#💙 Detective: Shuichi 🔍
ask-saioumatsu · 2 years
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General Info
Name: Kaede Akamatsu
Nicknames: Akamatsu-San (by Shuichi), Kaede-San (by Shuichi), Aka-Chan (by Kokichi), De-Chan (by Kokichi)
Prefers To Be Called: Kaede
Gender: Female (AFAB)
Pronouns: She/Lilac/Note/Love/Pink/Soft/Music/Heart
Title: Ultimate Pianist
Height: 5'8
Weight: 117 lbs
Age: 18
Birthday: March 26th
Zodiac: Aries ♈️
Dominant Hand: Left
Blood Type: O
Triggers: Ropes, Hanging, Playing Songs Wrong, Deaths By Hanging, Executions, Tsumugi Shirogane
Place Of Birth: Sapporo, Japan
Siblings: Kaori Akamatsu (Twin Sister)
Parents: Taiyo Akamatsu (Father), Nozomi Akamatsu (Mother)
Other Relatives: Miu Iruma (Second Cousin)
Former High Schools: Hope's Peak Academy, Shining Star International High School, Ultimate Academy For Gifted Juveniles
Current School: Keio University
Occupation: Concert Pianist At Roki Music Studios
Current Residence: Keio University Dorm Rooms
Relationship Status: Dating Shuichi Saihara And Kokichi Ouma (Here)
Driver's License: No / Yes
Standing Health Conditions: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Criminal Record: Attempted Murder
Close Friends: None (Yet)
Sex And Love
Romantic Orientation: Panromantic (Male Lean)
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual (Female Lean)
Preferred Emotional Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive
Preferred Sexual Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive
Libido: Low
Open To Polyamory?: Yes
Virgin?: Yes
Relationship Tendencies: Kaede is a sweet girl, through and through. She likes to make sure her partners are safe, secure, and happy at all times. Sometimes she likes to braid their hair or paint their nails, though, usually Kokichi, since he's the one who lets her and doesn't care about his public image. She's a huge cuddler, latched onto someone at all times when they're alone. She also enjoys surprising both of her boyfriends, often baking or getting gifts whenever they're not around.
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General Info
Name: Shuichi Saihara
Nicknames: Shushu (by Kokichi), Saihara-Kun (by Kaede), Shu-Sai (by Kokichi), Salami (by Kokichi), Shumai (by Kokichi), Saihara-Chan (by Kokichi), Shu-Chan (by Kokichi), Sai-Chan (by Kokichi)
Prefers To Be Called: Shuichi
Gender: Male (AMAB)
Pronouns: He/They/Cloud/Blue/Rain/Fluff/Noir
Title: Ultimate Detective
Height: 5'7
Weight: 128 lbs
Age: 18
Birthday: September 7th
Zodiac: Virgo
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous (Prefers Right)
Blood Type: AB
Triggers: Explosions, Loud Sounds, Sparking, The Word "Fiction"
Place Of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Siblings: None
Parents: Masaru (Father) and Masumi Saihara (Mother)
Other Relatives: Hajime Hinata (Distant Uncle)
Former High Schools: Hope's Peak Academy, Spring Field Academy, Ultimate Academy For Gifted Juveniles
Current School: Keio University
Occupation: Detective For Seifuku Police Department
Current Residence: Keio University Dorm Rooms
Relationship Status: Dating Kaede Akamatsu (Here) And Kokichi Ouma (Here)
Driver's License: No / Yes
Standing Health Conditions: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression
Criminal Record: None
Close Friends: None yet!
Sex And Love
Romantic Orientation: Biromantic
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Preferred Emotional Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive
Preferred Sexual Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive
Libido: Moderate
Open To Polyamory?: Yes
Virgin?: Yes
Relationship Tendencies: Shuichi is shy and timid as can be. He fears upsetting people and simply wants to get by without confrontation. Due to this, he often tries to either remain neutral in fights or he caves very quickly. Due to this, Kaede and Kokichi often have to be there to stand up for him if someone takes advantage of his shy nature. He also has plenty of trauma from the Killing Game, and thus, if he becomes too spooked, he often goes mute and becomes unable to speak until safety has been re-established.
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General Info 
Name: Kokichi Ouma
Nicknames: Koki, Kichi, Ouma-Kun (by Kaede and Shuichi)
Prefers To Be Called: Kichi
Gender: Male (AFAB)
Pronouns: He/Royal/Purple/Clown/Lie/Dice/King/Trick/Hoax
Title: Ultimate Supreme Leader
Height: 5'1
Weight: 90 lbs
Age: 18
Birthday: June 21st
Zodiac: Gemini
Dominant Hand: Right
Blood Type: A
Triggers: Crushing, The Smell Of Metal, The Taste Of Metal, The Smell/Taste Of Blood, Damp Clothes, Grape Juice
Place Of Birth: Kyoto, Japan
Siblings: Unknown
Parents: Unknown
Other Relatives: Unknown
Former High Schools: Hope's Peak Academy, Imperial Capital's Imperial High School, Ultimate Academy For Gifted Juveniles
Current School: Keio University
Occupation: Daycare Worker At Sagashimoto Daycare
Current Residence: Keio University Dorm Rooms
Relationship Status: Dating Kaede Akamatsu (Here) And Shuichi Saihara (Here)
Driver's License: No / Yes 
Standing Health Conditions: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Compulsive Lying Disorder
Criminal Record: Stealing, Drug Possession, Vandalism, Criminal Mischief
Close Friends: None yet!
Sex And Love 
Romantic Orientation: Omniromantic
Sexual Orientation: Omnisexual
Preferred Emotional Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive 
Preferred Sexual Role: Dominant / Switch / Submissive 
Libido: High
Open To Polyamory?: Yes
Virgin?: No
Relationship Tendencies: Kokichi is never honest, not even with himself. But he will make an effort to not be so deceptive with the people he's given his heart to. He is also hypersexual, most often expressing his love through sex. He's more than shocked when his advances are rejected, believing it means his affections aren't returned and leaving it at that. He also likes to show his love through making himself vulnerable in many ways. Sometimes, he lets his scarf fall to reveal the scars that litter his neck. Sometimes, he curls up in one of his partners' arms. Other times, he just shows his genuine emotions for what they are. Only time will tell if this liar can heal his habits for their sake.
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Family Profiles
Questionnaire Link
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The Momota Family
1) What kind of family are they? Nuclear (two parents and children), single-parent, childless, extended, adoptive/foster, sibling-only, blended, or something else?
-> Adoptive on Masaru's end, of course. Kaito was contacted by Team Danganronpa again, asking if he'd be interested in caring for an abused child whose season of Danganronpa didn't do so well. Kaito, with the drive to be a hero, immediately accepted, much to Maki's chagrin. She was hesitant on this, thinking that he could easily get hurt because of her, but eventually, she grew more lenient and proved to be a diligent caretaker, however, though not very physically affectionate, she is protective and quick to provide assistance even where unneeded.
2) Who's in charge at home? Is there one clear leader, or does the household operate more on a democratic level? If making a big decision, eg. If they move, who would be able to veto a decision?
-> Nobody's really "in charge", because everything operates with all three opinions. Big decisions tend to be led by Maki, but she also listens to Kaito's and Masaru's opinions. Kaito likes to give his traumatized wife the majority of power bc he's a dumbass. ;w;
3) Who brings in the family income? How does this alter their position in the family, and any power they could hold over other members? Who then takes care of the household duties?
-> At the moment, Kaito does. Maki is currently in hiding from her assassin group, and as soon as it's safe, she has a lot of credentials she can fall back on as a former Hope's Peak Academy student.
4) Where do they live? What is their house/apartment/etc. like? Are there great distances between rooms, or are people always on top of each other? Is their family considered unusual or normal, in the area they're living in?
5) If a stranger walked into their home, what would be the first thing they heard; silence, banter, laughter, or something else? What smells would fill the air? Would they be welcomed, or immediately kicked back onto the street?
6) How is conflict dealt with within the family? Is it talked over calmly, screamed about, or ignored? Are there punishments for children disobeying their parents, such as going to the 'naughty corner', etc.?
7) What family members get along? How is this influenced by personality, age, and life experiences? What do they enjoy doing together?
8) What family members don't get along? Why not? What do they disagree on, and how is this expressed? Do they avoid each other and say little, or are they constantly breaking out into arguments?
9) What kind of food does the family eat? Who cooks? Are there family recipes that have been passed down, and are eaten regularly, or do they prefer to eat out, or have microwave meals? Do they eat foods that are accepted by their surrounding culture, or foods that might be considered strange?
10) How are politics dealt with in the family? Does each member have the freedom to strongly express their viewpoint, or is there only one political opinion that is accepted? What happens when members disagree about key political issues?
11) What past-times do family members engage in? Are their leisure pursuits all wildly different, or do they all enjoy one hobby, such as hiking, reading, etc.?
12) If there are children, how are they raised? Do the parents have control over every aspect of their lives, or do they let them roam free? What do they prioritize; fun or learning?
13) What system of education is preferred? Are all the children home-schooled, or sent to public/private schools? What beliefs or past experiences have shaped their decision?
14) What faith/religion is held by all, or most of the family members? What religious ceremonies or activities do they engage with as a family? Do they go to a place of gathering for this faith as a family, or alone? Are there any members who don't follow this faith? Does that stir up conflict (if so, then what kind?), or is it readily accepted?
15) What core values do they have? Eg. love, serving a god of their faith, happiness, diversity, money, success, etc. Is there a consensus on the meaning and purpose of life? Where did these values and beliefs come from?
16) Who holds the family secrets, and what are they? Who in the family is aware of them; are they proud of them, or do they desperately try to conceal them?
17) How close are they with extended family members? How often do they visit them, or meet up? Do they always host family reunions, or do they come up with excuses of why not to go?
18) Are they proud of their heritage? What celebrations or festivals do they engage in to celebrate this? Or are they ashamed of it? Why?
19) What struggles have the family gone through together? Has this caused them to break apart, or grow closer? Can any broken relationships be restored?
20) What daily family traditions do they engage in? What weekly/monthly traditions? What time of the day are they performed at?
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The Saihara Family
1) What kind of family are they? Nuclear (two parents and children), single-parent, childless, extended, adoptive/foster, sibling-only, blended, or something else? 
2) Who's in charge at home? Is there one clear leader, or does the household operate more on a democratic level? If making a big decision, eg. If they move, who would be able to veto a decision? 
3) Who brings in the family income? How does this alter their position in the family, and any power they could hold over other members? Who then takes care of the household duties? 
4) Where do they live? What is their house/apartment/etc. like? Are there great distances between rooms, or are people always on top of each other? Is their family considered unusual or normal, in the area they're living in? 
5) If a stranger walked into their home, what would be the first thing they heard; silence, banter, laughter, or something else? What smells would fill the air? Would they be welcomed, or immediately kicked back onto the street? 
6) How is conflict dealt with within the family? Is it talked over calmly, screamed about, or ignored? Are there punishments for children disobeying their parents, such as going to the 'naughty corner', etc.? 
7) What family members get along? How is this influenced by personality, age, and life experiences? What do they enjoy doing together? 
8) What family members don't get along? Why not? What do they disagree on, and how is this expressed? Do they avoid each other and say little, or are they constantly breaking out into arguments? 
9) What kind of food does the family eat? Who cooks? Are there family recipes that have been passed down, and are eaten regularly, or do they prefer to eat out, or have microwave meals? Do they eat foods that are accepted by their surrounding culture, or foods that might be considered strange? 
10) How are politics dealt with in the family? Does each member have the freedom to strongly express their viewpoint, or is there only one political opinion that is accepted? What happens when members disagree about key political issues? 
11) What past-times do family members engage in? Are their leisure pursuits all wildly different, or do they all enjoy one hobby, such as hiking, reading, etc.? 
12) If there are children, how are they raised? Do the parents have control over every aspect of their lives, or do they let them roam free? What do they prioritize; fun or learning? 
13) What system of education is preferred? Are all the children home-schooled, or sent to public/private schools? What beliefs or past experiences have shaped their decision? 
14) What faith/religion is held by all, or most of the family members? What religious ceremonies or activities do they engage with as a family? Do they go to a place of gathering for this faith as a family, or alone? Are there any members who don't follow this faith? Does that stir up conflict (if so, then what kind?), or is it readily accepted? 
15) What core values do they have? Eg. love, serving a god of their faith, happiness, diversity, money, success, etc. Is there a consensus on the meaning and purpose of life? Where did these values and beliefs come from? 
16) Who holds the family secrets, and what are they? Who in the family is aware of them; are they proud of them, or do they desperately try to conceal them? 
17) How close are they with extended family members? How often do they visit them, or meet up? Do they always host family reunions, or do they come up with excuses of why not to go? 
18) Are they proud of their heritage? What celebrations or festivals do they engage in to celebrate this? Or are they ashamed of it? Why? 
19) What struggles have the family gone through together? Has this caused them to break apart, or grow closer? Can any broken relationships be restored? 
20) What daily family traditions do they engage in? What weekly/monthly traditions? What time of the day are they performed at? 
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The Yonaga Family
1) What kind of family are they? Nuclear (two parents and children), single-parent, childless, extended, adoptive/foster, sibling-only, blended, or something else? 
2) Who's in charge at home? Is there one clear leader, or does the household operate more on a democratic level? If making a big decision, eg. If they move, who would be able to veto a decision? 
3) Who brings in the family income? How does this alter their position in the family, and any power they could hold over other members? Who then takes care of the household duties? 
4) Where do they live? What is their house/apartment/etc. like? Are there great distances between rooms, or are people always on top of each other? Is their family considered unusual or normal, in the area they're living in? 
5) If a stranger walked into their home, what would be the first thing they heard; silence, banter, laughter, or something else? What smells would fill the air? Would they be welcomed, or immediately kicked back onto the street? 
6) How is conflict dealt with within the family? Is it talked over calmly, screamed about, or ignored? Are there punishments for children disobeying their parents, such as going to the 'naughty corner', etc.? 
7) What family members get along? How is this influenced by personality, age, and life experiences? What do they enjoy doing together? 
8) What family members don't get along? Why not? What do they disagree on, and how is this expressed? Do they avoid each other and say little, or are they constantly breaking out into arguments? 
9) What kind of food does the family eat? Who cooks? Are there family recipes that have been passed down, and are eaten regularly, or do they prefer to eat out, or have microwave meals? Do they eat foods that are accepted by their surrounding culture, or foods that might be considered strange? 
10) How are politics dealt with in the family? Does each member have the freedom to strongly express their viewpoint, or is there only one political opinion that is accepted? What happens when members disagree about key political issues? 
11) What past-times do family members engage in? Are their leisure pursuits all wildly different, or do they all enjoy one hobby, such as hiking, reading, etc.? 
12) If there are children, how are they raised? Do the parents have control over every aspect of their lives, or do they let them roam free? What do they prioritize; fun or learning? 
13) What system of education is preferred? Are all the children home-schooled, or sent to public/private schools? What beliefs or past experiences have shaped their decision? 
14) What faith/religion is held by all, or most of the family members? What religious ceremonies or activities do they engage with as a family? Do they go to a place of gathering for this faith as a family, or alone? Are there any members who don't follow this faith? Does that stir up conflict (if so, then what kind?), or is it readily accepted? 
15) What core values do they have? Eg. love, serving a god of their faith, happiness, diversity, money, success, etc. Is there a consensus on the meaning and purpose of life? Where did these values and beliefs come from? 
16) Who holds the family secrets, and what are they? Who in the family is aware of them; are they proud of them, or do they desperately try to conceal them? 
17) How close are they with extended family members? How often do they visit them, or meet up? Do they always host family reunions, or do they come up with excuses of why not to go? 
18) Are they proud of their heritage? What celebrations or festivals do they engage in to celebrate this? Or are they ashamed of it? Why? 
19) What struggles have the family gone through together? Has this caused them to break apart, or grow closer? Can any broken relationships be restored? 
20) What daily family traditions do they engage in? What weekly/monthly traditions? What time of the day are they performed at? 
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The Ouma Family
1) What kind of family are they? Nuclear (two parents and children), single-parent, childless, extended, adoptive/foster, sibling-only, blended, or something else? 
2) Who's in charge at home? Is there one clear leader, or does the household operate more on a democratic level? If making a big decision, eg. If they move, who would be able to veto a decision? 
3) Who brings in the family income? How does this alter their position in the family, and any power they could hold over other members? Who then takes care of the household duties? 
4) Where do they live? What is their house/apartment/etc. like? Are there great distances between rooms, or are people always on top of each other? Is their family considered unusual or normal, in the area they're living in? 
5) If a stranger walked into their home, what would be the first thing they heard; silence, banter, laughter, or something else? What smells would fill the air? Would they be welcomed, or immediately kicked back onto the street? 
6) How is conflict dealt with within the family? Is it talked over calmly, screamed about, or ignored? Are there punishments for children disobeying their parents, such as going to the 'naughty corner', etc.? 
7) What family members get along? How is this influenced by personality, age, and life experiences? What do they enjoy doing together? 
8) What family members don't get along? Why not? What do they disagree on, and how is this expressed? Do they avoid each other and say little, or are they constantly breaking out into arguments? 
9) What kind of food does the family eat? Who cooks? Are there family recipes that have been passed down, and are eaten regularly, or do they prefer to eat out, or have microwave meals? Do they eat foods that are accepted by their surrounding culture, or foods that might be considered strange? 
10) How are politics dealt with in the family? Does each member have the freedom to strongly express their viewpoint, or is there only one political opinion that is accepted? What happens when members disagree about key political issues? 
11) What past-times do family members engage in? Are their leisure pursuits all wildly different, or do they all enjoy one hobby, such as hiking, reading, etc.? 
12) If there are children, how are they raised? Do the parents have control over every aspect of their lives, or do they let them roam free? What do they prioritize; fun or learning? 
13) What system of education is preferred? Are all the children home-schooled, or sent to public/private schools? What beliefs or past experiences have shaped their decision? 
14) What faith/religion is held by all, or most of the family members? What religious ceremonies or activities do they engage with as a family? Do they go to a place of gathering for this faith as a family, or alone? Are there any members who don't follow this faith? Does that stir up conflict (if so, then what kind?), or is it readily accepted? 
15) What core values do they have? Eg. love, serving a god of their faith, happiness, diversity, money, success, etc. Is there a consensus on the meaning and purpose of life? Where did these values and beliefs come from? 
16) Who holds the family secrets, and what are they? Who in the family is aware of them; are they proud of them, or do they desperately try to conceal them? 
17) How close are they with extended family members? How often do they visit them, or meet up? Do they always host family reunions, or do they come up with excuses of why not to go? 
18) Are they proud of their heritage? What celebrations or festivals do they engage in to celebrate this? Or are they ashamed of it? Why? 
19) What struggles have the family gone through together? Has this caused them to break apart, or grow closer? Can any broken relationships be restored? 
20) What daily family traditions do they engage in? What weekly/monthly traditions? What time of the day are they performed at? 
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The Amami Family
1) What kind of family are they? Nuclear (two parents and children), single-parent, childless, extended, adoptive/foster, sibling-only, blended, or something else? 
2) Who's in charge at home? Is there one clear leader, or does the household operate more on a democratic level? If making a big decision, eg. If they move, who would be able to veto a decision? 
3) Who brings in the family income? How does this alter their position in the family, and any power they could hold over other members? Who then takes care of the household duties? 
4) Where do they live? What is their house/apartment/etc. like? Are there great distances between rooms, or are people always on top of each other? Is their family considered unusual or normal, in the area they're living in? 
5) If a stranger walked into their home, what would be the first thing they heard; silence, banter, laughter, or something else? What smells would fill the air? Would they be welcomed, or immediately kicked back onto the street? 
6) How is conflict dealt with within the family? Is it talked over calmly, screamed about, or ignored? Are there punishments for children disobeying their parents, such as going to the 'naughty corner', etc.? 
7) What family members get along? How is this influenced by personality, age, and life experiences? What do they enjoy doing together? 
8) What family members don't get along? Why not? What do they disagree on, and how is this expressed? Do they avoid each other and say little, or are they constantly breaking out into arguments? 
9) What kind of food does the family eat? Who cooks? Are there family recipes that have been passed down, and are eaten regularly, or do they prefer to eat out, or have microwave meals? Do they eat foods that are accepted by their surrounding culture, or foods that might be considered strange? 
10) How are politics dealt with in the family? Does each member have the freedom to strongly express their viewpoint, or is there only one political opinion that is accepted? What happens when members disagree about key political issues? 
11) What past-times do family members engage in? Are their leisure pursuits all wildly different, or do they all enjoy one hobby, such as hiking, reading, etc.? 
12) If there are children, how are they raised? Do the parents have control over every aspect of their lives, or do they let them roam free? What do they prioritize; fun or learning? 
13) What system of education is preferred? Are all the children home-schooled, or sent to public/private schools? What beliefs or past experiences have shaped their decision? 
14) What faith/religion is held by all, or most of the family members? What religious ceremonies or activities do they engage with as a family? Do they go to a place of gathering for this faith as a family, or alone? Are there any members who don't follow this faith? Does that stir up conflict (if so, then what kind?), or is it readily accepted? 
15) What core values do they have? Eg. love, serving a god of their faith, happiness, diversity, money, success, etc. Is there a consensus on the meaning and purpose of life? Where did these values and beliefs come from? 
16) Who holds the family secrets, and what are they? Who in the family is aware of them; are they proud of them, or do they desperately try to conceal them? 
17) How close are they with extended family members? How often do they visit them, or meet up? Do they always host family reunions, or do they come up with excuses of why not to go? 
18) Are they proud of their heritage? What celebrations or festivals do they engage in to celebrate this? Or are they ashamed of it? Why? 
19) What struggles have the family gone through together? Has this caused them to break apart, or grow closer? Can any broken relationships be restored? 
20) What daily family traditions do they engage in? What weekly/monthly traditions? What time of the day are they performed at? 
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tavs-kin-korner · 7 months
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[Surprise stimboard for Shuichi Saihara (Danganronpa)!!]
[Hope you enjoy! I included some references to Kyoko and Ouma, as well as pianos, novels, and detective themes!]
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