#🜃 | Asleep within the petals of Poppies ; nourished with blood | YAKUZA
deathleadsarc · 1 year
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@zankokukami sent a letter: ❝ yea, i got into a fight, what 'bout it ? just patch me up, n' i'll be ready to go in no time again. ❞
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― 🜛 ― for once his injuries required no stitches, even after carefully looking him over on the off chance she'd missed any particularly deep cuts. exasperation comes swiftly to take over her patience, dutifully rubbing topical solutions atop his cuts and bruises ( hopefully soothing, though she had a feeling he was more eager to jump back into the fray of the streets than feeling no pain at all ). to his exclamation, she could not keep her words to herself.
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     " Quite the popular guy, aren't you? I'd love to see what the other guy looks like. " a pause, examining a cut on his cheek and tapping it lightly with her medication. " You like fighting a lot, don't you? Have you ever thought of being a boxer, rather than picking fights on the street? "
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
@kansaisdragon​  ​ |  a suspicious starter      
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―    🜛    ―  "  What  a  gunfight  you've  been  through.  "          polite  interest,  made  all  the  more  polite  with  her  Japanese,  dressing  the  wounds  upon  his  arm  with  rapt  attention.  Yakuza,  certainly,  but  a  patient  she  would  not  turn  away  from  her  door.            "  Not  that  you  look  hurt  in  the  slightest.  .  .  or  is  this  just  you  showing  off  your  poker-face.  "
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
@kansaisdragon | cont.
―    🜛    ―    Oh  gracious!  Oh  GOODNESS!  A  woman  in  utter  surprise!!  Mouth  agape  in  shock,  suddenly  finding  herself  carried  and  carefully  held  close  in  Ryuji's  strong  arms.  Had  she  not  been  so  tired,  she  may  have  even  found  the  strength  to  protest    (    hating  the  feeling  of  being  weak,  of  relying  on  another,  of  putting  her  trust  in  someone.  .  .      )  yet,  she  ignored  the  growing  heat  that  pools  to  her  already  dark  cheeks,  a  beautiful  burnt  cherry  to  accompany  the  deep  complexion.  
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Hands  gripped  a  bit  tighter  'round  his  broad  shoulders,  trying  to  remember  why  she  was  in  his  arms  out  in  the  open  like  this  and  not  immediately  in  her  home  instead.  .  .  When  their  eyes  meet,  she  finally  plucks  up  the  diction  to  guide  him  to  her  clinic  (  and  her  apartment  that  sits  right  above  it    ).  
          "  You  ought  to  come  by  more  often.  .  .  "        she  turned  from  his  face  to  the  streets  ahead,  resting  against  him  and  attempting  to  fight  off  her  sleep,  her  pronunciations  falling  all  over  the  place.        "  Without  injury  of  course.  Not  that  I  mind  patching  you  up  at  all!  I,  Ohh.  .  .  I'm  terrible  at  this.  Sorry,  Sorry.  "
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deathleadsarc · 2 years
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@shimoninu sent a letter: 🎀 he is amazing at braiding pls misc action memes | accepting
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―    🜛    ―    A  hasty  morning  left  her  usually  pristine  self  in  disarray.  A  clinging  sweater  with  several  loose  threads,  shoes  that  slipped  on,  and  messily  bun'd  hair    ―    she  might  as  well  have  gone  into  work  naked!  Regardless  of  her  current  state  of  dress,  she  had  remained  the  stalwart  doctor  she  had  always  been  known  to  be.  Even  when  her  hair  had  fallen  completely  down  her  shoulders  and  that  Majima-san  had  taken  to  fixing  it  for  her  ―  she  remains  calm.  Calm  as  the  rough  hands  carefully,  skillfully,  twist  and  curl  her  thick  hair  into  a  delicate  braid.  Surprised  when  he'd  declared  himself  finished,  she  looked  over  to  a  nearby  mirror  and  turned  her  head  ever  so  slightly  .  .  .  admiring  her  appearance,  impressed  by  how  cute  it  made  her  look.
          "  Hoh.  .  .  Majima-san!  You  have  a  little  girl  at  home?  This  is  so  pretty!  Never  took  you  for  such  a  finely  detailed  type!  "  
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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@zankokukami sent a letter: " this place is a fucking disaster." unprompt. // accepting
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―  🜛  ―  " Allowing your men to run rampant is usually the general precursor of a 'fucking disaster', Maaaajima-saaaaaaan. "     her air of playful chiding comes accompanied by the winds of annoyance, gradually becoming a storm. Though the roughness of these yakuza was expected, she could not help but wish these fights could have broken out far away from her humble little clinic. As punishment, she tugged a little harder at the stitches so eloquently sewn in tattooed and sunburnt skin of a lackey.
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     " Gooooooro Maaaaajima-saaaan, don't stand there to the side looking so comfortable, yeah? "     she switched up her dialect in a snap, rising powerfully from her doctors stool and gestured to a spare medical table.    " G'yerself on this table b'fore I pick ya up m'self   ―  hooooora hora hora horaaaaaaaa, M'too BUSY to be dealin' with all this noooooooonsense you knowwwww? Yer gonna make it up t'me, yeah? All this work 'm doin'? Yer gonna repair it, neh? Nehhhhh? "
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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@zankokukami sent a letter: " because i'm nice and pretty. "
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―  🜛  ―  " Both 'nice' and 'pretty' are fairly objective, don't you think? "      smirk of that scoundrel mirrored 'pon the visage of that dainty lady nurse in these backstreets, chin rested on the heel of her wrist, staring openly to the shirtless yakuza  (  a glorious tattoo so boldly displayed, marking the answer to their back and forths )
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     ' And why are you shirtless? '    ' and why do you think? '
     " Your irezumi is lovely, sure, but nice? You? You've gone and knocked around several people in front of my office! You're going to drag them in for me, aren't you? Yaaaaa-kuza-saaaaan? "
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deathleadsarc · 1 year
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@majidog sent a letter: “ Yeah? Well, unfortunately, it /is/ my business now. ”
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―  🜛  ―  If there was anything she despised in this world it was having men invade the space of the patient rooms to dictate how she ran her clinic and its occupants, loud and brazen and rife with problematic motivations. Most especially so when it were the yakuza to come barging in. Yakuza or not, she would happily treat a patient who needed it  ―  however.
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     " And how am I to concentrate on stitching him up if I've got you breathing down my neck, hm? If you want to help me fix up your man here then do us both a favor and put on some gloves. I've got to get the bullet out and can't do it with all your hollering. "
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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       POV you snuck up behind her and didn’t realize you’d be feasting your eyes on an angel
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@gorokudo​ sent: 🍻+ “ who are you, really ?”
send me a 🍻+ the question you want to ask my muse for a tipsy, drunken ( honest ) answer.
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     sip after sip sends her thoughts spiraling from the fortress that is her dear heart, entrapping feelings behind lock and key for none to venture  (  much less herself  )  and yet the wash of beer melts down the doors as acid to the  lovely  cadavers awaiting her delicate touch back in the clinic... That was an answer, wasn’t it? She sets down her beer with a slight titter, smacking her lips thoughtfully. 
Who was she? She was Qistina Leota. She was an ex-mafia. These he knew...  That wasn’t what he had been meaning to ask. She knew this point blank, stepping into the crossroad of truth and continued secrecy with this man she had begun to painfully yearn for. Might he judge her response? Let alone the true form of the creature from beyond the prim and proper veil? He will flee, surely, just as any other man that had ever disappointed her.
          “  Monster. Ehh...  Bakemono.  A yokai of your deepest nightmares. Baba yaga in the woods waiting to devour all the good men and women who are so unlucky to cross her path   -  unworthy of care or kindness or kinship. Or love  - ”
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          “  der Gott  -  Was ist los mit mir? G’men, Eh. Sorry.  ”
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
@lykaiia​ | cont. 
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             “  Hoooo  ~  Exciting!  ”     though she’s missed the opportunity to fully examine another injury of the day - however minor - it is still just as incredible to hear of the  cause  of bloodshed. A tale of  fantastic  knife wielding, perhaps with the chorus of screaming terror as death rained upon them  -  why that would be just as good of a break to her mundane morning.   “ Oh go on, what happened? I wish I could see the other guy  - ”
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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          More Misc. Headcanons.
-     Qistina’s clinic is called Bella House Clinic. It’s got the Tojo symbol in the middle of Bella and House, very subtly, and a fair few belladonna flowers around the outside. Flowers adorn the outside building, along with a small table and chair nearby for any nurses that were appointed to help for the day. She always forbids smoking and has even refused to pay for their assistance if they break her rule. She’s quite lax for such a hard-ass, they should consider themselves lucky
-    It’s difficult to think of different clothes for her, considering this modern world, but she more than likely wears jeans and a bit more  ‘revealing’  blouses than she normally would in other verses, along with a pair of heels and her hair falling over her shoulders  ( tied in a ponytail or braided up in a bun, but not at all like the traditional edwardian style )   She feels more at home in a kimono and/or yukata, something that really covers all of her makes her feel more confident and ‘safe’, in a way. I thought it’d be a nice nod to her behavior with clothing in her main verse.
-    At some point I believe she will adopt a white dog, as another nod to baskerville. I’m unsure of the exact breed, but he’ll definitely serve as another form of protection for her.
-    Though her handwriting is near perfect, and she can perfectly read books, magazines, signs, etc, She has some trouble reading the handwriting of others. 
-    She knows her way around a knife, but also happens to know a fair bit of Krav Maga. Mostly in disarming and providing her with enough leeway to make quick jabs into vital areas  -  where she shines the most. Her knowledge of the human body make her a formidable opponent if you’re not careful. Mind you, she’s not a fighter, but can at least defend herself. 
-    She carries an inherited trench knife on her at all times, perfectly maintained, but doesn’t use it. It’s only on her person as a form of comfort. She  does  carry a switchblade embossed with little witches on the handle. And yes, she implements this in her fighting. 
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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     There are absolutely cat cafe’s in Kamurocho. Because she can’t really keep animals in her apartment above the clinic ( along with a myriad of other reasons ) she frequently visits on her day off and will usually seek out the one cat that no one usually wants to play with. He’s a very big, dusty and dimly colored orange tabby with a nicked ear and one eye, and a very mean looking face. His name is Boris. At 17 years old, he’s quite slow on his feet but always eagerly saunters off to the nearest customer looking for some affection. Most who come to the cafe are young and tend to go for the younger, prettier looking cats however, leaving him to be Lonely. 
Qistina however fell in love with him and always keeps an eye out for him. Giving him all her attention for the whole of her visit. He will very nearly run when he sees her come through the door. She finds a strange little kinship with him, as she’s always feeling very lonely and isolated in the city.
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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MISC Headcanons
-      In this verse, Qistina will have her two lovely little yellow canaries Sol and Luna. She brings them with her downstairs to the clinic  (  living in the above loft to keep Qistina herself close by  )  considering that these small birds are very attached to her and very greatly need her around throughout the day. They really require the company from her. 
-       There is also a rather large Raven that has been following her around since she arrived in Japan, having fed it a few times. She’s taken to calling him ‘Poe’, and he’ll usually hang out around the windows for her to come outside during her lunch breaks  (  and yes, she still gives him food )
-       During these breaks, she will go through her stock of medicines at that moment during the day, place orders through her laptop if need be, make calls, etc. But every  other  day, you’ll spot her practicing her Japanese and handwriting. Hint: it is  very  meticulously written, in fact, it looks more like typing than handwriting. She frets whether or not her kanji/katakana/hiragana is legible. At the moment, she’s at a N3.
N3 is the Intermediate Level: The ability to understand Japanese used in everyday situations to a certain degree. Reading. One is able to read and understand written materials with specific contents concerning everyday topics. One is also able to grasp summary information such as newspaper headlines.
I’d say she really beats herself up over not knowing Kanji, despite even native born Japanese people constantly learning Kanji in schools all throughout their life. However, though her Hiragana and Katakana are perfectly memorized and never mistaken, she’ll do the same thing if she forgets even the simplest of words or phrases.
-    Everything she does must be perfect, just like in all her verses. Her note taking is something you’d see in some pintrest board ;  highlights, straight lines, descriptions, lots of pretty writing, etc. 
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
first two yakuza related posts 
initial info random info
Differences in her character and more additional info to her whereabouts and timeframe.
The biggest difference is that she is not an alchemist, obviously, so she has an easier time with using physical weapons like knives or guns. She she doesn’t have any desires to own or use a gun, however. Does she own a knife? She does! Several kinds! Aside from the medical equipment, she carries a family heirloom from WWI  -  a trench knife passed down from her mothers side, given to her by her brother. 
Qistina and is more accepting and interested in her heritage, but still does not hold any religious values. She hardly holds onto any good values at all, much like her main incarnation.
Still very much a murderous person. There is no formal diagnosis on her, but she is a high functioning psychopath and should  still  not be trusted. That’s not to say that she can’t feel feelings, however. At the very least, she understands that what she does is morally wrong. She can read emotions well and acts accordingly to their interactions and what she needs from them. there are also certain special people who can excite and please her enough that she drops her façade. Becoming much more honest with them. 
There is enjoyment in what she does. She loves exploring the human body just as a kid will enjoy playing with a coloring book  -  she finds creativity in it, happiness, fuels her with a sense of control in her chaotic and horrible life being lead. For as much as she is content with her life, there is a small desire that wells up from time to time to have a family of her home  ( not yakuza related, per say, but a person who loves her. maybe a few children ) because this is something she feels is so far away from her reach, she continues with her life until Homunculus’s inevitable return. 
Date of Birth :  Oct 31st 1973
During her time in the mafia in Germany, she would harvest organs and even serve as a threat to torture in particularly stubborn troublemakers who went against their Father. She joined them when she was 22, only a few years after entering medical school, and learning more first hand than in the classroom. Having spotted one member of Homunculus torturing and dismembering a man, she was given the choice to join in or join the floor. Guess what she chose!
Her own story beginning in Japan starts in 1998 when she is 25 years old, when a fellow  Alchemist  by the name of Roy Mustang helped smuggle her out of Germany through his connections with a Yakuza family in Japan by the name of  Arakawa  (  by my own luck, there is  already  an Arakawa family in the Yakuza series - but my reasoning is mostly a reference to fma’s author ) . She is brought in front of few of the Family Heads and introduces herself in Japanese, dressed fully in a black and red furisode  ( yamamba and spider lily patterns )  hoping to give a good impression. Lucky for her, it works. 
Serving as a backdoor / black market doctor to any member who cannot risk a hospital visit or otherwise. Providing a unique skillset and disposition toward her situation. Her abilities are offered in exchange for their protection, with a small clinic was provided to her by the Tojo family in Kamurocho, first watched over by a senior Doctor, then turned over during the kiwami timeskip before 2005.
The yakuza who come through don’t bother her too much outside of medical reasons, though they do refer to her by yokai related names due to her very unique appearance: nure-onna, yuki-onna, and yama-uba. Usually these names are used as a code when in public, as her name is too foreign to forget when you hear it. “nure” “yuki” or “yama” are acceptable names to call her. 
TAG:  🜺  | asleep within the petals of poppies ; nourished with blood ( yakuza verse ) ( the tag will contain the triggers of gang related activity, drugs, violence. I won’t tag everything involved with every thread or post unless you specifically ask me to. ) 
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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       She will sit on her little apartment balcony above the clinic with her tea and watch all the fights going down. In other verses, she would really turn up her nose at street-fighters. FMA, MULTI, etc, she was never a fan of it. But sometimes she really likes sitting outside of that balcony with a nice blanket over the shoulders to look out onto the landscape of tightly knit together lights and watch a guy get thrown face first into a brick wall...
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deathleadsarc · 3 years
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@gorokudo​ sent: “  a little blood never never hurt anyone.  ”
Blood Related Prompts | accepting
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       “  A nice healthy dose of shock therapy to renew the senses, is it? ”     a bite back to the fit of laughter to that threatens to pop from pursed lips, though there is no halting the shake of her head. Goro had stumbled into the clinic with splatters and splotches of blood at hem and heel and loosened knuckles, striding forward to greet her as if he’d been a part of a simple little street game and was joining her for a celebratory dessert. 
     It’s in the way that he walks, chin high skyward as if it’d never come down, stumbling in speech yet confident in cadence and appearance despite the injuries he so proudly showcases. A rumble of  affection  shivers up the spine at the very instant he’d opened his sly mouth, observing his glory in a smile of her own  -  warmed, near embracing his attitude in similar lilts. She reached forward to take the powerful muscle in hand and drag him into the nearest chair, not caring if he should stain it with his mess  (  somewhat hoping she’d keep such a souvenir all to herself  ), and began to clean him and stitch him up. 
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      “ Do you feel as  alive  as I do when your hands are busy like this? Partaking in  the preservation of lifes most precious resource, feeling its warmth on the skin and the softness it leaves behind... ”     And now, she was beginning to sound more and more like the monster she so presumed herself to be, as she had so drunkenly called it. The smile falters, and she becomes more demure than usual, peeking up at him to meet his gaze.    “ I suppose that’s  strange,  isn’t it? ” 
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