efaust-photography · 2 years
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Vocaloid Gumi Cosplay I Lightbox Jaiden @ The O2 Guildhall—Southampton, Hampshire, UK. Canon EOS 1200D. May 2015.
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69creator · 2 years
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𝕝𝕟𝕤𝕥𝕒𝕘𝕣𝕒𝕞をご覧の皆さん こんばんは。リボンの騎士です。 ⁡ ⁡写真は過去データ ⁡Model ⁡ちーちゃん ⁡ ⁡ 今日は定休日と言うことで ゆっくりと朝起きて2時。 ⁡ ⁡ もう昼...って言うクズな始まり あるものを手に入れるために 名東区役所へいき。 ⁡ 物を手に入れたらそのあと みんなのオアシス Mドナルドに行き、遅めの昼食。 ⁡ スカイピースのYouTube見てたら あっという間に数時間が経過... ⁡ ⁡ そのあと本屋をぶらぶらとして @satoyumi_0225 さん著書の #髪のことこれでぜんぶ と言う 本をペラッと見て... じっくり読みたいと購入‼️ ⁡ 美容師なのに美容系の本って 自分が知らないことたっくさん 書いてあるから面白い。 ⁡ 全部1冊にまとまってたらいいのにな ⁡ ⁡ っていうのはある種 僕の美容系ショップを1箇所に まとめたサロン建てたいって言う 発想に似てる気がするような しないような。 ⁡ ⁡ その話はおいといて ⁡ 美容師が普段していることや アドバイスとして伝えていることや それ以外にも色々と。 ⁡ お近くの書店で是非‼️ ⁡ そのあとは帰ってきてTverで @shincho_drama の見逃し をもう1回見て。 ⁡ #永瀬廉 の信長のセリフに 胸打たれたなぁ。 ⁡ クラスから責められるみやびを 守るあのフレーズはもう痺れたね。 ⁡ ⁡ 声が好き😍 ⁡ ⁡ 平野紫耀くんとはまた違う 高さの感じがいいね。 ⁡ ⁡ って言う1日でした。 ⁡ ってキャプション打ってる間に 日にち変わってしまった(笑) ⁡ それではまた次回‼️ お疲れサマンサ❣️ See you NEXT Time👍 ⁡ ♕ この投稿がいいなぁと思った方は いいね👍とフォロー⊕を よろしくお願いします🙇‍♂️ う~んわかんないなぁと言う方は コメントでアドバイスください。 次も見たいって方は チャンネル登録して待て✋的な ってYouTuberかよ!! そうです😘 まだまだ発展途上ですが… YouTuber×美容師やっております🐱 トップのリンクからチャンネル飛べるので チャンネル登録よろしく👍 あとこちらのインスタの フォローも4649😍👍 ♚ その時に発信したいものを その時の気分で... フィーリングを感じて欲しい。 ♛ 僕の創る世界観が好きな方!! 僕の創る世界観に興味がある方!! 作品見た方はコメントをください。 とても喜びます😆 作品創りのモチベーションになります💞 アンチは傷つきます😭 ☤ ☻ 撮影��通して素敵な方と出会い コテ巻き、アレンジなどの バリエーションを増やして 自分自身の成長へ 繋げていきたい。 ❤︎.* 可愛く撮ってもらえて 嬉しいと思ってもらえる 作品創りをこれからも頑張ります。 ✭ ✵ ✰ ✿ 最近、YouTubeの編集に追われている💦 ちょこちょこ投稿するから… みんな飽きないでね...絶対だからね。 ✯ ✩ ★ ☆ △夢中になってるSNSのアカウントI.D. ▼Instagram:69_designer_69 ♢Tik Tok:6_hairdresser_9 ⿴ZEPETO:3XD7F6 ⿻YouTube:服部裕一のゆうチャンネル ▩SNSのフォローと ♡YouTubeのチャンネル登録…絶対するよね💞 ♥ ♡ #名古屋のyoutuber美容師 #instagrammer #influencer #服部裕一 #ヘアアレンジ #photography #ヘアカタログ #レイヤースタイル #シースルーバング #エモい #あざとかわいい #オルチャン #こなれ感 #透明感 #韓国っぽ #フェミニスト #arhair #pv #youtube #youtuber #tiktokker #arに載りたい LARMEもいいな。 チャンネル登録お願いします #いいねコメントフォロー喜びます #サロンモデルと繋がりたい #撮影モデル募集中 #有名になる ✩ あなたの綺麗を叶える魔法の言葉 『インスタをみた。』ですよ。 あ〜美容師って最高で最幸かよっ ✩ 撮影、アレンジ、YouTubeに 協力してくださるモデルさん DMお待ちしてます👍 https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSO4tRpJlO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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voidplus-jp · 4 years
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Unknown Image Series no.8 #2 鈴木のぞみ「Light of Other Daysー土星の環」 Nozomi Suzuki "Light of Other Days - The Rings of Saturn"
void+では、Unknown Series no.8 #2 鈴木のぞみ個展「Light of Other Days-­土星の環」を7月31日より開催いたします。本シリーズ2回目となる鈴木は、何気ない日常の事物に潜む潜像のような記憶の可視化を、写真の原理を通して試みています。その作品は静かで控えめでありながら、写真の本質をとらえた独自の構造と豊かさ、広がりがあり、見る人の想像力に働きかけます。
■タイトル:Unknown Image Series no.8  #2 鈴木のぞみ「Light of Other Days-­土星の環」 ■会期:2020 年7月31日(金)— 8月21日(金)14:00-18:00 ■メールインタビュー:鈴木のぞみ+ 梅津元(埼玉県立近代美術館学芸主幹/芸術学) ■会場:void+ 東京都港区南青山3-16-14, 1F ■定休日:日、月、祝日 ■お問合せ:[email protected]  
[主催]void+/Unknown実行委員会 [企画]カトウチカ                                                                                         [協力]rin art association/Pola Art Foundation
Light of Other Days -土星の環 について  
展覧会タイトルの《Light of Other Days》は、ベルファスト出身のSF作家であるボブ・ショウによって1966年に書かれた短篇から引用している。物語の中に登場する、過去の光を遅れて届ける魔法のガラスである〈スローガラス〉という発明品は、それ自身が写真そのもののようである。
《土星の環》は、晩年を東イングランドで過ごしたドイツの作家 W・G・ゼーバルトによって1995年に書かれた書物のタイトルから引用した。脱線と連想を繰り返しながら、ヨーロッパ帝国主義の史実と文学への思索による断片が、イギリスの地を巡礼するゼーバルトの足どりとともに散りばめられ、記憶を想起するような書物だ。
(2020年6月 鈴木のぞみ)
カトウチカ(Unknown Series キュレーター)
鈴木のぞみ SUZUKI Nozomi
1983年 埼玉県生まれ。東京藝術大学大学院 美術研究科 博士後期課程在学中。何気ない日常の事物に潜む潜像のような記憶の可視化を、写真の原理を通して試みている。現前しているが不在であるという性質を持つ写真を事物に直接定着することで、写真に触覚的な身体のようなものが付与され、過ぎ去りゆく時をいまここに宙づりにする。近年の主な展示に「あした と きのう の まんなかで」(はじまりの美術館、2019)、「MOTサテライト2018 秋 うごきだす物語」(清澄白河、2018)、「無垢と経験の写真 日本の新進作家vol.14」(東京都写真美術館、2017)、「NEW VISION SAITAMA 5 迫り出す身体」(埼玉県立近代美術館、2016)など。受賞歴多数。平成30年度ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員としてイギリスにて研修。
梅津元 UMEZU Gen
埼玉県立近代美術館学芸主幹。専門は芸術学。同館での主な企画(共同企画を含む)に「DECODE/出来事と記録ーポスト工業化社会の美術」(2019)、「版画の景色 現代版画センターの軌跡」(2018)、「生誕100年記念 瑛九展」(2011)、「アーティスト・プロジェクト:関根伸夫《位相ー大地》が生まれるまで」(2005)、「ドナルド・ジャッド 1960-1991」(1999)、「<うつすこと>と<見ること>ー意識拡大装置」(1994)など。ギャラリーαMでの企画に「トランス/リアルー非実体的美術の可能性」(2016-17)がある。美術手帖や展覧会カタログなどに寄稿多数。
<Unknown Image Series no.8 展覧会>
この世界においては、日々膨大なイメージが生まれては消えていくが、ときに稀有なイメージが出現する。今回の参加アーティストは、三田村光土里、横山奈美、鈴木のぞみ、山元彩香、庄司朝美��5名。連続する個展の形式をとる。各回のトークイベントとテキストのゲストには、光田由里、梅津元、飯田志保子、中村史子、中尾拓哉らを招く。 シリーズの終了後にはバイリンガルの記録集を制作し、本というメディアにおいても新たな表現の展開をはかっていく。
Unknown Imageのシリーズは、イメージをテーマに、今、注目すべきアーティスト一人一人の作品とその世界を深く掘り下げ、その可能性をさらに見出していく場でもある。今回は、はからずも全員が女性アーティストとなった。
<Unknown Image Series no.8 今後のスケジュール>
#3|庄司朝美  [会場/会期]未定
ゲスト:光田由里(DIC川村記念美術館学芸員) *開催を予定していたHIGURE 17-15 casですが、新型コロナウイルス感染症を考慮した上、当面の間休廊することとなりました。新しい会場と会期が決まり次第、発表いたします。
#4|横山奈美 [会場]void+ 2021年5月(予定) ゲスト:飯田志保子(キュレーター)
#5|三田村光土里 [会場]HIGURE 17-15 cas   2021年(予定) ゲスト:中尾拓哉(美術評論家)
Unknown Image Series no. 8 #2 “Light of Other Days – The Rings of Saturn,” an exhibition of work by Suzuki Nozomi, will open at void+ on July 31. In this second exhibition in the series, Suzuki endeavors to render visible by means of photographic principles the memories, akin to latent images, that dwell in mundane, everyday objects. These works may be calm and understated, but their unique structure, richness, and expansiveness, which together capture the essence of photography, mean they are sure to fire the viewer’s imagination.
Recent years have seen Suzuki present work in major museums and other venues around Japan, including the Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, and MOT Satellite, and last year she also spent time in London and Belfast on a POLA Art Foundation overseas study grant. This exhibition inspired by the antique spectacles, portholes and similar objects Suzuki encountered during her stay in the UK, plus books by Belfast sci-fi writer Bob Shaw, and the German author W.G. Sebald, who traveled around Britain, will be her first solo show since returning to Japan.
In a first for the Unknown series, there will also be an email interview* with the artist, courtesy of Umezu Gen, curator at the Museum of Modern Art, Saitama. A transcript of the interview will be posted at a later date on the void+ website, as an informative accompaniment to the exhibition.
*We regret the scheduled talk event has been cancelled as a measure against COVID-19 transmission.
■Title: Unknown Image Series no.8  #2 SUZUKI Nozomi “Light of Other Days-­The Rings of Saturn” ■Exhibition Period: 2020.7.31(fri) — 8.21(fri) 14:00-18:00 ■Email Interview: SUZUKI Nozomi + UMEZU Gen(Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama / Art Studies) ■Venue: void+  3-16-14, 1F, Minamiaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo ■Closed: Sundays, Mondays and holidays  ■Inquires: [email protected]  
Organized by void+/ Unknown executive committee Curated by KATO Chika                                                                                     In cooperation with rin art association / Pola Art Foundation
About “Light of Other Days – The Rings of Saturn”
During my time in the UK, I mused on the idea of revealing latent images of objects that have served to expand the human gaze, in the context of the vernacular culture of Britain since the Victorian era, a period in which the nation’s development coincided with the dawn of photography.
The title of the exhibition, “Light of Other Days,” is taken from a short story written by Belfast sci-fi author Bob Shaw in 1966. The magical “slow glass” of the story, an invention that delivers delayed light from the past, could for all the world be photography itself.
“The Rings of Saturn,” meanwhile, is borrowed from the title of a 1995 work by German author W. G. Sebald, who spent his later years in the east of England. Sebald’s English pilgrimage is accompanied by scattered snippets of thought; meditations on the true history of European imperialism, and on literature, laced with digressions and connections, as if recalling memories.
Using these works for reference, I attempted to trace the history of objects from the marks left on them. Turning my thoughts to the endeavors of past people, my aim is to use photography to render visible the memory-like gaze that dwells in objects, in the hope that through “slow glass” the little narratives filling each of these objects will intersect with our gaze, and create settings for the spinning of new stories.
(SUZUKI Nozomi, June 2020)
A blankness of gaze
Circular gazes—windows, eyeglasses, magnifiers, camera obscura, telescopes, and pairs of human eyes—float in the gallery space.
What have they seen? The very space spun by Suzuki also harbors the structure of a camera, images, shapes and narratives of things related to time and light, floating and forming links therein.
Things originally devoid of both life and thought are given photosensitivity, and acquire body and gaze. What should be objects, become subjects, all clear gazes. The people who used these collected items are no longer of this world. Yet, accumulating a different time from humans, they remain, describing pieces of the landscapes and narratives once there, and stirring complex emotions in those who see them. Fragments portraying the light and shadow, the words, of the past, invite people on an endless journey through time. Stories are shared among those who visit the space, each changing within each visitor. The blank gaze of these small items is suffused with unseen images and narratives.
In a place where dead and living, objects, space, time, light, all manner of gazes and memories intersect, we constitute just another tiny piece, and also, the whole.
KATO Chika (Unknown Series curator)
Born 1983 in Saitama, Japan. Currently in the doctorate course of Intermedia Art at Tokyo University of the Arts. Suzuki Nozomi attempts to visualize, through the principles of photography, the memories resembling latent images submerged in innocuous everyday objects. Fixing photographs, which have the characteristic of being present yet absent, directly to objects, she assigns photographs something like a tactile body, suspending passing time in the now.   Recent group exhibitions include “In the middle of tomorrow and yesterday” (Hajimari Art Center, 2019), “MOT Satellite 2018 Fall: To Become a Narrative” (Kiyosumi-Shirakawa, 2018), “Photographs of Innocence and of Experience: Contemporary Japanese Photography vol.14” (Tokyo Photographic Art Museum, 2017), and “New Vision Saitama 5: The Emerging Body” (The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, 2016). Among a number of other awards, she was recipient of the POLA Art Foundation Grant for Overseas Research in 2018, under which she studied in the UK.
Curator, The Museum of Modern Art, Saitama, specializing in art studies. Exhibitions he has organized/co-organized at MOMAS include ”DECODE / Events & Materials: The Work of Art in the Age of Post-Industrial Society” (2019), “A View of Prints: Trajectory of the Gendai Hanga Center” (2018), “100th Birth Anniversary, Q Ei” (2011), “Artist Project: Toward the Emergence of Sekine Nobuo’s Phase – Mother Earth” (2005), “Donald Judd 1960–1991” (1999), and “Visualization in the End of the 20th Century” (1994). He also organized as guest curator the Gallery αM series “Trans / Real: The Potential of Intangible Art” (2016-17). He has contributed a great number of essays to the art magazine Bijutsu Techo, as well as to art catalogues and books.  
<Unknown Image Series no.8 exhibitions>
Creating unknown images
Exploring the power and essence possessed by images, to create unknown images.
A vast number of images are generated every day in this world, only to vanish, but just occasionally, some extraordinary images do emerge. The artists in this eighth Unknown exhibition are Mitamura Midori, Yokoyama Nami, Suzuki Nozomi, Yamamoto Ayaka, and Shoji Asami, who will stage consecutive solo shows. Those serving as guests for the talk events for each of these shows, and providing the texts, will include Mitsuda Yuri, Umezu Gen, Iida Shihoko, Nakamura Fumiko, and Nakao Takuya. After the series is finished a bilingual document will be produced, thus extending the exhibition into another form of expression:  that of the book.
Images made by women
The Unknown Image series is also an opportunity to delve deeply into the individual work of some of today’s most noteworthy artists and their worlds, identifying further possibilities for each. This time, albeit not by design, all the artists are female.
Yamamoto Ayaka, featured in the first of the exhibitions, travels to countries where she does not speak the language, and takes portrait photographs suffused with a beauty and violence verging on the mystical. What is it that remains even when everything is stripped from her subjects, down to their names and consciousness, in an attempt to turn them into empty vessels? Suzuki Nozomi is a quiet explorer of the principles of photography and time. Endowing non-living things with a “gaze” and “memory” she gives her photos something like a physical body. Yokoyama Nami blends the vast history of painting and small personal histories to depict the beauty of everyday, insignificant things and what lies behind the bright and shiny. Shoji Asami’s lines create a narrative quality that draws the viewer in like a stage, and a corporeal painterly space suffused with the energy of life and death. Mitamura Midori is the artist in this series with the longest career. Her many very personal images and words are presented in photographs, videos, objects, drawings and installations, that go beyond individual stories or the confines of art, taking on a universal quality that irrevocably captures the heart of the viewer. The guests, meanwhile, are a varied lineup in terms of age and gender, but all individuals on the frontlines of art creation, of superb critical talent.
Once a marginal presence in art history, female artists are now at its cutting edge. What kind of images do these artists make? Why have they felt the need to produce them? The artists participating in these exhibitions have different origins and career trajectories, different ways of engaging with their themes, with history and current circumstances, and different aims. Yet their presence, and the images they create, are without exception strong and vibrant. Their unknown images will quietly shake the viewer to the core, and likely serve as a force for many types of change in the world.
KATO Chika
<Unknown Image Series no.8 exhibitions schedule>
SHOJI Asami   Venue and period: TBD Guest: MITSUDA Yuri (Curator, Kawamura Memorial DIC Museum of Art) *HIGURE 17-15 cas, where the exhibition was to be held, is closed for the time being in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The new dates and venue for the show will be announced as soon as they are determined.
YOKOYAMA Nami @ void+ May 2021 (TBD) Guest: IIDA Shihoko (Curator)
MITAMURA Midori @ HIGURE 17-15 cas   2021 (TBD) Guest: NAKAO Takuya (Art critic)
写真:森政俊 2枚目の舷窓の写真:鈴木のぞみ
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myhouseinhistory · 4 years
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『榮耀之事,歸於上主;失敗之事,歸給自己。』 ~馬雅各 . 話說在155年前,西元1865年的6月16日,這天是星期五,來自英國蘇格蘭的宣教師暨醫師馬雅各博士(James Laidlaw #Maxwell,1836-1921),以代表「基督教英國長老會」(#English #Presbyterian Mission)的身分,在府城看西街(今台南市中西區仁愛街43號),開設了台灣歷史上第一家的現代化新式西醫診所,在一般診療之外,博士更把握難得的機會,在古都傳遞來自上帝的福音,這一天,也就成為「台灣基督教長老教會」(Tâi-oân Ki-tok Tiúⁿ-ló Kàu-hoē)在寶島深耕發展的第一步! . 早在5月28日,馬雅各博士就已踏上當時仍歸清國管轄下的福爾摩沙打狗(今高雄港)…年方29歲的他,在愛丁堡大學(University of #Edinburgh)取得醫科學位後,毅然放棄伯明罕醫院所給予豐厚的薪酬,更暫時放下故里摯愛的未婚妻,收拾簡單的行囊細軟,懷抱著神愛世人、醫療傳道的決心,遠渡重洋,和牧者杜嘉德(Carstairs Douglas)、同工黃嘉智醫師等人輾轉抵達異鄉…而作為長老會在台宣教的首位傳教士,在大家齊聚北勢街(今神農街)天利洋行的集思廣益中,博士認為府城的人口遠比打狗港來的要多,各項基礎建設完備,也較有機會拓展福音,所以在打狗海關官員William Maxwell的安排下,透過頂讓房舍的方式,博士在6月16日時,開始了傳道醫病的工作。 . 但福音的傳揚,上帝國疆域的開拓,從古到今,必定會遇上屬靈的爭戰,無人能脫離此等試煉…『因我們並不是與屬血氣的爭戰、乃是與那些執政的、掌權的、管轄這幽暗世界的、以及天空屬靈氣的惡魔爭戰。』 ,《新約聖經.以弗所書》第六章第12節的經文是這樣記載的。 . 馬雅各博士當年所採用的診療手法,是現代化的西洋外科手術,而非台灣百姓傳統上習慣的漢醫把脈、開煎藥方,因此他的出現,他的存在,彷彿就是在插旗或踢館,消息一出,很快就遭到府城在地漢醫們的排擠,這些所謂的「赤腳仙」(tshiah-kha-sian)除了認為金毛鬼子作法稀奇古怪外,有些好事者更妄自推斷,直指博士絕非善類,可以拿手術刀又持針筒,另一方面卻又能傳遞啥悔改、認罪的訊息?最後,竟渲染出廟堂的神明有指示,那個在看西街的根本就是一個取人心臟、挖人眼睛,用來調配毒藥的魔神仔啦!(這裡請加上回音!) . 俗話常說,「謠言止於智者」,但下一句其實是,「智者可能也會聽信謠言」。 . 府城的漢醫們齊心協力,憑藉耳語相傳的詆毀方式,煽動純樸百姓和社會賢達,用石塊與木材包圍醫館,威脅要拆除醫館後方簡易的禮拜堂,更直接毆打相關人員,沒兩下子,輕輕鬆鬆就打掉了博士掛上去才短短三個星期的醫館招牌! . 更讓人憤憤不平的是,理應主持公道的清國官員們,此刻紛紛抱持著冷眼旁觀的態度,在信仰不同、敵我意識(兩次「鴉片戰爭」都是清國大敗)作祟下,帶著烏紗帽的清官表態,希望博士知難而退,遠離是非,減少清(台)洋(英)之間的衝突。換言之,就是不願讓馬雅各與十字架在府城佇足! . 想想西元頭一個世紀,小亞細亞初代教會諸多信仰前輩的被逼迫,更回顧起彼得、保羅,眾使徒篳路襤褸的傳教路程,博士內心或許感到難堪,但他不忘抱持信念,仰賴基督之名,暫時離開台南,回到了上岸時的第一站,也就是當時有著英國領事館武裝警力加以保護的打狗旗後街,ㄛ,#又高又雄,你懂的,今天的高雄旗津。 . 馬雅各博士不是退縮,而是靜候等待上主的安排,因為《舊約聖經.以賽亞書》第四十章第31節如是說,『但那等候耶和華的必從新得力。他們必如鷹展翅上騰;他們奔跑卻不困倦,行走卻不疲乏。』 . (待續) . #歷史上的今天 #台灣 #台南 #基督教 #聖經 #history #onthisday #june #time #taiwan #tainan #bible #scotland #love #salute #christian #photography https://www.instagram.com/p/CBeX16oHdkM/?igshid=20s79fmcdcmz
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lklklki · 4 years
海龜比中指、宿醉的企鵝 爆笑動物攝影賽萌翻了
 (文/毅傳媒綜合報導;圖/Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards IG)一年一度的爆笑野生動物攝影獎10日公布今年的決賽作品,果然張張有特色、個個萌翻天!其中一隻海龜超霸氣對著攝影師比中指的照片更是超有話題,讓人看了忍不住捧腹大笑。
英國《BBC》報導,爆笑野生動物攝影獎(Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards)是在2015年由愛好環保的專業攝影師保羅(Paul Joynson-Hicks)和湯姆(Tom Sullam)共同創辦。
他們原以為今年受武漢肺炎疫情影響,參賽作品的數量會不如以往,沒想到仍收到7千多件作品,十分驚喜。而話題性十足的比中指海龜名叫泰瑞(Terry),是攝影師馬克( Mark Fitzpatrick )在澳洲昆士蘭省海域拍到的。
2020年爆笑野生動物攝影獎預計將在10月22日舉辦線上頒獎典禮,現在就來欣賞其中幾張精彩作品吧!日本藤素 美國黑金 日本藤素 日本藤素效果 壯陽藥 春藥 藤素副作用 藤素專賣店 持久液 陰莖增大丸
 春藥 外用持久液 性功能障礙 性藥品 日本藤素專賣店 藤素壯陽藥 日本藤素心得 日本藤素效果分享 藤素價格 日本藤素價錢 日本藤素哪裡買 日本藤素正品 日本藤素真偽 日本藤素吃法 日本藤素代理 日本藤素評價 增硬助勃 日本藤素評論 日本藤素官網 藤素藥局 藤素服用方法 日本藤素售價 日本藤素說明 日本藤素怎麼樣 日本藤素真假 日本藤素批發 日本藤素功效 日本藤素購買 JAPAN TENGSU 日本藤素有效嗎 進口藤素 原裝日本藤素 日本藤素優惠 日本藤素特價 日本藤素問題 日本藤素壯陽 日本藤素推薦 日本藤素廠家 日本藤素資訊 日本藤素訂購 日本藤素代購 藤素延時 日本藤素藥 日本藤素依賴性 日本藤素口感 日本藤素成分 日本藤素規格 日本藤素製造商 日本藤素商店 德國樂威壯 德國LEVITRA 英國KKPLUS kkplus持久液 印度神油 德國益粒可 一想就硬 一炮到天亮 申享硬瑪卡 犀利士 美國威而鋼 藍色小丸子 美國萬力可 萬力可WLIK 水能硬 德國黑金剛 日本金至尊神油 美國SEXDEVIL 韓國奇力片 奇力片 瀰漫之夜 美國KEY 美國GOODMAN 美國D水 德國貓女人 貓女人CAT FEMALE 法國黑/綠騎士 瑞士路易十六 西班牙金蒼蠅 金蒼蠅GOLD FLY 德國黑寡婦 日本黑豹 德國小情人 黑金剛持久液 德國必邦 必邦偉哥 GERMANY MUST STATE 臺灣本能 本能INSTINCT 香港倍耐力 美國WENIEKMAN CAPSULES 美國VVK 正牌VIMAX vimax增大丸 美國VIGRX PLUS 美國威樂 美國藍色妖姬 俄羅斯PROVOCATIVE GEL DEVELOPPE SEX 法國DEVELOPPE SEX 美國MAXWOMAN 正牌香港MAGNA-RX MAGNA-RX增粗增大丸 法國戰神軟膏 持久LONG ACT USA迷幻藍魔 西班牙D8 西班牙D5 必利勁 達泊西丁 日本2H2D 持久藥 -助勃持久 延時持久液 預防早洩 保健壯陽助勃延時 速效壯陽藥 助勃偉哥 治療ED 生精壯陽 延長性愛時間 女性春藥 延時偉哥 催情春藥 迷昏水 失憶春藥 補腎生精丸 潮吹媚藥 陰莖增大丸 催情增慾 治療性冷感 外用持久液 高潮液 陰莖增長 陰莖增大 陰莖增粗 助勃軟膏 潤滑液 性愛持久 自慰水 迷情液 蒼蠅水 延時藥
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自我介紹 名字:清閨秀 出生日期:西元2004年9月28日 身高:166cm(5'4)(高中是183cm(6'0)) 血型:O型 胸圍:E罩杯(高中是H罩杯) 種族:植物人 家鄉:臺灣高雄市(但出生地是善金星球的穿越時空(國家)) 學歷:她現在是國中(會讀到博士) 職業:國中學生(現在) 個性:大膽、古怪、樂觀、開朗、文靜 專長:做動畫和影片、影像處理、畫畫、家政事務、觀察、攝影 喜好:愛、書本、動畫、大世界、色情的事物(目前是處女)、古怪的東西、宇宙......等等 討厭:人群、說話、虛偽 魔法能力:外表沒有眼睛,但有透視的能力、眼睛可以放大到看到細胞、會適應黑暗 愛人:這是未來的事,天機不可洩漏 家人:喜優優(媽媽)、清閨才(爸爸) 朋友:不多,雨桂花、雨天、洪蕙琳神木、一些外國人 敵人:很多,天機不可洩漏 Self introduction Name: Qing Gui Xiu Date of birth: September 28, 2004 Height: 166cm (5'4) (183cm in high school (6'0)) Blood type: O type Bust: E cup (high school is H cup) Race: Vegetative Hometown: Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (but birthplace is good gold Venus through time and space (country)) Education: She is now a middle school (will read Ph.D.) Occupation: Middle school students (now) Personality: bold, eccentric, optimistic, cheerful, quiet Expertise: Do animation and video, image processing, painting, housekeeping, observation, photography Likes: love, books, animations, big world, pornography (virginity now), weird stuff, universe ... etc Hate: Crowd, talking, hypocrisy Magic ability: the appearance of no eyes, but the ability to see, the eyes can zoom in to see the cells, will adapt to the dark Lover: This is the future of things, the secret can not be leaked Family: Hi You You (mom), Qing Gui Only (father) Friends: not much, Rain Osmanthus, rainy day, Hong Hui Lin Shenmu, some foreigners Enemy: a lot, secret can not be leaked 家族背景: 盲人植物在1965年發明的,其實清閨秀的祖先是洪蕙琳神木製造的,洪蕙琳神木為什麼要製造外表沒有眼睛的植物人,第一個理由是敵人對盲人的印象是很弱的,盲人植物是吸引敵人的,接下來,雨天會丟炸彈,把敵人殺死,第二個理由是沒有眼睛的動物生存能力高,可以在黑暗裡長大,可是戰爭結束後,他們過了一般的生活,還修改善金星球的穿越時空的課本,其實洪蕙琳神木製造的盲人植物的眼睛是在裡面的,他們有透視的能力,盲人植物什麼都吃,連口水、蟑螂都吃,盲人植物的精神不錯,是屬於是可以出去的5級身心障礙植物 The blind plant was invented in 1965. Actually, the ancestors of Qing Gui Xiu were made by Hong Hui Lin Shenmu. Why should Hong Hui Lin Shenmu create a vegetative plant with no eyes? The first reason is that the enemy's impression of the blind is very weak, and the blind plant is to attract enemies. The next reason is that a rainy day will throw bombs and kill the enemy. The second reason is that animals without eyes have a high viability and can grow up in the dark, but after the war, they live a normal life and they also make improvements. The planet's time and space through the textbooks, in fact, the eyes of the blind plant made by Hong Hui Lin Shenmu are inside. They have the ability to see through. The blind plants eat everything. Even the saliva and quails eat. The spirit of the blind plant is good. A five-level plant for mental and physical disabilities 家庭背景: 清閨秀的父母都是盲人植物,她的爸爸是醫生,她的媽媽是出版社老闆,清閨秀的父母名字很特別,當然他們有特別的想法,把清閨秀放進地球,來學習地球的文化,是雨桂花的鄰居,清閨秀一出生就沒有眼睛,她從小大家知道她很特別,她沒有眼睛,熱愛攝影和動畫,地球的醫療像善金星球沒有發達,清閨秀能騙過地球的醫生,她假裝說看不到,她是表面的極重度視覺障礙,國小一半前她也經常被霸凌,清閨秀非常的樂觀,還是大笑的,雨桂花很佩服她很有自信,總是幫助雨桂花,但是清閨秀隨著國小的教育,越知道很多,她很聰明如何對付正常的同學,知道日記是什麼,她故意說他們的秘密,她說如果霸凌我,我就把你們的秘密繼續散播出去,一開始有用,後來沒有效果,國中,她想出一個方法,利用攝影機拍他們的裸照,說如果霸凌我,我就把你們的裸照繼續散播到網路,後來清閨秀很愛做整人道具,改造他們的父母車、丟飲料、把他們的椅子、調教......等等,她變成霸凌者,大家很怕她,現在雨桂花已經沒有被霸凌了,開始對雨桂花好一點 Qing Gui Xiu’s parents are all blind plants. Her father is a doctor and her mother is a publishing house owner. The names of Qing Gui Xiu’s parents are very special. Of course, they have special ideas. Put Qing Gui Xiu into the earth to learn about the culture of the earth. , is the neighbor of Rain Osmanthus fragrans, Qing Gui Xiu had no eyes when she was born. She knew that she was very special since she was young. She has no eyes and loves photography and animation. The earth’s medical care is not developed like the Golden Star, and Qing Gui Xiu can fool the doctors of Earth. She pretended not to see it. She was a superficial visual disorder on the surface. She was often bullied before half of the country. Qing Gui Xiu was very optimistic and she laughed. Yu Guihua admired her very confident. Helping the Rain Osmanthus, but Qing Gui Xiu knew more with the education of the elementary school. She was smarter how to deal with the normal classmates. She knew what the diary was. She deliberately said their secrets. She said that if I were to bully me, I would put you The secrets continue to spread out. They were useful at first. Later they did not work. In the middle of the country, she came up with a way to use a camera to shoot their nude photos, saying that if I were to bully me, I After spreading your nude photos to the Internet, Qing Gui Xiu later loved to make whole props, remodel their parents' cars, throw drinks, put their chairs, teach... and so on. She became a bully, Everyone was very afraid of her. Now Rain Osmanthus has not been overbearing, and it started to be better for Rain Osmanthus. 人物介紹: 清閨秀外表是文靜的盲人,她透視的能力很好,有時候會看到人的裸體,所以她裡面想是充滿18+的東西,經常講黃色笑話、看色情的事物,她認為接觸色情對人的心無害的,色情就是大自然,沒有色情就沒有我們,理由雖然很正確,但是有人認為她是變態盲人,只有雨桂花認同她的想法,清閨秀很喜歡看動畫,最喜歡的動畫是海綿寶寶、辛普森家庭、勞德之家、我們裸熊,她的夢想是當動畫師,她做了很多的動畫,清閨秀其實沒有被霸凌,她很重情重義,她從小看到雨桂花被霸凌,覺得太過分,一直想方法雨桂花不要被霸凌,最後成功了,跟雨桂花是電子書合作對象,還創立RQEOOK粉絲團,人氣好低,清閨秀發現臺灣不重視電子書,她會請一些外國人,來看他們的電子書 Qing Gui Xiu's appearance is a quiet blind person. Her ability to see through is very good. Sometimes she sees people's nakedness. So she wants to be full of 18+ things. She always tells yellow jokes and pornographic things. She thinks that she is exposed to pornography. People's hearts are harmless, pornography is nature, there is no porn without us. The reason is correct, but some people think she is a perverted blind person. Only Rain Osmanthus agrees with her idea. Qing Gui Xiu likes watching animations. The most favorite animation is Spongebob, The Simpsons, The Loud House, We Bare Bears, her dream is to be an animator. She has done a lot of animations. Qing Gui Xiu has actually not been overbearing. She is very affectionate. She has seen Rain Osmanthus since childhood. Being overbearing, I feel too much, I always wanted to Rain Osmanthus not to be bullied, and finally succeeded, Rain Osmanthus is the subject of e-book cooperation with the rain, but also founded the RQEOOK fan group, popularity is good, low, Qing Gui Xiu found that Taiwan does not attach importance to e-books, She will ask some foreigners to visit their ebooks 注意:雨桂花是用Adobe InDesign做電子書,清閨秀是用Adobe Flash做動畫 Note: Rain Osmanthus is done using Adobe InDesign e-books, Qing Gui xiu is Adobe Flash animation 特別注意:我的英文很爛,有些英文是錯的,可能會修改 Special Note: My English is poor, some English is wrong, may be modified 特別注意:只有中文,沒有英文,表示內容有一半不完整 Special Note: Only Chinese, no English, indicating that half of the content is incomplete
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adsking-blog · 6 years
#愛 #時尚 #今日圖片 #攝影 #藝術 #美麗 #旅行 #快樂 #性質 #picoftheday
紐約 莫斯科 倫敦 巴西聖保羅 法國巴黎 加州洛杉磯 聖彼得堡 雅加達 伊斯坦布爾 西班牙巴塞隆那
迪斯尼樂園,美國阿納海姆 時代廣場,美國紐約市 中央公園,美國紐約市 艾菲爾鐵塔,巴黎,法國 東京迪斯尼樂園,日本東京 迪斯尼的魔術王國,奧蘭多,美國 法國巴黎盧浮宮博物館 布魯克林大橋,布魯克林,美國 迪士尼加州冒險公園,美國阿納海姆 拉斯維加斯大道,拉斯維加斯,美國
#photography #travelphotography #memes #summer2017 #naturephotography #meme #travel #f…
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efaust-photography · 2 years
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Vinyl Scratch 【My Little Pony Cosplay】 IX House Clark @ The O2 Guildhall—Southampton, Hampshire, UK. Canon EOS 1200D. May 2015.
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efaust-photography · 2 years
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Attack on Titan Eren Cosplay Rayni ~Easter Cosplay Meet @ The Trellis in East/Andrews Park—Southampton, Hampshire, UK. Canon EOS 1200D. April 2015.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Black Butler Sebastian Cosplay, HYPER JAPAN Summer II Tai Cosplay ~HYPER JAPAN Summer 2013 @ Earl's Court Exhibition Centre—Kensington and Chelsea, City of London, UK. SONY W320. July 2013.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Hetalia England and USA Plush Toys Experimenting with my new camera on stuff around my home ♥ @ Southampton, Hampshire, UK. Canon EOS 1200D. January 2015.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Hetalia 2P England and USA Cosplay II DRAMAtical Gatsbytalia 「USA」 and Soaps 「England」 ~Hetalia Chinese New Year Cosplay Meet @ Leicester Square—West End, Central London, UK. Canon EOS 1200D. February 2015.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Hetalia 2P England and USA Cosplay I DRAMAtical Gatsbytalia 「USA」 and Soaps 「England」 ~Hetalia Chinese New Year Cosplay Meet @ Leicester Square—West End, Central London, UK. Canon EOS 1200D. February 2015.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Gravitation Yuki Cosplay IV, Gravitation Shoot Wright Cosplay @ The Embankment—City of Bedford, Bedfordshire, UK. Sony W320. September 2013.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Attack on Titan Levi Cosplay IV and Co., MCM V Charlotte and Steph ~MCM London @ Royal Victoria Docklands Footbridge—Gallions Point Marina (Royal Docklands), London, UK. Apple iPad 4th Gen. May 2014.
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efaust-photography · 3 years
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Attack on Titan Levi Cosplay III, MCM IV Steph ~MCM London @ Royal Victoria Docklands Footbridge—Gallions Point Marina (Royal Docklands), London, UK. Sony W320. May 2014.
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