#💀 memento mori 💀 v; wizard
quaintnecromancer · 4 months
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“Look I’m actually eating this time … nothing can beat a full English breakfast despite it being Pancake Day!”
Hogwarts Verse thing we did ages ago
Closed Starter | @runyou-clever-boy
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Zacharias’s teasing was met with a bright smile and more than a little bit of relief. They weren’t exactly the closest of friends, but that didn’t mean that Jett didn’t care. He’d truthfully been worrying about his underclassman for a while now; seeing the other boy feast like this lifted a bit of weight off of his shoulders. Jett was the sort of person who found joy in the joy of others, after all.
“Good!” he answered, a light chuckle bubbling forth. “I’m glad, although I’m partial to pancakes myself.” An English breakfast would be a bit too much for the scrawnier youth. That, and beans had a texture that didn’t quite agree with him. Oh, but everything else looked and smelled so good…
This was a good morning, he mused. It was calm, despite the busy bustling of the Great Hall. Dawn’s light shown through the massive windows, bathing everything in a golden glow. Valentine’s Day was just around the corner, and he could feel more than hear nearly everyone buzzing about it, despite not having a romance of his own. There was nothing quite like sharing a good meal with his peers, a sentiment derived from Zacharias’s earlier words. Hopefully, the day would remain this lovely.
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quaintnecromancer · 2 months
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“Happy Easter - bitch”
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Sexy Photo Time! | @runyou-clever-boy
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“Aww, are those flowers for me? You shouldn’t have! How very thoughtful of you, Zach!” Jett gave a sardonic yet somehow still serine grin, pointedly avoiding staring at his friend’s bare chest. He couldn’t let himself be distracted by how pretty Zacharias was, especially in the early morning light of a fine spring day. It wasn’t easy. He was acting more confident than Jett had ever seen him, which only added to his attraction to the man. “Happy Easter to you, as well, although I don’t yet have a gift for you. Lost track of time. My apologies,” he added sheepishly. Truthfully, Jett didn’t celebrate Easter, so it had snuck up on him.
“Might we go for a walk in the park so I can make it up to you?”
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quaintnecromancer · 4 months
(Headcanon: Jett uses the Room of Requirement to practice his music while he’s at school, playing a variety of 70’s-80’s-90’s rock, metal, and country.)
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quaintnecromancer · 11 months
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V; Main/Royal - detailed on his About page, and takes place in a high fantasy setting.
V; Modern - takes place in Asheville, NC. Jett is a friendly young man with a rather intimidating outward appearance. He chose to name himself Jett Marwood after filing for emancipation from his abusive mother and absentminded father at sixteen, shedding the name they’d given him and recreating himself according to his own ideals. He has a reputation in town for being an outcast and a rumored “devil worshipper”, but in reality, he’s a kind person who values honor, truth, and justice above all else. The dead are far more honest than the living, and he finds himself chatting with them far more often. When they talk back, he listens, and he learns, using his magic to solve murders and root out corruption far more effectively than the police…or he would, if anyone actually listened to him. When he’s not visiting the local cemetery, he’s practicing the drums, writing in his journals and grimoires, and making tea in his cozy log cabin out in the woods, or he’s working at one of the local cafés. There’s an AU where he becomes a world renowned country singer!
V; Wizard - When Jett Marwood got his Hogwarts letter, he was ecstatic, as was his wizard uncle, despite the man’s rocky relationship with the British government. His muggle mother, on the other hand, wasn’t thrilled with the idea of losing control of him, or of raising a magical son. She tried to keep him from going. Luckily, Uncle Darius managed to get the law involved. He gained custody of Jett just in time to prepare for Jett’s first year, secretly obliviating his mother to make sure she wouldn’t give them trouble. Jett was sorted into Hufflepuff, though the Hat briefly debated putting him in Slytherin because of his ambitious nature. His halfblood status, odd tendencies, unusually calm temperament, and interest in the undead made him a target for bullies, of course, but instead of lashing out, he focused harder on his studies and turned to music as an outlet. He became quite the talented drummer! Cedric Diggory’s death at the end of his fifth year (Harry’s fourth) hit him rather hard, especially with all the rumors surrounding it. Only the ghosts of the castle would give him straight answers regarding it, further bolstering his theory that the dead were more honest than the living. Thus began his clandestine deep dive into the art of necromancy. By the end of his seventh year, he’d become obsessed, running off to the forests of Bavaria shortly after graduation to uncover what secrets were buried with the nameless dead. He roves the world over looking for such things, and has already managed to write a wonderfully macabre book on the subject: Secrets of the Unmarked Graves. He’s currently working on another manuscript that focuses on the hidden details surrounding Countess Bathory, Count Dracula, and other such undead nobles, with their permission, of course.
V; Vampire - Jett’s study of necromancy has led to a dalliance with a charming but manipulative vampire, and he ends up getting turned. Thankfully, he still has his magic, and can enchant a daylight ring for himself, but he’s thoroughly enthralled by his new master, wrestling with his rebellious nature and desire for acceptance in equal measure. (Open to plotting out who his master is!)
V; DC - It all started so innocently. Jett managed to get a music scholarship at Gotham University after he graduated from high school, eagerly taking the opportunity to get out of Asheville and make something of himself. Freshman year saw him starting a band with a few classmates, of which he was first the drummer and later the front man. Everything was going great. He graduated with honors, kept the band together and thriving, and managed to keep his practice of necromancy hidden from the general public. Until he got caught. By none other than a minion of Gotham’s Rogues Gallery. He wasn’t attacked, thankfully. Instead, the distraught man only sought solace, having lost a family member in the crossfire of one of his boss’s clashes with Batman. Jett talked with him for a while, connecting with his dead loved one. The next night, the henchman came back to the graveyard with a few others, and more the next night. By the end of the month, Jett had a small cult following, which he didn’t see coming, but wasn’t totally against, either, codependent as he was. Things spiraled from there. Due to some clashes with the law and with other Rogues, the cult became a gang known as the Whispering Grave, with Jett being its leader and known as Phasmagor, a masked necromancer. He taught magic to those who proved to be remotely capable of it while taking in any sentient undead, building a small army of mages, vampires, ghouls, and henchmen to aid in his machinations and protect his followers.
More to be added!
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