#๐’๐„๐“๐“๐ˆ๐๐†๐’โ€โ€โ€Ž โ€โ€โ€Ž โ€โ€โ€Ž ๏น•โ€โ€โ€Ž โ€โ€โ€Žโ€โ€โ€Ž charactersใ…คโ€บใ…คhakuno.chrใ…คโ€บใ…คstudies .
nulltune ยท 3 years
hakuno kishinami is an anagram of "kimi no na hakushi", meaning "your name is blank". i've seen people dismiss this as a cue for them to just insert their own name, but i actually really love it! it's a nice sounding and really unique name (i've never heard of another character named hakuno or kishinami before :shrug:), but what really sells it to me is how it ties in hakuno's character and story extremely well.ย 
hakuno starts off with no memories, looked down by her fellow competitors and has nothing.ย many scenes in the game acknowledges this and literallt describes hakuno as nothing. all she has to her is a name, but that may as well be nothing too. that's why blank is a very fitting word for hakuno. it's empty, it's nothing, but at the same time, it's space that can be filled. a majority of the cast (and even the mob characters) berate and look down on hakuno, but several characters recognize her potential to grow โ€” and she does! hakuno's growth is that of a self-insert into a character, from nothing into something. hakuno explicitly says this in canon, thinking herself to be an empty cup, but now filled thanks to her friends and allies.ย 
Rin/Rani and [SERVANT YOU CHOSE]โ€™s words have touched me. They fill my empty cup with water, so to speak. โ€ฆI have no way of knowing if the water is pure at this point. Even so, I can see where I need to go from here.
i love this empty cup comparison because it really shows hakuno's inner struggles and doubts regarding what kind of person she is, but still choosing to move forward regardless. another motif that i really like for hakuno, and my hakuno especially, is a blank canvas. it's fitting in the way the word blank is for hakuno, but i personally really like this comparison because of one addition โ€” a blank canvas is empty, filled with nothing, but it's also white.
we all know that white is a color associated with good, innocence, purity, etc. and these two lines from leo and rin respectively really live in my mind rent free (leo's outright describe her as pure and innocent ok!!)ย 
... but it's true that you have a charm others don't. the reason i was drawn to you might be because i sensed possibility within your pure, innocent nature.
you're soft-hearted and sentimental and... it's a reminder of how people really should be.
it's not just them though.ย tamamo describes hakuno as a pure unpolished gem, nero leaves a white rose (just like the color white, often used to symbolize purity and innocent) for hakuno at her graveย and i'd list more here, but sadly, my brain is that of a gold fish.ย 
not what you'd expect to describe a literal artificial intelligence with a kill count of seven (fourteen if you count in the servants---) and i think some would argue "good" isn't something they'd use to describe hakuno, but i'd say hakuno is a very good-natured person. just forced into, y'know, a literal kill or be killed war.ย considering how she's treated the people she faced and how she went about a literal war (cried for someone who didn't care for her, took an opponent's advice to heart, saved a possible opponent, showed kindness to someone who deeply loathed her, etc.), i personally think it's pretty accurate.
and like a blank canvas and an unpolished gem, there's potential and possibility (which leo's quote also outright states!). i don't think i need to explain this because we already know that hakuno worked her way up from the very bottom, ultimately winning the holy grail despite being the weakest master on the moon. so... yeah!
what really sells this motif to me (and the reason i made this entire post tbfh) is the fact that advanced AIs do have souls, but the contents of which are colorless. NPCs like hakuno don't have souls, but extella materials stated that hakuno gained one with sentience. in my lynn take, i assume things to be like this: humans have colored souls and advanced AIs have colorless souls, which makes sense, because for all its human observation, the moon cell fundamentally cannot understand humans. (i know i say that a lot, but i can't stress it enough!!)
so---- what about hakuno? i'd say she'sย somewhere in between. this is a huge thing for my hakuno whoโ€™s forever stuck between human and npc + kiiinda ties inย  with a point i'd like to bring up when/if i ramble about her last name too.
btw this is just my hakuno simp side speaking, but the large doe eyes hakunon has really adds to all that innocent charm.........ย 
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vvvvv cute ๐Ÿ˜ณ
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