#🍑’s peaches — leigh!!
peachdues · 3 months
🍄 🪐 🍬 🥐 for the writers asks!!!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Sanemi Shinazugawa can and absolutely will cry during sex because he’s overwhelmed by the intimacy and emotion behind it, but he’ll try and hide it by burying his face into your neck (and he’ll VEHEMENTLY deny it if you point it out). I’ve included this in my HCs in my upcoming NSFW alphabet because I feel STRONGLY about it.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
1. Despite the fact that work is kicking my ass rn, I’ve been doing really well/have received a lot of praise for my work product
2. Sam and I are finally starting to renovate the upstairs of our home and we have plans to turn the old guest room into a gaming/cozy reading room. I’m very excited.
I love spring and I love the flowers blooming!
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
Just because Kyojuro Rengoku is a positive, inspiring, older-brother type figure to younger slayers doesn’t mean he’s emotionally stunted and doesn’t experience the full range of human emotion. Flame breathing stems from passion and passion means all emotions — not just the good ones. Reducing him down to a happy, go-lucky dumb puppy dog is a disservice to his character.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
Kylie Jenner going “shriiiiiimp” and then “HAAAA” while trying to get her food to cool off in her mouth. Sam and I quote it to one another all the time.
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peachdues · 2 days
Funny little nipple piercing story that you didn’t ask for-
Boyfriend at the time Mr Leigh and I were messing around on the couch at his dad’s house, and he managed to unscrew one of the ends with his tongue…
It fell off, rolled across the floor and fell right down an air duct. So to this day, there is a piece of my old nipple jewelry in my FIL’s ductwork
Happy Thursday!
Came out of my client meeting to this gem.
HOW DID HE REMOVE IT WITH HIS TONGUE?? Was it one of those little balls??
Smh first the ass tattoo and now the nip piercing, what else are you hiding from me?? so RUDE /lh
But honestly period on Mr. Leigh’s skills. And I hope that end to your nip piercing remains in that house forever
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peachdues · 24 days
you got freaky in a PORTAPOTTY at LOLLAPALOOZA??? so exactly how radioactive are you???
okay fun fact!! Your girl will not use public restrooms to this day if she can avoid it!! I hate them!!! You can imagine why!!
I was high as balls but it was no excuse. I’m still traumatized to this DAY.
It was not my finest moment 😭
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peachdues · 2 months
Gross question as a creampie enjoyer-
How the fuck do you manage the “oh my pants are suddenly really wet” feeling that inevitably comes after (besides the obvious answer of wearing a pad)
I actually end up showering after 😭 but that’s because I’m the current owner of a half-bush and I HATE when it gets in the hair down there.
Otherwise, I’m just a panty liner girlie 😭
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peachdues · 2 months
I need his fingers down my throat I need his fingers down my throat I need his fingers down my throat I need his fingers down my throat I need his fingers down my throat
I swear I responded to this yesterday but I guess tumblr deleted it??? Anyways this is in reference to a post of Sanemi’s abs so —
I need his fingers up my [redacted] while he grabs my neck and he shoves his [redacted] down my throat and [redacted] [redacted] [redacted] while I [redacted] and beg for [redacted] [redacted] [redacted]
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peachdues · 3 months
… okay I’m gonna need the details on the long hair sex mishap… because I had super long hair too once upon a time and it wasn’t that dangerous 😭😭
Okay it wasn’t a single incident or necessarily related to sex but basically:
Sam is a golden retriever when he cuddles. He nuzzles right into the crook of my neck/gets extra close. The problem is he has a big ass head and, like a puppy, is unaware of his size.
My hair used to be down to my waist. So, every morning, without fail, Sam would roll over to snuggle and end up yanking me awake by pulling on my hair/pinning it beneath him which is NOT a fun way to wake up.
My hair is much shorter now and granted, he sometimes still manages to pull it, but with farrrr less frequency.
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peachdues · 4 months
Those Rengoku gifs. How dare you.
lmao okay so I went to see Mugen Train at the theater… and this was before I read the manga… so I had no idea what was coming
I was not expecting to walk out of there bawling the way I was it was awful. I’ve watched it twice since then and I have cried every time like it does not get better 😣
Oh my god —
Idk how you survived. You went in RAW holy shit.
I barely could make it through the scene in the manga — I started reading right after my mom died so by the time I got to Rengoku’s death I was full on sobbing. His little smile DESTROYED ME.
I won’t ever be over his death. I will forever be too chicken to watch the movie/episode where he dies. I just can’t do it. He makes my heart hurt!!! Lots!!
God help us for infinity castle/sunrise showdown
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peachdues · 3 months
Happy Friday Peach!! I hope you have a restful weekend and maybe get choked if you feel like it idk
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LEIGHHH happy weekend!! I love seeing you in my inbox always (and my DMs, and my texts, and everywhere bc I love u)
And thank you for reminding me that that girl lived out my dreams. Anyways. Gonna return to my horny kyojuro writing.
I did not get choked out last night but I did wear thigh highs around Sam and had about a solid minute before he had me pinned down (he LOVES thigh highs). So it was a good night regardless!!
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peachdues · 29 days
Tell me to schedule a fucking dentist appointment oh my god please I don’t wanna go but I must I am overdue!!!!!!!!!!
Bestie I also need to go to the dentist, let’s schedule together!! Mutual oral hygiene!!!
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peachdues · 6 months
To induce further brainrot, I present The Choso Panel of All Time
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He is so unreasonably hot it is ridiculous
I am plagued by such unholy thoughts my GODDDD
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peachdues · 5 days
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You are one of my favorite people on planet earth and you make it better by being here!!! I love you!!!
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Respectfully let’s hold hands
Thank you so much, you effervescent land mermaid!!! I’m so glad the universe brought you into my life over our mutual thirst over animated men!! I love you dearly!!
I hope you have a wonderful day, bestie 🥺🤍
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peachdues · 1 month
Winry had better be one of them. OH and Olivier
Okay yes winry is in there, FMAB was his favorite anime as a kid.
here’s the definitive list, and it spans from his childhood to Shinobu in KNY
Anko (Naruto)
Winry (FMAB)
Olivier (FMAB)
Hawkeye (FMAB)
Suki (ATLA)
Maka Albarn (soul eater)
Three way tie between Annie, Armin, and Hange (AOT)
Shinobu (KNY)
Rukia (bleach)
Nico robin (one piece)
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peachdues · 2 months
damn like just lay me down on that cold slab right next to him because suddenly my heart is missing too
Girl that’s not even the worst part of it —
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peachdues · 13 days
I’m doing this completely blind sooo 23, 32, and 46 for the ask game!
hey there sexy, how you doin??
23. what's popular with the people around you that you can't seem to get behind?
Suguru Geto /j
This is more so a “what’s popular with Gen Z” thing (I’m like. The literal oldest in Gen z) but the whole tall/long socks in the summer and not ankle socks. It’s too damn hot!!
32. were you raised religious?
Sort of — I was raised Catholic. We went to church when I was really young, but we stopped because my parents didn’t like how right wing and fanatical the church was getting in the early/mid 2000s. They kept me in catholic school for the education, not because they felt strongly about the religious aspect.
There’s a difference between faith and religion, and I still have *some* tenets of faith.
46. do you follow any stereotypes of groups you're a part of?
As a bisexual — I don’t know how to sit normally in any seat and I have a golden retriever gamer bf (husband)
As a southerner — I talk to everyone I meet, I go outside during active tornadoes to look at them, and I love being barefoot lmao (but wash your feet before going inside/in bed!! Always!! And no outside clothes in bed!!)
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peachdues · 24 days
Hi hello good morning Happy Tuesday ily
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just marry me already jfc
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peachdues · 29 days
Okay I did it I scheduled my dental cleaning now it’s your turn!!! 🔫🔫🔫
yes mom ok
I scheduled my colonoscopy too 😭🫡
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