#💌: Joy Langford
I want to admit that i'm sad about not being a detective anymore...leaving Tina and Verda is just...ugh...i love them so much, and hanging out with them (and drinking) and the little party for me (and the apartment, poor apartment) was so cute and fun, i just hope that even after being an agent we can still see them, have fun with them and help them...but it's so. .. sad. You are forced to leave everything behind, it's like saying goodbye to your old life, in a sort of way we already did but stepping to become an agent is really closing that dear door forever. I mean i'm glad we'll be spending a lot more time with the Unit Bravo but sigh.. but even in Verda and Tina's eyes (and the others, maybe the Captain's) everything must be so fast and weird, right?
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Fuck Marry Kill: Adam, Nate, Mason and Felix?
Joy ponders the question, her soft lips curled into a mischievous smirk. "mmm...fuck both Nate and Felix, marry Mason and..." she pauses, locking eyes with the man whose expression shows his disapproval at her words. "oh sorry sugar," she teases mischievously as she blows him a kiss. "kill Adam! i will strike him down with my charm and good looks" she says with a coy smile, her eyes twinkling in challenge, the commander looks at her with an amused expression which only encourages her more as Joy sticks out her tongue playfully, he lets out a groan of defeat, shaking his head in resignation.
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Who is Joy the closest to besides Mason?
How can i choose?? all of them are close to her 😭
Like with Nate, they are very close, the line "You seem to be underestimating how your presence has changed things" & "then I'll have to take your word for it" was sweet, their friendship is nice, I like the idea of them cooking lol she's not much of a cook but I can see her showing up and helping him if he wants to, Joy would completely distract him if he said wait and steal some food without remorse, they would read together when she is at the warehouse (I like to think she has her romance novel section there) both sitting close together, her legs on his legs, completely absorbed in the story she is reading, they would probably go shopping together for the warehouse and their wardrobe (they should have someone with them to stop them before they spend all their money)
In the story Felix is her best friend, i like the line "his energy helps her energy" because it is the truth 😭 he is very honest, caring and supportive and she likes him for that. they are so close that they hold hands, the townspeople would see them randomly going out while holding hands. i imagine them making the biggest jelly to eat together and making a mess in the kitchen, she would feel a little sad for Nate and clean the room after it but she would do it again if Felix asked her lmao she has a folder on her phone with all their selfies and they share a playlist on Spotify 😌
And then there's Adam, between him and Joy there's the mutual respect thing even if she doesn't agree with everything he says, i don't have a lot to say on their relationship because i didn't think about them a lot ajdysjd
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The real victim is the apartment
I'm praying that it will not be destroyed, but if it get destroyed Joy would end up staying at the warehouse again.......and it would mean that Mason will keep going in Joy's room..they will sleep together again and Joy probably will go in Mason's room... 🫢
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If the next villain tries to convert Joy to the dark side and wants to make her his evil pretty girl...that would be so funny, let's hope it's who i hope it is, i need a sexy, flirtatious villain for heaven's sake! i need him to drool over her and make someone she knows, jelly!!!
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Joy what is the comfortable outfit to sleep in?
Joy read the message, blushing slightly as she bit her lip, she leaned towards the screen with pursed lips and a contemplative look on her face, "a comfortable outfit to sleep in?" she asked herself quietly. her cheeks flushed deeper as she adjusted herself slightly on her chair, then toyed with one of her long locks of hair. "depends on whether i’m cold or too hot, but i never wear a bra at all when i sleep"
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As much as Rebecca talks about wanting to be closer to Joy, she is the first to leave her alone, does she know how relationships work? no, because i don't think she does. i don't know if in the fourth book she will really try...i don't understand what she wants, does she want Joy to do everything? she's been doing it her whole life, and Rebecca hasn't done a damn thing, except for the lying part, of course. now i wonder how their relationship will go, if you ask me, i want it to explode. i want Joy to be pissed off, i want all the lies to come out so she can scream her head off about how much she hates her, and then break down in tears. i want the drama, i want Mason to hold her close and never leave her. for too long Joy has been trying to make Rebecca like her, she never tried to say what she wanted to say and feel what she wanted to feel not until she said what she really thought when she was on a mission with her.
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Me 🤝 Joy and her tit mole
Help this cracked me up, this has a different aura from the ask i had to answer a few hours ago, i love you and i love that you love her and her mole 💀🤣
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Hey do you think Joy will ever have a moment where she will go "okay enough" and get angry or she will stay calm and smiling all the time?
In book 3 Joy is already starting to let go emotionally, she is becoming more tired and less forgiving and lenient, such as toward Rebecca when she didn't decide to sweeten her words before saying that she had chosen to leave her alone when it was her bday for work, in book 1 & 2 she would have made the sentence less accusatory so that Rebecca wouldn't feel guilty.
As for the anger...i hope that in book 4 there is a decent moment to trigger it, as a child Joy tried to bottle up her negative feelings toward Rebecca because she felt guilty, she felt like she was the wrong one, as a kid she thought a lot, "if only i had been a better child. then mommy would have stayed with me. but i am alone again, could it be that mommy doesn't love me anymore?", just thinking about a little Joy cuddling with her plush all alone is so sad..
Seeing her pissed off and damn tired, with runny mascara and reddened eyes as she yells at her,
"Spit it out, Rebecca! spit out the words that i'm nothing to you and all my life was a waste of time trying to be enough for your love! tell me that you never wanted me, that you can't even stand my presence! admit that i spent my life trying so futilely to win your affection, to make myself deserving of them, to make myself lovable for you that no daughter should ever have to beg for, admit that the door will always be opened only for you when you're fleeing from me! shout it out loud and make sure everyone hears that i wasted my life trying to earn your acceptance, to earn a love that i should not have had to fight for! i was just a little girl but i only remember your back, Rebecca!"
Would be a really good scene, and if they were in the rain while the guys watch them worriedly, it would make my mouth water like a starved dog.
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What does Joy look like?
Frankly speaking, i am not good with descriptions but i will try to make her easy to imagine? you can already have an idea by the girl i have in my icon, it's Joy 🤭 anyway, let's start!
"Joy is a 22 years old woman, she has long, wavy dark brown hair that cascades down to her waist and rustles against her skirt with every movement, her light green eyes are almond-shaped and glimmers with a gentle sparkle yet contains a mischievous glint that only those truly paying attention could catch, her soft lips are of a natural pinkish-red color like that of strawberries. her skin is fair and smooth, easily to tan in the sunlight. when asked if she ever wish to be shorter or taller, she'd laugh and says, "i like the way i am."
Joy loves her curves and has no problem showing off her body; she has three singular moles dotted on her body; one above her left breast, one small and hidden between the fingers of her right hand, and one near her navel."
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I hope we can have a vacation with the guys, Joy been through enough and having a vacation with them doesn't sound bad (maybe she'll go to that luxurious hotel too) but idk in which book it could happen..
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I don't know whether to pity Joy or to laugh because i'm the one who puts her in these situations...anyway, the relationship between her and Rebecca rises and falls in each book, Joy wants to be close to her (like really bad) but every time she takes that step and tries with all her might yet more stuff comes out, and she ends up starting from the beginning again. honestly speaking, she can't figure out if the person in front of her (Rebecca) is just putting on mask upon mask and she should think that everything she's saying are lies again.
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Is bobby your MC's ex? and what does she think about him?
Thanks for asking! She probably feels a lot of things about him. After all she really did think for a little he was the "one", so about Bobby...they were college sweethearts at the time, and when he did what he did (passing her work for his work) it was a very difficult time for Joy to metabolize, she was in shock, at first she could not believe what she was hearing and seeing, it seemed a terrible joke to make in that moment, but when she had her work in her hand everything seemed like a horrible dream that seemed far too real.
The time she spent in returning to their room was filled with silence, she couldn't believe what he did, so when she entered their room she had to choke back the tears and say, "You never loved me?"
When they broke up, Joy blamed herself a lot for putting herself in this situation, but she loved him and sometimes love is blind. People did warn her, but she doesn't go for first impressions and what others think about someone. Bobby, of course, tried to "make up" with her after what happened, and there were times he almost succeeded in it, yet even if she was in tears and close to say yes, she would force herself and reject him again.
It was a complicated time for her since she had no one, not even her Rebecca to comfort her. And calling her to say what happened was so... embarrassing, what could she say? That she was so stupidly in love to not notice what Bobby was actually doing? and got used? And that now her reputation could be a risk? It didn't sound like a thing a good daughter would do, so she didn't call her, it wasn't the right moment to do it.
So, now...what she thinks of him is mm at first she was annoyed and didn't want to see him, but she has little issues with him, partly because Mason takes too much space in her heart and mind. She still gets annoyed when she sees him, but she's still nice, too nice, even when she shouldn't. and Bobby uses this to his advantage, he takes too many liberties with her.
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avoiding friends' questions, strained smiles, secretly crying, deeply hiding her trauma, freezing from fear..my girl is so well 🩷
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What's a thing that Joy does always?
Mhm cupping and caressing her lover's face, when she does that she'd feel deep sense of contentment and love emanating from within, will then press her forehead against his own, gazing into his eyes lovingly and then she'd stole a lot of kisses from him.. kisses are everything!!!!
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Do you have other OC's for other IFs?
Naww too lazy, Joy is already there lol honestly having another character never crossed my mind at all, for me it's more fun to use the same character with different IFs and seeing how the story will turns out with her & personality & mentality, she's herself as she become a "bodyguard", a "goddess" etc and i love it! i like to see her growing up as character, for better or worse obviously lol
Moreover, i feel like one of these gods, lying down with zero worries as i watch my favorite little human living her life while i decide her fate
This is how i picture our interactions ↓
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