#𖹭 ࣪ mimi mumbles ?!
y2kuromi · 1 month
hihihihi i'm not gonna be active much bc it's exam season :c and these are like really important final exams!! i'll kinda be back on may 22nd (fully june 14th SAVE ME OMG) until then all posts (if any at all) are queued <3
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mimi-ya · 1 year
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it’s a real bummer y’all can’t just see the fics in my head. shit’s pretty good in there
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izvmimi · 11 months
yk that song pussy talk
what if penis talked. what would it say.
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mimi-kurusu · 3 months
i did it ya'll
i finally cleared out and reblogged/queued all of my likes
.... it was well over 600 posts that i've been steadily trying to get reblogged or queued for MONTHS lmao
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aubbys-selfship-hell · 3 months
Hi! I hope you have a good time on this blog! Some stuff to expect here: f/o imagines, ask games, and other selfship-related things!
I'm a-okay with sharing fictional others. I don't have any romantic ones.
If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, just don't be rude.
(F/O list and their sources below)
Queerplatonic F/Os:
Pomni, Ragatha - The Amazing Digital Circus
Platonic F/Os:
Luna - My Little Pony
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golden-moonchild · 1 year
neverafter episode 3
okay so. this is full trailer speculation and also just blind hope BUT from what we’ve seen of the trailer, only ylfa’s(?) (could be not-ylfa, someone on discord mentioned emily’s voice didn’t have the snotty affectation but i am ELECTING TO IGNORE THAT) line of ‘it’s only gotten harder to make friends now’ hasn’t been said yet. since emily was the only player to hit the charisma save AND was the only character to figure out the ‘once upon a time’ trick, ylfa might get some storybook do-over? or just be the last one standing/only one allowed a redo next episode?
also i don’t think brennan was planning on a tpk, but i also think he was prepared for it? if that makes sense? nobody’s dice liked them today (some of the wildest death saves i’ve ever seen), even with a +6(?!) to hit brennan very rarely hit with any of his constructs, and that one away from instadeath on gerard nearly stopped my poor little heart. also i think the dice really just wanted us to know it was episode three. all. those. fucking. threes. and like lou said, they all regressed back to FHFY brain as they dove in carcasses and jumped up and down hills LMAO if they had all rushed FGM while the hex was still up they had a slim chance! idk maybe this is my brain on copium that is very possible
anyway the editing was impeccable this episode (brennan into FGM both times was inspired), pinocchio’s waddling gave me so much serotonin for the brief amount of time we had it, i’m feeling some trope subversions and inversions i’m liking, and i’m incredibly hyped for next episode, where i’ll actually be able to throw my full concentration on it instead of studying in the side!
(also i WILL be drawing gerarmoire to cope. and maybe hot gerard as well idk we’ll see)
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hex-perks · 9 months
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why is this fucking clown pirate on my dash tumblr WTF, not even part of a post he's just SITTING THERE MENICINGLY
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pumpjin · 1 year
Revenge! 📂📂📂
⛈ - Heathcliff (Limbus Company) can fistfight. and i don't mean like. just heeheehoohoo fisticuffs i mean. he throws a probable jawbreaking right hook. sure he uses a bat, but he don't need it!
⚔️ - Aatrox (League of Legends) is actually a soft man, deep down. He's been hardened beyond much of a chance of recovery by years of war and corruption, but before that he was a very domestic and loving guy.
🌿 - Netzach (Lobotomy Corporation/Library of Ruina) Prefers to paint still life paintings. This often means he's painting views of the bookshelves on his floor of The Library, but sometimes it's things like natural sceneries and fruits. They're mostly from memory or descriptions in books though, so they end up a bit twisted from time to time--
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mimiminerva · 2 years
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˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ mimi’s master list! - my master list
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ mimi is mumbling! - my rants n whatnot
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ notes to mimi! - silly lil asks i answer
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ mimi is mesmerized! - just me reposting pics i find cute n whatnot
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ mimi’s mooties <3! - things involving my mutuals
˚ ༘✶ ⋆。˚ ⁀➷ mimi recommends! - just my recommendations
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y2kuromi · 15 days
morning. not good morning bc if it was a good morning jjk 261 wouldn’t exist >.< like i knew it was too good to be true but gege akutami let me EVER catch sight of you. you’re cooked. fried even.
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mimi-ya · 1 year
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i am sanji… i’m out here talking mad shit about my hot girl summer and wanting to get fucked seven ways to sunday
but the second someone asks for my number or actually wants to set up a date i just 🫣
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izvmimi · 1 year
i’m crying my friend just told me an insane story
so now i have to ask, which one of your faves has to exorcise a demon before waking up every morning? like who is so cursed you just have to accept this as your life
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mimi-kurusu · 9 months
homies i am so sorry for the utter spam that i inflicted and will continue to do so with my queue. i had SO MANY things saved in my likes that i needed to reblog and i finally got the chance and willpower to do it. slk;dajfadhf
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So there's been an issue I wanted to discuss with people here involving my feelings towards Pomni x Ragatha stuff. If you have a similar issue involving your own fictional others and all that, you can bring it into the discussion.
(Putting it under a readmore just in case)
So Enigma (my self insert) is in a poly queerplatonic relationship with Ragatha and Pomni.
But when I see Pomni x Ragatha stuff I get this strongly uncomfortable feeling. I can't tell if it's my romance repulsion, envy/longing, or a mix of the two. It should be noted get this feeling more with Ragapom than other pairings.
If you guys want more specific details on this, just ask.
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golden-moonchild · 1 year
feeling like the tpk might’ve been set in stone only after a bunch of them got downed? like it’s easier to reset a whole party rather than four out of six awkwardly and having to accommodate for weird old/new clashing
because i still feel like the whole extraction was doable. the table had six (6) passive perception. if murph hadn’t rolled a two and failed, i think team extraction with the hex could’ve done some real shit out there. rosamund hit the FGM once (1) for 12 damage and brennan was like ‘she can’t take much more of those, haha!’ FGM also had no strength mod or proficiency, and it seemed like she was out of spells pretty quick? like the intrepid heroes have pulled off much crazier shit. they all just reverted to FHFY brain and started splitting up and hopping tho </3
idk. i don’t think the tpk was planned from the start bc even for camera actual play, rolling six pc death saves can get boring! and the nat 20 pop back up was very VERY possible - 3-6 rolls from each pc when a nat 20 is a 5% chance makes it way more likely. if someone hit that number we’d be in a totally different boat right now. i feel like the tpk was a safety net he laid out for level one combat (what a wild thing to type), but he was very welcoming of any other outcome. mule ex machina was very fun and i wish alphonse’s gambit worked ngl
also the whole thing of ‘it takes all six of you to do this job’ or however it was said last episode. something something connected fate lines if one dies the world revolts or something? fully spitballing now but the ‘straying together’ also feels important in this context. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and that’s all on rambles with mimi folks i just had to get my thoughts out of my head!
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hex-perks · 1 year
You know, I'm gonna not block bots for a week and see how many I get.
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