhale) and it also feels unnecessarily (and predictably) misogynistic too, as men encountering corpses almost never do the same on screen
also of course please do tell us if you've actually encountered a corpse unexpectedly, because tumblr is absolutely a place where some people have done this thing and we love a good anecdote
suddenly imagining "burst into song" as a potential response
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welp I desperately need validation so have a passage from ghostfic (current hotlock/driftrod WIP feat. ghost! roddy) I guess? Under the cut for length.
"How the hell do you stand it?" Hot Rod asks, ten days of quiet later. He hasn't been talking quite so much since he got that memory back -- he hasn't stopped, but he spends more time watching the galaxy now.
Deadlock twists back upright and looks over his shoulder at Hot Rod, draped upside down over the base of a gun emplacement and completely ignoring the fact that he should be in microgravity and is thus completely defying every known law of physics.
Then again, he does that just by existing.
::Stand what?:: Running a full hull check by himself is irritating as hell, but it's not actually hard, and better this than spending his time among Turmoil's crew and their increasingly-hostile... everything.
"The cold."
Deadlock shrugs. ::I've felt worse.:: It's-- unpleasant, sure, and far too close for comfort to the memory of that last, disastrous fight when it's still too recent for information creep to have safely blurred out the pain, but the steady chill of vacuum doesn't really compare to the sensation of having your insides fall apart from an unchecked rust infection, or the searing burn of badly-filtered energon in a racing engine, or any of the many, many injuries he's taken over the course of the war. It's just cold, and not even the kind of cold that makes ice crystals start to form in your joints -- and as for the memories, he's had a long time learning to ignore them.
"Worse," Hot Rod says, deeply skeptical.
Deadlock shrugs again and stretches, releasing tensor cables and joints that have started to lock up. ::Worse. Why do you care? It's not like you can feel it.::
"Ha," Hot Rod says, sharp and sarcastic. "You'd think so, wouldn't you."
Deadlock actually turns around to face him at that, coming optic-to-optic with Hot Rod's upside-down face against the dark black-grey-purple of the gun stabilizer, and then Hot Rod's gaze flicks away, the motors in his jaw ratcheting tighter before releasing.
Deadlock shrugs and lets it go. Not like it's any of his business, after all -- even if he's already surveying the amount of hull he's checked today to see if it's safe to call it quits without Turmoil getting on his back and leaning back up against the slanted side of the gun mounting.
"...I already am cold," Hot Rod says, ringing sharp and striking, and slithers down from the top of the gunmount, somehow flipping mid-maneuver to land neatly on his feet. "All the time. Not just out here." There's a long pause, while the warmth of the gun's deep machinery seeps into Deadlock's back and Hot Rod is an eerie not-quite-there presence next to him, and then he feels him shudder, quick and involuntary. "It's like being buried in ice. All the time. It wasn't so bad before, and then... I think I started remembering what it was like to actually be warm again."
It's been a decacycle since they sat on the keel-ridge and Hot Rod gave up a piece of his past, and even though he's come back out onto the hull every on-shift without complaint, in retrospect he's definitely been acting... strange. Subdued.
When Deadlock glances over, he's staring blankly out at the nearest star, an ancient thing old enough and red enough that Deadlock could see it go nova within his lifetime, corona stretching out blazing arcs of plasma in one last desperate gasp at life. He's not built for this kind of silence -- Deadlock's barely known him and already there's something horribly unsettling about seeing Hot Rod quiet, enough that he finds himself reaching out without entirely meaning to.
::...You all right?:: The star, in the distance, burns on, a pattern of dark splotches crossing the surface like constellations in reverse. The medics would probably yell at him for staring directly at it for so long without appropriate optical filters, but they aren't here right now, are they?
"Yeah, fine." Hot Rod sighs, and slouches further back against the gun mounting, tipping his head back to finally look up at the overhead sweep of the galaxy like he usually does. "Sort of. Homesick. Life-sick? Is that a thing?"
::You'd know better than me.::
Hot Rod huffs one of those deeply sarcastic laughs. "Yeah, I would, wouldn't I. I barely remember Nyon and I still want to go back -- isn't being dead supposed to strip you of all worldly attachments, or something?"
::I thought that was why ghosts were ghosts,:: Deadlock says, keeping his focus on the star like it's a target he's in danger of losing. ::They can't let go.::
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I'm so excited and happy that so much of the fandom community has learned that things like consent and aftercare are very important when having sex. Now, if we could just learn that you only have to include these things in your fictional porn if you find them hot, we'd really be on to something.
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hey hey hey
Assigning you a song that makes white people go nuts (from experience)
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put “top 5” anything in my ask and i will answer ok go
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he! would! not! fucking! say! that!
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I was looking for a good picture of a hellbender for an article I’m writing and I found these which maybe aren’t “good” for an article but my god are they Good
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Honestly loving the surge in dratchrod that seems to be showing up in the mtmte fandom rn, I really need to get in on that
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What is the highest number of notes on a post you have made? What's your most "successful" post?
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okay well ACTUALLY i will elaborate on my Whirl feelings. fandom tends to parse 'I want my hands back' as Whirl very specifically being upset he has claws, because they are assumed to be less functional, and broadly that he wants a body which is not empurata'd again. but as I said in this post, we know people who underwent empurata can get new hands and faces- perfectly good ones. tarn used to be damus and damus was a victim of it too, and they got the guy a whole new body! there's no way that with ratchet as autobot CMO, he would not be insistent that they make time and find resources for any empuratee who wants new hands or a new face at SOME point throughout the war. let alone now it's over.
but they would be new ones. the point is that when whirl says 'i want my hands back' he doesn't (just) literally mean 'i want hands again instead of claws', or even 'i want the original hands i was forged with back'. i would argue he means he wants to go back to the person he used to be before the shit he went through beat him into a new shape he hates. (because whirl reeeeally hates himself. we are literally introduced to him during a suicide attempt as his defining character moment, i mean…) but he can't, because that's not possible, and getting new hands won't magically make him the person he was when he was a watchmaker even if it'd make it easier to make watches again.
and that's why whirl doesn't get new hands or a new face! because it's scary to admit that doing so doesn't make him the person he once was again, and if he did it and was still the same damn person, it would be that ultimate proof that nothing he does will ever acheive this. it's safer to remain as he is in a body he hates than to change it and not actually have solved the underlying issue.
it's also why he rejects the offer of ratchet's hands in LL #25. at that point, he has been able to accept the person he now is and will always be going forward, so they no longer carry the same symbolism. sure, that means he could choose to take them without fear, but it also means he can reject them as not really necessary anymore, and i think it makes the most sense for whirl's arc that he chooses the latter, tbh.
(sidenote: especially worth noting we never actually see if whirl can't make watches with his claws. he can at least make clocks! i've seen people suggest you can interpret it as him actually being perfectly capable with his current frame and he doesn't want to admit it and learn a new way because *points at above*, and honestly, intentional reading or not, i fully buy this. i like to imagine post-canon, he's perfectly good at making them with his current hands, because now he's not so hung up on all that baggage that teaching himself the necessary new techniques is unbearable to consider like it was before. this also has the bonus of mitigating some of the comic's uhhh. confusing? messaging around forged/constructed stuff and disability, so i'll take it.)
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Submitted by @sky-the-snail-fanatic
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