#🌈i know there isn't really a fandom and i'm kinda the only one here
rainbowbilly · 1 year
🌈i was gonna wait until i’ve drawn some fanart but i REALLY need to talk about muffin jack and jean-françois/jeremy RIGHT NOW or i’m gonna EXPLODE !!!! i’ve been hyperfixated on it for a couple of weeks now and i’m so so so sad it never really ended up getting made !! :[ i’ve been looking for as much stuffs about it as i can for AGES and AAAGGGHHHHHHH it’s SO COOL !!!!! the art and the story and the characters are ALL SO COOL !!!! also jean-françois/jeremy...he’s funny <3 🌈if there’s ANY other fans out there PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE TALK TO ME !!!! I NEED SOMEONE TO TALK TO ABOUT  IT !!!
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anxious-witch · 6 months
we still can't send asks from sideblogs? okay then
I just came here to say yes hello hi, I used to not care for soulmate fics and only got into them a year or two ago through a soulmate fic in another band fandom that also ripped my heart right out for many tens of thousands of words, and now here I am, feeling like a crushed bug in a useless class, ready to take a nap on the table or floor at 9:30 because I'd had the Inertia tab open for weeks now but always put it off because it was so long already and I didn't have time for it, and said yesterday night when I already should have gone to sleep "I'll just read the first chapter to get into it and then go to sleep" and idk how much later I have suddenly finished the whole fic and went through the full spectrum of human emotions while Jan slowly learns that maybe maybe he can let Nace in and he can talk to his friends about his soulmate troubles and they'll listen and be there for him even if they might metaphorically whack him over the head and tell him he's being a dick, and he's also going to therapy to work towards a better happier life with his friends and Nace as his friend and his soulmate and his boyfriend 🥰🥰🥰🥰
anyway I love so many things in each chapter, I hope I'll have time during the christmas break to go scream in the comments about each chapter and have my heart crushed and rebuilt in each chapter again ❤✨💖🥰🥺🌈
Apparently so, but dw, I also saw your reblog so I do know who you are 🤗
Funnily enough, I used to have a very similar view on soulmate au few years back, until a really good friend of mine didn't write the most heartbreaking soulmate au ever, and it was the best fanfic I read. After that I became kinda obsessed too, so it's nice to know I am participating in the cycle now 😂
Felt you sm about putting off a fic and then once you pick it up just reading it in one breath. I am honored my fic was one of those for you, that's a huge compliment.
I love writing through characters who go through the transformation, even if they only needed to realize they just need to let people care about them instead of pushing them away. For Jan, in this fic that isn't easy, so I'm really glad that roller-coaster of emotions is something that one can feel while reading.
I appreciate every comment so if you do decide to make them about parts you liked the best, that will definitely make me happy but this comment already means so much. Thank you so much for taking the time to let me know you liked my fic ❤️
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hello, i hope you're having a good day. i was wondering if i could request a match up, hopefully that's not too much trouble.
fandoms: marvel, chronicles of narnia, stranger things
level complete: level 3
intro ig??: my pronouns are he/they, and i'm pansexual. i've always said my type is sad, strong (it doesn't have to be physically) and maybe stupid (like an emotional himbo), if that helps out any.
i'm black, but my skin is kinda light. i currently have my hair in locs and the ends are dyed blonde on one half (the rest is black), it's quite long now, a little past my shoulders. i'm also about 5'10. i have dark brown eyes.
personality summery: introvert, intellectual, cagey w new people, menace/dumb w friends, compassionate about world issues, artistic, poetic, maybe even dramatic, probably socially challenged, indecisive, escapist, vulgar, usually pretty burnt out
interests: music (i listen to those medieval remixes of modern songs a lot,,, and abba), writing, fantasy, mythology, night (i am nocturnal), singing, baking, cooking, painting, ceramics, superheros, history, video games, animated media, shiny things (even if they're worthless), cryptids, animals
what else?: i hate the sound of styrofoam, i have ptsd, i'm dyslexic (who decides they like writing while being unable to read? i don't really know), i just have a lot going on mentally in general, i speak a good amount of spanish and french, i like lots of foods people would consider to be gross, i wear glasses, i paint my nails, i'm very clumsy, i injured my left knee permanently
last but not least, i am a pisces sun, aquarius moon and taurus rising.
okay, that's all. hope you're taking care of yourself. thank you so much!
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋🌈
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with Eddie Munson! The man, the myth, the legend. He would be such a lovely boyfriend, oh my god how he would dote on you. Always buying you things, and you would have to tell him to stop because he doesn't have a lot of money.
・You guys would spend a lot of time either in the trailer or his van. He would love if you read to him, not only does he enjoy the sound of your voice, but it gives him inspiration for his campaigns.
・He would die if you spoke to him in spanish. I mean literally, he would be putty in your hands
・He would love it when you wore his clothes, especially the Hellfire shirts, and sometimes you even take his leather jacket
・Would definitely teach you guitar!!!!
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You and Peter would be the cutest couple. He'd love to pick your brain and get to know you. Your personality kinda reminds me of MJ a bit, so I know that you would get along because your dynamics would most definitely fit.
・You weren't surprised to figure out he was Spiderman, and you brought it up so nonchalantly that Peter choked on the sandwich he was eating.
・He always brings you little gifts; a knick knack of his travels, a part of Tony's suit. But your favourite gifts are the stories that he brings back for you.
・You make him blush a lot with the things that you say, even if they aren't a compliment or anything to do with him. Sometimes you're just so honest that he's taken aback
・Peter likes to wrap his arms around your waist while standing behind you
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I think you and Edmund would fit together so well. He understands you in a way that other people don't. Even when you feel like the villain, he will remind you that the world isn't black and white, and even if you make a mistake, you can try again.
・He takes you down to the lake and rolls up his pants. He'll wade in the water, beckoning you to join him
・Ed gives great advice, he's gone through a lot and has become very wise
・Would definitely teach you how to defend yourself, and I have a feeling that you would be great with a bow and arrow
・You make him snort with laughter whenever you make commentary
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beautifulhigh · 2 years
For the ask game: 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 🌈 💭 please?
👨‍👧‍👧 Do you tell people in real life that you write fic? 
My parents know I write fic, I think Mum wishes I were writing books and the like. I have a close group of friends who I met through fandom and so us writing fic is pretty much how we all met!
🌈 What inspired you to write [insert fic here]?
In the absence of a fic name, I'm going to go with my current WiP, the challenge of the ages, the millstone around my neck...
And like most fics it starts with a scene that I visualise really clearly. I'd recently re-watched Bad Call which gave me the bank hold up situation, and a live I'd watched for one of the boys in which they'd talked about something (which I'm keeping under wraps for the moment as it's the big twist at the end), and the whole Carlos whump drive...
The initial scene I had was TK going into the bank and finding out that Carlos was the one who'd been shot. And he was desperate to get him out, get him to a hospital, but as the idea evolved I realised I could have WAY more fun with it if Carlos wasn't injured. Because if they manage to negotiate the release of the hostages, except those that Virginian and his crew have separated, how willing do you think Carlos is going to be to leave TK and Grace behind? And how desperate do you think TK will be to get him out of there, knowing what he's realised about Virginia's plan?
💭 What is a headcanon you have about your own work?
That a lot of the stuff I do, the details and the stylistic choices, they're not picked up on by the reader.
And that is OK, it really is.
I write for me and so if I know that there's this theme running through a fic and no one comments on it, that's OK. It's not that it was missed, it just wasn't noticed. It being there helps the whole and people like the whole and not everyone analyses fic like they're getting graded! In fact it's the sort of thing you only really look for if you are being analytical and that isn't what fandom is about. (Unless you're me because apparently three years after leaving the classroom I'm still that English teacher.)
So it's kinda nice for me to craft something, really focus in on the small details and stylistic choices, and know that if I do it right then people are going to like (hopefully love) the story and it will be, in part, due to this thing that goes unnoticed and not commented on.
Fanfic ask game - send me a symbol
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